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Grammar Errors

1. P-4, This presentation came with an air of humor and amusement, (an) amusement which
Meldorath could acknowledge if not feel, and feel if not agree with. (Add an article)

2. P-7, Not only were there many litigants in (the)petition this morning, but there were also
journalists, student lawyers, and countless other curious spectators here to see how this
particular matter would play out. (Add an article)

3. p-11, I was actually able to score a royal clipper, the fastest class of vessel(s) in the Voulhirian
Navy. (Grammar Error)

4. p-11, It wasn’t loaded with guns(,) like the frigates were, but I wasn’t nervous. (Unnecessary
Comma – Punctuation)

5. p- 11, Another reason for the quiet, as I soon learned, was that we were coming upon the docks
of the island’s capital city; each of the four capitals were (was) almost always peaceful. (Change
Verb Form)

6. p-12, Yeah, more like (an) absolute lie. (Add an article)

7. p-17, He spit(s) a wad onto the wood. (Change Verb Form)

8. p-18, “You know, the last time an older woman put a knife to my throat, it was for (far) more
than just walking into her house.” (Spelling Error)

9. p-19, His uncle’s (uncle) gonna want to know what he looks like, and I’m gonna look really silly if
I say I don’t know.” (Non-possessive singular form)

10. p-24, The Soulhirian elite are the ones given priority for (a) royal audience." (Add an article)
Profane Words
[i]We are Voulhire: Someone Else's End[/i] is the third book in the series of “We are Voulhire” by
Matthew Tysz. The author

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