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Career Guidance Public School and College Skardu

Send up- Examination, 2019

Class: XII Name: ________________________
Subject: Mathematics Roll No:_______
Note: Section-A is compulsory and handover it to examiner in first 20 minutes
Section A ( 20 Marks)
Q. 1. Fill the correct option A/B/C/D in the separate answer sheet.

when f ( x) 
(I) What is the domain of , x  3
A. R-{0} B. C. (2, D. R-{-3}

(II) Two lines with slope and are parallel if

A. = B. - =-1 C. + =-1 D. =-1

(III)  ln x dx  ?
B. xlnx-1+C C. xlnx-x+C D.

(IV)  tan x dx  ?
A. –lnsinx+C B. –lnCosx+C C. Sec2x+C D. Secxtanx+C
(V) The line through the focus and perpendicular to directrix is called________ of Parabola
A. Latusrectum B. Directrix C. Major axis D. Axis
(VI) Length of latusrectum of an ellipse is :
2a 2 a2 2b 2 b2
A. B. C. D.
b b a a
(VII) Identify the equation is 9x2-y2-36x-6y+18=0
A. Circle B. Parabola C. Ellipse D. Hyperbola
(VIII) The centre of the circle
A. (5,3) B. (-5,-3) C. (-3,5) D. (3,5)
(IX) is the derivative of
x2 1
(X) The line through foci and perpendicular to directrixes of hyperbola is called___________
A. Minor Axis B. Axes C. Major Axis D. Transverse Axis

(XI)  cos tdt  _______


C. D.

(XII) The circle is special types of ellipse with eccentricity ____________

A. 0 B. 1 C. ½ D. -1
(XIII) Which one is even function
A. Cosx B. Sinx C. Tanx D. Cotx
(XIV) is called a/an _______ function
A. Linear B. Rational C. Exponential D. Quadratic
(XV) Three vectors are coplanar, if the u  (v  w)  ?
A. u B. v C. w D. Equal to zero
(XVI) The resultant vector of three vectors, a , b and c forming a triangle is equal to
A. ab B. Null vector C. a  b D. c
(XVII) The work done by the force in moving a body from A(0,0) to B(3,5) is _______
A. 6 B. 32 C. 13 D. 26
(XVIII) The range of the function y=cosx is _______
A. B. C. [-1, 1] D.[0,
(XIX) Centre of ellipse (x-2)2+2y2= 4
A. (1, -2) B. (0, 2) C. (2, 0) D. (2, -1)
(XX) Slope of the line 2x+3y=7 is ___________
A. 2/3 B. 1/3 C. -2/3 D. -1/2
Career Guidance Public School and College Skardu
Send up- Examination, 2019
Class: XII Subject: Mathematics
Marks: 80 Time allowed: 02:40 hrs
Section B ( 4×10=40 marks)
Q. 2. Attempt any TEN parts. All parts carry equal marks.

 sin
(i) Evaluate: xdx

(ii) Find foci, eccentricity, centre and vertices of  x2  1
(iii) Find if y  xe sin x
(iv) Evaluate:  (1  x 2
) tan 1 x

(v) Find equation of parabola whose focus F(-1, 0) and vertex V(-1, 2)

(vi) Find y and dy, ify=x2+2x, when x changes from 4 to 4.41

(vii) Solve the differential equation: sin y cos ecx 1
(viii) Write an equation of parabola with elements : focus (-3,1) , directrix, x-2y-3=0
(ix) If y=tan(ptan-1x) , show that (1+x2)y1-p(1+y2)=0
(x) Find the area between x-axis and the curve y=4x-x2
(xi) Find centre and radius of the circle with the given equation 4x2+4y2-8x+12y-25=0
d2y dy
(xii) If y=acos(lnx)+bsin(lnx), then prove that x 2 2  x  y  0
dx dx
2 2
(xiii) Find the area of region bounded by 10x -xy-21y =0 and x+y+1=0
(xiv) Find an equation of ellipse with foci (±3, 0) and minor axis of length 10.
Section C (5×8=40 marks)
Note: Attempt any FIVE questions. All questions carry equal marks.
Q. 3: Prove that:  x  a2
dx  ln( x  x2  a2 )  C

Q. 4: Find equation of common tangent to the given conics: x2=80y and x2+y2=81
Q. 5: If y=(Cos -1x) 2, prove that (1-x2)y2xy12=0
Q. 6: Let a is a positive number and 0<c<a. Let F(-c, 0) and F(c, 0) be two given points. Prove that the
locus of points P(x, y) such that |PF|+|PF|=2a, is an ellipse
Q. 7: If x  sin  , y  sin(m ) Show that (1  x 2 ) y 2  xy1  m 2 y  0

2 x 2  5x  3
Q. 8: Evaluate:  ( x  1) 2 ( x 2  4)dx

Q. 9: Show that the tangent at any point P of a parabola makes equal angle with the line PF and the line
through P parallel to the axis of parabola, F being focus.


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