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ping ping
traceroute tracert
show display
show interfaces display interface
Show ip route display routing-table
Show ip interface Display ip interface
Show version Display version
Show ip bgp Display bgp routing-table
Show clock Display clock
Show port Display port-mapping
Show flash dir flash: (on user view mode)
Show logging Display logbuffer
Show snmp Display snmp-agent statistics
Show frame-relay pvc Display fr pvc-info
Show users Display users
screen-length disable
Show terminal length
undo screen-length disable
enable Super
Super 0 (number is privilege level from 0 to 3, where 3 is default and equi
“enable” on Cisco)
Conf t System-view
exit quit
end return
Show policy-map interface Display qos policy interface
send send (on user view mode)
write terminal (sh run) display current-configuration
Sh startup Display saved-configuration
[no equivalent: shows the files used
Display startup
for startup]
Write erase Reset saved-configuration
Write mem (or wr or copy run start) save
reset (on user view mode)
clear counters
Reset counters interface
? ?
telnet telnet
Enable secret (conf mode) Super pass cipher (system mode)
Term mon term debu
clock clock
no undo
debug / no debug debugging / undo debugging
copy running-config Save safely
terminal monitor terminal monitor
screen-length disable
terminal length
undo screen-length disable
terminal no monitor undo terminal monitor
clear counters reset counters interface
clear interface reset counters interface
ipsec sa
clear crypto
ike sa
clear access-list counters reset acl counter all
reload reboot
shutdown shutdown
boot boot bootrom
Aaa hwtacacs scheme
terminal no monitor undo terminal monitor
tacacs-server hwtacacs scheme (in conf command)
snmp-server tftp-server (in conf command)
router bgp bgp
Router rip rip
ip tacacs hwtacacs nas-ip (this command doesn’t exist !!!)
mtu Mtu (this command doesn’t exist !!!)
clear ip cef reset ip fast-forwarding
clear ip route * reset ip routing-table statistics protocol all
Clear ip bgp Reset bgp all
Show tech display diagnostic-information
Sh ip nat translation Display nat session
Show Controller display controller (but not relevant for non-modular chassis)
show dsl int atm 0 display dsl status interface Atm 2/0
sho atm pvc Display atm pvc-info
debug pvc nego Debug atm all (very dangerous – might crash router)
sho crypto isakmp sa Display ike sa
sho crypto isakmp key Display ike peer
sho crypto isakmp police Display ike proposal
Cisco IOS Huawei VRP
Router> [Huawei]
Enter the global mode from the user mode, first we will enter into
the privileged mode by using enable command Enter the system view from the user view
Router>enable system-view
Router# [Huawei]
Router# indicates that you’re in privileged mode, where you can
both view and change the router’s configuration. You can go back
from privileged mode into user mode by using the disable
Router#configure terminal
Return to the privileged mode from the global mode Return to the user view from any system view
Router# [Huawei]quit
Return to the privileged mode from any other mode Return to the user view from any other view
Router# [Huawei]return

The hot keys <Ctrl+Z> are equivalent to the end/return command in function.

Configuring Router Name

The command prompt contains a router name that can be configured as needed. Perform the following
command in the global configuration mode or system view (VRP).
Cisco IOS Huawei VRP
Router(config)#hostname Bob [Huawei]sysname Bob
Bob(config)# [Bob]

Configuring System Clock

Perform the following configuration in the privileged mode or user view (VRP).
Cisco IOS Huawei VRP
Router#clock set ? clock datetime ?
HH:MM:SS Current Time HH:MM:SS Specify the time
Router#clock set 12:00:00 ?
Day of the Month clock datetime 12:00:00 ?
MONTH Month of the Year YYYY-MM-DD specify the date from 2000 to 2099
Router#clock set 12:00:00 1 JUN ?
Year clock datetime 12:00:00 2014-06-01 ?
Router#clock set 12:00:00 1 JUN 2014 ?

By typing the clock ? command, you’ll get a list of the next possible parameters and what they do. Notice
that you should just keep typing a command, a space, and then a question mark until (carriage return) is
your only option. Also notice that Router(config)#clock prompt reappears after the list of commands is
By typing c?, we will receive a response listing all the commands that start with c. Question mark (?) help
works the same way in both IOS and VRP operating systems.

Configuring Header Text

Banner or Header text is the greeting information the system displays when a user connects to the router,
undergoes log-in authentication or conducts interactive configuration.
Operations Cisco IOS Huawei VRP
Router(config)#banner ?login Set login [Huawei]header ?login Specify the login
banner authentication banner
motd Set Message of the Day banner shell Specify the start banner of session
Set banner/header text to be displayed when a
user enters the user mode/view Router(config)#banner motd [Huawei]header shell shell-text
Set banner/header text for log-in
authentication Router(config)#banner login login-text [Huawei]header login login-text

Setting Passwords
Continue with the basic configuration of Cisco IOS and Huawei VRP, setup password on different
modes/user levels
Cisco IOS Huawei VRP
You set the enable password from global configuration mode Perform the following configuration in the system view
Router(config)#enable ? [Huawei]super password ?
password Assign the privileged level password simple Display password with plain text
secret Assign the privileged level secret cipher Display password with cipher text
Plain Password Plain Password
Router(config)#enable password cisco [Huawei]super password simple huawei
Encrypted Password Encrypted Password
Router(config)#enable secret cisco [Huawei]super password cipher huawei

Displaying System Information

In terms of function, you may collect these types of system status information with the show or display
(VRP) command:
 System configuration information
 System running information
 System statistics
Operations Cisco IOS Huawei VRP
Display system version Router#show version display version
Display system clock Router#show clock display clock
Display initial configuration Router#show startup-config display saved-configuration
Display current configuration Router#show running-config display current-configuration

Password recovery of the Huawei router



Password recovery of the Huawei router MA5608T 

Clear BOOTROM password:
The BOOTROM default router is not set, if lost, can only use the universal password:
Note: the master password is case sensitive
Super password for the 5.04 AR46 Bootrom:supperman 
1, VRP 97 version, to eliminate the password, you need to upgrade to version 2.
2, VRP version 2
1> power on self test according to the "Shift+d", enter the download interface.
2> appears after the password type "*"
3> type "shift+3", namely "# input".
3, the vrp1.0 version
1> power on self test according to the "Ctrl+b", enter the download interface.
2> appears after the default password is empty, you can enter
3> type "Ctrl+p".
Delete the password, the first to enter privileged user mode, but after a reboot, or ask for
your password. The problem is in what place? Because developers in the design, consider only let
you eliminate the password to enter the A, used to modify a change
passwords,password command is a hidden command enable password, the first time after entering
thepassword and save, you can eliminate or modify as you know the password.
Router (25XX series, 25XXE series, 16XX series, 4001/4001E) erase privileges password
Restart the router;
See "Press Ctrl+B enter BootMenu message", according to the Ctrl+b BootMenu menu;
According to Ctrl+p, the screen will display "#" and BootMenu menu;
Choose Reboot.
Router reboots according few Enter key will directly enter privilege
mode, skip the passwordinput privilege this link, then enter the enable password new password in
global configuration mode, it can be password change for new password privileges, here we should
pay attention to enable password this command to write full, otherwise the system will prompt a bad
Router (262X series, 36XX series, 36XXE series, 263X series, 263XE Series) erase
privileges password
Restart the router;
See "Press Ctrl+B enter BootMenu message", according to the Ctrl+b BootMenu menu;
Select the Clear application password, input password prompt such privilege would not be innext
Select Exit and reboot.
Router reboots according few Enter key will directly enter privilege
mode, skip the passwordinput privilege this link, then enter the enable password new password in
global configuration mode, it can be password change for new password privileges, here we should
pay attention to enable password this command to write full, otherwise the system will prompt a bad
Note: the above BOOTROM version is 3.xx/4.xx
Clear cryptographic method of low end router new command line
Above all the old command line (similar to the CISCO command line, such as show run, the
new command line refers to the disp Cu version)
AR router BOOTROM9.07 clear CONSOLE password:
Press Ctrl-B to enter Boot Menu
Please input Bootrom password:
Boot Menu:
1: Download application program with XMODEM
2: Download application program with NET
3: Set application file type
4: Display applications in Flash
5: Clear application password
6: Start up and ignore configuration
7: Enter debugging environment
8: Boot Rom Operation Menu
9: Do not check the version of the software
A: Exit and reboot
Enter your choice (1-A):
Select 5, select a to restart the router
Boot Menu:
1: Download application program with XMODEM
2: Download application program with NET
3: Clear application password
4: Start up and ignore configuration
5: Enter debugging environment
6: Boot Rom Operation Menu
7: Do not check the version of the software
8: Exit and reboot
Enter your choice (1-8):
3 then choose 8 reboot the router
Boot Menu:
1: Download application program with XMODEM
2: Download application program with NET
3: Clear application password
4: Start up and ignore configuration
5: Enter debugging environment
6: Boot Rom Operation Menu
7: Do not check the version of the software
8: Exit and reboot
Enter your choice (1-8):
3 after the election of 8 reboot the router
Press Ctrl-B to enter Boot Menu
Please input Boot ROM password:
Boot Menu:
1: Download application program with XMODEM
2: Download application program with NET
3: Clear configuration
4: Start up and ignore configuration
5: Boot ROM Operation Menu
6: Do not check the version of the software
7: Exit and reboot
Enter your choice (1-7):
Choose 3 will clear configuration, choose 4 ignores configuration to factory settings start
Shipment will be completed after the change password router DOWN configuration and then import
Press Ctrl-B to enter Boot Menu
Please input Bootrom password:
Boot Menu:
1: Download application program
2: Download Bootrom program
3: Modify Bootrom password
4: Exit the menu
5: Reboot
Enter your choice (1-5):
Press ctrl+p and then choose to remove the password 5
Ignore configuration clear password and then import the configuration steps
1, re configure the router Ethernet address
[Router-Ethernet1]ip address
2, ensure that the PC and router Ethernet port to communicate
3, in the router configuration for a FTP account to PC from the DOWN configuration
[Router]local-user FTP password SIM FTP ftp-directory flash:/
4, start the routers on the FTP service
[Router]ftp-server enable
Enter CMD run bar 4, in PC
Enter the user name FTP password FTP
LCD c:\ specifies the download configuration file directory
Get config
Then write the or notepad to open the password change after put.
Note: upload later need not save the configuration, if the SAVE configuration, the
configuration will upload cover.
Summary: BOOTROM 5.28/7.03/7.05/7.06/9.03/9.05/9.06/9.07 clear password way basicallyis the
same, is nothing more than Clear application password or Start up and ignoreconfiguration X1CA

BOOTROM 5.1 clear password by ctrl+p

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