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Campus of Courtesy
Orani, Bataan

Our Vision
A leading university in the Philippines recognized for its proactive contribution to Sustainable Development
through equitable & inclusive programs & services by 2030.
Our Mission
To develop competitive graduates & empowered community members by providing relevant, innovative &
transformative knowledge, research, extension & production programs & services through progressive
enhancement of its human resources capabilities & institutional mechanisms.

Name: ___Joshua Camba_________________________________Score: ______________

Year & Section: _________________________________________Date: ______________


I. Identification. Identify the term/s being referred to in each number. Write your
answer in the space provided.
NATIONALITY________________ 1. Refers to the legal relationship between an
individual and a state.
CITIZENSHIP_________________2. It is granted to an individual by the government
of the country when he/she complies with the legal formalities, so it is like a judicial
VOLUNTEER TOURISM________________ 3. A phenomenon in which involves
people going on vacation to another country and participating in volunteer work
PROOF OF CITIZENSHIP________________ 4. The possession of documents that
guarantee that a particular state accepts the individual as a member
GLOBAL CITIZENSHIP_________________ 5. Life's dynamic connection with other
EDUCATION_________________ 6. The best tool that can help open the minds of
close-minded people and to put a stop their adherent to ignorance and intolerance

The capacity to solve problems

The ability to analyze and criticize
The ability to communicate.__ 7. Skills which are necessary in the world’s increasing
economic global trade
__GLOBAL CITIZEN_______________8. Someone who is aware of and understands
the wider world, take an active role in their community and work with others to
make our planet more peaceful, sustainable and fairer
PEOPLES_________________ 9. They are not only members of their local community
but also members of the international community which entails them to acquire new
roles and obligations.
_INTERNATIONAL ORGANIZATION_______________ 10. These lend a hand in
global development, contribute to the solution of global problems, provide assistance
and relief to people in need, and make rules and regulations to establish so
familiarization to different world organizations is needed.
II. Write a short essay on the best responses that college students may do to address
the five most pressing global problems at present. Justify these responses by
explaining how it would lead to promote Global Citizenship.

Global Public health, Education for Development, Climate Crisis and Clean Energy,
Marine Conservation and the last one is the Human Rights and Access to justice.
This Global problems is they to promote Global Citizenship why? Because when we
are able to save to those people that is dying from any diseases we are not just saving
by curing them we are also gaining their trust. Aside from that is when we solve the
the climate crisis and have a source of Clean Energy we are saving earth and also we
are becoming environment friendly and that is a way to save the planet and aslo the
we the people in it. Human rights and Access to justice almost all of the people wants
fairness and justice but on the other hand its not that easy because of people that is
taking advantage to others but when we are able to provide a solution to that
problem we are promoting global citizenship. And the last one Marine Conservation
all of us is in need of food from our marine ecosystem and we need to conserve that
ecosystem so that our water bodies will not run out fish etc. And if the sources of
food from marine ecosystem is abundant we can give to others we can share to them
what we have and that will promote Global Citizenship.


Category 19-20 10-18 1-9

The arguments and The arguments and The arguments and

thoughts of the student thoughts of the student thoughts of the students
Organization and
are very well organized are somewhat organized are not organized and the
and the question was and the question was question was not
completely answered. mostly answered. answered.

The student moves The student moves from The student lacks clear
Sentence Fluency smoothly form one idea to one idea to the next but connections between
the next. there is little variety. ideas.

The student makes no The student makes 1-2 The student makes more
Grammar and Spelling errors in grammar or errors in grammar or than 3 errors in grammar
spelling. spelling. and spelling.

Based from:

Due Date and Time of Submission via Google Classroom: As announced or posted
in the Class Group Chat via Facebook Messenger.

Prepared by:

Lilibeth E. Santos, MPA

Assistant Professor I

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