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Directed Writing Formats

1. Informal Letter

Dear Mom/Baba/Sam, [It is given in the question]

Line Spacing

1st Paragraph – Start with a ‘general well-being’ sentence, e.g. (Hi! How are you/Hello! I
hope all is well/ how are you etc), then elaborate the first bullet point.
Line Spacing

2nd Paragraph – Elaborate the second bullet point.

Line Spacing

3rd Paragraph – Elaborate the third bullet point.

Line Spacing

A separate sentence or two to end the letter.

Line Spacing

Your loving son/With love,

Line Spacing

Your first name.

2. Formal Letter

Dear Sir/Madam/Mr./Ms., (salutation)

Line spacing

(Indenting) Re: The subject/reason for writing the letter. Be specific.

Line spacing

1st Paragraph – Write a sentence to give reference to the ‘Re’ and then elaborate the first
bullet point. (I am writing to share my views/ I am writing in response to a report published
in your newspaper on 10th August, 2020)
Line spacing

2nd Paragraph – Elaborate the second bullet point.

Line spacing

3rd Paragraph – Elaborate the third bullet point.

Line spacing

Last sentence; re visit your subject/what you had hoped to achieve/what do you want the
recipient to do.(Kindly look into this matter at your earliest convenience)
Line spacing

Yours faithfully, (if you start with Dear Sir/Madam)

Yours sincerely, (if the recipient is known to you and you start with a name)
Line spacing

Full name
3. Report to the Principal

To the Principal
Line spacing

Heading (e.g. Report on XYZ)

Line spacing

1st Paragraph – Elaborate the first bullet point.

Line spacing

2nd Paragraph – Elaborate the second bullet point.

Line spacing

3rd Paragraph – Elaborate the third bullet point.

Line spacing

Your full name - Class

Line spacing


4. Report to the Police

To: Title/name
From: Your full name
Subject: Specific, what you are reporting and the place (e.g. Report on a motorcycle
accident in Karachi)
Date: 6th August, 2019
Line spacing

1st Paragraph – Elaborate the first bullet point.

Line spacing

2nd Paragraph – Elaborate the second bullet point.

Line spacing

3rd Paragraph – Elaborate the third bullet point.

Line spacing

5. Newspaper Report

Line spacing

Byline (Your full name)

Line spacing

1st Paragraph (lead)

It is that first one or two sentences which sum up what the story is about.
It must start with the name of the city, followed by a colon.
It must answer the 5 W’s - (Who? What? When? Where? and Why?)
Line spacing

2nd Paragraph – Elaborate the first bullet point.

Line spacing

3rd Paragraph – Elaborate the second bullet point.

Line spacing

4th Paragraph – Elaborate the third bullet point.

Line spacing

Note: This is the only Directed Writing task with four paragraphs.

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