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Fuzzy Multicriteria Decision-Making Approach

for Pavement Project Evaluation Using Life-Cycle

Cost/Performance Analysis
Gholamreza Heravi, M.ASCE 1; and Asghar Nezhadpour Esmaeeli 2
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Abstract: Project life-cycle cost analysis (LCCA) is a reasonable approach to compare pavement design alternatives, but not taking into
consideration of pavement performance in the most LCCA approaches may lead not to obtain the most desirable alternative for road users and
associated highway agencies. This article introduces a multicriteria decision making method for pavement project evaluation using LCCA
that (1) utilizes fuzzy set theory to model and handle uncertainties; (2) takes into account the extra user costs attributable to inadequate
pavement condition; and (3) as a criterion, considers life-cycle pavement performance that describes overall pavement serviceability
condition. Using a hypothetical project, the paper clarifies the performance of the proposed method for long-term evaluating alternative
pavement design strategies. The alternatives are compared with respect to each criterion of the method, and also using sensitivity analysis,
it is determined that changes in the decision maker’s risk and confidence attitudes can affect the ranking of the alternatives. DOI: 10.1061/
(ASCE)IS.1943-555X.0000170. © 2014 American Society of Civil Engineers.
Author keywords: Decision making; Pavement strategies; Life-cycle analysis; Performance; Fuzzy numbers; Linguistic terms; Risk;
Confidence attitude.

Introduction Various uncertainty-based approaches were also developed over

the last few decades. FHWA (1998) recommended procedures for
One of the most significant responsibilities of highway manage- conducting LCCA of pavement and introduced a risk-based
ment organizations is to evaluate project alternatives for highway approach to LCCA. Tighe (2001) used probability distribution
investment decision making. Highway long-term assessment is a for modeling uncertainties associated with engineering in probabi-
rational approach to maximize the benefits which are of vast con- listic pavement life cycle cost analysis. Reigle and Zaniewski
sideration for highway officials. In the past, highway officials have (2002) proposed a risk-based LCCA model for project level pave-
widely used the life-cycle cost analysis (LCCA) approach in their ment management. Chen (2007) developed an LCCA model for
investment decision making process. LCCA is a useful engineering pavement and asset management which worked on the basis of
economic analysis tool applicable in comparing the relative merits fuzzy logic. Li and Madanu (2009) produced a highway project
of competing project implementation alternatives. By considering level life-cycle benefit/cost analysis approach which considered
all of the costs—agency and user—incurred during the service life certainty, risk and uncertainty inherited with the input factors.
on an asset, this analytical process helps transportation officials to Despite excellent contribution of above mentioned studies, there
select the lowest cost option (FHWA 2002). is a need for more studies addressing some important aspects of
The literature review shows that life-cycle analysis of pavements pavement project evaluation. This article introduces a multicriteria
has been conducted in several researches. Wilde et al. (1999) de- decision making method for pavement project evaluation using
veloped a framework which analyzed rigid pavement life-cycle LCCA which: (1) utilizes fuzzy set theory to model and handle
costs. Abaza (2002) introduced an optimum flexible pavement uncertainties; (2) takes into account the extra user costs owing
life-cycle analysis model which used both pavement performance to inadequate pavement condition; and (3) as a criterion, considers
and cost in its decision policy approach. Labi and Sinha (2005) life-cycle pavement performance that describes overall pavement
evaluated life-cycle costs of pavement preventive maintenance to serviceability condition.
achieve the optimum activity timing strategy. Lamptey et al.
(2008) proposed a decision support framework for optimal sched-
uling of highway pavement preventive maintenance within resur- Methodology
facing cycle. Chan et al. (2008) evaluated the LCCA approaches
In this section, first the decision making criteria of proposed
that the Michigan Department of Transportation used. method are introduced. Then, the fuzzy approach utilized to model
1 uncertainties associated with input factors is described.
Assistant Professor, School of Civil Engineering, College of Engineer-
ing, Univ. of Tehran, 16 Azar Ave., P.O. Box 11155-4563, Tehran, Iran
(corresponding author). E-mail: Decision Making Criteria
Ph.D. Student, School of Civil Engineering, College of Engineering,
In the LCCA, usually two categories of costs are considered:
Univ. of Tehran, 16 Azar Ave., P.O. Box 11155-4563, Tehran, Iran.
Note. This manuscript was submitted on February 13, 2012; approved agency costs and user costs. As indicated earlier, in this paper,
on May 15, 2013; published online on May 17, 2013. Discussion period another criterion has been inserted which takes into account life-
open until June 6, 2014; separate discussions must be submitted cycle pavement performance.
for individual papers. This paper is part of the Journal of Infrastructure According to researches of AASHTO (2010) some state Depart-
Systems, © ASCE, ISSN 1076-0342/04014002(7)/$25.00. ments of Transportation (DOTs) do not currently include user costs

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J. Infrastruct. Syst.
in LCCA calculations, and some other DOTs consider these costs Pavement Performance Cost Value
with a weight of lower than 1. Here, considering agency cost as the
Long-term pavement performance is measured using Present
most important criterion, the importance weight of 1 was assigned
Serviceability Index (PSI). Performance curve is produced on
to agency costs and the importance weights of other criteria would
the basis of the equations presented by the American Association
be assigned in comparison with agency costs. Therefore, the fol-
of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO) for rigid
lowing multicriteria problem would be solved as objective function
and flexible pavements (AASHTO 1993). Based on AASHTO
Minimize ðLCACi þ wLCUC × LCUCi þ wPPCV × PPCVi Þ ð1Þ equations, the drop in PSI in each year is determined on the basis
of accumulated traffic load passed on the road during that year. In
where LCACi , LCUCi and PPCVi are life-cycle agency cost, life- this paper, the jump in the performance curve attributable to
cycle user cost and pavement performance cost value, respectively, improving M&R activities is calculated by using the values used
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of design strategy i, and wLCUC and wPPCV are the importance by Chen (2007).
weights of life-cycle user cost and pavement performance cost The criterion of pavement performance, as the term pavement
value, respectively. performance cost value, indicates willingness-to-pay considered by
corresponding highway management official for better pavement
Life-Cycle Agency Cost condition. To calculate this value, the presented method utilizes
the approach presented by Fwa and Sinha (1991). They considered
In addition to initial construction costs, maintenance and rehabili- pavement performance by multiplying average PSI during project
tation (M&R) costs should be included in the LCAC. Moreover, if life-cycle by life-cycle cost. Here, as a constant amount in the cost
the analysis period is shorter than the service lives of alternatives or genre, the average of agency costs of all alternatives has been used
the service lives of different alternatives are different, then remain- to PPCV evaluation of each alternative. So, PPCV for design
ing service life cost value, as another cost component of agency strategy j is calculated as follows:
costs, should be considered in the analysis. This cost component
is calculated based on the remaining life of an alternative at the
end of the analysis period, as a prorated share of the last rehabili- PPCVj ¼ PFj × LCACave ð3Þ
tation cost, and is considered as a negative cost (FHWA 1998;
Lamptey et al. 2005). where LCACave = average of life-cycle agency costs of all compet-
ing alternative design strategies, and PF is Performance Factor of
Life-Cycle User Cost design strategy j which is calculated by
User costs concern highway users in the pavement life-cycle. User
cost components include vehicle operating cost, travel time cost, Pt − PSILC;j
PFj ¼ ð4Þ
crash cost and environmental costs (Lamptey et al. 2005; Li and Pt − Pb
Madanu 2009). Each cost component can be categorized into
two categories: user costs under normal operation conditions
where Pt and Pb are top and bottom limits of the range selected for
and added user costs resulting from work zones (FHWA 1998;
desired amounts of PSI and PSILC;J is life-cycle pavement perfor-
Lamptey et al. 2005; Li and Madanu 2009). LCCA need only con-
mance for design strategy j which is calculated by
sider differential cost among alternatives (FHWA 1998).
Considering work zone operations, little difference between Pn
crash costs of work zones and normal operations is expected PSI · ESALi;j
PSILC;j ¼ Pn i;j
(FHWA 1989; Lamptey et al. 2005). Therefore, user cost differen- i¼1 ESALi;j
tials are an aggregation of excessive travel time costs and vehicle
operating costs. These cost components are calculated by using the
method presented by FHWA (1998). where PSIi;j and ESALi;j are average PSI value and accumulated
During normal operations, crash costs and environmental costs Equivalent Single Axle Load (ESAL) for design strategy j at year i,
are unlikely to vary among alternative pavement designs. Accord- respectively. Average PSI in each year is equal to the average of PSI
ing to various researches (i.e., FHWA 1998 and Lamptey et al. measures at the beginning of the year and at the end of the year.
2005), there is no need to consider crash costs and environmental
costs during normal operations, but vehicle operating costs and Fuzzy Approach Utilized to Model Uncertainty
travel time costs are likely to vary for different design strategies.
Some input parameters of pavement project life-cycle analysis are
The travel time costs should be considered attributable to speed
associated with uncertainties. Because fuzzy set theories facilitate
reduction causes by undesirable pavement conditions. Such extra
modeling uncertainty in the absence of precise and complete infor-
travel time costs are calculated based on a model for speed adjust-
mation, in the developed method, a fuzzy estimating approach
ment factors which is developed by Zaniewski (1982). For such
which was proposed by Shaheen et al. (2007) is used.
vehicle operating costs, the World Bank suggested a general equa-
Uniform, triangular and trapezoidal are the types of fuzzy
tion (Asphalt Institute of Iran 2007) and also conducted several re-
numbers used in this methodology. However, these types of fuzzy
searches on road user costs in New Zealand (FHWA 1998), which
numbers and also crisp numbers can be represented by the trapezoi-
can be used to calibrate the general equation as follows:
dal four-element format (Shaheen et al. 2007). From crisp numbers
VOC to trapezoidal numbers, the uncertainty about the selected number
¼ 1 þ 0.045 × ½maxð0; IRI − 2.5Þ1.406 ð2Þ would increase. If the decision maker (DM) select a crisp number
for a variable it means the amount of that variable is completely
where VOC = vehicle operating costs in case the performance certain. On the contrast, selecting a trapezoidal number by the
condition equals to IRI, and VOC0 = vehicle operating costs in case DM indicates even the most likely value for that variable is not
the performance condition is less than 2.5 m=km. The correlation certain. Therefore, a range should be selected even for the most
between PSI and IRI could be obtained from Lay (2009). likely values.

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Decision Maker’s Risk Attitudes • Step 1: Establish alternative pavement design strategies for the
analysis period.
Certainly, as mentioned by Fenton and Wang (2006), considering
• Step 2: Determine service lives and activity timing. Service lives
risk and uncertainty in multicriteria decision making increases the
of structural activities are determined from pavement
reliability and quality of the results by evaluating the ranking
design calculations. After passing the service life of each
sensitivity to each risk attitude. Moreover, incorporating risk
structural activity, rehabilitation activity is performed to
attitudes will help the DM choose the preferred alternatives from
strengthen the pavement structurally. In the length of time be-
an extreme pessimist to an extreme optimist.
tween two consecutive structural activities, preventive mainte-
Based on the discipline existing in the variables of triangular
nance activities are utilized to correct minor defects, retard
fuzzy numbers to consider the DM’s risk attitudes for benefit
future deteriorations and maintain or improve the functional
parameters (where the higher the value for parameters, the more
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performance of pavement (Lamptey et al. 2008).

desirable it is for DM) and cost parameters (where the lower
• Step 3: Consider risk and confidence attitude of decision
the value for parameters, the more desirable it is for DM), proposed
by Fenton and Wang (2006), trapezoidal fuzzy numbers for nine
• Step 4: Develop performance curves for the alternative strate-
linguistic terms from absolutely pessimist to absolutely optimist
gies. Average annual PSI of each alternative is calculated for
are developed and utilized in the analysis.
each year of project life-cycle, to develop a life-cycle pavement
performance curve for that alternative.
Decision Maker’s Confidence Attitudes • Step 5: Estimate life-cycle agency costs. Estimating life-cycle
Membership function is a basic measure of confidence about the agency costs consists of two components: (1) quantities of
range of the fuzzy numbers. Therefore, to incorporate the DM’s work/material items which are depended on initial design and
confidence about the fuzzy numbers, α-cut concept could be used. preset future M&R policies; and (2) unit costs of construction
Based on α-cut concept, Fenton and Wang (2006) presented a items.
method which is utilized in this paper and helps the DM take into • Step 6: Estimate added user costs during working days. The re-
account his/her confidence attitude by nine linguistic terms quired data for each activity include work zone duration, num-
(from absolutely confident to absolutely nonconfident). Intuitively, ber of lanes open in each direction, work zone length, posted
membership value of confidence increases as α increase from 0 to speed in work zone, dissipation capacity of each lane in work
1. Considering a linguistic term, the trapezoidal fuzzy number n: zone, and working hours of each direction.
ða; b; c; dÞ is refined as follows: • Step 7: Estimate added user costs attributable to pavement
P11 P11  performance.
ak cLT LT
k¼1 dk ck • Step 8: Estimate life-cycle pavement performance value.
n~ LT ¼ ðaLT ; bLT ; cLT ; dLT Þ ¼ Pk¼1 k
; b; c; P
k¼1 ck
LT 11
k¼1 ck
LT • Step 9: Compute present valued total costs and rank the alter-
natives. On the basis of the FHWA recommendations (FHWA
2002), annual costs of each alternative are discounted to present
where ak ¼ aα ¼ a þ αðb − aÞ, dk ¼ dα ¼ d − αðd − cÞ, value and the objective function for each alternative is calcu-
k ¼ μLT ðαÞ, k ¼ 1; : : : ; 11 and LT represents linguistic terms
cLT lated, and the alternatives are ranked.
which are developed based on nine confidence attitudes, and • Step 10: Select the supreme pavement design strategy through
their pertinent membership value for each α (obtained from 11 analysis of different risk and confidence attitudes. Steps 3 to 9
confidence levels). can be repeated for different DM’s risk and confidence attitudes.
This analysis broadens the DM’s perspective in utilizing PSSFM
outcomes for making the final decision.
Importance Weights of Criteria
In this paper, according to Bonissone (1982), seven linguistic
terms, from very low to very high, is utilized to determine the Application
importance weights of the criteria. In this regard, for each linguistic
term a trapezoidal fuzzy number has been proposed and utilized in A hypothetical project was developed to utilize the proposed
the analysis. method. This project involves a 15-km section of a six-lane freeway
that would be constructed in Iran.
Defuzzify Fuzzy Numbers
Statement of Input Data
Fuzzy numbers are a generalization of the concept of interval of
confidence. However, ranking intervals is not a straightforward
process (Shaheen et al. 2007). Therefore, calculating the expected Traffic Data of the Project
or defuzzified value of the fuzzy number will render the fuzzy • AADT [base (design) year]—50,000 vehicle=day, passenger
number ranking and comparison much easier. In this paper, as cars, single-unit trucks and combination trucks respectively—
the most common defuzzification method, the method of center 90, 3, and 7%.
of area is utilized. In this way, expected value and variance of • Free-flow capacity—2,150 vehicle=h=lane, queue dissipation
trapezoidal fuzzy numbers are defined based on Shaheen capacity—1,818 vphpl.
et al. (2007). • Posted speed under normal operations—110 km=h, posted
speed under work zone operations—60 km=h.
• Analysis period—35 years.
Develop Pavement Strategy Selection Fuzzy Method
Alternative Pavement Design Strategies
The proposed Pavement Strategy Selection Fuzzy Method Flexible and rigid pavements are designed using AASHTO (1993).
(PSSFM) consists of 10 steps which are introduced in this section. Two initial construction alternatives were considered (flexible and
Fig. 1 shows the flowchart of the developed method. rigid), and for each one, two M&R policies were developed.

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Fig. 1. Flowchart of the pavement strategy selection fuzzy method (PSSFM)

Therefore, four pavement design strategies were established in the Data for Calculating User Costs
analysis. Activity profiles and corresponding design parameters Unit rates of user costs are gathered from the Iranian government
of each structural activity of the alternatives 1–4 are given in databases and the works done by Matthews and Allouche (2010)
Table 1. and ODOT (2003). These costs are as follows:
• Vehicle operating cost (Cents=km)—passenger cars (14.0,
Data for Calculating Agency Costs 15.5); single-unit trucks (32.5, 35.5); combination trucks
Table 2 shows unit costs of work items gathered from the Iranian (46.5, 49.0)
government databases and expert judgments. These costs are con- • Travel time cost ($=h)—passenger cars (7.50, 8.25); single-
sidered as trapezoidal fuzzy numbers because they are the most unit trucks (9.45, 10.05); combination trucks (11.25,
uncertain input factors of the case. 11.85)

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Table 1. Alternative Pavement Design Strategies (Activity Timing and Design Parameters)
Alternative Service life (year) Activity type Activity name Timing
No. 1 40 IC Asphalt concrete (5.98)a Base year
RH Thick HMA overlay (5.46)a 25th year
PM HMA crack sealing 4th, 7th, 10th, 13th, 16th, 19th, 22th,
25th, 28th, 31th, 34th, 37th year
No. 2 40 IC Asphalt concrete (5.98)a Base year
RH Thick HMA overlay (5.46)a 25th year
PM HMA crack sealing 8th year
Thin HMA overlay 15th, 33th year
No. 3 42 IC Jointed plain concrete (11.02)b Base year
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RH Thick HMA overlay (5.76)a 30th year

PM PCC joint cleaning & sealing 9th, 17th, 25th year
— HMA crack sealing 33th, 36th, 39th year
No. 4 42 IC Jointed plain concrete (11.02)b Base year
RH Bonded concrete overlay (10.35)b 30th year
PM PCC joint cleaning and sealing 9th, 17th, 25th, 36th year

Note: IC = initial construction; RH = rehabilitation; PM = preventive maintenance.

Structural number in flexible pavement design.
Layer depth in rigid pavement design (in in.).

Table 2. Unit Rates of Material/Work Item Costs • Importance weight of criterion life-cycle user cost—medium,
Material/work item Corresponding fuzzy number Importance weight of criterion pavement performance cost
HMA wearing 19 mm ($=m3 ) (114.20,116.16,118.06,120.02) • Risk attitude—neutral, confidence attitude—neutral.
HMA binder 25 mm ($=m3 ) (104.06,105.98,107.90,109.82)
Granular base ($=m3 ) (20.23,21.02,21.88,22.71)
Granular subbase ($=m3 ) (9.50,9.75,10.26,10.51)
Tack coat ($=m2 ) (0.54,0.56) Results and Discussion
Prime coat($=m2 ) (1.10,1.12)
JPCP ($=m3 ) (94.30,105.50,113.02,124.22) Using PSSFM to evaluate the hypothetical example led to the
Crack sealing ($=m) (7.85,8.35) results shown in Table 3. As shown in the Table, with respect to
Joint cleaning and sealing ($=m) (2.48,2.82,2.98,3.32) agency costs and user costs, Alternatives 1 and 2, as flexible pave-
Mill asphalt surface ($=m2 -cm) (1.52,1.56,1.60,1.64) ment strategies, are the most desirable alternatives, respectively. At
Mill concrete surface ($=m2 -cm) (1.84,1.88,1.92,1.96) the same time, with respect to pavement performance cost value,
Dowel bar ($=m) (21.00,22.00,23.16,24.16)
Tie bar ($=m) (1.52,1.60,1.68,1.76)
Alternatives 4 and 3, as rigid pavement strategies, have taken two
Saw cutting concrete joints ($=dm3 ) (1.18,1.21,1.34,1.37) top orders. Alternative 2, because of not possessing a regular pre-
ventive maintenance policy, has the worst pavement condition in
the analysis period. Eventually, primarily attributable to consider-
ing pavement performance cost value as a decision making cri-
Owing to the uniform ranges of the coefficients used to obtain terion, Alternative 4 is selected as the most appropriate strategy.
these costs, they are considered as uniform fuzzy numbers. To select the most appropriate design strategy and for clear
evaluation, the analysis has been repeated for different DM’s risk
Other Fuzzy Variables Considered in the Analysis and confidence attitudes. The value of objective function and the
• Annual traffic growth rate (triangular fuzzy number)—(1.5, ranking orders of the alternatives are shown in Table 4.
2.0, 2.5%). As shown in Table 4, a DM who is absolutely confident about
• Discount rate (triangular fuzzy number, based on the recom- the fuzzy input values will select Alternative 4 as the most appro-
mended range and rate by FHWA 1998)—(3.0, 4.0, 5.0%). priate strategy, independent of his/her risk attitude. However, a DM
with neutral confidence attitude, under absolutely pessimistic
Other Parameters and Factors Depended on Decision risk attitude will choose Alternative 1, but under absolutely
Maker’s Attitudes optimistic and neutral risk attitude Alternative 4 will be chosen
• Bottom limit of desired range of PSI—2.5, top limit—4.0. for implementation.

Table 3. Values of the Three Criteria and the Objective Function and the Ranking Orders of the Alternatives
Pavement performance
Life-cycle agency costs Life-cycle user costs cost value Objective function value
Standard Standard Standard Standard
Design EV deviation EV deviation EV deviation EV deviation
strategy ($1,000) ($1,000) Order ($1,000) ($1,000) Order ($1,000) ($1,000) Order ($1,000) ($1,000) Order
Alternative 1 16,047 276 1 12,638 1,248 4 2,385 71 3 24,256 1,070 2
Alternative 2 18,025 354 4 7,407 1,399 1 8,516 255 4 26,645 1,424 4
Alternative 3 17,580 626 3 12,548 1,877 3 1,621 49 2 25,222 1,807 3
Alternative 4 16,930 609 2 11,891 1,664 2 1,584 47 1 23,966 1,621 1

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Table 4. Total Life-Cycle Costs and Ranking Orders of the Alternatives under Different Risk and Confidence Attitudes
Absolutely optimistic Neutral Absolutely pessimistic Risk attitude
Standard Standard Standard
EV deviation EV deviation EV deviation
Design strategy ($1,000) (1,000 $) Order ($1000) ($1,000) Order ($1000) (1,000 $) Order Confidence attitude
Alternative 1 22,959 235 2 23,122 289 2 23,284 235 2 Absolutely confident
Alternative 2 26,186 224 4 26,339 278 4 26,491 224 4
Alternative 3 23,807 388 3 24,076 479 3 24,344 388 3
Alternative 4 22,622 389 1 22,887 483 1 23,152 389 1
Alternative 1 23,554 1,173 2 24,256 1,070 2 25,254 1,179 1 Neutral
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Alternative 2 25,650 1,507 4 26,645 1,424 4 28,091 1,650 4

Alternative 3 24,036 1,908 3 25,222 1,807 3 26,800 1,991 3
Alternative 4 22,883 1,716 1 23,966 1,621 1 25,344 1,784 2
Alternative 1 24,743 2,364 3 26,015 2,213 2 28,379 2,453 1 Absolutely
Alternative 2 25,938 2,932 4 27,698 2,863 4 31,306 3,435 4 non-confident
Alternative 3 24,167 2,905 2 26,463 3,043 3 30,231 3,713 3
Alternative 4 23,116 2,619 1 25,177 2,703 1 28,481 3,290 2

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