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By: Leila R. Suarnaba – BSED 1-3

All organisms reconstruct their environment, and humans are no different. As

modern technology and societies advance, this also allowed us to progress and grow
as a species. Humankind became a powerful driver of change in our environment.
We have these cognitive abilities that make us distinct from other species. We used
these capacities to alter our nature and create a comfortable place and environment
for us. Nevertheless, the advancements we have such as industrialization and our
activities have an extensive impact on our nature and planet.
Thus, we humans impact our planet's subsystems. Our lithosphere (rock and
land), hydrosphere (water), atmosphere (air), and biosphere (all life forms). But, how
do we influence them? What are the different ways in both positive and negative, we
affect our Earth? What are the things that we should do to achieved equilibrium and
harmony within our nature?
As human beings, we benefit from the spheres of the earth. Our activities to
our environment must always be equipped with accountability and responsibility.
The earth's atmosphere comprises gases that we, living things, need
for continuance, such as oxygen. One of the vital roles of the atmosphere
is that it transfers heat and sunlight. Furthermore, the ozone layer that
safeguards us from dangerous UV radiation.
I believed that industrialization brought not only advancements but
also affect our atmosphere. Like global warming, exhaustion of the ozone
layer, and erratic weather, and unprecedented climate emerges. This
happens as industrial facilities increase the emission of harmful gasses.
Car fumes also affect the atmosphere and lead to air pollution.
Alternatively, we also find ways to battle these problems in the atmosphere
such as planting trees, creating renewable and alternative power sources,
and creation of electronic transportations to reduces the emission of
greenhouse gasses.


The biosphere is known as the "life zone" of the earth. It includes all
living organisms, including us humans and our habitats.
Residing on this planet, the primary activity that I have observed is
how we try to alter and construct settlements for ourselves. We are
building houses and infrastructures that may ruin the habitat and
ecosystems of the living organisms. We cannot correctly scrutinize our
wastes that grievously destroy plants, animals, and even our environment.
Moreover, our population is drastically increasing that troubles the
balance of the people and the allocation of resources.
The hydrosphere is composed of all water on our planet, may it be solid
(icebergs), liquid (oceans, rivers, and lakes), and gas (water vapor, fog). Bodies
of water take the majority of our planet. It plays a vital role in our survival. Water
on earth undergoes a cycle that changes its properties through the hydrological
(water) cycle.
Human activities that cause global warming greatly affect our
hydrosphere, this leads to the melting of the polar ice and the rising of sea levels
that threatens low land areas. Additionally, the increasing population will
certainly make water difficult to attain in the future. Other man acts that impact
the hydrosphere is improper sewage disposal, accidental and intentional
discharge of petroleum, and water pollution.


The lithosphere refers to all rocks and land of the earth. From our planet's
crust and solid mantle. It has two types, the continental and oceanic crust
(lithosphere). Land formations like volcanoes and mountains and even
earthquakes because of moving tectonic plates are happening here.
We, humans, may change the earth's lithosphere through mining,
deforestation, urbanization and building infrastructures, and any other related
activities that may alter the natural features of the lithosphere. The outcome of
these activities may tear the earth of nutrients, destroys natural environments,
increases soil erosion, and flooding. Nonetheless, we also try to make things
that will allow us to fight these problems in the lithosphere such as composting
that can decrease the amount of garbage in landfills, conservation of areas that
help in protecting the land, and planting trees to lessen soil erosion.

I always believed that we need our environment and earth's subsystems

for our survival. Throughout our lives, we interact with our environment, and they
play a crucial role for us. We must impact the spheres of the earth for the benefit
of all life, not just for the few. Find and create ways to protect and preserve it.
As a social studies student, I have realized the critical role of having
environmental awareness and wisdom to understand the events in our
environment. After all, we are all interconnected, from our lives, the place we
stand, the air we breathe, the water we drink, to the systems that shape our

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