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Topic 8:

1. Give your brief reflection on the film, "The Gospel of John". ( This serves as your
recitation; 3-5 sentences)
It is a compilation of Jesus Christ’s miracles and up to his passion in saving
us. It showed the realness of Jesus and how he was misunderstood by the people
around his during his time. I really finished the 3-hour movie and thought that
watching this to rekindle the knowledge about the new testament during holy week
was a productively and spiritually nurturing to the soul.
2. The pictures is about how Jesus forgives those who sin and the washing
of the feet of the disciples. The significance of that act is to show to his disciples
an additional commandment which is “Love your neighbours as I love you”. He
serviced his followers to show that we must love each other the way he loved us.
There is no master greater than his servant. We shall help each other because we
are not born to live alone.

Final Creative Output:

Angel Locsin, (born April 23, 1985), professionally known as Angel Locsin, despite
being of Christian faith, she is a part of a Muslim Royal Family in Marawi City in the
province of Lanao del Sur through her mother.
3. Present the ways and means by which he/she embodies or truly practices loving
obedience to Christ and loving service to others.

Angel Locsin has been recognized for her generous donations and the aid
she has rendered to those affected by natural disasters and violence. Following
the devastating earthquakes that hit Mindanao in October, Locsin donated 1 Million
Pesos towards disaster relief. In addition to her monetary donations, Locsin also
helped to distribute truckloads of relief supplies to those who were affected by the
disaster. I learned that you can be so much more than your profession of being a
celebrity and you can use your riches in helping other people especially the poor
and victims of calamities. I admire Angel because of this I will be forever inspired
by her deeds.

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