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University of Luzon

Dagupan City

Learning Plan
Grade 7 – English


A. Discover the conflicts presented in literary selections and the need to resolve those conflicts in non-
violent ways
B. Discriminate between literal and figurative language
C. Use appropriate mechanisms/tools in the library for locating resources


a. PowerPoint Presentation
b. Books
c. Activity Sheets/Worksheets
d. Card Catalog
e. Charts


TASK 1 – 20 Seconds Talk!
The teacher will introduce his self in the class and will be calling each student to answer the
needed information.


“Good morning class, I am Mr. Billy Jo Uson

and I will be your teacher in this subject for
the whole school year” “Good morning sir, I am (Name), (Age) from
(Address) a product of (Last school
“For your first activity, since this is our first attended)”
meeting. You will be given 15-20 seconds
introduction. Each of you need to answer the
following (Name, Age, Address, and Last
school attended)”
Task 2 – Fix Me I’m Broken
The teacher will present the instructions to the students.
1. The class will be divided into 5 groups.
2. Each group will be given a puzzle containing words from the story.
3. Each group will be given 3 minutes to fix and complete the puzzle.
4. After fixing the puzzle, each group will read what is in the puzzle.

Task 3- Windows of My Soul

Come up with your own windows regarding how you see or view yourself, especially in the eyes
of your family members.

Open Blind

Hidden Unknown


TASK 3- Quote of the Day!
Study and give the meaning of this quote. Give your ideas or thoughts about it.
“Education is the most powerful weapon you can use to change the world.” – BB King

TASK 4 – Hungry for Knowledge

Give your thoughts and expectation of the subject; What I know and What I want to know.

TASK 5 – Discussion: The Centipede by Rony V. Diaz

Summary of The Centipede by Rony V. Diaz

A boy named Eddie hated his sister Delia. This started when Delia beat his dog Biryuk. He
wanted to stop her but can’t since Delia has a weak heart.

A flashback shows that Eddie and Delia treat each other as rivals. Delia was 8 years old when
Eddie was born and her mother died, which seems to be the reason why she also hated Eddie
and blamed him for the death of her mother.

Delia is also jealous of Eddie since the latter gains more attention. While Eddie loves animals
and insects, Delia doesn’t, which is why she tortures them just to make Eddie more miserable.

This went out of hand when Delia stabbed Eddie’s dog in the eye. He wanted revenge. A
helper named Berto gave Eddie the centipede. He wished to frighten Delia. His senses were
clouded with hate.
While Delia embroidered a white cloth, he threw the centipede on his sister’s lap. He
returned to his senses and saw his sister down and writhing in pain. He regretted it but the
damage has already been done.

TASK 6 – Give your insights

The teacher will call five (5) students to share their understanding and realizations regarding the
story “Centipede”.

TASK 7 – DEFINE: Figurative and Literal Language

The teacher will have a brief discussion about Figurative and Literal Language.


Definition: Definition:

- Figurative language is language that’s - Literal language uses the actual

intended to create an image, meanings of words or phrases in their
association, or other effect in the mind exact sense.
of the listener or reader that goes - Literal language is very straightforward
beyond the literal meaning or expected and to the point.
use of the words involved. - Literal language is precise and often tells
- language that contains or uses figures of the reader exactly the point.
speech, especially metaphors.

Ex. The figurative meaning of it stinks is “it’s Ex. the literal meaning of it stinks is “it smells
terrible.” bad”.

TASK 8 – Investigate It!

On the story “Centipede by Rony V. Diaz”, the teacher will provide phrases or sentences and
students will analyze if this is literal or figurative language.

TASK 9 – The Card Catalog!

The teacher will discuss the parts of the “Card Catalog” and will be teaching on how to make it.
TASK 10 – Remember It!

The teacher will be presenting a card catalog and the students will guess what part of card
catalog is she pointing.


TASK 11 – Arrange It!

Arrange the story of the “Centipede by Rony V. Diaz” chronologically (1-10) and tell what is the
moral lesson of the story.

TASK 12 – Figure it Out

Tell whether each statement is Figurative or Literal. Check the column of your choice.

TASK 13 – Construct Your Own!

Create your own “Card Catalog”.


Task 12- My Treasure

Great! You have accomplished all the task assigned to you. Now, it is time for you to reflect on the
significant learning you have added to your knowledge bank. Express your learning by completing the
through prompts as shown below.
The most meaningful lesson I learned is…..

The most difficult yet manageable lesson I have encountered is……

For me, the best lesson that is worth- keeping is…..

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