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Steps to move data flows to Production from Central Repository

Steps below are for Example Data flow: SF_ODS_ODS_CRM_ACCOUNT_DF

1. Ensure that validation and testing has done on the flow identified to move.

2. Compare the flow with Central Repository flows to observe any mismatch between QA and
Production flows before CHECKING OUT.
Any change observed on comparison step has to be reported and analyze further before
proceeding to next steps below. (This step can be ignored for Brand New flows)

3. Login to Production and take a backup of the flow which you suppose to move, with proper
naming convention (Prefix BKP_18022021 <ddmmyyyy> to the flow)

4. Step for Check out:

Login to QA and locate the flow in Central Repository, and follow the navigation as below:

Click Yes.

Check out done.

5. Step for Check In:

Again choose the same (checked out) flow from Central Repository as below:

Give appropriate comment and check Apply Comments To all Objects and Continue.
Check In Completed.

6. Now Logout from QA and Login to Production local repository OR Switch Object Library
Go to Central Repository and locate the same flow in Central Repository to get latest version

7. As a final check: To ensure the code changes done to the flows were moved to Production
successfully, VERIFY the CODE CHANGES done in the flow and VALIDATE to avoid any issues
on job run next day.

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