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Retail Operations


The Account Menu supports the following SWIFT Messages:

1) MT950 Statement Message

2) MT191 Request for Payment of Charges, Interest and Other Expenses
3) MT190 Advice of Charges, Interest and Other Adjustments


MT950 is generated during COB operations. The same is triggered only when ‘950’ is
specified in the Account Statement and as per the frequency specified therein. Please
note that the SWIFT message will be triggered only when the related customer is a
Bank with a valid SWIFT address/delivery set up. Screenshot of the resultant SWIFT
message is displayed below:
MT 191

MT191 relates to request of Charges. These can be generated via Accounts Menu by
accessing the ‘Adhoc Charge Request – with Delivery’ and on inputting CHARGE or
REQUEST in the field ‘Request Type’.

MT 190

MT190 relates to request of Charges. These can be generated via Accounts Menu by
accessing the ‘Adhoc Charge Request – with Delivery’. An MT190 is generated when
the field ‘Request type’ is set to ADVICE. This message is also relevant only when the
Account customer is a BANK with a valid SWIFT address set up in the system.

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