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Name : Tesya Sasaghapu

Nim : 16091102095

1. Review 1 film, the genre and its characteristics. Why do you choose that film? Explain
the relevance the issue in that film and the life.

 Movie title : Crip Camp(2020)


 Gendre : Documentary
 Characteristics :

Crip Camp can indeed portray people with disabilities as real humans, without exploiting
dramatic images to arouse emotions, as is typical of documentaries so far.
Usually, a documentary focuses on a single narrative, between following a character
(character-driven) or exploring a particular issue (story / issue-driven). However, Crip
Camp can combine the two narratives well.
The production team is very careful in determining the characters who are the main
highlights. Through LeBrechs, Jacobson, and Heumann, the audience is invited to
explore the differences in "class" which ultimately illustrates the complexity of the
problems of persons with disabilities.
LeBrecht was lucky enough to be able to study at a public school. However, Heumann
was rejected by public schools because of fears that it could interfere with the learning
process due to his polio.
On the other hand, Jacobson is even isolated from his neighborhood because he has
difficulty moving, let alone getting out of apartments with building structures that make it
difficult for people with disabilities.
after they returned from camp janet they fought for their rights however, President
Richard Nixon vetoed the bill.
After demonstrations broke out in various regions, Nixon finally passed the
Rehabilitation Law in 1972. However, the government did nothing to implement Article
504 because it had too much to pay.
Heumann and his friends returned to demonstrate
even a journalist who had recently become paralyzed by an accident took part in the
The production team was again very careful in choosing the characters in the spotlight.
The presence of these journalists can illustrate a change in the perspective and mindset of
people who initially do not have disabilities.
Not only characters, LeBrecht is also very careful in inserting dramatic images so as not
to appear to exploit the pain of persons with disabilities. This time, LeBrehcs includes
footage of persons with disabilities struggling to climb the steps of the parliament
building to appeal for their rights.
By including this excerpt, LeBrechs can convey a clear message that people with
disabilities should strive harder to do simple things for people without disabilities.

 The reason that why I choose that film

Crip Camp can indeed portray people with disabilities as real humans, without exploiting
dramatic images to arouse emotions, as is typical of documentaries so far.
As a result, people with disabilities in Crip Camp did not become objects of helplessness,
but subjects with great power, to the point of being able to launch a revolution in the
United States from a wheelchair.
Broadly speaking, Crip Camp tells the story of a group of people who joined a special
summer camp for people with disabilities in Catskills called Camp Jened in 1971.
Besides the camp, they also often discuss various life problems and the treatment of
people they don't like. From these chats, they were sprinkled with enthusiasm to move
together to face various problems.
Most of the stories were captured on the old camera of one of the participants in Camp
Jened, James LeBrecht. He then decided to sew it into a documentary with the help of
Emmy Award-winning filmmaker Nicole Newnham.
They can sew the entire story into a comprehensive broadcast, presenting a documentary
quality that far exceeds expectations.
Usually, a documentary focuses on a single narrative, between following a character
(character-driven) or exploring a particular issue (story / issue-driven). However, Crip
Camp can combine the two narratives well.
The initial narrative revolved with the encouragement of LeBrechs' life story as a person
with spina bifida disability. At the age of 15, he joined summer camp at Camp Jened. He
recorded various activities there with black and white and color films.
LeBrechs recording is so natural. The audience can capture various sides of people with
disabilities, from worries, ways of having fun, even teenage romance. Views that are not
presented in other documentaries.

 Relevence the issue in that film and the life.

Seeing the life order in the US that is still not friendly to persons with disabilities, Heumann
invited his colleagues to demonstrate demanding the passage of the Rehabilitation Law.
One part of the draft regulation, namely Article 504, can guarantee the fulfillment of the rights of
persons with disabilities. However, President Richard Nixon vetoed the bill.

After demonstrations broke out in various regions, Nixon was finally pressed and passed the
Rehabilitation Law in 1972. However, the government did not do anything to implement Article
504 because it was too costly to pay.

Heumann and company returned to the streets. They even occupied one of the government
buildings in San Francisco for days. A journalist who had recently become paralyzed by an
accident took part in the demonstration.

Almost the same as America, the facts about the disability community in Indonesia, especially in
Jakarta. There are still many things that need to be considered in order to improve the welfare of
persons with disabilities.

based on Law Number 8 of 2016 concerning Persons with Disabilities. improving the quality of
policies to support the fulfillment of the rights of persons with disabilities is one of the
responsibilities of the government. In the fact is that there are still negative perspectives on
disability, a point of view that is degrading due to limited activities,
The following are things that should be paid attention by the government.

1. Accessibility of information and special services.

Each service is to provide information needed by various disabilities related to the conditions,
situations and locations where disabilities are located.

2. Rehabilitation.

Rehabilitation is carried out to re-function and develop physical, mental and social abilities. It
aims to carry out social functions fairly according to talents, abilities, education and experience.
Rehabilitation in question is medical, education, training, and social. The Regional Protection
Agency for Persons with Disabilities (LPPDD) has an important responsibility in providing
considerations, advice and suggestions for policy formulation. Accommodate and convey the
aspirations of the community and disabilities.

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