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Passing score = > 700, total score = 1000

Module 1: Cloud Service

Cloud computing (4): compute power, storage, networking, analytics

Key concepts (5): High availability, scalability (add more servers, CPU etc), elasticity (dynamic scale in,
out), agility (able to do thing efficiently), fault tolerance (what happen when hardware fails)

Other key concepts (5): Disaster recovery, global reach (put the info closest to u on high speed),
customer latency capabilities, predictive cost considerations, security (DDOX protection)

Economies of scale (3): Less expensive (competition is driving the cost down), more efficient, pass
benefit on

CapEx vs OpEx

CapEx (3): Spend on physical infrastructure upfront, deduct the expense from your tax bill, high upfront
cost, value of investment reduces over time.

OpEx (4): Spend on services or products as needed, get billed immediately, deduct the expense from
your tax in the same year, no upfront cost, pay-as-you-use.

Consumption-based model – No upfront costs

1.1 Cloud model

Public cloud

- Owned by cloud services or hosting provider.

Private cloud

- Owned and operated by the organization that uses cloud resources.

- Organizations create a cloud env. In their datacenter.
- Self-service access to compute resources provided to users within the organization.
- Organizations responsible for operating the service they provide.

Hybrid cloud

- public + private

Cloud model comparison

Shared responsibility model

Cloud service comparison

Module 2: Azure Core Services
2.1 Geographies
- Regions (a collection of datacenters) provides flexibility and scales.
- Not all regions are equal.
- Costs, compliance, latency, features.

Dublin, Ireland (datacenters)

- Zones and sets for VMs.

2.2 Availability zones

- Physically separate locations within an Azure region
- Independent (power, cooling, networking)
- Isolation boundary

Availability Sets – keep applications online during maintenance or hardware failure.

Availability Options
Resource group contains all the resources, before creating the VMs. There’s no backup once the
resource group is deleted.

How to protect your resource group?

How to create a resource? Use the GUI at first, create a VM, include subscription (resource group) and
instance details (region, availability set).

VM Services – Azure VMs, VM scale sets, APP services, functions

Module 3 Privacy, Security, Compliance

Module 4 Azure Cost and Subscriptions

Subscription - Dev, Test, Production

4.1 Planning and Management costs

Type: Enterprise, CSP, web direct

Price Factors: resource type, service, region (location)

A. Zones for billing purposes

Bandwidth – inbound (free), outbound

B. Pricing calculator

VM – region, OS (window/Linux), type (OS, BizTalk, SQL server), tier (basic, standard, low priority),
license, instance (CPU, RAM, Storage type)

Billing Option – pay as you go, 1 year, 3 years

Azure cost management – reporting, data enrichment, budgets

4.2 Support Options

Alternate support channels

- MSDN Azure Forums, stack overflow, server fault, azure support, MA general feedback

Knowledge Center

- A searchable database

4.3 Service Level Agreements (SLAs)

- Define Azure performance standards,

Composite SLA – help multiple point of failure

Application SLAs
- Know your workload requirements and usage patterns.

4.4 Service Lifecycle

- Cost, SLA, Support

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