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Chapter 3


This chapter of the study will discuss the research methodology which will be

using in gathering the data to obtain the answer to the research problem. This chapter

will also features the research locale, respondents of the study, sampling method,

instrument and its validity, data gathering procedure, statistical treatment and data

analysis of the study.

Research Design

This study will utilize descriptive-evaluative design to appraise carefully the

worthiness of the study. It will provide an in-depth understanding of the information

regarding the impact of agricultural productivity towards the sustainable development

of the barangay. The researchers will adopt this design as it investigate and describe

the relationships of the factors and impacts of agricultural productivity to sustainable


This study will use Eclectic methodology in which allows the researchers to use

both Qualitative and Quantitative approach. The researchers will adopt this method as it

requires numerical results and descriptions to analyze and evaluate the impacts of

agricultural productivity. The survey-questionnaire will serve as a tool in gathering data.

The data that will be gather will be use to interpret and describe the topic and its

Source of Data

The primary sources of data will be the respondent’s answer using the survey

questionnaire. Moreover, the secondary sources of data will be taken from the internet,

books, articles, thesis, and other reading materials containing discussion related to

agricultural productivity.

Research Locale

The study will be conducted in the municipality of Daraga. Municipality of Daraga

is composed of 54 barangay. To limit the research locale, the researchers choose the

agriculturally productive barangays and has big time and small time crops, fruits, and

vegetable farmers. This study will be conducted in the ____ barangays which is


Respondents of the Study

The study will be composed of ____ respondents and one barangay official that

supervise the agricultural sector from selected barangays in Daraga. The respondents

will be the big time and small time crops, fruits, and vegetable farmers. The researchers

will select _____ farmers in the _____ barangays. Moreover, the researchers will also
include the president of the association of the farmers in every barangay that monitor

the farmer activities.

Sampling Method

The researchers will utilize the multi-stage sampling in the study. Multi-stage

sampling is taking of samples in stages using smaller and smaller sampling units and it’s

stages. The first stage that will be used in the study is restricted random sampling in

which the researchers randomly selected the barangay but under certain restrictions

which is the barangays that is agricultural in nature and has a big time and small time

farmers. The next stage that will be use is purposive sampling in which the researchers

look for a specific characteristics in every barangay in selecting the respondents which

is the crops, fruits and vegetable farmers and barangay officials that supervised the

agricultural sector of the barangay. The last stage is the quota sampling where the

researchers take a sample that is in proportion to a population of interest. In the quota

sampling, the researchers will select _____ crops, fruits, and vegetable farmers and one

(1) barangay officials that supervised the agricultural sector in every barangay.

Research Instrument

This study will employ several tools in answering the research problems. The

researchers will provide a survey-questionnaire as the primary instrument in order to

gather information that is needed in the study. The instrument was divided into six
parts and it was guided by specific questions. The first part will deal with socio-

demographic profile of the farmers in terms of age, civil status, place of residence,

number of years farming, and total farming land. Second part will answers the

facilitating factors that contributes towards rise of agricultural productivity. Third and

forth part will focus on the impacts of high and low agricultural productivity towards

sustainable development. The rfifth part will determine the hindering factors

experienced by the farmers. Then the last part will look into the adjustments and

coping mechanisms done by the respondents with regards to the hindering factors.

Furthermore, a face to face interview with some key informants will be made and their

responses will be carefully noted and treated with confidentiality. The informations that

will be obtained from this research undertaking, will take huge part in the interpretation

and analysis of the research problem.

Validity of Research Instrument

The validity of the instrument will be determined by the farmers and farm

manager from other locales. The instrument will be presented to them together with

the rate they will provide in the instrument through Likert scale system as indicated in

Table 1 which compromises set of inquiries, mean and adjectival rating. It also

presented the appropriateness of the contents, terminologies used, and items

representing the factors that contributed towards agricultural productivity and its impact

towards sustainable development. It will be rated with 0.00 – 1.00 which is “Absolutely

Inappropriate”, 1.01 – 2.00 which is “ inappropriate”, 2.01 – 3.00 which is “slightly

appropriate”, 3.01-4.00 which is “appropriate” and 4.01 – 5.00 which is “very


Questions VM A SA IA AIA Mean Adjectival

A 4 3 2 1 Rating Rating

1. How appropriate is the
content related to the
agricultural productivity?

2. How appropriate is the

content related to the
factors affecting and
impacts of high and low
agricultural productivity?

3. How appropriate is the

content related to
agricultural productivity
towards sustainable

4. How appropriate the

terminologies used in
each item?

5. How appropriate are the

items representing the
factors, impacts, and
hindrances that affects
the agricultural
productivity towards
sustainable development?

Table 1. Validation of the Instrument

Legend: VMA -Very Much Appropriate - (4.01-5.00)

A - Appropriate – (3.01-4.00)
SA – Slightly Appropriate – (2.01-3.00)
IA – Inappropriate – ( 1.01-2.00)
AIA- Absolutely Inappropriate – (0.01-1.00)

Statistical Treatment

The researchers used statistical treatments for this study. The Simple Percentage

Calculation to get the percentage of socio-demographic profile of the respondents which

will be used for further explanation of the factors that contributes towards the rise of

agricultural productivity, the impacts of high and low agricultural productivity and the

hindering factors that affects the agricultural productivity.

Simple Percentage Calculation

P x100


P = Percentage
R = Number of Respondents
N = Total Number of Responses

Weighted Mean to get the degree of the identified impacts and hindering

factors of agricultural productivity of the barangay with the following scales:

A. The facilitating factors that contributed towards the rise of agricultural

3.01-4.00 = Very Helpful
2.01-3.00 = Helpful
1.01-2.00 = Moderately Helpful
0.00-1.00 = Not Helpful

B. The impacts of high agricultural productivity

3.01-4.00 = Very Serious
2.01-3.00 = Serious
1.01-2.00 = Moderately Serious
0.01-1.00 = Not Serious

C. The impacts of low agricultural productivity

3.01-4.00 = Very Serious
2.01-3.00 = Serious
1.01-2.00 = Moderately Serious
0.00-1.00 = Not Serious

The formula for the computation of weighted mean:

WN 
 ( fw)

WM = Weighted Mean
 = Sum of
f = Frequency Distribution
N = Number of Respondents
W = Weight
Data Gathering Procedure

The researchers will undertake the following steps and procedure to ensure the

systematic data gathering and present reliable and valid facts needed in achieving and

meeting the goals of the study.

1. The researchers will ask the approval from the department head of sociology to

conduct the study.

2. The researchers will asked permission from the Department of Agriculture of

Municipality of Daraga, Albay to gather relevant data information in connection

with the study of the agricultural productivity towards sustainable development.

3. By the time it will be approved by the department chair, the researchers

permitted to gather data in selected barangays, the researchers prepared a

survey- questionnaire and showed it to their research adviser for improvement

and revision.

4. After the instrument will be check and approve by the researcher's adviser,

letters will be given to the Municipality of Daraga and to selected barangays to

ask permission to conduct the research on the selected Barangays of Daraga,


5. Upon the approval of the Municipality of Daraga, and the barangays, the

researchers will present the letter to the selected Barangays officials and chosen

farmers to authorize the researchers to conduct the data gathering.

6. The researchers will personally distribute the survey-questionnaire and will have

a face-to-face interview with the barangay officials following the proper way of

gathering data.

7. The data gathered by the researchers will be analyze and interpret carefully.

8. Finally, the researchers will come up with the findings, conclusions, and

recommendations based from all data gathered.

Data Analysis

The data collected by the researchers will be interpreted and analyzed

from the answers of the respondents through the survey- questionnaire. The data

will be organized and interpreted according to the information and personal data

that the respondents has given and shared. The socio-demographic profile, the

factors that contributed towards the rise of agricultural, the impacts of high and low

agricultural productivity, and the hindering factors that affects as well as the coping

mechanisms that adapted by the respondents will be interpreted and analyzed. The

answers of the respondents will be formulated as a result of the study. To further

interpret the data, the researchers will use the related literatures and related studies

as a guide and also the use of theories where the recommendations as well as the

implication will be drawn.

Republic of the Philippines
Bicol University
College of Social Sciences and Philosophy
Daraga, Albay

We the selected AB Sociology III students are conducting a research with

the title “Impacts of Agricultural Productivity Towards Sustainable
Development in Selected Barangay in Daraga, Albay”. The purpose of
this study is to identify the factors that affects the agricultural productivity
as well as its impacts to sustainable development that the farmers
experienced in selected barangays in Daraga. Your responses will be
remained anonymous and will be treated as confidential. Thank you for your

Instructions: Please put a check on the appropriate option listed below.

I. Socio-Demographic Profile
Civil Status: Place of Residency:
Total farming land of the farmers:
Number of years farming:
0-10 years 31-40 years
11-20 years 41- years and above
21-30 years
Share of the income from crops, fruits, and vegetables in your household income:
Up to 25% 26 – 50%
51 – 75% 76 – 100%
To whom do you sell your products?
Directly to consumers Processor
Retailers Governmental Corporation
Whole salers Other (please specify)
II A. Factors that contributes towards the rise of Agricultural Productivity
1. Where do you plant crops, fruits, and vegetables?
Plains Terraces
Valley Bottoms Hillside
Others (please specify):
2. How do you preserve soil fertility?
Crop rotation
Others (please specify):
3. How do you control pests and diseases?
Biological and organic control methods
Integrated pest management (IPM) methods
Chemical pesticides, specify what do you use?
Other methods (specify):
4. How do you control weeds?
By burning plant residues after harvesting
By grazing through animals
By crop rotation and/ or intercropping
By chemical herbicides, specify what do you use?
5. What are your available farming tools and equipments?
Sharp pruners Electric weed eater
Shovel Cobra head
Hand trowel long-handled hoe
Wheelbarrow or utility cart
Others (specify):
6. Where do you get water supply for the plants?
Springs or wells Rivers
Surface water lake
Reservoirs treated wastewater
Others (specify):
7. What irrigation system do you use?
Surface irrigation
Drip irrigation
Sprinkler irrigation
Center pivot irrigation
Manual irrigation
Others (specify):
4 - Very Helpful
3- Helpful
2 - Moderately Helpful
1 - Not Helpful
B. As a farmer, how does the following factors contributed towards the rise of
agricultural productivity?
Factors 4 3 2 1

1. Weather

2. Fertility of Soil

3. Capacity of the land

4. Pest control

5. Available tools and equipment

6. Water supply

7. Irrigation System

8. Support system from Government

4 – Very Serious
3 – Serious
2 – Moderately Serious
1. – Not Serious
III. Impacts of high Agricultural Productivity towards Sustainable

Impacts 4 3 2 1

1. Strengthening the resilience of food

2. Enhancing food security

3. Improving well-being

4. Promoting sustainability

5. Economic growth, income inflation

IV. Impacts of low Agricultural Productivity towards Sustainable


Impacts 4 3 2 1

1. Food insecurity

2. Vulnerability

3. Unemployment

4. Low income level

5. Hunger and poverty prone

6. Negative impression on the economic

condition of farmers
V. What are the hindering factors you experience that affects the agricultural
_____ Pests and diseases _____ Lack of water supplies
_____ Stealing of vegetables/crops _____ Poor techniques of production
_____ Unusual weather pattern _____ Unexpected calamities
_____ Limited land _____ Inadequate farming equipments and
_____ Limited budget _____ Lack of modern technologies
_____ Low levels of returns and meagre incomes
_____ Lack of support in the government
Others (specify): ______________________________________________
VI. What are the coping mechanisms that adapted in view of the hindering

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