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TOEIC MR.TRU - 07.6677.6575 TELEPHONE MESSAGE “ Dap an: 1 (W-Br) Hello, this is Diana Gorman calling about the advertisement that you placed in the Cliffdale newspaper for a used bicycle. 7 J've been looking for a bike for a while now, and the one you described in your ad seems perfect. I have some questions about it, though,” so please call me back at 555-0116. ” I'm going on holiday on Friday and won't be back for two weeks, so if you could call me before then, I'd really appreciate it. Thanks! (W-Br) Xin chao, day 1d Diana Gorman dang goi dién vé quang céo ma ban da dat tén te bao Cliffdale cho mt chiée xe dap da str dung.” Téi da tim kiém mot chiée xe dap mOt thai gian BN trong quing cao ciia ba Di vay tdi cé mot sé cau hoi vé né, ” vi vay xin vui long goi lai cho téi theo sé 555- 0116. 7 toi sé di nghi vao thir Sau va sé Khéng tré Iai trong tuan, vi vay néu ban cé thé goi cho ti tre dé, ti sé thye sr danh gia cao diéu 46. Cam on! 71. What does the speaker want to buy? (A) A newspaper subscription (B) A bicycle (© A tool kit (D) An airline ticket 72. What does the speaker request? (A) A return call (B) A discount (C) An application (D) A price list 73. What is the speaker doing on Friday? (A) Starting a new job (B) Attending a conference (C) Moving to another town (D) Leaving for vacation 71, Nguoi néi mudn mua gi? (A) Mot su dang ky bao (B) Mot chiée xe dap (C) Mét b6 céng ey (D) M6t vé may bay 72. Ngudi néi yéu cau gi? (A) Mét euge goi lai (B) Gidm gia (C) Mét img dyng/ don xin (D) Bang gia 73, Nguvi n6i sé am gi vao thi Séu? (A) Bat diu mot céng vige méi (B) Tham dy mot hdi nghj (C) Di chuyén dén mét thi tran khac (D) Di nghi TOEIC MR.TRU - 07.6677.6575 2. (W-Am) Hello,” I'm calling from the Pine Hill Medical Clinic about your appointment with Dr. Smith on August fourth at ten A M. I want to remind you that our office has recently relocated. We re now in the new medical professional building at the corner of Cooper Avenue and Main Street. ” Will you please call us back at 555-0145 to confirm that you'll keep your appointment? Thank you. (W-Am) Xin chio, Toi dang goi tir phong kham y té Pine Hill vé cugc hen ciia ban voi bac si Smith vao ngiy 4 thing 8 hic mudi gid sng. "Téi muén nie nhé ban ring vin phong cia ching ti gin diy da di dai. Bay gid ching 161 dang 6 trong tba nha chuyén nghiép y 6 m6i 6 g6c dubng Cooper Avenue vi Main Street. ” Ban sé vui a ‘ho ching tdi vao sé 555-0145 dé xac nhjn ring ban sé git cuge hen ciia ban chit? Cam on ban. 77. Where is the speaker calling from? (A) A medical clinic (B) An office supply store (©) Areal estate agency (D) A moving company 78. According to the speaker, what has recently changed? (A) The hours of operation (B) The availability of a product (C) The cost of a service (D) The location of an office 79. Why should the listener return the call? (A) To confirm an appointment (B) To change an order (©) To discuss a prescription (D) To talk about a payment 77. Nguoi néi dang goi tir dau? (A) Mot phong kham y té (B) M6t ctra hang cung cap van phong phim (C) Mét dai ly bat dong san (D) Mét cong ty di chuyén 78. Theo ngudi néi, nhting gi gan day da thay déi? (A) Gid hoat dong (B) Sy c6 sin cua mét san pham (C) Chi phi cua mét dich vu (D) Vj tri cia mot van phong 79. Tai sao ngudi nghe nén tra lai cue goi? (A) Dé xée nh§n m9t cuge hen mot don dat hang (©) Dé thio lugn vé mot don thude (D) Dé noi vé mét khodn thanh toan TOEIC MR.TRU - 07.6677.6575 3. (W-Br) Hello, this message is for George Woo at Riverdale Publishing. This is Helen Sanders. * We met last month at the Southwest Literary Conference, and I told you about a book I was writing — Travels by Land. ™ I’ve just completed the first draft, and I'm going to go ahead and e-mail you a copy, as you suggested. ** I'm very excited about the possibility of working with you since you've edited so many books by other travel writers that I admire. I hope you find the manuscript promising, and I look forward to hearing from you. (W-Br) Xin chio, tin nhin nay fa dank cho George Woo tai Riverdale Publishing, Day Helen Sanders. * Chung 14 giip nhau vao thang truéc tai Hi nghj vin hoc Tay Nam va i ké cho ban nghe vé m6t cudn sach toi dang viét - Travels by Land. “ Téi di hoan thanh ban dy thao dau tién va tdi sé tiép tyc va giti email cho ban m6t ban sao, nh ban da dé * ‘Tai rAt vui ming vé kha nang lam viéc i ban vi ban da chinh sira rat nhiéu cuén sdch cia cde nha vin du lich khac ma tdi nguéng m9. Ti hy vong ban thay ban thao day hia hen, va toi mong muén duge nghe tin tir ban. 83. Where did the speaker meet George Woo? (A) On a sightseeing trip (B) Ina writing workshop (©) Ina bookstore (D) At a conference 84, What does the speaker say she will do? (A) Prepare a talk (B) Send a manuscript (C) Update a resume (D) Visit an office 85. Why does the speaker want to work with George Woo? (A) He has worked on similar types of books. (B) He is a best-selling author. (C) He has traveled widely. (D) He was recommended by a colleague. 83. Nguoi ndi da gap George Woo 6 dau? (A) Trong mét chuyén di tham quan (B) Trong mot hdi thao viét lach (C) Trong mot higu séch (D) Tai mét hdi nghj sé lam gi? ndi 84, Ngudi néi néi c (A) Chuan bj mét bi (B) Giri bin thao (©) Cép nhat so yéu ly lich (D) Ghé thm m6t van phong 85. Tai sao ngudi néi mudn lam viée véi George Woo? (A) Ong da lam viéc trén cac loai séch twong mét tac gia ban chay nhat. a di du lich nhiéu noi. (D) Ong dy duge mét ding nghiép gidi thiéu. TOEIC MR.TRU - 07.6677.6575 4. (M-Au) Hi, this is Alex from maintenance. * I got your call about the light switch in your office that isn't working. * I've left a message asking the electrician to come out and check the problem. I'm not sure whether we can just replace the switch, or if more extensive wiring work will be needed. **I'll give you a status update tomorrow after I've spoken with the electrician, but it may take a couple of days to get the problem taken care of. (M-Au) Xin chao, day 1a Alex tir b6 phan bao tri. © Toi da nhan duge cugec goi cia ban Vé cng tte din trong vin phong khéng hoat ding. “ Toi da dé Iai tin nhiin yéu cu t6i va kiém tra vn 48, Toi khong chic ligu chting t0i c6 thé thay thé cng tc, giri ban cp nhat tinh hinh mai sau khi téi néi chuyén voi thy dign, nhumg cé thé mat vai ngay dé vin 8 duge gidi quyét. 83. What is the purpose of the call? (A) To give installation instructions (B) To inquire about a product (C) To respond to a repair request (D) To propose a schedule change 84, Who will the speaker get assistance from? (A) A computer technician (B) An electrician (C) An office manager (D) A salesperson 85. What does the speaker promise to do tomorrow? (A) Drop off a part (B) Pay an invoice (©) Provide an update (D) Apply for a permit 83. Mue dich cua cue goi la (A) Dé cung cép hung dan cai dat (B) Dé hoi vé mét san pham (C) Dé dap tng yéu cau sira chira (D) Dé xuat thay déi lich tinh 84, Ngudi néi sé nhan duge sy tro gidp tir ai? (A) M6t ky thuat vién may tinh (B) M6t thy dign (C) Mét ngudi quan ly van phong (D) M6t nhan vién bén hang 85. Nguoi néi hita sé lam gi vao ngay mai? (A) Dé lai mét b6 phan (B) Thanh todn héa don (C) Cung cp ban cp nhit (D) Xin giay phép TOEIC MR.TRU - 07.6677.6575 5. (M-Cn) Hi, Ms. Pinto, "I'm calling from. TGM Apparel regarding the order you placed last week. Your order included a green striped sweater, °° but unfortunately, we no longer carry that particular item. T've refunded the charge for the sweater back to your credit card, and * to compensate you for the inconvenience, I will mail you a coupon for $10 toward your next purchase. We hope you'll take another look at our Web site - you might be interested in one of the other sweaters we carry. (M-Cn) Xin chio, c6 Pinto, "Tdi dang goi tir TGM Apparel lign quan dén don hing ma ban dit tuin truéc. Don dat hang cia ban bao gdm mét 4o len soc xanh, * nhung tht khng may, ching tdi khéng con mt hang dic bigt 6. T6i da hoan lai tin cho 40 len vao thé tin dung cia ban, va 4é bi dip cho ban vi sy bat tign nay, tdi sé giri cho ban phiéu giam gia cho $10 cho lan mua hang tiép theo cia ban. Cining tdi hy vong ban sé xem qua trang web ctia chiing t6i - ban c6 thé quan tam dén m6t trong nhitng chiéc 4o len khéc ma chiing t6i cd. 92. What did Ms. Pirato do last week? (A) She placed an order. (B) She opened an account. (©) She requested an estimate. (D) She changed a delivery date 93. What problem does the speaker mention? (A) A Web site is not working (B) A shipment was sent to the wrong address. (©) A credit card number is incorrect. (D) An item is unavailable. 94, What does the speaker say he will send? (A) A discount coupon (B) A store catalog (C) Anew credit card (D) A product sample 92. C6 Pirato da lim gi tuan trade? (A) Cé Ay dat hang. (B) C6 ay da mé mét tai khoan. (©) C6 ay da iu mot ude tinh. (D) Cé ay da thay déi ngay giao hang. 93, Nguoi ndi dé cap dén van dé gi? (A) M6t trang web khéng hoat dong. t 16 hang da duge giti dén dia chi sai. (C) $6 the tin dung khong chinh xéc. (D) Mét mat hang khong cé sin. (A) Mét phiéu giam (B) Mét danh myc cita hang (C) Mot the tin dung méi (D) M6t mau san pham TOEIC MR.TRU - 07.6677.6575 6. (M-Cn) Hi, Ms. Patel, it's Matthew Schwartz, from Green Grounds. I just wanted * to confirm the landscaping details for the office park you manage. As we discussed, ** we'll be planting 70 new trees and bushes throughout the property, We'll also put in a large flower garden in the courtyard. You mentioned that you might want us to do some additional work near the pond. If you could call me and explain what you'd like to have done there, ** I can prepare a final price estimate for you. We look forward to working with you on this project. (M-Cn) Xin chao, cé Patel, day Ia Matthew Schwartz dén tir Greenground. Téi chi muén ®5 x4 nhfn cdc chi tiét vé camh quan cho céng vién vin phong ma ban quan ly. Nhw ching ta da thao luan, ™ ching ta sé trong 70 cay va bui cay mdi trén khap céng vién. Ching t6i cting sé dat m6t vudn hoa lon sung gan ao, Néu ban cé thé goi cho toi va gidi thich nhing gi ban mudn lam 6 d6, * ti c6 thé chudin bj mot bin uée tinh gid ea cudi cing cho ban. Chiing tdi mong mudn. duge lam vige véi ban trong dy én nay. 83, What is the message mainly about? (A) Plans for an upcoming project (B) An agenda for a meeting (C) An interview schedule for a candidate (D) Details of a property sale 84. Where does the speaker most likely work? (A) At a real estate agency (B) Ata city park (©) At an equipment-rental store (D) At a landscaping company 85. According to the message, what will the speaker do after talking to Ms. Patel? (A) Prepare a cost estimate (B) Inspect a building (C) Advertise a property (D) Telephone a colleague 83. Tin nhin nay chi yéu néi vé cai gi? (A) Ké hoach cho m@t dy An sip téi (B) Chuong trinh nghj sy cho mét cude hop (©) Lich phéng van cho img vin (D) Chi tiét vé viée ban bat dong sin 84, Ngudi néi cé kha ning lam vige & dau nit? (A) Tai mét dai ly bat dong sin (B) Tai m6t céng vin thanh phd (©) Tai m6t cita hang cho thué thiét bj (D) Tai mot céng ty cénh quan 85. Theo tin nhan, ngudi néi sé 1am gi sau khi ndi chuyén véi ba Patel? (A) Chuan bj dy toan (B) Kiém tra m6t toa nha (C) Quang céo tai sin (D) Goi thoai cho ding nghiép TOEIC MR.TRU - 07.6677.6575 7. Hello, this is Natasha Klein. I had dinner at your restaurant last night, and “'I think Ileft my mobile phone there. I was sitting in a booth at the back of the dining room, and 4 my purse was on the seat. ‘The phone must have fallen out when I took out my credit card to pay for dinner. "Could you please call and let me know if the phone's been found? If so, I could stop by this afternoon to pick it up. You can reach me at my work number — 555-0196. Thank you. Xin chao, day 1 Natasha Klein. “tai da an téi tai nha hang cia ban dém qua, va *'ti ng! i dé quén dign thoai di déng cia toi & dé. Tdi ngéi trong mét gian 4 phia sau clia phong dn, va vi cila t6i dé tén ghé. “\Chiée dign thoai ch: a roi chiéu nay dé lay n6, Ban cé thé goi cho tdi tai s6 - 555-0196. Cam on ban. 80. Who is the message most likely intended for? (A) A restaurant manager (B) A bank teller (C) A coworker (D) A delivery driver 81, What is the speaker calling about? (A) A missed appointment (B) A lost item (C) An upcoming reservation (D) A new account 82, What does the speaker ask the listener to do? (A) Call her back (B) Meet her for lunch (C) Send her an e-mail (D) Mail her a package 79. Tin nhan c6 kha nang nhat danh cho ai? (A) Mét quin ly nha hang (B) Mét giao dich vién ngan hang ding nghiép (D) M6t tai xé giao hang 80. Ngudi néi dang goi vé viée gi? (A) Mot cudc hen bj nh (B) Mot mén dé bi mat (C) Mét su dat phong sap téi (D) M6t tai khoan méi 81. Ngudi néi yéu cdu ngudi nghe lam gi? (A) Goi lai cho cé ay (B) Gap c6 Ay vao bita tra (C) Gtti cho cd dy mot e-mail (D) Git cho c6 dy mét géi TOEIC MR.TRU - 07.6677.6575 8. Hi, this is Paul Tanaka, “I'm calling because I've just received my credit card statement, and I noticed a charge from your store for 95 dollars. “I bought a pair of black dress shoes at your store when I was in town last month on a business trip, “but they only cost 65 dollars. If necessary, “I can mail you a copy of the receipt for the shoes so that you can correct the charge on my account. Please call me at 555-0194 to let me know what I should do. , day 1 Paul Tanaka, “t6i goi dign i vira méi nh§n duge ban sao ké dung cia tdi, va tdi nhin thay mot khoan phi tir cira hang cia ban cho 95 dollars. ” Téi da mua m6t déi giay mau den tai cira hang ciia ban khi t6i 6 thi tran. thang trude trong mgt lan di cng t4 “nhung can thiét, “tdi c6 thé giri cho ban m6t ban sao bién lai ciia déi gidy dé ban cé thé sira lai chi phi trén tai khoan cia ti. Hay goi cho t0i tai 555-0194 dé cho t6i biét t0i nén Lam gi. 71. What is the purpose of the call? (A) To place a new order (B) To report a billing proplem (C) To complain about a damaged item (D) To ask about a store's return policy 72. What did the man buy? (A) Sports equipment (B) A video game (C) A business book (D) A pair of shoes 73. What does the man offer to do? (A) Send a receipt (B) Pay the shipping charge (C) Open an account (D) Go back to the store TI. Mye dich eta cugc goi la gi? (A) Dé dat hang moi (B) Dé bao céo mot van dé (C) Dé khiéu nai (D) Dé hoi hang thanh toan 72. Nguoi dan dng di mua gi? (A) Thiét bi thé thao rd choi video cuén séch kinh doanh (C) Mo m6t tai khoan (D) Quay tré Iai ciza hang TOEIC MR.TRU - 07.6677.6575 a Hii, this is Keith, We're supposed to meet at your office on Thursday at two o'clock to discuss the Grandison project. But I just realized that I have a meeting with the lead , contractor for that project at one. We're meeting at the construction site which means that I won't be able to get back to your office by two. "Could you come to the construction site instead? That way, "we can still meet at two, and I can show you how the project is coming along. Xin chio, day Ia Keith. Ching ta dinh gap nhau tai van phong cua ban vao thir Nam lic 2:00 dé thao lun vé dy én Grandison. Nhung t6i nbn ra rang ti cé mt cudc hop voi cde nha thdu chinh cho dy 4n nay cing Itc. “Ching tdi sé hop tai céng trudng xay dyng c6 nghia 1A ti sé khong thé tré lai van phang cita ban true 2 gid due. 81 Ban cé thé dén céng trong xay dung khéng? Bang cach d6, “ching ta van cé thé gp mhau lic 2 gid va t6i c6 thé chi cho ban du an dang dién ra nhu thé nao. 80. Why does the speaker ask to change the meeting place? (A) It is not convenient for the client. (B) He is unfamiliar with the area. (C) He cannot get there on time. (D) The room is not big enough. 81.Where does the speaker suggest the listener meet him? (A) At another office (B) Ata construction site (C) Ata warehouse (D) Ata conference center 82, What time does the speaker want to meet with the listener? (A) At 1:00 P.M (B) At 2:00 P.M (©) At3.00 P.M (D) At 4:00 P.M 80. Tai sao ngudi néi yéu cau thay ddi dia diém hop? (A) No khéng thudn tign cho khéch hing. (B) Anh dy kh6ng quen thuge véi khu vuc. (C) Anh dy khong thé dén dé dang gis. (D) Phong khéng dit lén. 81. Nguoi néi dé nghi nguéi nghe gap anh ta & dau? (A) Tai mot van phng khae (B) Tai mot cong trudng xay dung (©) Tai m6t nha kho (D) Tai mot trung tam hoi nghj 82. Ngudi néi muén gap ngudi nghe hic may gio? (A) Lite 1:00 chiéu (B) Lite 2:00 chid (©) Lic 3:00 a (D) Lite 4:00 a TOEIC MR.TRU - 07.6677.6575 10. Hi, Robin, its John. Tm calling to let you know that Il be a little late getting to the office today. My water heater suddenly stopped working, so I called a repairperson to come and fix it. "I'm waiting for him to get here. Unfortunately “this means 1 won't be able to attend the sales meeting at nine thirty. “There are copies of the meeting agenda on my desk - could you hand them out at the meeting? Thanks so much. (M-Au) Xin chao anh Robin, ti 1a John di TOi goi dé cho anh biét ring hém nay téi si dén van phong mun 1 chit. May nuée néng ciia t6i dot nhién ngimg hoat dong, vi vay t6i da goi thg dén sira né. "Ti dang cho anh ta dé nha sira. That khong may ” digu nay c6 nghia la toi sé khong thé tham dy cac cue hop ban hang lic chin gid rwai. Toi da dé cae ban sao cia chong trinh hop trén ban cia minh - Anh cé thé gidp tdi phan phat cho moi ngwii tai cuge hop khong? Cam on Anh rit nhiéu, 71. Why will the speaker be late for work? (A) His car has broken down. (B) He is waiting for a repairperson. (C) He has a medical appointment. (D) His train has been delayed 72. What is the speaker scheduled to do at 9:307 (A) Open a store (B) Train new staff (C) Make a delivery (D) Attend a meeting 73. What does the speaker ask the listener to do? (A) Distribute some documents (B) Type a report (©) Provide driving directions (D) Buy some supplies 71. Tai sao ngudi n6i sé di lam mugn? (A) Chiée xe cua anh 4y da bj hong. (B) Anh dy dang ch dgi m9t thy siza chira. (© Anh Ay 6 mot cudc hen y té. (D) Chuyén tau cia anh dy da bj hoan. 72. Ngudvi néi dy kién Lam gi hic 9:30? (A) Mo mét cita hang (B) Dio tao nhan vién méi (© Thyc hign giao hang (D) Tham dy mot cuge hep 73, Ngudi néi yéu cdu ngudi nghe lam gi? (A) Phan phat mit sé tai ligu (B) Nhip b4o c4o (C) Cung cap chi dan lai xe (D) Mua mét 6 vat nr

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