Android Based Encrypted SMS System

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Android is mobile operating system based on the Linux kernel and currently developed by
Google. Mobile phone users desire more secure and private communication in their daily uses
of their mobiles. This is especially important in communications of secret nature such as that
in military and governmental communication. Securing voice calls is a difficult task as calls
may be tabbed in transmission through various means. On the other hand, securing
communication through the popularly used means, namely text messages, can be useful and
helpful in many cases. We are going to describe secured text massages communication via
SMS. For this purpose, we are going to develop a mobile based application named Encrypted
SMS System (ESS). It encrypts a text massage before sending it and decrypts the massage in
the receiver side. In this way the massage is unreadable while transmitted even if it is intercept
while transmitting it over the network. This plan saves time and space as there is no need for a
database to store the secret key related to each massage.

Literature Survey
Encrypted SMS System is an advanced encryption and decryption system targeting the SMS
for android users both sender and receiver. User can send an encrypt messages while you can
decrypt an encrypt messages. The system has three main models inbox, contact, and favorite.
The system makes use of the estimation that you see in the inbox, but the system builder so it
was out the one which are encrypted and shows it in the personal inbox of the application.
Same goes for the same tab the messages which are sent to snap will be shown in the same tab.
The favorite plays an important role the user is allowed to save a contact as favorites entering
the contact shared key also. So when the user receives any messages from the contacts marked
as favorite are auto decrypted while others have an option to manually enter the key to decrypt
every time. When the user wants to read the messages the share private is already define in the
application and one has not to insert anything but the messages is encrypted the single key. So
the receiver of the messages should have the sender’s key that is mandatory. The key is auto
generated and cannot be change, but for the user is the system allows the user to save it along
with the contact detail of the favorite. The logging is necessary or as a single user can have
multiple account with different ID’s so that we can maintain each account for different purposes
and not clubbing them. This is make use of the AES algorithm to encrypt and decrypt messages,
this app uses Android Studio as it intent.
Data Encryption and Decryption

Encryption is the process of translating plain text data into something that appears to be random
and meaningless. Decryption is the process of converting cipher text back to plaintext.
To encrypt more than a small amount of data, symmetric encryption is used. A symmetric key
is used during both the encryption and decryption processes. To decrypt a particular piece of
cipher text, the key that was used to encrypt the data must be used.

The goal of every encryption algorithm is to make it as difficult as possible to decrypt the
generated cipher text without using the key. If a really good encryption algorithm is used, there
is no technique significantly better than methodically trying every possible key. For such an
algorithm, the longer the key, the more difficult it is to decrypt a piece of cipher text without
possessing the key.
It is difficult to determine the quality of an encryption algorithm. Algorithms that look
promising sometimes turn out to be very easy to break, given the proper attack. When selecting
an encryption algorithm, it is a good idea to choose one that has been in use for several years
and has successfully resisted all attacks.
System Architecture

Fig: System Architecture

Working of Software Application

Fig: Sender’s View Fig: Receiver’s View

Why AES Algorithm

From the given survey we found that there are so many encryption and decryption algorithm
are available. Among all these algorithm we choose AES Algorithm. AES Algorithm is most
secure and require less time for sending the message. If the message size is more than 256 bits
then it required more time and space for sending and receiving message. Because of all these
problems we select AES Algorithm.
System Requirements

Selection of Software and Language

Front End : VB.NET
Back End : SQL Server
Platform : Windows 10 Pro
IDE : Eclipse, Android Studio
Supporting OS : Android 2.3 to above

Selection of Hardware
Processor : Intel Core i3-8100
Hard Disk : 90 GB
RAM : 8 GB
Other Hardware : Android Mobile

The application of SMS Encryption of AES algorithm on android application will be designed
and implemented. The application will run in the mobile phone and do not require any
additional encryption devices. The result will show that suitable and easy to implement in
mobile device for the proposed scheme. With the increasing use of SMS for communication
and information exchange, care should be taken when sensitive information will transmitted
using SMS. Users should be aware that SMS messages might be subject to interception.
Solutions such as encrypted SMS should be considered if there is a need to send sensitive
information via SMS.

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