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Jetcar is not only an innovative company but also it is fast growing which keep in the view of
the environment pollution and also think for the social responsibility which make them an
attractive employer. To work in such innovative company which is growing fast will help
employee high wages and bonuses in future. Jetcar is the solution to the fast transportation
and which makes them unique in the market. Jetcar is trying to reduce the environmental
pollution which is one of the biggest concern of the world and the benefit of this is the
positive attitude of the customer and loyalty to the company which also giving some of the
benefits such as a little advance for 1 hour. Since they are an innovative company they like
the innovative employee to work for them and they help and guide their employee. From
the values and culture it seems that Jetcar motivates, encourages and appreciates their
innovative employee for their skills and abilities which they are putting in the company.
Employee wants to work into innovative and less regulation environment which is doing
best in the competitive market. The culture and value of the Jet car is what get more
attention to the employee and jet car so much concern for its values and culture.
For being such an innovative and fast growing company following should be the
characteristics for the potential employees:
Passion to work:
Company needs to find passion of the candidates for doing the job in the company. The
more employee is passionate to work the more company will grow.
Using their abilities and skills:
Finding a right skill employee for right job is a difficult task. Jetcar should see the the
employee who put all his skills and abilities into action for the organization. For this
employer need to check the motivation and enthusiasm of the candidate for the job.
Ambitious Employee
The employee who are motivated and hardworking are the main key of the company for
success. Ambitious employee will take the organization into the stairs of success. Employer
have to see the hard work level and motivation of the employee for job.
Loyalty for the Company
One of the main issue for the company is that their employee are not loyal to them. Which
means they are not for long term. They are only there to take salaries. Employer should see
the long term loyalty in the candidate for the job and organization.
Creative and smart employee
Jet car is an innovative company. They need smart and creative employee to work for them.
For this the employer should be more focused on the creativity of that employee.
Three Behavior questions

 Have you ever set a goal and failed to achieve it? What was your reaction at that
 How you resolve conflict with a coworker? Have you ever been to a conflict with
anyone in your life and how you resolve it?
 What mistake you made in your previous work? Did raise a question on your
creativity or decision making ability?
Three Situational questions:

 If you face situation where you did a mistake and no one noticed it? Are you going to
tell other for your mistake or just ignore it and keep going?
 What would be your attitude or action towards a dissatisfied and angry customer?
What will you do to resolve it?
 Are you going to do a task that you have never performed? What would be your
reaction towards that task?

Different methods are used by organization for apprising their employee on their
performance. Following are the tools that BPL can use for appraisal of the employee
Scale rating by graph:
This method can be used to view the lowest and high performance with the help of a graph.
The division is on the three basis given below
Descriptive category
It tells you attendance, work quantity, and what value did the employee have to the
Job duties
It is all about job description of the employee
Behavioral dimensions
It tells you about the decision making, effective communication and how the employee is
Comparative method
This method is used for the comparing the different employees with each other. It gives you
valid measures for knowing the performance. Following are included in it.
It is about the rank on the basis of performance form lowest to highest. One of the
disadvantage of this is that it cannot detect the level of performance accurately.
Force distribution
It is the bell shape curved which shows the distribution of rating of the employees
Category scaling method
It is the simplest method to be used for appraisal performance. A check list or the statement
can be used to represent the performance of the employee.
Following are the benefits of performance appraisal
Operation competency
It will allow to increase the operation with the help of appraisal.
Corporate growth
The corporate growth will be enhanced
Help to improve job performance
It also allows BPL to answer the question of improving the job performance of the employee
Employee seek guidance from their managers for improvement of their work. Feedback and
goal setting are the two main example of guidance. In employees training for the
performance management tells them how they will be evaluated. The relation of training
and performance seems very strong. Training is all about improvement of performance
management in the organization or work environment. It shows the path to the employees
how the task and job have to be done and the imperative thing to be noted is that what the
managers are expecting from the task.
Strategies of organization
Here the company should develop some strategies for which help to increase the employees
performance by creating pefmance management process.
Performance management
The identification of the expected performance level from the individual employee is done
here firstly. The ecncouragement for the high performance from their employee is done
secondly. Thirdly the performance should be measured and should evaluated according the
standard developed by the organization. Feedback should be taken from the employees and
finally reward have to be given for high performing employee.
The outcome of this would be the employees who performed well will be rewarded. The
salary can be increased, promotion is done, opportunities for training and development for
the employees, and most importantly other employees will perform will in order to get
these rewards.
If performance management goes will the organization goals will be achied and most
importantly organization will be growing and succeeding. Performance managemtn
supports the trining process. As employees will be reaching the expectation of the managers
and the organization.
Training is about to enhance the skill set and abilities for performing the relevant tasks for
the organization. There are multifarious methods for training but the major ones are
Internal and external training
Internal training
Organization creates the training material inside the organization for different jobs. In this
informal training can be used which includes the informal interactions. Here the two jobs
are performed simultaneously.
External training
The trainings which are outsourced, not done by the organization itself. It can be done
through training agency or by government. The simulations, games and e-learning are the
effective method for training the employees.
It includes the virtual reality which is all about the real world environment. It is effective
method for real scenarios to be performed and mistakes are acceptable here.
The training games can help to enhance the leadership skills.
It is all about the web based training. It is convenient and easily available.
Different skill such as leadership skills, behavioral skills, and mentoring skills for making the
supervisors understand the effectiveness of leadership which can be added to the program.
Simulations will show the leaders how to react and contribute for the company and games
will help to build the leadership skills and enhanced the decision making.
Apart from these in leadership training program coaching is the best method for developing
potential leaders. Accountability, change in management, influencing power, and
communication are the skills that should be included in the leadership training program.

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