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CSR by Sir Masroor Soomro

Ethical issues and examples of
Companies that working on CSR with
personal opinion

Zahir nabi
013-17-0132 BBA-6B
Ethical issues and examples of Companies that working on CSR
with Personal Opinion

CSR Activity of Coca Cola - Charitable Giving

Coca Cola – a carbonated drink company – is one of many companies that does CSR activities
regularly in every country it operates. In Pakistan, Coca Cola has initiated many CSR activities.
Its one of the most popular CSR activity is their “1+1” campaign, where on each Coca Cola
bottle purchased, the company will take 01 rupee out of their pocket and our money from their
sale and will done Abdul Sattar Edhi foundation. They revamped whole design of their
beverages and put huge picture of Abdul Sattar Edhi for this campaign. The whole Coca Cola
campaign was oriented towards the charity giving.

Opinion: yes, this CSR activity is totally ethical as it provides benefits to the needy one by
providing Edhi a kind of financial supports. Edhi Foundation helps poor and needy people all
over the Pakistan 24/7. This CSR activity boosts the sale of Coca Cola but there is nothing
unethical about it since no one exploited.

CSR Activity of Netflix and Spotify – Improving labor Policies

From a social viewpoint, organizations, for example, Netflix and Spotify offer advantages to help
their workers and families. Netflix offers 52 weeks of paid parental leave, which can be taken
whenever whether it is the primary year of the child's life or some other time that suits their
requirements. the normal leave for any other tech company revolves around 18 weeks per
year. Spotify offers 06 weeks more than the usual companies i.e., 24 weeks.

Opinion: Netflix and Spotify in this scenario are both involved in ethical CSR activity. Actually,
they are providing extra ordinary flexibility regarding leaves for their employees. These extra
leaves could be key to high motivation of loyalty to not only the company but the job itself. And
plus, employees of both companies can spend more of their crucial time of their lives with their
families and they even go for sabbaticals.

Volkswagen Fake CSR Activity

The Volkswagen case speaks to over each of an outright disappointment as far as Corporate
Social Responsibility (CSR). The organization purposely set out to plan a way to bypass emission
control with the point of giving the organization a competitive edge over its rivals that made it
the world's main vehicle creator, in enormous part based on its evidently earth agreeable
vehicles; in the interim it was harming the planet. This dismissal of any ethical principles in
designing, which has prompted the abdication of the CEO, yet additionally Audi's head of R+D
and Porsche's motor boss, makes one thing totally understood: the organization's CSR division
more likely than not realized what was happening. We are discussing a motor engine here, a
piece of metal, not some understanding or shade of significance. Volkswagen did everything it
could to conceal the way that its diesel motors were exceptionally contaminating. By what
means can the head of CSR deny he knew the slightest bit about what was happening? Either
that individual was not managing their responsibility, or they were conniving. The end must be
that for Volkswagen, CSR is a promoting exercise.

Opinion: Here in this case of Volkswagen, it was clear that the whole CSR activity was gimmick
or marketing stunt to elevate their sales and nothing more. Engine was diesel powered, was no
any better in reduction of green house gases as it promised to be. This CSR activity was
unethical on so many levels like lying and deceit with customers, using CSR for marketing, and
not providing what they promised.

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