Lifwriz Rizal Timeline

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Timeline of Important Events:

Jose Rizal’s Travel to Europe

May 3, 1882 Rizal departed on board the Spanish streamer

Salvadora bound for Singapore.

May 9, 1882 The Salvadora docked in Singapore. Rizal stayed

at Hotel de la Paz and spent two days on a
sightseeing soiree of the city. 

May 11, 1882 Rizal transferred to another French streamer


May 17, 1882 The Djemnah ship reached Point Galle, a seacoast
…………………….. town in southern Ceylon (Sri Lanka). The following
…………………… the voyage continued towards Colombo.

June 11, 1882 Rizal reached Naples. The city pleased him
……………………...because of its business activity, its lively people,
…………………… and its panoramic beauty.

June 12, 1882 The Djemnah ship docked at the French harbor of
Marseille, where he stayed two and a half days.
June 15, 1882 Rizal left Marseilles to proceed to Spain via train.
He crossed the Pyrenees and stopped for a day at
the frontier town of Port Bou, where passport
inspection happened.

June 16, 1882 Rizal continued his trip by rail and finally reached
his destination Barcelona.

August 20, 1882 The Diariong Tagalog published Amor Patrio, the
first nationalistic essay written by Rizal on Spain’s

November 3, 1882 Rizal enrolled in the Universidad Central De

Madrid in two courses, which are Medicine
and Philosophy and Letters. He also
studied painting and sculpture at the
Academy of Fine Arts of San Fernando and
practiced fencing and shooting in the Hall of
Arms of Sanz y Carbonell.

March 1833 Rizal joined the Masonic lodge called Acacia in Madrid to secure
Freemasonry’s aid in his fight against the friars in the Philippines.

June 21, 1884 Rizal completed his medical course in Spain; he was conferred the
degree of Licentiate in Medicine by Universidad Central de Madrid.

1884.1885 Rizal studied and passed all subjects leading to degree of Doctor of

June 18, 1885 Rizal was awarded the degree of Licentiate in Philosophy and
Letters by the Universidad Central de Madrid with excellent ratings.
November 1885 Rizal went to Paris to acquire more knowledge
ophthalmology, as he wanted to cure his
mother’s growing eye ailment.

February 1- Rizal reluctantly left Paris and moved to

February 3, 1886 Heidelberg, Germany for additional

………………………knowledge about ophthalmology.

November 1886 Rizal arrived and stayed in Berlin to gain further

knowledge in ophthalmology, studies of sciences
and languages, political and economic condition of
the German nation, associate with famous German
scholars and scientists, and publish his novel Noli
Me Tangere.

March 21, 1887 Noli Me Tangere came off the printing press with the help
of his friend Maximo Viola, who loaned him the needed
funds to publish the novel.

May 11, 1887 Rizal and his friend Viola left Berlin by a
train and started their grand tour in Europe.

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