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Simulation Automotive

Shock Absorbers

Evaluating Shock Absorbers

Shock absorbers in motor vehicles greatly influence driving safety and comfort.
Good shock absorbers exhibit the desired effects across a vast spectrum of
continuously varying operating conditions.
Shock absorbers employ a large number of hydraulic resistors that have non-linear
characteristic curves and are switched on and off as a function of the operational
mode. The working properties of shock absorbers are conventionally adapted at the
cost of great experimental effort. Now ITI-SIM provides an alternative for evalu-
ating their properties in advance of construction.

The model of the shock absorber can quickly generated using pre-defined ITI-SIM
model objects. In the present example, it is important to integrate measured charac-
teristic curves for the pre-defined model objects. The model therefore contains many
objects of the "Throttle Valve" type from the ITI-SIM Hydraulics library, in which
measured characteristic curves are taken into account. As an alternative, hydraulic
objects can also be parameterized via geometric information. Data on the dynamic
properties of tires, roadway, axle and vehicle mass, as well as shock absorbers is
gathered with objects from the ITI-SIM library Mechanics, such as
Springs/Dampers/Backlash, Friction, Mass and External Load.
Using High-performance ITI-SIM Object Models
• Modeling of
The ITI® -SIM models for mapping the shock absorber are designed with resistors any non-
and check valves. While the user demands extreme flexibility for the input of non-
linear parameters and characteristic curves, ITI-SIM allows
• entering any number of variables and formulas in the input field of any
• reading in measured data using External Functions, • Mechanics
• creation of any number of characteristic curve progressions with the ITI-SIM and hydraulics
model object Function Generator or point-by-point input with General Charac- in one model
teristics and
• use of the ITI-SIM object External Table z = f(x,y) for multi-dimensional char-
acteristic map dependencies and for characteristic map approximation. • Parameter
using geomet-
ric data

• Simulation of
such as
friction, mass

• Model
Analysis and Evaluation using ITI-SIM and validation
Design and optimization of shock absorbers has been a demanding task. In particu-
lar, finding optimum values and characteristic curves for the hydraulic flow resistors
requires great experimental effort and a lot of experience. Computer handling at a
reasonable cost and within a relevant time period in practice has not been feasible
up to now, due to the complexity of the problem, the interaction of mechanical and
hydraulic components, and the non-linearities of the parameters and properties.
ITI-SIM allows the simulation of combined hydraulic-mechanical models at the
system level. It can be used to optimize the hydraulic or mechanical structure as
well as to find optimum settings for certain parameters in advance of the construc-
tion. This saves substantial costs and helps prevent failures in development. The
results obtained by simulation have been compared with experimental data and
evaluated for their validity.

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