HBS-Essay 2 Tell Us About Something You Wish You Had Done Better. (400 Words)

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HBS- Essay 2

Tell us about something you wish you had done better. (400 words)
399 words:

In July 2012, the company I work for was approached by Q Advisors investment bank to
participate in an auction for Neverblue, a leading high-performance advertising agency. The
owners were bankrupt and Q Advisors had been appointed to sell the company. We had four
weeks to evaluate Neverblue, determine the price we would pay and devise a bidding

After analyzing Neverblue's profit and loss, growth engines, industry multiples and
operational structure, I was confident that Neverblue was worth at least $30M, while the
minimum bid was $20M. The bankers presented the option of securing bidding protection at
a higher price, but also repeatedly issued advisements of lower expectations, such that most
of our executives and board members were assured that we were the sole bidders and could
win for $20M. They assumed that the stringent time constraints on evaluation, due diligence
and fundraising would discourage other buyers, and they saw no need for bidding

Something didn't feel right to me. The puzzle pieces just didn't fit together. Neverblue was a
great company and I saw no reason why others wouldn't bid, especially at less than $35M.
Contrary to prevailing opinion among our own management, I thought we should secure
bidding protection as soon as possible for $23-25M, in order to ensure our advantage while
covering expenses if we didn't win. My instincts had served me well in the past, allowing me
to advance rapidly in the company. Thus, I chose to voice my opinion despite its lack of
popularity. Though I would not normally give up so easily, when management chose not to
act I deferred to their greater experience and perspective, which I highly value. Going
against my best professional judgment, I did not persist.

One week prior to auction, we were caught off guard when we discovered that another
bidder had secured bidding protection at $26M, putting us at a disadvantage and costing us
the deal.

Despite the loss, the Chairman and CEO gave me a special bonus for my overall
performance. Still, it felt like a failure. If I hadn't deferred to senior management’s more
conservative opinion, the final outcome could have been more favorable. While I continue to
respect the views of my more experienced colleagues, I have since been more resolute in
expressing my input to major decisions and defending my views, even when large sums and
significant risks are involved.
HBS- essay 1

Tell about something you did well

400 words:

When our CEO said he would love for Matomy to become active in an underdeveloped area
of Israel, I immediately thought of Beer-Sheva. Located in the South of Israel, the town is a
genuine mosaic of cultures. Most notably, the city's Arab, Bedouin, Jewish and new
immigrant communities coexist harmoniously. I convinced the CFO that this was an
opportunity to encourage cultural coexistence and develop rural Israel while developing new
media opportunities. We could employ students and graduates from the local university,
retaining talented manpower in a town suffering from high unemployment rates. From a
business standpoint, wages would be higher than the local standard but still lower than our
average payroll.

Since companies want to give something back, yet not to lose money, my next step was to
develop a comprehensive action plan to ensure approval. Creating a lean operation utilizing
existing resources, I arranged for the first employees to join scheduled training programs at
our current existing units. Social and search advertising, two areas we wanted to develop,
were chosen as the endeavor's focus. Finally, I prepared a business synergy plan to increase
cross-activity with our other units. With the allocation of $500K, "MediaSheva" came to life.

It has since become a huge social and financial success – a profitable company that brings
great minds to Beer-Sheva and keeps them there, while simultaneously diversifying
Matomy's offering. In 2012, its second year of activity, MediaSheva employs around 20
people, generates approximately $10M in revenues and helpsing secure major accounts. For
example, Google allocated $10M to Matomy for advertising in developing countries in 2012,
$2M of which were allotted to MediaSheva.

In terms of its social agenda, MediaSheva has become an integral part of its community.
Employees instruct small businesses monthly on using Google and Facebook to promote
themselves, and Beer-Sheva's mayor has expressed interest in advancing our activities.
Soon, MediaSheva will help lead the city's new entrepreneur center.

I feel that my vision and objectives for MediaSheva have made a true impact on Matomy's
underlying foundations, shaping our young company's DNA. Management has regained
confidence in our ability to initiate and build new profitable activities, and we have since
successfully restructured a previously-struggling unit and established a new mobile
advertising unit. In 2012, these two units will each generate approximately $7.5M in
revenues and $500K in profit. MediaSheva's success has helped define Matomy's character
as a dynamic, entrepreneurial and socially responsible company.

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