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Romblon State University

Laboratory Science High School

Odiongan, Romblon


Disciplines and
Ideas in the
Social Sciences
The course introduces students to basic concepts, subjects, and methods of
inquiry in the disciplines that comprise the Social Sciences for Senior High School
students. It then discusses influential thinkers and ideas in these disciplines, and relates
First Semester
these ideas to the Philippine setting and current global trends.

Module 1: Emergence of the Social Sciences

This module will give you insights about Social Sciences as the study of society. It will also help
you trace the historical foundations and social contexts that will led to the development of Social
Science disciplines and their fields, main areas of inquiry, and methods.
As a learner, when you study our society, you also examine yourself and the community where
you belong. Social sciences do help in providing the necessary perspective and methodological tools in
order for you to understand the realities around that are more often than not, “hidden” from the “normal”
understanding of the world. Identifying what comprises the society is one of the easiest parts of the
social science agenda since it entails elucidation and recording of social phenomena.
Learning Objectives:
You will differentiate the nature and functions of Social Science disciplines with the
Natural Sciences and Humanities.
Specifically, this module will help you to:
 describe Social Sciences as a comprehensive study of society;
 compare and contrast Social Sciences, Natural Sciences, and Humanities;
 appreciate the importance of Social Sciences as instruments to deeply understand the society


Before starting the module, I want you to set aside other tasks that will disturb you while enjoying
the lessons. Read the simple instructions below to successfully enjoy the objectives of this kit. Have
1. Follow carefully all the contents and instructions indicated in every page of this module.
2. Write on your notebook the concepts about the lessons. Writing enhances learning that is
important to develop and keep in mind.
3. Perform all the provided activities in the module.
4. Let your facilitator/guardian assess your answers using the answer key card.
5. Analyze conceptually the posttest and apply what you have learned.
6. Enjoy studying!


• Expectations - These are what you will be able to know after completing the lessons in the module.
• Pretest - This will measure your prior knowledge and the concepts to be mastered throughout the
• Looking Back to your Lesson - This section will measure what learnings and skills did you
understand from the previous lesson.
• Brief Introduction - This section will give you an overview of the lesson.
• Discussion - This section provides a short discussion of the lesson. This aims to help you discover
and understand new concepts and skills.
• Activities - This is a set of activities you will perform with a partner.
• Remember - This section summarizes the concepts and applications of the lessons.
• Check your understanding - It will verify how you learned from the lesson.
• Posttest - This will measure how much you have learned from the entire module.

Let us start your journey in learning more about Social Sciences. I am sure you are ready and
excited to answer the Pretest. Smile and cheer up!


Directions: Read each question/sentence carefully and choose the letter of the best answer.
Write only the letter of the correct answer.

1. Which of the following definitions best describes the term “society”?

A. It is a small group of people whose members share tight, personal, and lasting
B. It is a large social group where the relationships among members are usually impersonal
and goal oriented
C. It is a collection of people whose members frequently meet and consider themselves as
parts of a group
D. It is an organized group of individuals whose members regularly meet or work together
and have a shared culture, interest, and territory

2. The following are the disciplines that are both associated with Social Sciences and
Humanities EXCEPT __________.
A. Anthropology B. Economics C. History D. Linguistics

3. Which academic discipline studies different human conditions and the ways wherein the
human experiences are processed and recorded?
A. Humanities B. Natural Science C. Philosophy D. Social Science

4. Which of the following terms refers to the body of knowledge concerned with the
systematic study of different facets of our society, several social phenomena, and the effects
of these occurrences on people’s lives?
A. Humanities B. Natural Science C. Philosophy D. Social Science

5. What element of Social Sciences places the entire area of study on the members of the
society and their social environments or backgrounds?
a. Empirical Analysis b. Nature c. Society d. Superstition

6. Which of the following areas of study concentrates on examining every natural

phenomenon that happened, or is currently occurring, in the world by means of tangible
evidences such as natural forces, artifacts, and fossils?
A. Humanities B. Natural Science C. Philosophy D. Social Science

7. Several intellectuals considered the use of philosophical approach in examining human

societies as an unpleasant continuing impact of the past that is needed to be opposed by
using critical reason, enlightenment, and, if necessary, revolution. Which of these
intellectuals founded Positivism to study our societies?
A. Auguste Comte B. Charles Darwin C. Herbert Spencer D. Karl Marx

8. The element of Social Sciences that puts the whole body of knowledge in an academic
mode of inquiry about our societies by means of the scientific method refers to __________.
A. Empirical Analysis B. Nature C. Society D. Superstition

9. What is the importance of the Age of Enlightenment in the history of Social Sciences?
A. It is where the Social Sciences started to become slightly scientific
B. It is where the origins of some of the significant concepts and purposes of Social Sciences
C. It is where numerous social philosophers used philosophical approaches in investigating
human societies
D. It is where scientific thoughts became more reliable than faith and superstition in
explaining various social phenomena

10. What is the similarity between Social Sciences and Natural Sciences?
A. Both areas utilize the scientific method in creating a study.
B. Both disciplines focus on the creative expressions of human experiences.
C. Both fields concentrate on observing and understanding numerous social phenomena.
D. Both studies explore the different laws of nature that govern our world through objective
and experimental methods.

Great, you finished answering the questions. You may request your facilitator to check your
work. Congratulations and keep on learning!


What comes into your mind when you hear the word “society”? Technically, society is usually
described as an organized group of individuals whose members work together or regularly meet and
have a shared territory, interest, and way of living. Likewise, it signifies companionship or association
with others. According to several philosophers, society is the outcome of the purposeful activities of the
people who came together for the achievement of a shared goal. Seems clear, right? However, do you
think it is enough for you to fully understand our society by merely using these definitions? Of course, it
is not enough. Society is too difficult to study due to its problems and complexities. That is why there is
a need for us to have helpful tools in comprehending these matters.
In this lesson, you will learn about the significance of Social Sciences as advantageous
instruments in studying the different facets of our society and understanding the burning issues and
complications surrounding it. In addition, you will also recognize the similarities and differences of
Social Sciences to other disciplines such as Natural Sciences and Humanities.


Emergence of the Social Sciences

Do you still remember the Battle of Marawi or

more popularly known as Marawi Siege? For historians,
it will never be forgotten since this armed conflict is
considered as the longest urban battle in Philippine
modern history. This five-month-long armed conflict
between the Armed Forces of the Philippines and the
militants, including the Maute group and the Abu
Sayyaf that are both associated with the Islamic
State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL), had caused
over a thousand casualties and left the beautiful
Islamic City of Marawi in ruins. On October 17, 2017,
the day after the militant leaders of both groups were reportedly killed during an operation, this battle
finally ended, and Marawi City was liberated. However, the impact of this urban battle can still be seen,
especially on the people of Marawi City who lived through its terrors. That is why many Filipinos are
asking about the government’s preparedness for this kind of conflict and the measures that it is doing to
prevent another battle to commence. Luckily, these questions can be resolved by the various
disciplines of Social Sciences, which investigate the different factors that affect and shape individuals
and societies such as culture, history, politics, and many more. Social Sciences, as the systematic
study of human society, can be considered as helpful tools that provide the necessary knowledge and
skills for us to deeply understand several social phenomena and, more importantly, to make our world a
better place to live in.

Essentially, the term “Social Sciences” is defined as the body of knowledge concerned with the
methodical study of various aspects of our society, numerous social phenomena, and the impacts of
these occurrences on people’s lives. It is characterized as the area of study that deals with the human
behavior in its cultural and social facets. Also, it is considered as the branch of science that focuses on
the interpersonal relationships among people living in a society. Over the past centuries, Social
Sciences focused on the contributing factors or elements that molded and governed the development of
the human civilization. Speaking of elements, what are the important elements of Social Sciences?


As you can see, there are two words comprising the term “Social Sciences.” These words
represent the two substantial elements of Social Sciences, which are the society (social) and the
empirical analysis (science). Society, the first element of Social Sciences, puts the entire body of
knowledge in individuals as social beings and their social backgrounds or environments. It situates
Social Sciences in people and social issues that are affecting them. On the other hand, empirical
analysis places the Social Sciences in an academic mode of investigation about human society using
the scientific method, the systematic and rational process of obtaining knowledge. Because of this
element, learning about society and understanding the things that are happening in it need to be
conducted experimentally such as having a keen observation, critical analysis, and interpretation of
social facts, which include data and information about a particular social phenomenon, identified from
the individuals living within a certain society. This element is also the reason why Social Sciences are
recognized as scientific disciplines, which help people grasp the idea of society and its complexities.
Now, the question is: How Social Sciences started to be recognized as scientific disciplines?


The roots of some of the important concepts and purposes of Social Sciences go completely
back to the ancient Greece. The contributions of the ancient Greece in the area of social thought are
still noticeable even up to these days. We have Social Sciences today because of the Greeks’
willpower to understand everything in the essence of rational inquiry. Without this determination, the
Renaissance and the Enlightenment, two historical periods where some of the major evolutionary ideas
emerged, would not have served their own respective purposes in the course of our civilization,
especially the Enlightenment (17th-18th century) where the study of society started to become somewhat
Before and during the Age of Enlightenment,
the approaches used by several social philosophers in
examining human societies were much more
philosophical than scientific. Numerous philosophes,
the intellectuals or social philosophers who shaped the 18th century Enlightenment,
considered this as a disagreeable continuing influence
of the past that is needed to be opposed through
enlightenment, critical reason, and, if necessary,
revolution. Because of this new spirit, several important Figure contributions
2: Philosophes were made for the Social
Sciences during the Age of Enlightenment such as growth when it comes to the consciousness of the
diversity of human experience in our world, spreading sense of the cultural or social character of human
actions within society, and, most prominently, the development of ideal of a science of society, a
distinct area of study that has its particular distinctive focus of attention.
Although Social Sciences have their own distinguishing
subject matters, these fields utilize the same philosophical system
that directed the progress of other disciplines such as Physical
Sciences and Biological Sciences, and that is Positivism.
Positivism is a philosophy that believes that every single
reasonable affirmation can be scientifically proven or tested by
empirical sciences or is capable of mathematical or logical
evidence. Furthermore, it holds that for us to attain a certain
scientific idea, objectivity and practical investigation of evidences
must be observed. This philosophical theory is guiding Social
Sciences in grasping and explaining numerous social phenomena Figure 3: Auguste Comte
through systematic observations, critical analyses, and
interpretations of social facts found among the people living in a
specific society such as interpersonal relationships and human activities. Auguste Comte (1798-1857),
the founder of Positivism and the one who foreshadowed the use of this philosophy in studying human
behaviors, argued that metaphysics and theology are imperfect methods in searching for knowledge;
that rational thought is far more powerful in comparison to faith and superstition in explaining different
social phenomena. He proposed that theism and metaphysics should be rejected since these modes of
knowledge cannot be proven by empirical analysis and, therefore, are unreliable. Now that you already
knew that Social Sciences are also employing the scientific method in studying their own subject
matters, the next question is: What makes Social Sciences different from other disciplines like Natural
Sciences and Humanities?


What makes Social Sciences unique from other
areas of study such as Natural Sciences and Humanities
is that these disciplines concentrate on analyzing and
explaining the different aspects of social life of the
individuals including their behaviors. Also, these fields
focus on observing and interpreting various social
phenomena. On the other hand, Natural Sciences, or
the sciences of nature, give attention on investigating Figure 4: Natural Science
every single natural phenomenon that occurred, or wissenschaft-medizin-dna-140901/

is currently happening, in our world using tangible evidences like natural forces, fossils, and artifacts.
These areas of study explore the laws of nature that rule our world through objective and empirical
approaches. Also, Natural Sciences can be further categorized into Physical Sciences, Biological
Sciences, Earth Sciences and many more. Humanities, differently, are academic disciplines that study
numerous human conditions and the manners wherein the human experiences are treated and
recorded. Additionally, these studies aim to comprehend the human perspective of individuals’ social
existence and the responses these people are displaying on different occurrences. For instance, the
literary works of Jose Rizal, such as Noli Me Tangere and El Filibusterismo, aim to educate the
Filipinos on the persecutions experienced by our countrymen during the Spanish regime.
Even though these three fields of study are different from one another, they are also sharing a
few similarities in some areas. Social Sciences, Natural Sciences, and Humanities are all employing the
scientific method in producing knowledge, though this systematic process is more usual in Social
Sciences and Natural Sciences since Humanities are more focused on the creative expressions of
human experiences. When it comes to the similarity between Social Sciences and Humanities, some of
the disciplines of Social Sciences are also affiliated with Humanities such as Anthropology, Linguistics,
and, especially, History. History is considered as the borderline to the two fields of knowledge since its
methods and insights penetrate both Social Sciences and Humanities.

Activity 1.1. Defining Moment
Objective: Describe Social Sciences as the comprehensive study of society.
1. Develop your own comprehensive definition of the term “Social Sciences.”
2. Use other sources like dictionaries and search engines if these will only serve as additional
Social Science /ˌsōSHəl ˈsīəns/ n. __________________________________________


Criteria Highest Possible Points

Content (presence of 10 points
Organization (order) 4 points
Style (choice of words) 4 points
Conventions (grammar, 2 points
Total 20 points

Activity 1.2. Triple Bottom Line (TBL) (Critical Thinking, Communication)

Objective: Compare and contrast Social Sciences, Natural Sciences, and Humanities
1. Compare and contrast Social Sciences, Natural Sciences, and Humanities
2. Make your Triple Venn Diagram.
3. Answer the guide questions that follow.

Guide Questions:
1. What are the similarities of Social Science to Natural Science and Humanities?
2. How does Social Science differ from Natural Science?
3. How does Social Science differ from Humanities?
Triple Venn Diagram

Activity 1.3. Slogan Making Period (SMP) (Character, Communication, Creativity)

Objective: Appreciate the importance of Social Sciences as instruments to deeply

understand the society

1. Generate your own slogan about the significance of Social Sciences as instruments in
understanding our society.
2. Create your output creatively and imaginatively.

Rubrics Criteria Highest Possible Points

Relevance (relation to the 20 points
Originality (uniqueness) 20 points
Creativity (artistry) 10 points
Overall Slogan Impact 10 points
Total 60 points

• The term “Social Sciences” is characterized as the body of knowledge concerned with the systematic
study of various aspects of human society, several social phenomena, and the effects of these
occurrences on people’s lives.

• Positivism is a philosophical theory that believes that all reasonable assertions can be systematically
tested or proven by empirical sciences or is capable of logical or mathematical evidence.
• Auguste Comte is the founder of Positivism and the one who suggested the use of this philosophical
system in learning about human behaviors.

• Natural Sciences concentrate on examining all natural phenomena that happened, or are currently
occurring, in the world through tangible evidences such as fossils, artifacts, and natural forces.

• Humanities are disciplines that deal with several human conditions and the manners in which the
human experiences are processed and recorded.


World of Words (WOW)

(Communication, Critical Thinking)
Based on the article about the “Marawi Siege” make a reflection paper on this five-
month-long armed conflict happened between the Armed Forces of the Philippines, Maute
group and the Abu Sayyaf, which occurred in the Islamic City of Marawi that caused over
thousand casualties and left the city ruined.

1. Use all the words/terms inside the box.
2. Consider other words/terms if needed, to strengthen your reflection.

Diversity Future Human Behavior Knowledge Interconnected

Peace Politics Respect Social Sciences Society


Criteria Highest Possible Points

Content (presence of 10 points
Organization (order) 4 points
Style (choice of words) 4 points
Conventions (grammar, 2 points
Total 20 points



Directions: Read each question/sentence carefully and choose the letter of the best answer. Write only
the letter of the correct answer.
1. “According to Albert Einstein, light has no mass. Thus, it also has no energy. However, how can
sunlight warm the earth without energy?”

Which of the following academic disciplines can answer this question?

A. Humanities B. Natural Sciences C. Social Physics D. Social Sciences

2. When a researcher tries to learn about human society and understand the things that are occurring
in it by conducting keen observations, critical analyses, and interpretations of social facts found from
the individuals living in a society, what element of Social Sciences does the researcher focus?
A. Empirical Analysis B. Nature C. Society D. Superstition

3. If the purpose of the scientific method in Natural Sciences is to study all natural phenomena that
happened, or are currently occurring, in our world using tangible evidences such as artifacts, fossils,
and natural forces, what is the purpose of the scientific method in Social Sciences?
A. To discover the laws of nature that rules our world.
B. To explore the creative expressions of human experiences.
C. To study the several human conditions and the manners wherein the human experiences are
processed and recorded.
D. To understand the different aspects of human society, several social phenomena, and the impacts of
these occurrences on people’s lives.

4. If the focus of the Natural Sciences is to explore all natural phenomena that occurred, or are
currently happening, in the world, what is the focus of the Humanities?
A. To study the different aspects of human society.
B. To explore the laws of nature that rules our world.
C. To discover the effects of social phenomena on people’s live.
D. To understand the numerous human conditions and the ways wherein the human experiences are
treated and documented.

5. In terms of the connection between Social Sciences and Humanities, some of the disciplines of
Social Sciences are also affiliated with Humanities. Which of the following disciplines of Social
Sciences is NOT associated with Humanities?
A. Anthropology B. Economics C. History D. Linguistics

6. Social Sciences began to become slightly scientific during the __________.

A. Age of Enlightenment B. Industrial Revolution C. Medieval Period D. Renaissance Period

7. Auguste Comte believed that theology and metaphysics are imperfect modes of knowledge and that
these two should be rejected since they cannot be verified by experimental investigation. Which of the
following tendencies of thought was founded by Auguste Comte to oppose the two studies?
A. Democracy B. Evolution C. Humanitarianism D. Positivism

8. In the elements of Social Sciences, the empirical analysis places the entire body of knowledge in a
systematic mode of inquiry about human societies through the scientific method while the society puts
the whole area of study on __________.
A. The creative expressions of human experiences
B. The people living in a society and their social environments or backgrounds
C. The study of all natural phenomena that occurred, or are currently occurring, in the world
D. The numerous human conditions and the manners in which the human experiences are treated and

9. Which of the following is NOT a definition of the term “society”?

A. It is the friendly association or companionship with other people
B. It is a large group of individuals whose relationships are impersonal and detached
C. It is the product of purposeful activities of individuals who came together for the attainment of a
common goal
D. It is an organized group of people whose members work together or regularly meet and have a
shared way of living, interest, and territory

10. The scientific method is less commonly used in what academic discipline?
A. Humanities B. Natural Science C. Social Physics D. Social Science


Abella, R. (2016). Introduction to the Philosophy of the Human Person. Quezon City, Philippines: C & E
Publishing, Inc.

Dela Cruz, A. R., Fadrigon, C., & Mendoza, D. (2016). Disciplines and Ideas in the Social Sciences.
Quezon City, Philippines: Phoenix Publishing House, Inc.

Delos Santos, D. L. (2017). Community Engagement, Solidarity, and Citizenship. Manila, Philippines:
Rex Book Store, Inc.

Sampa, E. (2017). Disciplines and Ideas in the Applied Social Sciences. Manila, Philippines: Rex Book
Store, Inc.

Tatel, C., Jr. (2016). Disciplines and Ideas in the Social Sciences. Manila, Philippines: Rex Book Store,

Online Sources
Bajo, A. F. & Bigtas, J. A. (2018, May 22). Revisiting the 2017 Marawi City siege. Retrieved from /654218/revisiting-2017-marawi-city-

Battle of Marawi. (2020, May 23). In Wikipedia. Retrieved from

Bhattacherjee, A. (2012). Social Science Research: Principles, Methods, and Practices. Retrieved from

Department of Education. (2014, February). Disciplines and Ideas in the Social Sciences [Curriculum
Guide]. Retrieved from

Department of Education Regional Office III. (2017, May). DISS Disciplines and Ideas in the Social
Sciences [Daily Lesson Plan]. Retrieved from

Grade 11 Humss Diss. (n.d.). Retrieved from 353485681/Grade-11


Nisbet, R. (2017, November 3). Social science. Retrieved from https://www.

Philosophes. (2020, May 17). In Wikipedia. Retrieved from https://en.wikipedia. org/wiki/Philosophes

Positivism. (n.d.). In Lexico. Retrieved from definition/positivism

Sir Denz Modules. (2019, July 1). DISS Discipline and Ideas in Social Sciences [Blog Post]. Retrieved

Society. (n.d.). In Merriam-Webster. Retrieved from https://www.merriam


Name: ____________________________________________ Grade and Section: ___________

School: __________________________ Date: __________ Subject Teacher: ______________

MELC: Differentiate the nature and functions of Social Science disciplines with the Natural sciences
and Humanities.
1. Appreciate the importance of Social Sciences as instruments to deeply understand the society.
2. Create a journal entry analyzing the importance of Social Sciences in combating Covid 19 pandemic.

Topic: Emergence of the Social Sciences

Journal Entry
Directions: From what you have learned about the lesson, create a journal entry on how Social
Sciences can help in the battle against Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19). Write your journal entry
on the space provided below. Reminder: Reading news articles and/or surfing the internet about the
contributions of Social Sciences in the prevention and control of other infectious diseases is/are highly

Jun Fely R. Vestido, LPT, MAEd

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