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A Narrative Report

ITEC 101 – Intro to Computing

A compilation of all Lesson, Activities and Performance Task

Group (4) number

Ariza B. Valdeabella

Janary DC. Bobadilla

Jan Mervin V. Delos Santos

Submitted to:
Rex V. Diaz
Instructor ITEC 101
1st Sem 2020-2021

An Individual Report
A Narrative Report

ITEC 101 – Intro to Computing

A compilation of all Lesson, Activities and Performance Task


Valdeabella, Ariza V.
Each Activity Must have picture and Caption on what's on the picture, a short narration
that discuss the activity behind the picture as shown in sample below:

● Narration must be complete, answering the questions of when it happened, what

it is all about, how it goes, and what I have learned.
● Make sure that all your activities are well narrated and in order as it follow the
● Even the extra activity that each student does like grouping, creating a group
chat, collaborating with group mates or other students in relation to the subject
matters. Are need to be narrated.
● Each student is assigned to create their individual narrative report and turn in
individually for individual grade. But each group must compiled all narrative
report done by each member as their group grade

1st Activity: University Virtual Orientation

The day of October 5, 2020 the day of the virtual welcoming and general orientation with
the theme welcoming the new normal: overcoming obstacles with renewed hope and resiliency
amidst the pandemic. I was a bit late on joining due to the connection issues but fortunately I
made it before the speakers share their knowledge. I learned more about the campuses of
LSPU after watching the virtual orientation also the available learning methods available to the
students who chose LSPU I enjoyed watching the showcase of the campus but only paid
attention to the campus of Siniloan.
2nd activity: Evolution of Computers.
In this activity I needed to name 5 inventors and list out their contributions in the
computing history using the given module and also in task b there are a list of computing
devices and classify them accordingly in this activity I learned many of the inventors and their
contributions and different computing devices and their classification because I had to read the
module thoroughly to answer the activity.

3rd: Classification of computers

In this activity there were many tasks to do definition of terms, identification, and
selecting. I defined some characteristics of computer differentiate general purpose from special
purpose computer, described the analog, digital, and Hybrid computer, identify hardware
component of some devices identify and search for the given logos and named inventors along
with their major contributions. In this activity I learned various things as I read the module and
search the internet in order to finish the tasks and learned in the process.
4th activity: Data Science

in this activity I have done a lot of reading thinking and reflecting on what is the role of
data science in the community and then cite 3 application of data science, in the activity I cited
the Banking and Finance, Internet Search, and Digital Advertisement as it is the things I see on
where the data science can be applied to. In the task E in Identifying the roadmap stages to
data science of the given skills or disciplines I was unsure of some of the answer but I was
confident most of the answer I have inputted in each number. Also I’ve done self-reflecting as
the last activity requires me to set some short term and long term goals and it helped me get to
know myself well.

5th Activity: Intro to Information technology

In this engaging activity on module 5 introduction to Information Technology the task is

about describing the role of information technology in different disciplines as well as listing 8 IT
discipline their respective roles as well as the career opportunities it have. In this activity I had to
describe the IT disciplines regarding on my understanding so I had to read the module carefully
and with understanding for me to give my answers, this helped me get a more thorough
knowledge of Information Technology and in the Performance task 2 I’ve gotten to know the
different career opportunities with the different IT disciplines.

6th Activity: Intro to Information Systems

This activity have 4 parts, the engaging activities which are briefly defining information
science, advantages of the information systems technologies to life and choosing a type of
information system and explain its function in an business organization next is the performance
task 1 using my point of view on how data science and information science, I read information of
both and described both. Performance task 2 is just the same with performance task 1 but the
two to be compared is now Information Systems and Computer Science gather information and
describe both again. In performance task 3 the task was about what IS career I want and give a
brief description about it, the career I chose was Computer programming. This activity helped
me understand about the topics on the module and see the differences of each one.

7th Activity: Number System

The Activity was divided into 10 parts, engaging activities which ranged from a - f and 4
performance tasks. Task A is about converting the decimal number system to binary numbers
using division multiplication method and tabulation method. Task B is the same as A but the
numbers to convert is different which, the binary number system to decimal number system.
Task C is converting Decimal fraction to binary fraction, task D is converting Binary Fraction to
Decimal Fractions system and task F is performing the Binary Arithmetic operation.
Performance task 1 is about using the given decimal numbers convert it to Binary number, octal
number and hexadecimal. Performance task 2 is the same as performance task 1 but the given
is Binary number. In performance task 3 the given to be converted is Octal number and last in
performance task 4 the given to be converted is hexadecimal number. I had a hard time during
this activity because a thorough understanding of the lesson is needed to answer the following
activities but I kept on reading and thinking to finally understand and answer everything.

8th Activity: Ethical Issues

In this activity the engaging activities consist of two parts, first in task A I am supposed to
differentiate Ethics, Morality, and Conduct. Differentiating the three was quite difficult because it
is difficult to identify the differences of the three. Task B is about discussing one ethical issue
and give an example of it, the ethical issue I chose was Fraud and computer misuse, this was
easy because I somehow understand the topic and this type of fraud is always encountered like
in text messages. The last task which is the performance task where I created a comic strip that
is illustrating an ethical issue, then after creating the comic strip I made a short reflection about

9th Activity: Information Security

In this activity on module 9 titled Information Security consist of two tasks in engaging
activities and the performance task. In order to answer the activity I read the module first then
answer the task A which is Discussing the principles of Information Security then on Task B I
answered on what is the importance of Information Security. The activity tested my
understanding of the topic. Next the Performance task where there are given threats and I
search for example including on what it do. This activity gave me awareness of these threats as
I read about them.

10th Activity: Data Privacy

After reading the module I then answered the activity assigned to it. The activity was
about the Data privacy Act or R.A No. 10173. The Task A and Task B is about on what are my
privacy constitutional rights and what should I consider about data privacy as individual. In the
performance task I look for a case that fall under the R.A 10173 and what I found was the very
first conviction under the data privacy act in the Philippines.

11th Activity: Cybercrime Law

In this activity there was a given a list of cybercrimes on the table and to find the answer
I read about their definition on the internet. This was a good activity for me to be aware and get
a brief knowledge on this cybercrimes. Next the performance task, I made brief details on what
on what is R.A no. 10175 or also called as Cybercrime prevention act of 2012. Since I was
tasked to discuss it I had to read and make an understanding of it in order to give my answer.

12th Activity: Intellectual Property Law

In this activity, the first part which is the engaging activities consists of two parts, task A
and B. in Task A I discuss the Intellectual property, in task B. There are 6 given types of
intellectual property and according to the instruction, I gave six information about each type.
Next is the performance task where I had to look for a case under the Intellectual property and
the case that I found was the copyright issue regarding Rogers photograph which was turned
into statues by Koons and made profit from it without permission. The case made me realize
that I should think of the actions I should take.

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