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CLASS 10+2

TIME:3HRS SAMPLE PAPER 3 DATE: 10.02.2021 M.M.: 70
Note: Question paper has four parts: A, B, C, &D with total 17 questions.
Section A has question no.1 having 28 questions of 1 mark each-16 MCQs, 6 Fill in the
blanks & 6 True/False.
Section B has question 2-11, total 10 questions of 2 marks each. Question 4,6,9,10 have
internal choice.
Section C has questions 12-15, total 4 questions of 3 marks each. Question 14 & 15 have
internal choice.
Section D has question 16 &17, total 2 questions of 5 marks each. Both questions have
100% internal choice.
Section A:
I) A typical angiosperm embryo sac at maturity is
a) 4 nucleate-2 celled b) 8 nucleate- 7 celled
b) 4nucleate- 4 celled d)8 nucleate-8 celled
II) The term linkage was coined by
a) T.H Morgan b) G.J. Mendel
c)Bateson & Punnet d) Alfred Henry
III)What would be the blood groups of progeny of father with blood group A and mother
homozygous B
a) A & B b) AB & A
c) O d) AB & B
IV) The initiation codon is
a) AUG b) GUA
c) GCA d) CCA
V) Which of the following is a pair of viral diseases
a) Ringworm, AIDS b) Common cold, AIDS
c) Dysentry, Common cold d) Typhoid, TB
VI) In malaria, the product released by rupture of RBC is
a) Haematin b)Schuffer’s dot
c)Haemozoin d) Haemotoxin
VII) Immunoglobulins are
a) Antigens b) Antibodies
c)Antiseptics d) Antibiotics
VIII) Wuchereria is found in
a) Lymph nodes b) Lungs
c) Eye d) All the above
IX) Big holes in swiss cheese are made by
a) A machine
b) A bacterium that produces methane
c) A bacterium that produces a large amount of carbondioxide
d) None of these
X) Plasmids are
a) cDNA b) Mitochondrial DNA
c) Circular extra chromosomal bacterial DNA d) Viral DNA
XI) Golden rice is a GM crop where incorporated gene is meant for biosynthesis of
a) Vitamin D b) Vitamin C
c)Vitamin B d) Vitamin A
XII) The number of births during a given period in population in given area is
a) Mortality b) Natality
c)Sex ratio d) Population density
XIII) Population growth curve is sigmoid, if the growth pattern is
a) Logistic b) Geometric
c)Exponential d) None of these
XIV)Lichens represent symbiotic relationship between
a) Alga and bacteria b) Fungus and higher plants
c)Alga and fungus d) Virus and bacteria
XV)Which of the following is not a cause for loss of biodiversity
a) Destruction of habitat
b) Invasion of alien species
c)Keeping animals in zoological parks
d) Over exploitation of natural resopurces
XVI) Hot spots found in India
a) Eastern Himalyan hot spot b) Western Ghat hot spot
c) both a and b d) None of these
XVII) Zygote intrafallopian transfer involves the transfer of zygote in the ______ of female.
XVIII) RNA is the genetic material in plant viruses because ________is not found in such
XIX)___________is used as immunosuppressive agent in organ transplant patients.
XX) The first genetic disorder treated using gene therapy was _______________.
XXI) Rapid increase in human population is called ______________.
XXII) Automobiles are the largest source of _____________pollution in cities.
XXIII) Emasculation means removal of female sex organ.(True/False)
XXIV)Sutton and Boveri proposed chromosomal theory of inheritance.(True/False)
XXV) Microbes cannot survive in hot water springs. (True/False)
XXVI)Bacteriophages are insects that infect animal cells. (True/False)
XXVII)Agrobacterium tumefaciens is a natural genetic engineer. (True/False)
XXVIII) In ammensalism, one species is harmed whereas other is unaffected. (True/False)
Q2 Complete the missing points
Pollen mother cell Pollen tetrad _______ Vegetative cell + _______
Q3 Draw a labelled diagram of human sperm.
Q4 What is central dogma?
Draw diagram of tRNA.
Q5Name two Mendelian disorders and two chromosomal disorders.
Q6 What is down streaming?
Why Bt toxin is not toxic to bacteria that produces it?
Q7 Name two primary and two secondary lymphoid organs.
Q8 Discuss role of LAB in producing curd.
Q9 How is Diapause different from Hibernation?
An orchid plant is growing on a mango tree. How do you describe the interaction
between orchid and mango tree?
Q10 Expand STD, IVF, ZIFT, GIFT.
What is vasectomy and tubectomy?
Q11 What are sacred grooves? What is their role in conservation? (2X!0=20)
Q12 Why Mendel selected pea plant for his experiments?
Q13 Write three properties of genetic code.
Q14 Differentiate between active immunity and passive immunity.
BOD value of A, B, C water samples is 20mg/l, 80mg/l, & 400mg/l respectively. Which
sample is most polluted? Also label these correctly as river water, untreated sewage water
& secondary effluent discharge from a sewage treatment plant.
Q15 Write difference between exonuclease and endonuclease.
What are the advantages of GM crops? (3X4=12)
Q16 Explain monosporic development of female gametophyte in angiosperms with help of
What is oogenesis? Give a brief account of oogenesis with the help of flow chart.
Q17 a) List the attributes that population but not individuals possess.
b) If a marine fish is placed in a fresh water aquarium, will the fish be able to survive?
Explain reason also.
a) What are major causes of species losses in a geographical region?
b) How is biodiversity important for ecosystem functioning?

By Head Office,
PPPP Science Sen. Sec. State Team
CLASS 10+2
ANSWER KEY 3 DATE: 10.02.2021

Ans 1
I)b 8nucleate-7celled
II)a T.H Morgan
V)b Common cold,AIDS
VI)c Haemozoin
VII)b Antibodies
VIII)a Lymph nodes
IX)c A bacterium that produces a large amount of carbondioxide
X)c Circular extra chromosomal bacterial DNA
XI)d Vitamin A
XII)b Natality
XIII)a Logistic
XIV)c Alga & fungus
XV)c Keeping animals in zoological parks
XVI)c Both a & b
XVII)fallopian tube
XIX)Cyclosporin A
XX)adenosine deaminase (ADA) deficiency
XXI)population explosion
By Head Office,
PPPP Science Sen. Sec. State Team

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