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Week 1

My Weekly
Korean Vocabulary

Week 1

day 1 sky
day 2 to eat
day 3 book
day 4 to see
day 5 photo
day 6 to write
day 7 telephone
My Weekly Korean Vocabulary - Week 1 2

Day 1


푸른 하늘 blue sky 푸르다 (= to be blue) is similar to 파랗다 but usually only

used when referring to the nature. 푸른 is the adjective
form of 푸르다.

가을 하늘 Autumn sky 가을 = Autumn

* 봄 = Spring
* 여름 = Summer
* 겨울 = Winter

맑은 하늘 clear sky 맑다 = to be clear

맑은 is the adjective form of 맑다.

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My Weekly Korean Vocabulary - Week 1 3

하늘이 파래요. The sky is blue. 파랗다 = to be blue

[present tense] 파래요
[past tense] 파랬어요
[future tense] 파랄 거예요

하늘이 맑아요. The sky is clear. 맑다 = to be clear

하늘이 흐려요. The sky is cloudy 흐리다 = to be cloudy, to be unclear (vision)

하늘을 날고 싶어요. I want to fly in the sky. 날다 = to fly

-고 싶다 = to want to + V

하늘에 별이 안 보여요. I can’t see stars in the sky. 별 = star

안 = not
보이다 = to be seen, to be able to see

풍선이 하늘로 날아가요. The balloons are flying into the sky. 풍선 = balloon
날아가다 = to fly away

여기는 밤 하늘이 예뻐요. Here, the night sky is pretty. 여기 = here, this place
밤 = night
예쁘다 = to be pretty

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My Weekly Korean Vocabulary - Week 1 4

공을 하늘 높이 던졌어요. I threw a ball high up in the sky. 공 = ball

높이 = high (adverb), high up
높다 = to be high
던지다 = to throw

하늘에 구름 한 점 없어요. There is not a patch of cloud in the sky. 구름 = cloud

점 = counter for patches of cloud (usually used as a set
phrase as 구름 한 점 없다, meaning that there isn’t a single
patch of cloud in the sky)
없다 = to be not there, to not exist, to not have

하늘을 나는 기분이었어요. I felt as if I was flying in the sky. 날다 = to fly

기분 = feeling, emotion
-는 기분이다 = to feel as if + S + V

하늘에 새들이 날고 있어요. Birds are flying in the sky. 새들 = birds

새 = bird
날다 = to fly

하늘을 얼마나 자주 보세 How often do you look at the sky? 얼마나 = how much
얼마나 자주 = how often
요? 자주 = often
보다 = to look, to see

하늘에 구멍이 뚫린 것 같아 It is as if there was a hole in the sky. 구멍 = hole

뚫리다 = to be drilled, a hole is made, to be digged
요. through

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My Weekly Korean Vocabulary - Week 1 5

하늘을 보니 비가 올 것 같 Looking at the sky, I think it is going to 보다 = to look, to see

-(으)니 = because, judging from
아요. rain.
비 = rain
비가 오다 = to rain
-(으)ㄹ 것 같다 = to seem like + S + will + V

제 방에서 하늘을 볼 수 있 I can see the sky from my room. 제 = my (polite)

방 = room
어요. 보다 = to look, to see
-(으)ㄹ 수 있다 = to be able to, can

지금 하늘을 보면 기분이 좋 If you look at the sky now, you will feel 지금 = now
보다 = to look, to see
아질 거예요. better.
-면 = if
기분 = feeling, emotion
좋아지다 = to get better, to become better
-(으)ㄹ 것이다 = will, to be going to + V

하늘이 무너져도 솟아날 구 Even when the sky falls down, there is 무너지다 = to fall down
솟아나다 = to rise up, to spring up
멍은 있는 법이에요. always a way out.
구멍 = hole
있다 = to exist
-는 법이다 = it always happens, it is how things go

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My Weekly Korean Vocabulary - Week 1 6

Day 2


먹을 것 something to eat, food 것 = thing, stuff, object

먹을 것 literally means “”thing to eat”” but it is a set
expression that refers to “”food”” in general.

밥을 먹다. to eat something, to have a meal 밥 = food, meal, rice

밥 먹었어요. I ate. 밥 = food, meal, rice

뭐 먹었어요? What did you eat? 뭐 = what

뭐 is 무엇 in the original form, but people often just use 뭐
for ease of pronunciation.

뭐 먹고 싶어요? What do you want to eat? 뭐 = what

-고 싶다 = to want to + V

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My Weekly Korean Vocabulary - Week 1 7

같이 밥 먹어요. Let’s eat together. 같이 = together

밥 = food, meal, rice

밥 먹으러 가요. Let’s go eat. 밥 = food, meal, rice

-(으)러 가다 = to go to do something, to go and do

이거 먹어도 돼요? Can I eat this? 이거 = this

-아/어/여도 되다 = to be okay to + V

누가 다 먹었어요? Who ate all of this? 누가 = who (subject)

누가 is the subject form of 누구.
다 = all

아무도 안 먹어요? Nobody wants to eat? 아무도 = nobody, anybody (always used in negative
안 = not

먹을 것 좀 주세요. Please give me something to eat. 먹을 것 = food

좀 = a little, please
주다 = to give
-(으)세요 = imperative (polite)

먹을 거 사러 왔어요. I came here to buy something to eat. 먹을 거 = food (the same as 먹을 것)

사다 = to buy
-(으)러 오다 = to come to do something

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My Weekly Korean Vocabulary - Week 1 8

매운 거 잘 못 먹어요. I can’t eat spicy food that well. 맵다 = to be spicy, to be hot

매운 is the adjective form of 맵다
거 = thing, stuff, object (the same as 것)
잘 = well
못 = can’t

먹자마자 잠들었어요. I fell asleep as soon as I ate. -자마자 = as soon as + S + V

잠들다 = to fall asleep

집에 먹을 것이 없어요. There is nothing to eat at home. 집 = house, home

먹을 것 = food
없다 = to not be there, to not exist

배 불러서 먹고 싶지 I’m full so I don’t want to eat. 배 부르다 = to be full

[past tense] 배 불렀어요
않아요. [present tense] 배 불러요
[future tense] 배 부를 거예요
-고 싶지 않다 = to not want to + V

너무 많이 먹어서 배가 I ate too much so I’m full. 너무 = too much, excessively

많이 = a lot (adverb)
불러요. 많다 = to be a lot
배 = stomach
배가 부르다 = to be full

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My Weekly Korean Vocabulary - Week 1 9

내일은 친구랑 저녁을 Tomorrow I am going to eat dinner with 내일 = tomorrow

친구 = friend
먹을 거예요. my friend.
저녁 = evening, night, dinner
-(으)ㄹ 것이다 = will, to be going to + V

먹는 음식 가지고 장난치지 Don’t play with food. 음식 = food

먹는 음식 is a commonly used set expression that refers to
마세요. food.
가지고 = with, using
장난치다 = to do a prank, to play with something
-지 마세요 = Don’t + V. (polite)

너무 맛이 없어서 먹을 수가 It is so not tasty that I can’t eat it. 너무 = too much, excessively
맛 = taste
없어요. 맛이 없다 = to be not tasty, to taste bad
-(으)ㄹ 수 없다 = to be unable to, can’t

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My Weekly Korean Vocabulary - Week 1 10

Day 3

헌책 secondhand book 헌 = old, shabby, used

새책 new book 새 = new

얇은 책 thin book 얇다 = to be thin

얇은 is an adjective form of 얇다.

두꺼운 책 thick book 두껍다 = to be thick

두꺼운 is an adjective form of 두껍다.

책을 읽다 to read a book 읽다 = to read

책을 사다 to buy a book 사다 = to buy

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My Weekly Korean Vocabulary - Week 1 11

책을 빌리다 to borrow a book 빌리다 = to borrow

책이 너무 비싸요. Books are too expensive. 너무 = too much, excessively

비싸다 = to be expensive”

이 책 빌려주세요. Lend me this book. 이 = this

빌려주다 = to lend
-(으)세요 = imperative (polite)”

어떤 책 좋아해요? What kind of book do you like? 어떤 = what kind of

좋아하다 = to like”

그 책 읽어 봤어요? Have you read that book? 그 = that, the

읽다 = to read
-아/어/여 보다 = to try doing something”

무슨 책 찾으세요? Which book are you looking for? 무슨 = which, what kind of
찾다 = to look for, to seek”

요즘 무슨 책 읽어요? Which book are you reading recently? 요즘 = recently, lately

무슨 = which, what kind of
읽다 = to read”

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My Weekly Korean Vocabulary - Week 1 12

책 읽는 거 좋아해요? Do you like reading books? 읽다 = to read

-(느)ㄴ 거 = to + V, Ving
-(느)ㄴ 거 is -(느)ㄴ 것 in the original form, but people often
just use -(느)ㄴ 거 for ease of pronunciation
좋아하다 = to like

책을 선물로 받았어요. I got a book as a present. 선물 = present

받다 = to receive, to get

이 책은 너무 어려워요. This book is too difficult. 이 = this

너무 = too much, excessively
어렵다 = to be difficult

어렸을 때 읽은 책이에요. It’s a book that I read when I was young. 어리다 = to be young
-(으)ㄹ 때 = when, time
읽다 = to read

좋은 책 좀 추천해 주세요. Please recommend me a good book. 좋다 = to be good

좋은 is an adjective form of 좋다.
추천하다 = to recommend
-아/어/여 주세요 = Please do + something + for me (polite)

책을 보다가 잠이 들었어요. I fell asleep while I was reading a book. 보다 = to see, to watch, to look, to read
-다가 = while + V-ing
잠 = sleep
잠이 들다 = to fall asleep

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My Weekly Korean Vocabulary - Week 1 13

책을 사러 서점에 갈 I will go to a bookstore to buy some books. 사다 = to buy

서점 = bookstore
거예요. 가다 = to go

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My Weekly Korean Vocabulary - Week 1 14

Day 4


볼것 something to see/look/watch 보다 = to see

책을 보다 to read a book 책 = book

영화를 보다 to watch a movie 영화 = movie

애를 보다 to babysit 애 = kid, child, baby

애 is 아이 in the original form, but people often just use 애
for ease of pronunciation.

간을 보다 to taste (to see if the food is too salty or too 간 = the level of saltiness of food


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My Weekly Korean Vocabulary - Week 1 15

자, 여기를 보세요. Well, look here. 자 = Well (starting a sentence)

여기 = here, this place

이것 좀 보세요. Look at this. 이것 = this, this thing

좀 = a little, please
-(으)세요 = imperative (polite)

이런 거 처음 봐요. I have never seen anything like this before. 이런 = to be like this
이런 is the adjective form of 이렇다.
이런 거 = something like this
거 = thing, stuff, object
거 is 것 in the original form, but people often just use 거 for
ease of pronunciation.
처음 = first, for the first time

내일 시험 봐야 돼요. I have to take a test tomorrow. 내일 = tomorrow

시험 = test, examination
-아/어/여야 되다 = to have to + V

왜 시계를 자꾸 봐요? Why do you keep looking at the watch? 왜 = why, for what reason, how come
시계 = clock, watch
자꾸 = repeatedly

이 책 나중에 꼭 볼 거예요. I will read this book later for sure. 이 = this, this thing
책 = book
나중에 = later
꼭 = for sure

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My Weekly Korean Vocabulary - Week 1 16

맛을 보다가 혀를 데었어요. I burned my tongue while I was tasting the 맛 = taste

맛을 보다 = to taste
혀 = tongue
데다 = to burn oneself

어제 친구랑 영화를 봤어요. Yesterday I watched a movie with my 어제 = yesterday

친구 = friend
영화 = movie

보면 볼수록 마음에 들어요. The more I see it, the more I like it. -(으)면 -(으)ㄹ수록 = the more ... the more ...
마음 = heart, mind
들다 = to enter, to be categorized as, to be in
마음에 들다 = to like

우리 다음 주에 꼭 한번 Let’s meet up next week for sure! 우리 = we

다음 = next
봐요. 주 = week
꼭 = for sure
한번 = sometime (한 번 originally means “”once”” or “”one
time”” but when written without space, 한번 means
“”sometime in the future”” or is used along with “”to try do-
ing something””.)

어제 우연히 그 사람을 Yesterday I saw him by chance. 어제 = yesterday

우연히 = by chance
봤어요. 그 = the, that
사람 = person, people

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My Weekly Korean Vocabulary - Week 1 17

너무 어두워서 볼 수가 I couldn’t see it because it was too dark. 너무 = too much, excessively
어둡다 = to be dark
없었어요. -아/어/여서 = because
-(으)ㄹ 수 없다 = to be unable to + V

보자마자 너무 마음에 As soon as I saw it, I liked it so much that I -자마자 = as soon as + S + V
너무 = too much, excessively
들어서 샀어요. bought it.
마음에 들다 = to like
사다 = to buy

시간이 없어서 아직 그 영화 I haven’t had time so I haven’t been able to 시간 = time

없다 = to not have, to not be there
못 봤어요. watch the movie yet.
-아/어/여서 = because
아직 = yet
그 = that
영화 = movie
못 = can’t

친구가 그 드라마 재미없다 A friend of mine told me that the drama 친구 = friend
그 = that
고 해서 안 봤어요. was not interesting so I didn’t watch it.
드라마 = drama
재미없다 = to be not funny, to be not interesting
-다고 해서 = since someone says/said ...
안 = not

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My Weekly Korean Vocabulary - Week 1 18

Day 5


증명 사진 identification photo 증명 = verification, proof

가족 사진 family photo 가족 = family

졸업 사진 graduation photo 졸업 = graduation

여권 사진 passport photo 여권 = passport

사진을 찍다 to take a photo 찍다 = to take (a photo)

사진을 보다 to look at a photo 보다 = to see, to look, to watch

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My Weekly Korean Vocabulary - Week 1 19

사진을 인화하다 to develop a photo 인화하다 = to develop (a photo)

사진 찍지 마세요. Please don’t take photos. 찍다 = to take (a photo)

-지 마세요 = Don’t + V. (polite)

사진 잘 못 찍어요. I’m not good at taking photos. 잘 = well

못 = can’t
찍다 = to take (a photo)

사진 그만 찍어요. Stop taking photos. 그만 + V = to stop + Ving, to quit + Ving

찍다 = to take (a photo)

사진 좀 찍어 주세요. Please take a photo for me. 좀 = a little, please

찍다 = to take (a photo)
-아/어/여 주세요 = Please do + something + for me (polite)

사진 찍는 게 취미예요. Taking photos is my hobby. 찍다 = to take (a photo)

-(느)ㄴ 게 = to + V is ...
-(느)ㄴ 게 is -(느)ㄴ 것이 in the original form, but people
often just use -(느)ㄴ 게 for ease of pronunciation.
취미 = hobby

사진하고 너무 달라요. You look so different from the photo. -하고 = with, from (when used in comparisons)
-하고 다르다 = to be different from
너무 = too much, excessively

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My Weekly Korean Vocabulary - Week 1 20

같이 사진 찍어도 돼요? Can I take a picture with you? 같이 = together

찍다 = to take (a photo)
-아/어/여도 되다 = to be okay to + V

이 사진 예쁘게 나왔어요. You look pretty in this photo. 이 = this

예쁘게 = in a pretty way, beautifully
예쁘게 is the adverb form of 예쁘다.
나오다 = to come out, to turn out

여행 사진 좀 보여주세요. Show me photos from your trip. 여행 = trip, travel

좀 = a little, please
보여주다 = to show
-(으)세요 = imperative (polite)

사진 찍는 거 좋아하세요? Do you like taking photos? 찍다 = to take (a photo)

V + -는 거 = V-ing, doing something
좋아하다 = to like

사진 어디에 올릴 거예요? Where are you going to upload the photos? 어디 = where
올리다 = to upload, to put up

사진 어디서 볼 수 있어요? Where can I see the photos? 어디서 = where

어디서 is 어디에서 in the original form, but people often just
use 어디서 for ease of pronunciation.
보다 = to see/ look/ watch
-(으)ㄹ 수 있다 = to be able to, can

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My Weekly Korean Vocabulary - Week 1 21

내일 친구랑 사진 찍으러 Tomorrow I am going to go and take pho- 내일 = tomorrow

친구 = friend
갈 거예요. tos with my friend.
-랑 = with, together with
찍다 = to take (a photo)
-(으)러 = to V (purpose)
가다 = to go
-ㄹ 것이다 = will, to be going to

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My Weekly Korean Vocabulary - Week 1 22

Day 6

(to write)

글을 쓰다. to write 글 = writing

편지를 쓰다. to write a letter 편지 = letter

소설을 쓰다. to write a novel 소설 = novel, fiction

이메일을 쓰다. to write an e-mail 이메일 = e-mail

뭐라고 썼어요? What did you write? 뭐 = what

뭐 is 무엇 in the original form, but people often just use 뭐
for ease of pronunciation.
-라고 = used for quoting someone’s remark

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My Weekly Korean Vocabulary - Week 1 23

쓸 말이 없어요. I have nothing to write. 말 = language, words

없다 = to not be there, to not exist

언제 쓸 거예요? When are you going to write it? 언제 = when

-(으)ㄹ 것이다 = will, to be going to + V

이름 좀 써 주세요. Please write your name. 이름 = name

좀 = a little, please
-아/어/여 주세요 = Please do + something + for me (polite)

이름 어떻게 써요? How do you write your name? 이름 = name

어떻게 = how

이거 누가 썼어요? Who wrote this? 이거 = this

누가 = who (subject)

다 쓰면 보여주세요. When you finish writing it, show it to me. 다 = all

-(으)면 = if, when
보여주다 = to show
-(으)세요 = imperative (polite)

여기에 쓰면 되나요? Do you want me to write here? 여기 = here, this place

-(으)면 되다 = to be just supposed to + V, to just have to +

제가 쓴 거 봐 주세요. Take a look at what I have written. 제가 = I (polite) (subject)

-아/어/여 주세요 = Please do + something + for me (polite)

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My Weekly Korean Vocabulary - Week 1 24

처음부터 다시 쓰세요. Write it all over again from the start. 처음 = beginning, start
처음부터 = all over again, from the start
다시 = again

이거 영어로 써 주세요. Write this in English. 이거 = this

영어 = English
영어로 = in English
-아/어/여 주세요 = Please do + something + for me (polite)

보고서를 쓰는 중이에요. I am in the middle of writing a report. 보고서 = report

-는 중이다 = to be in the middle of V-ing

편지 누구한테 써야 돼요? Who should I write the letter to? 편지 = letter

누구 = who
누구한테 = to whom
-아/어/여야 되다 = to have to, should, must

제가 쓴 이메일 보셨어요? Did you read the e-mail I wrote to you? 제가 = I (polite) (subject)
이메일 = e-mail
보다 = to see, to read

최근에 편지를 쓴 적 Have you written a letter recently? 최근에 = recently, lately
편지 = letter
있어요? -(으)ㄴ 적이 있다 = to have done something

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My Weekly Korean Vocabulary - Week 1 25

그 사람이 쓴 책은 The book he wrote is interesting. 그 = that, the

사람 = person
재미있어요. 책 = book
재미있다 = to be interesting

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My Weekly Korean Vocabulary - Week 1 26

Day 7


집 전화 home phone 집 = home

국제 전화 international phone call 국제 = international

장난 전화 prank phone call 장난 = prank

전화 하다 to call, to telephone 하다 = to do

전화를 받다 to receive a call 받다 = to receive

전화를 걸다 to call someone, to make a phone call 걸다 = to dial (a phone call)

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My Weekly Korean Vocabulary - Week 1 27

전화를 끊다 to hang up the phone 끊다 = to hang up

전화 왔어요. You have a phone call. 오다 = to come

전화 받으세요. Please pick up the phone. 받다 = to receive

왜 전화 했어요? Why did you call? 왜 = why

장난 전화였어요. It was a prank phone call. 장난 = prank

밤에 전화해도 돼요? Can I call you at night? 밤 = night

-아/어/여도 되다 = to be okay to

나중에 전화해 주세요. Call me later. 나중에 =later

-아/어/여 주세요 = Please do + something + for me (polite)

어제 왜 전화 안 했어요? Why did you not call me yesterday? 어제 = yesterday

왜 = why
안 = not

앞으로 전화하지 마세요. Don’t call me ever again. 앞으로 = from now on
-지 마세요 = don’t + V

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My Weekly Korean Vocabulary - Week 1 28

전화를 했으면 말을 하세요. You should say something when you’ve -(으)면 = if
말 = language, words
called someone.
말을 하다 = to speak, to talk
-(으)세요 = imperative (polite)

전화를 받자마자 As soon as I picked up the phone, it got cut 받다 = to receive

-자마자 = as soon as + S + V
끊어졌어요. off.
끊어지다 = to be cut off

전화를 걸 때마다 통화중이 Whenever I call, the line is busy. 걸다 = to dial (a phone call)
-(으)ㄹ 때 = when + S + V
에요. -(으)ㄹ 때마다 = whenever + S + V
통화중이다 = the line is busy

지금 회의 중이라 전화를 I am in the middle of a meeting so I can’t 지금 = now

회의 = meeting
받을 수 없어요. answer the phone.
회의 중 = in the middle of a meeting
받다 = to receive
-(으)ㄹ 수 없다 = to be unable to, can’t

국제 전화를 많이 해서 I made a lot of international phone calls, so 국제 = international

많이 = a lot (in quantity)
전화비가 많이 나왔어요. I got a big phone bill.
전화비 = phone bill
나오다 = to come out

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