In Utero A Sonographic Weight Standard': Analysis Offetal

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Obstetrical Ultrasound

Frank P. Hadlock, MD Ronald

#{149} B. Harrist, PhD Juan
#{149} Martinez-Poyer, MD

In Utero Analysis ofFetal Growth:

A Sonographic Weight Standard’

Regression analysis was used to de- T HE prenatal diagnosis of abnormal differences in defining the 10th and
velop an in utero fetal weight model fetal growth patterns such as 90th percentile boundaries for normal
from a population of 392 predomi- growth retardation and growth accel- fetal growth. This is consistent with
nantly middle-class white patients eration is important, since in utero the fact that previously published US
with certain menstrual histories. recognition of these patterns may re- studies have failed to demonstrate
There was a gradual increase in fetal duce the high perinatab morbidity and significant differences in basic in utero
weight from 35 g at 10 weeks to 3,619 mortality associated with their occur- fetal measurements (biparietal di-
g at 40 weeks, with uniform variance rence. A number of postnatal weight ameter, head circumference, abdomi-
of ±12.7% (1 standard deviation) standards have been developed for nab circumference, femur length) in
throughout gestation. When tested the detection of abnormal fetal fetuses from different racial and socio-
against the estimated weights of 1,771 growth, but there are problems associ- economic backgrounds (15). Golden-
chromosomally normal fetuses be- ated with their use (1-10). In a recent berg et al concluded that establish-
tween 14 and 21 weeks, the mean review of the subject, Gobdenberg et ment of a single national standard for
percent difference was 0.8% and the al outlined inconsistencies in these in utero growth would enable inter-
average absolute percent error was studies, including variations in popu- center comparison among studies of
3.3%. When compared with actual lation characteristics, sample size, risk factors, diagnostic tests, treat-
delivery data for 163 fetuses in the source of data, geographic location, ment, and long-term follow-up of
group, the mean percent difference and criteria for exclusion, and in the fetuses and infants with abnormal
was 0.8% and the average absolute mathematic methods used to deter- growth patterns such as intrauterine
percent error was 1.1%. These data mine normal boundaries (10). An- growth retardation (10). The purpose
are compared with other prenatal other major limitation of these studies of the study reported herein was to
weight curves obtained at ultrasound is that, by definition, prematurely develop a national in utero fetal
and with data from several large born babies form the basis for normal weight standard with US imaging.
postnatal weight studies. values before 38 weeks, and these fe-
tuses may or may not have been
Index terms: Fetus, growth and devel- growing normally prior to delivery MATERIALS AND METHODS
opment Fetus, US studies,
#{149} 856.1298 (11).
The study population consisted of 392
To address the issue of normal fetal
predominantly middle-class, pregnant,
Radiology 1991; 181:129-133 growth before term, several authors
white women with certain menstrual
have developed in utero weight stan- dates, who were seen in our department
dards at ultrasound (US) examination between menstrual weeks 10 and 41 for
(12-14). Some of these models are evaluation with US. From this group, 361
based on longitudinal studies of mdi- fetuses formed the basis for a previously
viduab fetal growth, with multiple published article that focused on evalua-
measurements of the same fetus tion of menstrual age between 14 and 41
throughout pregnancy (12), while weeks (16). The population was expanded
other models are based on cross-sec- for the study reported herein to include
uniform representation down to 10 men-
tional analysis of data from each fetus
struab weeks. The additional patients
obtained only once during pregnancy (n = 31) all had corroboration of menstrual
(13). Still other studies have been de- age by measuring crown-rump length. In
veboped with use of the mean ultra- addition, all patients included in the study
From the Department of Radiology, Baylor
College of Medicine, 1 Baylor Plaza, Houston, sound values for the population un- met the following criteria: (a) a well-
TX 77030 (F.P.H.); the Department of Biometry, der study (14) and therefore do not known last menstrual period corroborated
University of Texas School of Public Health, directly represent the growth of any in the first trimester with either US or cm-
Houston (R.B.H.); and the Department of Ob- individual fetus. Given these differ- ical evaluation; (b) a history of regular
stetrics and Gynecology, University of Okba- menses, with no history of use of oral con-
homa Medical School, Oklahoma City 0.M.P.).
ences in methods, it is not surprising
traceptives in the 3 months prior to the US
Received April 8, 1991; revision requested May that the mean values and the confi-
study; (c) no history of maternal diseases
15; revision received and accepted May 23. Sup- dence limits in these studies differ
ported in part by a grant from the Woman’s
known to affect fetal growth (eg, diabetes
considerably. mellitus, hypertension); (d) no evidence of
Hospital of Texas Education and Research
Gobdenberg et a! (10) noted that multiple gestation at US; and (e) no evi-
Foundation, Houston. Address reprint requests
to F.P.H. differences in study methods may be dence of congenital anomalies at the time
0 RSNA, 1991 as or more important than population of the US study.

4800 1000

3600 500

2400 - U)


0 -.---=‘ ..‘-. #{149}:‘


10 20 30 40
1#{149}0 20 30 40
Menstrual Age (wks) Menstrual Age (wks)
1. 2.

Figures 1, 2. (1) Graph demonstrates distribution of raw data of predicted values (n = 392) superimposed on the fetal weight curve developed
from these fetuses. Boundaries are at the 3rd, 10th, 50th, 90th, and 97th percentiles. (2) Graph demonstrates the raw residuals across menstrual
age for the 392 fetuses in this study. The residual equals the difference between the estimated weight for each fetus and the weight predicted
for that fetus based on its age (by using the weight curve developed from these fetuses). While the residual weight in grams increased over
time, the residuals were relatively constant at ±12.7% (1 standard deviation) when expressed as a percentage of the predicted weight.

Each fetus underwent US examination

Table 1
only once during gestation; measurements
In Utero Fetal Weight Standards at US
of biparietal diameter, head circumfer-
ence, abdominal circumference, and femur Percentiles (g)
length were obtained by physicians who Menstrual
used previously published methods (16). Week 3rd 10th 50th 90th 97th
The gestation age for each fetus was calcu- 10 26 29 35 41 44
bated to the nearest 10th of a week on the 11 34 37 45 53 56
basis of the mother’s last normal men- 12 43 48 58 68 73
strual period. For example, if the fetal age 13 55 61 73 85 91
calculated on the basis of the last men- 14 70 77 93 109 116
strual period was 39 weeks 3 days, it was 15 88 97 117 137 146
coded as 39.4 weeks. The estimated fetal 16 110 121 146 171 183
17 136 150 181 212 226
weight was calculated at the time of the
18 167 185 223 261 279
US study by using a previously reported 19 205 227 273 319 341
model based on measurements of bipari- 20 248 275 331 387 414
etal diameter, head circumference, abdom- 21 299 331 399 467 499
inal circumference, and femur length in 22 359 398 478 559 598
combination (17). This model has been 23 426 471 568 665 710
demonstrated to be free of systematic bias 24 503 556 670 784 838
(mean percentage error, 0.1%) in our 25 589 652 785 918 981
26 685 758 913 1,068 1,141
population of normally growing fetuses,
27 791 876 1,055 1,234 1,319
and the magnitude of the random errors is 28 908 1,004 1,210 1,416 1,513
relatively small (1 standard deviation = 29 1,034 1,145 1,379 1,613 1,724
7.4%) compared with that of other pub- 30 1,169 1,294 1,559 1,824 1,649
lished models. 31 1,313 1,453 1,751 2,049 2,189
Regression analysis was used to evalu- 32 1,465 1,621 1,953 2,285 2,441
ate the relationship between estimated 33 1,622 1,794 2,162 2,530 2,703
weight in grams and menstrual age in 34 1,783 1,973 2,377 2,781 2,971
35 1,946 2,154 2,595 3,036 3,244
weeks. The models tested included both
36 2,110 2,335 2,813 3,291 3,516
log and non-bog functions of estimated 37 2,271 2,513 3,028 3,543 3,785
fetal weight on menstrual age, menstrual 38 2,427 2,686 3,236 3,786 4,045
age squared, and menstrual age cubed. To 39 2,576 2,851 3,435 4,019 4,294
be included in the equation, the coefficient 40 2,714 3,004 3,619 4,234 4,524
for each variable had to be statistically sig-
nificant at the .05 level. The optimal model
was chosen on the basis of the largest co-
efficient of determination (R squared) and
the smallest standard deviation and by calculations were made. Data from 1,771 in this study. To evaluate the weights at
inspection of the residuals for uniformity chromosomally normal patients seen in the other extreme of the weight curve, we
of variance. This model was used to calcu- our department for amniocentesis were retrieved birth weight data for those fe-
late predicted normal weight values be- used to calculate estimated weights for tuses in the study who were delivered at
tween 10 and 41 weeks. each of those fetuses. The mean values for term (38-42 weeks) and whose US exami-
To evaluate the accuracy of our pre- each week in gestation were calculated for nation had been performed prior to the
dicted values at the lower and upper ends that group (14-21 weeks), and those val- 35th week of pregnancy and who there-
of the weight curve (where one might ex- ues were compared with the predicted fore had no direct influence on the pre-
pect accuracy to be weakest), two further 50th percentile values for the population dicted values of the curve beyond 35

130 Radiology
#{149} October 1991
tween the predicted and the observed
Table 2
weights was 0.8% (range, 0.06%-
Comparison of Prenatal Weight Curves at US
2.7%), and the average absolute per-
Predicted 50th Percentile Weight (g) centage error was 3.3%. The compari-
Menstrual son of predicted term weights with
Week Deter et al (12)* Hadlockt Ott (13)1
those actually observed at delivery
14 82 93 93 was also impressive. The average age
16 122 146 162 at the time of the initial US study in
18 204 223 259
this group (n = 163) was 23 weeks (1
20 327 331 392
22 492 478 562 standard deviation = 5.9 weeks), and
24 699 670 773 the average age at delivery was
26 948 913 1,026 weeks (1 standard deviation 1.07
28 1,239 1,210 1,321
weeks). The predicted 50th percentile
30 1,572 1,559 1,655
32 1,947 1,953 2,027 weights at term (38-41 weeks) com-
34 2,363 2,377 2,431 pared favorably with the observed
36 2,821 2,813 2,864 mean birth weights at term (Fig 3).
38 3,321 3,236 3,318
The mean percentage difference be-
40 3,863 3,619 3,788
tween the predicted and observed
*Longitudinal study. weights was 0.8% (range, 0.06%-
tCrfio study.
2.7%), and the average absolute per-
centage error was 1.1%. The predicted
and observed term birth weights re-
ported herein are higher than those
published in earlier postnatal studies
Table 3
(1-9) but are comparable to data pub-
C#{224}mparison of Prenatal and Postnatal Weight Curves
lished in the most recent postnatal
Fetal Weight (g) studies reported in the literature (18)
(Table 4).
Menstrual Williams et al (1) Hadlock Babson et al (2)*
Week (postnatal) (prenatal) (postnatal)

22 513(30) 478(13) NA DISCUSSION

24 675 (30) 670 (13) NA
26 882(29) 913(13) NA Among the many problems associ-
28 1,143 (28) 1,210 (13) 1,118(30) ated with comparing current postna-
30 1,454(27) 1,559 (13) 1,458(23) tab weight charts, as outlined by Gold-
32 1,920(25) 1,953 (13) 1,861 (21) enberg et al (10), the most important
34 2,394(21) 2,377(13) 2,298(19)
is probably the proper assignment of
36 2,849 (17) 2,813 (13) 2,697(15)
38 3,227(14) 3,236 (13) 3,171 (14) menstrual age, since inaccurate dating
40 3,462(13) 3,619(13) 3,448(13) will result in the inappropriate entry
of data at the wrong menstrual week.
Note.-Numbers in parentheses are standard deviations in percentages. Allcharts are data ofa white
population (analysis of data of Williams et al is restricted to only white patients for purposes of compar These errors, which frequently have a
ison). magnitude of 2-4 weeks (since im-
*NA = no available data in this time period. plantation bleeding or early first tri-
mester bleeding can be mistaken for a
menstrual period), are commonly
found in large postnatal studies be-
cause certain dates are usually known
weeks. The mean delivery weights in this strated in Figure 2; as one would in less than 90% of patients (1-2). Ulti-
group were calculated for each week, expect, there is greater variability (in mately, errors of this type will have
rounded to the nearest week, for compari- grams) as pregnancy advances, but
son with the predicted values. some impact on the mean value for
this variability was uniform when ex- the week in question but will more
pressed as a percentage of the weight likely expand the variability around
RESULTS predicted by the model (1 standard the mean. Our study, in which dates
The optimal model was a natural deviation = ±12.7%). In Tables 2 and were known with certainty, should
log model of weight in grams on men- 3, the predicted values for each week not be affected by these errors.
strual age (in weeks) and menstrual in gestation are compared with data Another inconsistency that can af-
age squared: Log n weight (g) = from prenatal and postnatal charts fect the mean values at each men-
0.578 + 0.332 MA - 0.00354 from institutions with a similar popu- strual week is the way in which men-
where MA is menstrual age (standard bation base. The potential reasons for struab age is reported (ie, rounded to
deviation = 0.12, R2 = 99.1%). the observed differences will be ad- the nearest week, reported in com-
In Table 1, the predicted values for dressed in the Discussion section be- pleted weeks, or reported to the near-
the 3rd, 10th, 50th, 90th, and 97th per- bow. est 10th of a week). An example of
centiles are listed for each week in The comparison of predicted this problem would be the fetus that
gestation; these are presented in weights obtained in this study in the is 40 weeks 4 days on the basis of a
graphic form with the raw data super- middle trimester (14-21 weeks) with well-known last menstrual period. If
imposed in Figure 1. The distribution estimated weights for the 1,771 chro- the age were rounded to the nearest
of the differences among the individ- mosomally normal fetuses demon- week, the fetus would be classified as
uab weight estimations and those pre- strated remarkable similarities (Fig 3). a 41-week fetus. If the age were re-
dicted with the model are demon- The mean percentage difference be- ported in completed weeks, as recom-

Volume 181 Number

#{149} I Radiology 131
mended by the American Academy of
Pediatrics (19), the fetus would be
classified as a 40-week fetus.
If the age were reported to the
nearest 10th of a week, the fetus
would be properly classified as a 40.6-
week fetus. We chose the batter ap-
proach not because of the implied
precision of the last menstrual period
but simply because we thought dilu-
tion of the age assignment might
make the regression equation and its
predicted values at each week less
meaningful. When comparing our
predicted values with those from
postnatal studies, these differences in
the way menstrual age is reported
should be kept in mind.
Another major problem with most
postnatal studies that has been ad-
dressed in the literature is the ques-
tion of whether prematurely born ba- E
bies can be assumed to have grown
normally prior to their delivery (11). It
is currently believed that prematurely
born babies have a tendency to be
undergrown (11), although clearly
fetuses that are either small or large
for gestational age can undergo pre-
mature birth (but for different rea-
sons). The expected end result of this
phenomenon would be lower mean
values at each menstrual week and PMnstrual Age (wks)
significantly broadened variability Figure 3. Graph demonstrates the predicted weights for 1,771
about the mean. Indeed, the latter chromosomally normal fetuses (15-21 weeks) and the actual birth
finding can be observed in virtually weights of 163 fetuses plotted on the weight curve developed from
all large postnatal growth studies in the study reported herein. The actual birth weight of 2.5% of ba-
bies was below the 3rd percentile and above the 97th percentile;
that the variability (when expressed
the actual birth weight of 8.5% of the neonates fell below the 10th
as a percentage of the predicted percentile and above the 90th percentile. Boundaries are at the 3rd,
value) is considerably larger preterm 10th, 50th, 90th, and 97th percentiles.
than at term (Table 3). For example, at
28 weeks the standard deviations of
the predicted value for the barge post-
natal studies of Williams et ab (1) and very similar to those obtained in this ours, averaging approximately 6.7%
Babson et al (2) are 28% and 30%, re- study, with a mean percentage differ- larger throughout gestation (15-40
spectively, while the standard devia- ence of - 1 .1 % These differences
. may weeks). The only significant differ-
tion at term in both studies is 13%. On be the result in part of the fact that ence in Ott’s methods compared with
the other hand, the standard devia- Deter et al used the weight prediction ours is his use of a model for predict-
tion in our study was uniform at 13% model of Warsof et al (21) that was ing fetal weight that has been demon-
throughout pregnancy. The fact that based on measurement of biparietal strated to result in systematically
these differences are due to maccu- diameter and abdominal circumfer- overestimated weight in utero by 3%
rate assignment of menstrual age is ence; this measurement has been in fetuses weighing less than 3,000 g
supported by the recent work of demonstrated to result in systemati- (23) and at term by 6.1% in fetuses
Secher et al (20), who demonstrated cally underestimated fetal weight seen at US imaging at 24 weeks. We
uniform variance in a group of fetuses (22). The difference in predicted birth believe this is the most likely explana-
whose menstrual dates had been con- weight at 40 weeks between our tion for the differences observed
firmed at early US. study and that of Deter et al is proba- among our estimates of normal fetal
For purposes of comparison, our bly related to the fact that Deter et al weight at each week of gestation
data should be
most comparable with had very little data beyond 39 weeks prior to term. We cannot readily ex-
the data in the prenatal US studies of when their model was developed. plain the difference in variances ob-
Deter et al (12) and Ott (13) (Table 2) The study by Ott (13) was a cross- served in our study and Ott’s, which
and the postnatal studies of Williams sectional analysis of 402 white pa- is considerable, but the higher ran-
et al (1) and Babson et al (2) (Table 3). tients seen in St Louis; these data are dom errors reported by Ott (8.9%)
The predicted values from Deter et al remarkably similar to those for our may have played some role.
are based on a quadratic function de- population. When looking at the pre- We chose the studies of Williams et
rived from longitudinal data of 20 dicted values for each week of gesta- al (1) and Babson et ab (2) as postnatal
white fetuses seen at US performed at tion, it is clear that the values ob- studies for comparison with our study
sea level; the predicted values are tamed by Ott are typically larger than because both of those studies exam-

132 Radiology
#{149} October 1991
med a large, predominantly white virtually all postnatal studies is rela- 2. Babson SG, Behrman RE, Lessel R. Fetal
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Volume 181 Number

#{149} 1 Radiology 133

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