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Name: ______________________________ Date: ___________________

1) Translate the text into Portuguese. Then answer the questions below.


On August 30th, 2013, I left my family in South Korea and headed to America.
It was actually my birthday, and I had never imagined it would be one of the
best birthday presents of my life. Prior to my travel to America, I had never
traveled outside of Korea by myself, and honestly I was scared and confused
at first. What scared me the most was the fact that I was about to decide
everything my own, and I was on the verge of becoming an adult! I believe
that all the experiences I encountered as an exchange student in the U.S.
helped me shape and develop a sense of maturity, responsibility and
When I first met with my host parents at the airport, who had a hand-made sign with my name on it, they
gave me a great big hug, and it was this moment that I knew I would be welcomed and loved during my
stay in America! If someone asks me about the secret to my exchange student experience, I would say
communication and an open-minded personality are the key factors. I always tried to initiate conversations
with host family and friends and also joined school activities as much as I could to further immerse myself
into the community. As a result, I was able to adapt in a new environment and made many friends in such a
short time period.

A) – Which country did the girl go to on an Exchange Program? Had she traveled before? How did she feel?
B) – What scared the girl the most on her exchange trip?
C) – According to the girl, what was she able to develop during her exchange student program?
D) – What made the girl feel welcomed in a foreign country?
E) – According to the girl, what factor contributed for her trip to be a success?

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