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Lance V.


presents • Official Presidential introduction and awe- “Lance gives an impressive representation
inspiring entrance to Hail to the Chief of Abraham Lincoln...and is an
• Patriotic recitation of the Pledge of Ambassador of American History”
Allegiance with the standing audience Peter Brennan
• Stirring speech about “Liberty and the Law” Deputy Chief of Mission
• Mister Lincoln’s autobiographical sketch US Embassy, San Jose, Costa Rica
• The Gettysburg Address
“Fantastic as our Civil War Commander-in-Chief!”
• Q-and-A with photo opportunity
Retired Major, United States Army

“Lance’s Abe is a hard act to follow!”

Using selections appropriate to topics like the United States Representative Jim Nussle (R-Iowa)
following from among many at his disposal, Lance
can and will gladly customize his presentation to suit “We saw Lance perform and had to bring our
“Let us have faith that right makes might, your occasion and special interests: grandchildren back to see him the next day!”
and in that faith let us, to the end, Iowa Grandparents
dare to do our duty as we understand it.” • Gratitude to veterans and their families
___________________________________________________ (“The Letter to Mrs. Bixby”) “Lance makes the best Lincoln I’ve ever seen
• Our democracy and our Nation in more than twenty years of Civil War reenacting!”
Civil War Reenactments Special Events Schools • Advice to lawyers Veteran Civil War Reenactor
• The value of reading and education
The Most Authentic Abraham Lincoln • Mr. Lincoln’s relationship with God “I really believed I had met Abraham Lincoln!”
Since President Lincoln Himself • The First and Second Inaugural Addresses High-School Senior, South Dakota
• The Legal History of the American Republic
These three phrases best describe how Lance feels • Slavery “Lance’s rendition of President Lincoln’s
about portraying Abraham Lincoln: • Equal Opportunity for all Letter to Mrs. Bixby was exquisitely done.”
• Thanksgiving as a National Holiday Director Sean Baumgartner
“A high honor… • America as a Nation and We as her Citizens Rock Island National Cemetery
A tremendous privilege… • Living as Mr. Lincoln—Things that “just
happen” to him in and out of character “Mister Mack’s presentation wasn’t just
A great responsibility…” interesting—it was AWESOME!”
For more detailed information or to book an Costa Rican High School Junior
Using Mister Lincoln’s own timeless words and
engagement, please contact Lance in Marion, The Lincoln School, San Jose, Costa Rica
wearing period attire, including President Lincoln’s
signature stovepipe hat and black frock coat, Lance Iowa, by phone at 319-651-3019 or send an e-mail
has been mesmerizing his audiences for more than to
twenty years. With his stunning physical
resemblance to Abraham Lincoln (6’5” in height, Find many photographs, additional information, a
weight of 180 pounds), natural black beard and downloadable PowerPoint presentation, and links
dignified Lincolnesque demeanor, Lance to videos of Lance “in action as Mr. Lincoln” at
impressively and unforgettably brings this beloved
American icon to life before his audiences’ very

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