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Wars and Battles
War is defined as a state of armed conflict between different nations or groups,
on a large scale. Battle is defined as the state of conflict between two or more
different armed forces or groups, and on a smaller scale as compared to war. War
is a human constant, a human tendency, and a natural product of the human
There has never been a time in human history, when there were no wars or
battles being fought between human beings. The earliest traces of battles and
wars date back to thousands of years, with marks of harm and forceful strike
being done on humans by other humans, found on the bones and skeletons of the
dead humans. The earliest wars were fought with stones and sticks, and primitive
Then during the Bronze and Iron Age, weapons became more sophisticated, and
wars and battles were fought with spears, swords, shields, bows & arrows,
cannons etc. Then with the passage of time, wars became more and more
sophisticated, with more sophisticated battle strategies and weapons being
developed, with modern wars being fought with guns, missiles, tanks, planes,
advanced A.I. drones, unmanned vehicles etc.
Wars and Battles have always been fought over sharing of resources, like land,
ammunition, minerals, food, women etc. There has been glorification of war
during the passing of the passage of time.
Wars and Battles have been embellished with stories of valour, courage, sacrifice
and glory, with the earliest to modern historians recording the facts of their
period of wars, along with inducing bias and propaganda. Propaganda plays a
huge role in cultivating the sentiment to fight and recruit soldiers. There have
been written a plethora of epics, myths, and stories centered around Wars and
Battles, their state, and their result.
Nations are always keen to display their military might, and dominate each other
with their man and fire power. Wars and Battles always had a huge chunk of the
national budget dedicated to them, and huge portions of the tax resources
dedicated to standing armies since the ancient times.
Wars and Battles are the product of human’s anger, jealousy, greed, and envy.
Nothing good every comes out of the loss of millions and billions of lives lost in
the fighting. Modern wars have a looming threat of Mutually Assured Destruction
(M.A.D.), through the use of modern nuclear weapons, which deters their usage
after the last time in Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Wars and Battles also lead to a fear
among the nations and groups, and leads to the development of further
technologies and tactics to be employed.
Wars and Battles are one thing which best define the history books, and are the
central part of human existence.

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