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E-Learning is defined as the electronic learning, through the means of electronic
gadgets such as computer, mobile phones, tablets etc., and conducted online over
the Internet. E-Learning started happening when the Internet and electronic
gadgets became commonplace, especially in the 2010s.
There are many E-Learning platforms, called MOOCs, short for Massive Online
Open Courses, such as the one offered by MIT, Coursera, EdX, Udemy, Udacity,
Skillshare etc. MIT first started offering their courses online during the early
2000s, and thus was born the concept of MOOCs. MOOCs offer free education,
anytime, anywhere, for any number of people, at the same time.
E-Learning offers the facility to teach multiple people, at different stages, to learn
at the same time. E-Learning also offers the ability to learn at one’s own pace,
without the pressure of any deadlines. E-Learning can also happen over online
conferences and webinars, wherein a teacher makes a group of class students,
and different students attend the classes by joining the said group. E-Learning is
extremely beneficial to people who cannot afford high cost of education, and
want to learn on their own. E-Learning also helps people discover new ways to
work on their own homework assignments and submit them on the given time
E-Learning also includes learning through websites, videos, blogs and portals
meant for education. E-Learning has transformed the way people teach and
perceive education.
Because the Internet is such a vast pool of resources and information, there can
be learnt practically anything if one is determined enough to learn. Due to this,
people also have trouble charting their own courses and chaffing out information
to useful knowledge that is necessary to be learnt.
E-Learning also comes with some drawbacks, such as the ones mentioned above.
People who don’t have access to electronic gadgets and Internet connection
cannot use the vast resources of E-Learning. Because of the huge variety of
teachers available online, one can become confused as to where to learn from. E-
learning also helps in clearing the doubts of people by allowing information for
practically anything to be searched and learnt from.
E-Learning also comes in audio format, apart from the visual and video format, in
the form of audiobooks, podcasts and interviews. E-Learning also allows one to
learn freely and productively.
Overall, E-Learning has transformed education forever, and is here to stay.

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