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6 Exercises
Financial Accounting - Chapter 14 Document/Account Maintenance
OBJECTIVE: To understand document changing procedure and rules, document reversals and
account clearing.

Exercise 1. Post a Document

Boots-R-Us needs to pay employees’ salaries in three days. However, at this time, the bank
account XX1135 Citibank – Other postings that they normally use for this purpose lacks the
funds to cover the salaries. Therefore, it is necessary to temporarily transfer $25,000 from
113002 Bank- transfers to XX1135. Record the transfer (it will be a regular G/L posting).

Menu Path: ______________________________________________________________


Exercise 2. Change a Document

Oops! You forgot to put an appropriate description in the document you posted in the
previous exercise. Go back to the document through the “Change” function and enter a
description of the transaction in the Text field of both line items.

Menu Path: ______________________________________________________________


Exercise 3. Display Document Changes

Display the changes made to the document posted in Exercise 2.

Menu Path: ______________________________________________________________

Exercise 4. Display Document Change Rule Table

The accounting manager in Boots-R-Us does not want the Text field in G/L items to be
modifiable in the future.
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SAP FI 4.6 Exercises
Financial Accounting - Chapter 14 Document/Account Maintenance

View the Document Change Rule table, examine the fields and data structures within this
table, and define the Text field for the appropriate account type as non-modifiable.

Hint: Be sure to take note of the technical name of the Text field within a document (F1+ the
pushbutton “Technical information”), whether it is a header or line item field, and what
Account Type this field is valid for (G/L account, Customer, etc.).

Menu Path:
➢ Financial Accounting
➢ Financial accounting Global Settings
➢ Document
➢ Line Item
➢ Document Change Rules, Line Item

Screen Name: Change View “Document Change Rules”: Overview

Go back to the document you posted in Exercise 1 and changed in Exercise 2 and try to
change this Text field within the document. What happens?

Exercise 5. Reverse a Document

A. A Vendor Invoice for some dying tools purchase needs to be posted for $3,000.

Menu Path:

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SAP FI 4.6 Exercises
Financial Accounting - Chapter 14 Document/Account Maintenance

Debit Credit
XX4100 3000

Document Number: __________________

B. You notice the Vendor Invoice was actually for $8,000 and has been recorded incorrectly.
Reverse the incorrect document and post the transaction correctly.

Menu Path:
➢ Accounting
➢ Financial Accounting
➢ Accounts Payable
➢ Document
➢ Reverse
➢ Individual Reversal

Screen Name: Reverse Document: Header Data

Reversing Document Number: ________________________________________

New Document Number: ________________________________________

Exercise 6. Post Journal Entry to Bank Accounts

A. The bank is offering Boots-R-Us a special overnight deposit interest rate but only on the
bank account XX1131. However, at this time, there are more funds in bank account
XX1135 than in XX1131; therefore, the Treasury department is going to transfer funds
from one account to the other (see details below). You need to record this temporary
funds transfer from the account Citibank - Other Postings bank account to the bank
account Citibank - Checks Payable. (Hint: This is a G/L Account Posting)

Menu Path:

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SAP FI 4.6 Exercises
Financial Accounting - Chapter 14 Document/Account Maintenance
D/C Account Amount_
Dr XX1131 (Citibank - Checks Payable) $40,000.00
Cr XX1135 (Citibank - Other Postings) $40,000.00

Document Number: __________________

B. The following day, the Treasury department will transfer the funds back to the
original bank accounts. Therefore, you will now transfer funds from account XX1131
back to the account XX1135.

Posting Key Account Amount_

Dr XX1135 (Citibank - Other Postings) $40,000.00
Cr XX1131 (Citibank - Checks Payable) $40,000.00

Menu Path: ______________________________________________________________


Document Number: __________________

Exercise 7. Clear Account

The two transactions from Exercise 6 completed one business process - the transfer and
reversal of funds from one bank account to another. You can now clear these offsetting
entries in G/L Account XX1131 by matching the debit and the credit of $40,000. By
clearing these two entries you will indicate that the items are not open anymore and you do
not expect them to be involved in any other business transactions.

Before clearing can occur, a tolerance group must be assigned to the clearing account G/L
master record. The tolerance group determines the limits within which clearing differences
are accepted and posted to predefined accounts.

A. Define tolerance group XXGL for G/L clearing accounts.

Menu Path:
➢ Financial Accounting
➢ General Ledger Accounting
➢ Business Transactions
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Financial Accounting - Chapter 14 Document/Account Maintenance
➢ Open Item Clearing
➢ Clearing Differences
➢ Define Tolerance Groups for G/L Accounts

Screen Name: Change View “Tolerances for Groups of G/L Accounts”: Overview

Boot-R-Us’ maximum permitted debit/credit clearing differences are $5.00 or 1.0%.

B. Assign tolerance group XXGL to G/L Accounts XX1131 and XX1135.

Menu Path:
➢ Accounting
➢ Financial Accounting
➢ General Ledger
➢ Master Records
➢ Individual Processing
➢ In Company Code

Screen Name: Edit G/L Account Company Code Data

C. Clear the two transactions posted in Exercise 6 for G/L Account XX1131.

Menu Path:
➢ Accounting
➢ Financial Accounting
➢ General Ledger
➢ Account
➢ Clear

Screen Name: Clear G/L Account: Header Data

Select the appropriate debit and credit item from the open item list (the amounts should
appear other than black) and <Save>.

• When this screen appears all items that appear are active. In order to make all
items on your screen initially inactive, Choose Edit/Options, Click on “Select items
initially inactive”. Save. Then double click on the items that are to be cleared.
• In order to (de)select an amount you must double-click on the amount field.
Clicking anywhere else will activate the item but not the amount.
• Buttons at the bottom of the line item display allow you to (de)select/activate

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SAP FI 4.6 Exercises
Financial Accounting - Chapter 14 Document/Account Maintenance

Exercise 8. Display Line Items

You want to check how the items you posted on XX1131 in previous exercises are displayed.
Display the open and cleared line items for the G/L Account XX1131 (Citibank - Checks
Payable) to make sure that the entries you cleared in the previous exercise are displayed
among the Cleared Items.

Menu Path:
➢ Accounting
➢ Financial Accounting
➢ General Ledger
➢ Account
➢ Display/Change line items

Exercise 9. Clear Account

As stated earlier, the two transactions from Exercise 6 completed one business process - the
transfer and reversal of funds from one bank account to another. You cleared the
corresponding line items on XX1131. Now, clear the offsetting entries in G/L Account
XX1135 by matching the debits and the credits of $40,000.

Menu Path: ______________________________________________________________


Can you clear the off setting line items? Why or why not?

Hint: Check the G/L master record of the account.

Exercise 10. Prepare a company code for negative postings - Configuration

Boots-R-Us would like to configure their system so that they can use negative postings in
addition to the standard reversal. In order to use negative postings, the company code,
document type, and reversal reason all must be set to allow such a posting. The following
steps will permit negative postings for company code XXPH.

Menu Path:
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SAP FI 4.6 Exercises
Financial Accounting - Chapter 14 Document/Account Maintenance
➢ Financial Accounting
➢ Financial Accounting Global Settings
➢ Company Code
➢ Enter Global Parameters

Screen Name: Change View "Company Code Global Data": Overview

1. Select company code XXPH.

2. Flag “Negative Postings Allowed”.
3. <Save> your entry.

Exercise 11. Prepare a document type for negative postings - Configuration

In this exercise, you will permit negative postings for the document type SA.

Menu Path:
➢ Financial Accounting
➢ Financial Accounting Global Settings
➢ Document
➢ Document Header
➢ Overview

Screen Name: Change View "Document Types": Overview

Note: Document types are client dependent; therefore, a classmate may have already
completed this exercise.

1. Select the document type SA.

2. Flag “Negative Postings Allowed”.
3. Save your entry.

Exercise 12. Define a reason code for negative postings - Configuration

In this exercise, you will define a reason code for the true reversal (i.e., negative posting).

Menu Path:
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SAP FI 4.6 Exercises
Financial Accounting - Chapter 14 Document/Account Maintenance
➢ Financial Accounting
➢ Accounts Receivable and Accounts Payable
➢ Business Transactions
➢ Document Reversal
➢ Define Reasons for Reversal

Screen Name: Change View "Reasons for Reverse Posting ": Overview

Continued on next page

Note: The reversal reason controls whether the reversal is a standard reversal or a negative
posting. The settings in the previous exercises simply made a negative posting possible.

1. Create a new entry XX (your initials) and enter a description.

2. Flag “Negative Postings” for your reason code.
3. Use F1 to find out what the field “Alt.pos.dt” means and select it at your discretion.
4. <Save> your entry.

Exercise 13. Post a G/L Entry

In this exercise, you will post a G/L document that will be reversed later with a negative
posting. You will also view the G/L account balance to see the effect of the G/L entry.

1. Post a simple G/L entry in XXPH that you will reverse in the later steps.

Debit Credit
630050 5000
111000 5000

2. View the account balance and line items for G/L Account 111000

Exercise 14. Post a true reversal

In this exercise, you will reverse a G/L document using negative postings. You will also
view the G/L account balance to see the effect of the reversal.

Menu Path:
➢ Accounting
➢ Financial Accounting
➢ General Ledger
➢ Document
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SAP FI 4.6 Exercises
Financial Accounting - Chapter 14 Document/Account Maintenance
➢ Reverse
➢ Individual Reversal

Screen Name: Reverse Document: Header Data

Continued on next page

1. Enter the following information:
• Original document number: Posted in exercise 13
• Company code: XXPH
• Fiscal year: Current fiscal year
• Reversal reason: XX
2. <Save> the reversal.
3. Display the account balance and line items for account 111000
4. Follow the second menu path to go to the G/L account balance display.

Note: Unlike a standard reversal, the true reversal reduced the debit amount so in the account balance
should show no entries. Had the reversal been a standard reversal, you would see an offsetting credit
entry in account display. However, when you view the line items or reversal document, the only
difference you will notice is a negative posting indicator (assuming it is included in the line item
display variant, which you will learn about in the next chapter).

Exercise 15. G/L Posting and account clearing utilizing unique assignments

The following exercises will demonstrate the use of the assignment field during clearing.

Note: Generally, you will use the account clearing function for bank sub-accounts and
clearing accounts. For the purposes of the exercises, the clearing process and the
transactions leading to it have been simplified. We will concentrate on clearing the G/L
account XX1131 Citibank-Checks Payable in Company code XXPH.

Post the following two G/L journal entries.

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SAP FI 4.6 Exercises
Financial Accounting - Chapter 14 Document/Account Maintenance

Entry 1
Debit Credit Assignment Value Date
XX1131 900 002 Today
XX1135 900 003 Today

Entry 2
Debit Credit Assignment Value Date
XX1135 900 002 Today
XX1131 900 003 Today

Exercise 16. Define clearing rules for G/L account clearing

In this exercise, you will create a clearing rule with the Assignment number. When matching
(clearing) G/L items with different Assignments, the system will automatically generate
separate clearing entries.

Menu Path:
➢ Financial Accounting
➢ General Ledger Accounting
➢ Business Transactions
➢ Open Item Clearing
➢ Define Clearing Rules

Screen Name: Change View "FI Clearing Rule ": Overview

1. Select <New entries> and enter the following:

• Clearing rule: XX
• Description: Your choice

<Save> your entry.

2. Select your rule and double click on “Clearing rule fields”.

3. Select <New entries> and enter the following:
• Item number: 1
• Field name: ZUONR (assignment)
4. <Save> your entry.

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SAP FI 4.6 Exercises
Financial Accounting - Chapter 14 Document/Account Maintenance
Exercise 17. Assign clearing rules to account types

In this exercise, you will assign the clearing rule created in exercise 16 to the G/L account type.

Menu Path:
➢ Financial Accounting
➢ General Ledger Accounting
➢ Business Transactions
➢ Open Item Clearing
➢ Assign Clearing Rules to Account Types

Screen Name: Change View "Maintenance View for Assigning FI Clearing Rule ": Overview

Note: Only one clearing rule may be assigned to an account type; therefore, a classmate may
have already completed this exercise.

1. Create a <New Entry> in which you assign the clearing rule XX to the account type S.
2. <Save> your entry.

The next step is normally to define the clearing tolerance groups and assign them to the G/L
accounts; however, this step was completed earlier.

Exercise 20. Clear a G/L account

In this exercise, you will clear the entries that you made to XX1131 in Exercise 15. First
clear the two entries that have the same values in the Assignment field and then, in a separate
transaction, clear the entries that have different values in the Assignment field.

Menu Path:
➢ Accounting
➢ Financial Accounting
➢ General Ledger
➢ Account
➢ Clear

Screen Name: Clear G/L Account: Header Data

1. Enter the following information:
• G/L account: XX1131
• Company code: XXPH

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SAP FI 4.6 Exercises
Financial Accounting - Chapter 14 Document/Account Maintenance
2. On the following screen select the appropriate debit and credit item in the amount of $900
from the open item list (the amounts should appear other than black).
3. Simulate and <Save>.

Note: The result of this clearing transaction should be the two clearing entries are created
that offset the entries made to XX1131. The assignment field should be the same as that of
the offsetting entry. To verify these entries, view the line item details of XX1131.

If the assignment numbers in the original entries had been the same, then SAP would have
only have created a document that contains a header but no line item entries (no entries
would be generated as a result of clearing since both of them had the same Assignment –
clearing rule).

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