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Indah Widiastuti
Department of Architecture, School of Architecture, Planning, and Policy Development
(SAPPK), Institut Teknologi Bandung

This paper is based on observation about vernacular courtyard-house architecture in Kerala, South India.
Traditional architecture in India is generally governed by a knowledge, prescribed in a traditional book.
However, from the field observations, we identified many exceptions against the prescribed traditional
knowledge. In the case of Kerala, some of the exceptions indicate shared architectural features with
indigenous architecture in Indonesian. The analysis uses typology method and unfolds six typologies and
three styles of courtyard-houses. They have distinct spatial characters that give importance to women,
kitchen, main orientation to water and river, and granary concept.
Keywords: courtyard-house, south india, residential architecture, kerala, nalukettu, manusyalayacandrika

Makalah ini ditulis berlandaskan hasil observasi lapangan terhadap arsitektur vernakuler rumah court-
yard, di Kerala India Selatan. Arsitektur tradisional di India pada umumnya taat pada pengetahuan, yang
ditulis dalam sebuah kitab tradisional. Namun, dari pengamatan lapangan, kami mengidentifikasi adanya
pengecualian desain dari yang telah diatur dalam buku tradisional tersebut. Dalam kasus arsitektur rumah
courtyard Kerala, beberapa pengecualian tersebut justru menunjukkan kesesuaian dengan arsitektur asli
di Indonesia. Analisis dilakukan dengan menggunakan metode Tipologi, dan mengungkap enam tipologi
serta dua langgam. Pada rumah courtyard Kerala aspek perempuan, dapur, orientasi utama terhadap air
dan sungai, serta konsep lumbung mendapat tempat yang penting.
Kata Kunci: halaman rumah, india selatan, arsitektur hunian, kerala, naluketuu, manusyalayacandrika

INTRODUCTION alien to the classical text.

Courtyard-house is typical archie- Kerala is the southernmost cultu-
tecture in South Asia. It is a common ral unit and federation country in India.
typology in India with various terms, Except for earthquake, they have tropi-
such as, haveli in North India, wada in pical equatorial monsoon climates, pad-
Maharasthra, rajbari in West Bengal, dy farming tradition, and history of
cathurmukham in Tamil nadu (Rhanda- traditional maritime network, like Indo-
nawa: 1999). In Kerala, it is called nalu- nesia. Given different climatic and cultu-
kettu, which means 4 (four)-halls-house ral background from the rest of India
encircling an inner-yard. The design subcontinent, but the shared ecological
follows a book of traditional architectural context with Indonesia, courtyard-house
(vaastuvidya), the Manusyalaya Candri- in Kerala becomes interesting and rele-
ka (Achyutyan Prabhu: 1998). However, vant topic to discuss about the shared
the field observations indicates that not architectural characters between India
all nalukettu faithfully follow the tradi- and Indonesia. This research is a part of
tional book. Courtyard-house in Kerala study with the purpose to explore archi-
seems to have more grounds on daily and tectural interlinkages between South
popular architectural practice that may be India, and Indonesian or Southeast Asia.


Tanggal Submit: 11-06-2018; Tanggal Revisi: 29-11-2018; Tanggal Diterima: 3-12-2018

DOI: 10.5614/sostek.itbj.2018.17.3.4
366 Jurnal Sosioteknologi | Vol. 17, No 3, Desember 2018

The aim of the study is to uncover the construction is allowed to stand and hinder
aspects that indicate the Indic and Indo- the energy flow. Therefore, the marmam or
nesian characters in Kerala’s architecture. dotted area is usually functioned as fenes-
Specifically, the objective of this research trations and openings. Visually, the
is: 1) to identify variations of typology of mandala, sutram, and marmam constitute
court-yard-house in Kerala, and to learn the geometrical orientation principles that
general architectonic characters of each govern the ordering system of a nalukettu.
type; and 2) to explore common principles Formally, a nalukettu is compos-
of Southeast Asian architectures in the ed of four independent halls (salas)
typology of Kerala courtyard-houses. around a courtyard facing the four car-
dinal directions (Figure. 2. a). A single
Literature Review proper hall (sala) is composed of the
Courtyard-House in Kerala according main hall (vidik sala) which is struc-
to Manusyalaya Candrika turally identified by a ring-beams or wall
Manusyalaya candrika is the tradi- plate, extended beam (diksala) to adjust
tional book about the architecture of Kera- the hall with the length of the building,
la, claimed to be written in 17th Cent.AD and a connecting structure or alindam
(Achyutyan and Prabhu, 1998, Thampu- (Figure.2.b). Altogether, the multi-laye-
ran, 2001). It contains prescription of ring principles of the mandala, marmam-
Kerala’s traditional residential architec- sutram, fourfold salas, and diksala-
ture, including courtyard-house or naluke- vidiksala constitute the structural prin-
ttu. Achyutyan and Prabhu (1998) elabo- ciples of a nalukettu (Figure 2.C). These
rated it in a commentary text from which I prescribed configuration consequently
draw some relevant principles for analy- constitute axis mundi of the house.
zing the courtyard-houses. Ideally, an abs-
tract gridiron called mandala guides the Commonality of Kerala’s Vernacular
configuration of nalukettu. The giridiron Courtyard House with Indonesia
demonstrates concentric order that situates Architecture
the highest rank god in the center of the Courtyard-house is the signature
mandala where no built form is allowed of South Asian architecture. It is a dwel-
there. Superimposing the concentric order, ling configuration commonly found in the
is first, a diagonal hierarchical orientation semi-arid environment. In general, in
gradually sloping down from northeast to India, a courtyard is believed to be a navel-
southwest corner (Figure 1.a). The hiera- void containing primordial memory of
rchical placement of rooms follows this trees, cut to construct houses (Bhattachar-
diagonal and concentric orientation (Figu- yya, 2007). In Kerala, the memory is
re 1.b). Second, upon this mandala, marked by basil flower planted in the
conceptual lines and dots are drawn, inner-yard – the tulasi. However, factually,
guided by the rules of sutram and marmam the gravitation of spiritual activities orients
(Figure 1.c). Sutram (threads, Sans.) is a toward granary (ara). According to her, the
conceptual line(s) pulled perpendicularly oldest nalukettu mostly appeared as a
and diagonally from every intersecting line single open hall, extended by the width to
of the grids and yielded intersecting dots some extent that leaves vertical vent stack
(marmam, Sans.). This line represents in the middle and yielded courtyard.
positive energy flow. Upon this conceptual Closed space is situated in one or two
intersecting dots and lines, no objects or
Indah Widiastuti | Typology Study of Vernacular..... 367

sides of the halls,where one of them was directly onto the ground. Kerala’s roof
granary (ara). The important spatial concept relates to the discussion about the
placement of granary and inclination to insular Southeast Asian roof design
wide living space are characters of (Vrocklage, 1936 in Waterson, 1997).
vernacular architecture in Indonesia. Wooden construction combined with
Some characters of Kerala’s Court- foliage construction is not the nature of
yard-house contain architectural characters Vedic Architecture. The Vedic or pre-
of the tropical Indonesian regions. Reimar Aryan architecture is rather established on
Schefold (2004) generalized characters of solid construction material, like brick mud
Indonesian houses, but called it Formal fea- and stone rather than temporary and
tures of Southeast Asian type-houses. foliage construction. Kerala architecture
According to him, all architectural characters dedicates its space to feminine characters
found in Southeast Asia are available in and the importance of granary. This relates
Indonesia. Three of them confirm Kerala’s to Koji Sato’s elaboration on granary
characters. They are the tripartite house, dwelling in Southeast Asia (Sato, 1988).
outward slanting gable, and treatment of Its grand-built character related to Proto-
wood and timber. The roof is overwhelming Austronesian characters of South-east
and steep; therefore it allows rain to fall Asian architecture (Sato, 2015). Like

Figure 1a Mandala Figure 1b Typical of Figure 1c Marmam

Scheme House Plan and Principle
Figure 1 Geometrical Orientation Principles of nalukettu
(redrawn from Achyutyan and Prabhu, 2001)

Figure 2a Four Sala Figure 2b Vidiksala Figure 2c Illustration of a

Principle Principle design and the Superimposed
Figure 2 Structural Principles of nalukettu
(redrawn from Achyutyan and Prabhu, 2001)
368 Jurnal Sosioteknologi | Vol. 17, No 3, Desember 2018

Minangkabau Kerala adheres matrilineal diagrammatic elaborations are available

kinship and take granary as its elemen- in Table I.
tary residential structure (Widiastuti
2013). Type of Architectural Style
The study identifies two general
architecture styles in Kerala, namely: 1)
Typology is a study of architectural Travancore Style of the Southern Kerala,
type. It assumes a common abstract form and 2) Malabar Style of The Central and
governing the variations of architectural Northern Kerala. Travancore is taken from
forms (Moneo, 1978). The field obser- the name of a classical kingdom in South
vation covered 52 residential compounds, Kerala. Malabar is another name of Kerala,
out of which 27 cases were courtyard- referred to an ancient maritime kingdom in
houses, belonging to various communities central-north Kerala. Being busy maritime
(Brahmin, Non-Brahmin, Christians, and kingdoms both architectures absorbed many
Muslim). Typology is utilized as analy- outside influences and yielded eclectic
tical tools to draw classification based on expression. Travancore architecture tends to
the spatial configuration of courtyard- have moderate size courtyard-house, small
house. Conventional typology was merely inner-yard, with open layout interior space.
means to classify, and to draw categories It demonstrates very rich timber construction
of designs. The contemporary typology and overwhelming hipped gable, and bent
emphasizes the analytical significance of ridge roof architecture. Laterite masonry and
the relationship between typical elements wooden carpentry characterize Malabar
and the whole design (Hillier & Leaman, Style. The masonry allows huge and multi-
in Guney, 2007). Hillier & Leaman (in stories buildings, with intensive walled
Guney, 2007) use biological terms ‘geno- interior and eclectic ornamentation. The
type’ to explain abstract relational models distinction between the two styles is not
governing the arrangement of spaces, and clear-cut but gradual, from south to north.
‘phenotypes’ to explain actual realization
of genotypes in the different physical
Types of Courtyard Configuration
milieu. It makes typology as research
Courtyard in nalukettu is called
instruments that can provide explanations
anakanam. Each community has its court-
about manifestations, and processes in
yard style. However, some common
architectural concepts (Djokić, 2009). The
characters prevail. They are: 1) the
resulted types yielded by typology analysis
courtyard dimension is generally small and
is then encountered by indicators of Indo-
generally varies from 1.8 m to 5 m spans;
nesian architectures as elaborated in litera-
2) courtyard-house has outer wall and tend
ry review, to assess aspects that signify
to have at least one hall opened; 3)
common genotypes of Indic and Indone-
regardless of religion and communities,
sian architectural characters and highlight
most of the houses give importance to
the spatial phenotypes.
kitchen, well, and orientation toward river;
RESULTS AND DISCUSSION and 4) most courtyard-houses has a walled
The typological analysis brings wooden hall containing raised granary in
the middle (ara), semi basement storage-
up two discussions about typologies,
pedestal or nilavara for storing utensils and
which are: 1) type of architectural style,
farming tools, and one or two supporting
2) types of courtyard configuration. The
rooms (kalavara) next to ara.
Indah Widiastuti | Typology Study of Vernacular..... 369



All relates to paddy farming activities. nilavara-kalavara. The dimension of the

From these common charac-ters, more courtyard could reach as huge as 10 m
specific designs appear and classifiable widespan. The courtyard house generally
in 6 (six) typologies of courtyard confi- maintains the south hall as open and
guration with the follow-ing percentage floor raised for living space. This type
among the samples as elaborated below. occupies 25% of the samples.
Type 1. Nalukettu with four Proper Type 2. Nalukettu with Open
Halls. Courtyard-house type 1 persistently Living Space. Courtyard-house type 2
follow the prescribed text of, Manusya- appears as nalukettu with open layout
layachandrika, regarding geometrical ori- interior space and fixed wall only in the
entation, structural principles of nalukettu. perimeter of the house. It has one or two
It may be obvious considering courtyard- enclosed wooden halls containing ara,
house of this typology usually belongs to kalavara and nilavara, and a small pit in
Brahmin communities. It has ara- the middle of the interior approximately
370 Jurnal Sosioteknologi | Vol. 17, No 3, Desember 2018

1.5 to 2-meter span inner-yard. The 2001). The numbers covers 5% of the
structural principle is not faithful diksala- samples. The type is a regional style and so
vidiksala principles, but they keep the geo- far, only found in South Kerala, among the
metrical orientation principles. The basil Christian Syrian community, generally
flower occasionally put in the center of adhering to patrilineal and nuclear family.
ankanam, or the front of the house facing Type 5. Mapilla Manzil. The Mapil-
eastward. In Kanyakumari district South las are major Muslim communities prac-
Kerala, this typology is called arapura ticing matrilineal kinship. The house dedi-
(paddy-house) (Widiastuti, 2013). Under- cates their rooms for female members. They
lining the dominant use of timber, call their house manzil. A manzil is generally
Thampuran (2001) considers this type huge bungalows with many rooms, like
indigenous South Kerala and Pre-Hindu. apartments. Their designs do not refer to
However, concerning spatial configura- Manusyalayachandrika with regards to
tion the typology 2 are available in the geometrical orientation, and structural prin-
entire Kerala, generally among the middle ciples of nalukettu, but like other commu-
to lower class landlords, but using laterite nities they put kitchen and female space in
material. The numbers of this type com- the most auspicious place inside the house.
prise 15% of the samples. They also have no ara-nilavara-kalavara
Type 3. Nalukettu with rooms inside the house. However, the rear of the
and one hall opened. Courtyard-house house has rooms arranged the way of ara-
type 3 persistently follow the geometrical nilavara-kalavara. It is also considered
orientation, and availability of ara- auspicious and only for female entry. They
nilavara-kalavara. However, the struc- have separated granary house outside the
tural principles relatively ignore dik- house. The courtyard is very small and
vidiksala. The type has three halls and insignificantly placed, but the space surroun-
one open-hall in the western or southern ding the courtyard is wide, considered
side, encircling a small rectangular yard auspicious, and designated for female. The
(ankanam). They are likely typology 1 of male space is in the front veranda, namely
smaller size, with moderate inner yard kinanthara. Kinanthara is a front raised-
span of 2 meters wide. This type is space, usually used for social space, and a
perhaps the mostly found nalukettu in the processional limbus, where functions, mar-
entire country regardless castes and riage and feasts are held. It makes kinanthara
communities. It covers 40% of the sam- of the Mapilla as important as courtyard in
ples, and mostly found in Central Kerala, nalukettu. They are mostly in Central-North
Type 4. Kuzhikettu. Courtyard- and available of 10% of the samples.
house type 4 is not a proper nalukettu, but Type 6. Agraharam. Courtyard-
single hall house with annex connected by house type 6 is residential units standing in
two parallel passages that consequently arrays of units, like town house, called
leave an inner-pit (kuzhi) which is consi- agraharam, belonging to temple-commu-
dered as a courtyard. The single hall nity and available in temple quarters. It
contains ara-nilavara-kalavara with living existed in Kerala but considered Tamil
space surrounding it, but has no orientation Nadu’s origin. Generally, it appears as a
towards the courtyard. They keep marmam small-elongated unit, fronted by a veranda
and principles, but ignore structural prin- with a raised floor for sitting, called
ciples and orientation of nalukettu. Tham- thinnai. The courtyard is at the back of the
puran regarded this a pseudo-nalukettu, house, more as living space. As they are
and named it kuzhikettu (Thampuran, not original from Kerala, they do not refer
Indah Widiastuti | Typology Study of Vernacular..... 371


Type of Timber Hipped or roof Hipped gabled-bent Space under Open lay out Granary as center Space with
courtyard construction roof protruding eaves or living space gravity of dwelling few walls
veranda space

Nalukettu1 V V V V V VV 0
Nalukettu2 VV VV VV VV VV VV VV
Nalukettu 3 VV V VV VV VV VV VV
Kuzhikettu VV VV VV VV V VV VV
Manzil 0 V 0 V VV V 0
Agraharam 0 V 0 VV 0 0 0
Note: VV = exist, V = exist in few places, 0= no existence
to Manusyalayacandrika. They do not keep tion, where on kitchen and well are put.
ara-kalavara in their house. The courtyard Despite adherence to Manusyalayachan-
is available but very small, and demon- drika, this orientation coincides with the
strate no proper geometrical order, as in position of the adjacent river, and water
nalukettu. Nevertheless, in Kerala they source in the highland of Western Ghats
come from different traditions. mountain ranges.
Conclusively, the study unravels
Analysis of Commonality with South- six typology of Kerala courtyard houses.
east Asian Architecture Except agraharam type, the five types car-
The six typologies and two styles ry common genotype of courtyard-house,
are examined against the six indicators of which refer to granary, and maintain
Indonesian architectures, which are sum- auspicious value to kitchen, and well. The
marized as the use of timber construc- following are some conclusions with
tion, hipped or hipped-gable roof; bent- regards to the typological analysis.
roof, space under the protruding eaves or 1) Type 1 (nalukettu with four proper
veranda, open layout living space, grana- halls) and type six (agraharam) consis-
ry as center gravity of dwelling space, tently follow pure Vedic traditions. The
and space with few partitions (Table 2). indicator of Indic genotypes are the
The intensity of commonality increase in incorporation of earthen material other
numbers toward the Southern part of than timber (such as laterite and brick), and
Kerala, or in Travancore style. space for Hindu ritual and the courtyard
itself. However, agraharam conveys strong
CONCLUSION Tamil characters that are often considered
Nalukettu in Kerala have unique- not part of Kerala architecture.
ness in term of: 1) being exceptional 2) Type 5 or manzil contains eclectic
Indian architecture in a tropical climate, style, not only local but also Western
with the paddy-farming based living; and Style. Manzil specifically belongs to
2) giving importance to female and Muslim and matrilineal society. The
femininity. Ideally the formation of nalu- veranda-kinanthara concept exceptio-
kettu refer to 1) the book of Manusya- nally reminded of the peringgitan in
layacandrika; and 2) tropical-monsoon Javanese architecture.
characters that draw the typical sloping 3) The most Indonesian characters of
roof, deep eaves, timber constructions, Kerala architecture are hipped- roof, the
and raised floor. The idea of auspicio-
usness is given to north and east orienta-
372 Jurnal Sosioteknologi | Vol. 17, No 3, Desember 2018

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