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_Didou a l’école @Se présenter Se friends let us visit a school in Paris. The name of the school is « L'éccle Alsacienne » aind it is on « Rue Racine » of the « Quartier Latin ». Bonjour ! Je m'appelle Didou. J'ai deux ans. Shabite a Paris. Jaiun frére. Letus talk te this bey: ‘Comment. tu t'appelles ? Quel Age as-tu? Outhabites-tu? Didou a Pécole Et vous monsieur! ‘Comment: vous appelez-vous ? Quel age avez-vous ? Oihabitez-vous? lIs'appelle Eric. Maneuf ans. Whabite rue du Quartier Latin a Paris. Et elle, elle s'appelle Sophie. Elle a sept ans. lle habite rue Jean Meig, a Paris. Apprenons le francai: 4 Goo Se présenter Comment tu fappelles ? / Comment rappelles-tu? Comment vous vous appelez ? / Comment vous appelez-vous ? Comment vas-tu? Comment allez-vous ? OU habites-tu ? 00 habitez-vous ? Quel ge as-tu? Quel age avez-vous ? Je m‘appelle Didou Jai deux ans. Shabite 4 Paris, Jai un frére Il sappelle Eric. Elle s‘appelle Sophie Naneufans. Elle a sept ans. Whabite rue du Quartier Latin Paris. Elle habite rue Jean Mieg 4 Paris. Merci beaucoup. Pardon Pardonnez-moi Excuse-moi ile plot. Excusez-moi sil vous plat. Po lay To introduce onself What is your name? What is your name? (while addressing elder people) How are you? How are you? (while addressing elder people) Where do you live? Where do you live? (elder people) How old are you? How old are you? (elder people} My name is Didou. Lam two years old. Iive in Paris. Ihave one brother. His name is Eric Her name is Sophie. He is nine years old. She is seven years old He lives at street of the Quartier Latin in Poris. She lives at the street Jean Mieg in Paris. Thank you very much. Pardon. (to ask someone to repeat what he says} Pardon me {to elder people} Excuse me please Excuse me please. (to elder people) Yes No And Al, To, In Also Never mind, mention not, Brother Road, street School Didou a ’école 1. Choose the correct answer: 1. Toasksomeone’sname we use: 2. Tothank someone we use: {a} Comment allez-vous? (a) Merci (b] Comment vous appelez-vous? (b) Silvousplait 3. Tointroduce oneself we use: 4, Totell one’sage weuse: (0) lIs‘appelle (a) Soineufans. (b] Jem‘appelle (b) Jesvisneufans, 5. Tosaywhere one lives we use: (a) Saiuntrére {b) J*habite 4 Paris. 2. Match the questions with the answers: Fr 3. a ‘A Comment vous|——|_ Quel age 7 Comment oppelez-vous? ovez-vous? " allez-vous ? 08 habitez- Merci vous? beaucoup. (a) id (el B Jevais bien, D Shabite & 7 Je m‘appelle merci. Paris. Eric. De rien, Sai neuf ans Apprenons le frangais-0 ) 3. Complete the dialogue: Didou : Comment cava? Eric Didou : Commenttufappelles? Erie DIMOU F aressnnnsnn Eric: Shabite Paris Eric: Tuasqueldge? DIDOU: # orcsvene Didou : Elles‘appelle comment? Brie 4. Write these sentences in French: Excuse memadam. 2. Pardonme. 3. Please. 4. Yes, helivesin Paris, ssn 5. . His nameis Patrick. Re-arrange these sentences in the correct order: |. appelle/s/il/Mamoon. beaucoup/madame/merci. neut/i‘/ans/ai habite/i/Paris/a seep frere/un/ai/i. oo 6. Count the candles to tell the age: Tesccaensac RW, Qo socseens NS. 3. cans. ik 7 .. ans, 2 Listen and complete with the words given: Ue, ans, Paris, frére, francais) Bonjour |... Mappelle Didou. J'ai deUxX on. » Shabite a UR ccc cccss anc SRI cscs 8. Say if it is True or False (Vrai ou Faux): 1. Jaime mes parents. 2. Shabite 4 Paris. 3. Jai vingt ans 4, Je parle francais. 5, Jaime beaucoup mon acole. 1. Answer the following questions. Didou : Comment tu rappelles ? Didou : Quel dge as-tu? Didou : 00 habites-tu? Didou : Comment ca va? 2. Write the following expressions in French. 1. Pardon (formal) 2. Excuse me please (informal) 3. Thank you very much 4. Never mind, ifs O.K 5. Fine thank you 3. Find out the questions. 1. Ilsappelle Amold 2, la 10 ans. 3. Ihobite & Paris Didou a Pécole 1. Answer the following questions. Didou : Comment tu tappelles ? Didou : Quel ge as-tu ? Didou : 08 habites-tu ? Didou : Comment ¢a va? 2. Write the following expressions in French. 1. Pardon (formal) 2, Excuse me please (informal) 3. Thank you very much 4. Never mind, it's O.K. 5. Fine thank you . Find out the questions. ~——~ S WW ROPROIB ANION: sxcccnisicicanariaacntcagrestatia (2 WalOans. ¢ ( 3. Ihabite & Paris. Oe Cahier d’exercices-0 1. Ou habitez-tu ? 2. Comment alley vous ? 3. Je habites a Par 4, Je suis onze an. 5. Il sappele Paul 4. Correct the following sentences. 5. Re-arrange these words to form correct sentences. 1. a/ans/ivdix. 2. mov/te/s'/excuse/i/plot. 3. tu/comment/appelles/t 4, bien/va/merci/ca. 5. age/as/quel/tu/? 6. Correct the spelling. 1. beacoup 2. derein <3. commont 4. ekole frare go — 7. Write the following sentences in French: 1. Whatis your name? (formal) 2. How old are you? {informal} 3. Where do you live? (formal) 4, How are you? (informal) 5. He is nine years old 6. My name is Nicole, 7. Lam fine, thank you. | Hive in Paris, Rearrange the dialogue in correct order. Shabite 2 Rue Balzac. uel age as-tu? Comment tu fappelles ? Soi quinze ans. 00 habites-tu ? Je m‘appelle Thomas.

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