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An Effectiveness of Training and Development Program
Running in (Mahindra & Mahindra)in
ROLL NO.: 1707670018
BATCH: 2017-2018


(Affiliated to Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam Technical University, Lucknow and

approved to AICTE New Delhi- College code – 076)


I Pratibha Maurya student of MBA 4thSem. Here by declare that the project on
“An Effectiveness of Training and Development Programme running in (Mahindra &
Mahindra)” in Mirzapur City is the result of my own efforts and it is based on the guidance
given and data collected by me.

MBA 4th sem.
( 2017-2019 )


I sincerely want to thank all the people who helped me in preparing this research project
report. I would like to thank Mr. B. N. Singh for guiding me through this project and I would
like to to appreciate the help given and for giving me his valuable time and for sharing his
experience with me.

MBA 4th Sem.
( 2017-2019 )


The title of the research project report is to study “An Effectiveness of Training and
Development Programme running in (Mahindra & Mahindra)” in Mirzapur city. The study
has been carried out to find out the effectiveness of training and development in following
region and a lot other answer to the question which would surely help to understand the
training and development of Mahindra & Mahindra. Also,the project includes company
profile describing it's vision, mission and its training and development process.

MBA 4th sem.
( 2017-2019 )

Executive Summary
I have got this opportunity to write the research project report on the topic “An
Effectiveness of Training and Development Programme running in (Mahindra &
Mahindra) in Mirzapur city". Communication and knowledge about the employee welfare
scheme, practical problem and challenges are the most important aspects when it comes day-
to-day life in business working areas.

During the period of studied and learned in details about employee welfare schemes process
in Human Resource Department. This study covers the various activity performed in work
section of Human Resource Department i.e. Performance appraisal, Training, Motivation,
Recruitment, Management, Planning, etc.

Human Resource Development and Management is an important aspect of the overall

Human Resource package. This is particularly true for the Mahindra & Mahindra, which
helps in employees welfare schemes.

I wish my work will help the reader to know about the future growth opportunity and
expansion plans of the study.



Conceptual background…..…………………………….…………..…..1-24

 Meaning and Definition of T&D……………………..1-4

 Types of Training…………………..…….…………..5-8
 Benefits of Training………………………………..…9
 Needs of Training…………………………...…….…10
 Planning for Training…………………………….…..11
 T&D Goals and Objectives……………………..…..12-13
 Importance of T&D……………………………….….14
 Effectiveness of T&D…………………………….….15-16
 Training Process…………………………………….17
 Difference between T&D……………………………18
 Relation between T&D…………………………...…19
 Importance and Needs for T&D………….………...20-21
 Advantages and Disadvantages of T&D……….....22
 Process of T&D……………………………………....23-24


Industrial Profile........................................................25-48

 History…………………………………………….…..…25-26
 Profile of Mahindra and Mahindra……………….…....27

 Founders and Promoters of M&M……………….……28-29
 SWOT Analysis…………………………………………30
 Core Values……………………………………………..31
 Mahindra Three Pillars…………………………………32
 Vision and Mission………………………………..........33-34
 Board of Directors………………………..……………..35
 Organisational Chart…………………………………...36
 Overview of Automobiles Industry……………………37

 History of AAS…………………………………..….....38
 Partners of the Firm…………………………………..39 -41
 Corporate Strategy of AAS…………..………………42-43
 Details of Products and Services…………..……….44-47
 On the Group Activity………………………………...48


Research Methodology…………………………….………….……49-53

 Objective of the study…………………………….…49

 Research Design…………………………….……...50
 Area of sample………………………………………51
 Sample selection……………….…………………....52
 Questionnaire…………………………………..........53
Data Analysis and Interpretation……………….


 Findings…………………………………….…….…..64
 Conclusion……………………..…………………….65
 Recommendation…………………..…………...…..66

 Bibliography……………………………………………..……….….67
 Limitations of the study.............................68

Conceptual backgroundTraining and

Meaning and Definition: Training and Development
Training and Development is a subsystem of an organization which emphasize on the
improvement of the performance of individuals and groups. Training is an educational
process which involves the sharpening of skills, concepts, changing of attitude and gaining
more knowledge to enhance the performance of the employees. Good & efficient training
of employees helps in their skills & knowledge development, which eventually helps a
company improve.

Dale S. Beach defines training as ‘the organized procedure by which people learn
knowledge and/or skill for a definite purpose’. Training refers to the teaching and learning
activities carried on for the primary purpose of helping members of an organization acquire
and apply the knowledge, skills, abilities, and attitudes needed by a particular job and

Roger Buckley and Jim Caple (2007) both defined training as a systematic and planned

effort to develop attitude, knowledge and skill through learning experience, in other to

achieve effective performance in a range of activities. They further identified the purpose in

the work situation as enabling an employee acquire extra abilities, in order that he or she

can perform adequately in a given task or job while "Development" is systematic efforts

aimed at affecting employees skills for purpose of personal growth or future jobs and roles.

Aim of Training and Development Programs

The aim of training and development programs is to improve organizational capabilities and
employee ability. When the organization invests in improving the skills and knowledge for
its employees, the investment will lead to more productive and effective employees.
Successful Training and development programme focuses on employee performance or
team performance. In the empirical research conducted by Watad & Ospina (1999), they
identified the establishment and implementation of training and development. Found that
training and development programmes should be based on training needs identified by
their analysis, that money and time invested in training and development should be related
or linked to the mission or core business strategy of the organization.

There are two basic views by which organization and employee perceive training and
development which could either be positive or negative in relation. These views on training
and development are really important in making decisions on whether to include training
and development in their organizational plans or not. Organizations with a positive view
may base their opinion on some scholars who opined that training should not be something
to be identified as an immediate solution to their problems or means of detecting weak
employees. Rather, training and development should be an integral part of the business
function or process of the organisation which is done to enhance the productivity of
employees and in turn the productivity of the organisation.

For example, a survey conducted by American Management Association found that

companies that expanded their training programs showed gains in productivity and larger
operating profits. In another study, a 10 percent increase in training produced a 3 percent
increase in productivity over two years. Companies that invest more heavily in training are
more successful and more profitable.

In conclusion, employees training and development has been identified by various scholars
and anchors to be very essential to an organization and its effectiveness.

Human resource management regards training and development as a function
concerned with organizational activity aimed at bettering the job performance of
individuals and groups in organizational settings. Training and development can be
described as "an educational process which involves the sharpening of skills, concepts,
changing of attitude and gaining more knowledge to enhance the performance of
employees". The field has gone by several names, including "Human Resource
Development", "Human Capital Development" and "Learning and Development".

Training and development encompasses three main activities: training, education, and

 Training: This activity is both focused upon, and evaluated against, the job that an
individual currently holds.
 Education: This activity focuses upon the jobs that an individual may potentially
hold in the future, and is evaluated against those jobs.
 Development: This activity focuses upon the activities that the organization
employing the individual, or that the individual is part of, may partake in the future,
and is almost impossible to evaluate.

 Typical roles in the field include executive and supervisory/management

development, new-employee orientation, professional-skills training, technical/job
training, customer-service training, sales-and-marketing training, and health-and-
safety training.
 Talent development is the process of changing an organization, its employees, its
stakeholders, and groups of people within it, using planned and unplanned learning,
in order to achieve and maintain a competitive advantage for the organization.
Rothwell notes that the name may well be a term in search of a meaning, like so
much in management, and suggests that it be thought of as selective attention paid to
the top 10% of employees, either by potential or performance. While talent
development is reserved for the top management it is becoming increasingly clear
that career development is necessary for the retention of any employee, no matter

what their level in the company. Research has shown that some type of career path is
necessary for job satisfaction and hence job retention.
 The term talent development is becoming increasingly popular in several
organizations, as companies are now moving from the traditional term training and
development. Talent development encompasses a variety of components such as
training, career development, career management, and organizational development,
and training and development. It is expected that during the 21st century more
companies will begin to use more integrated terms such as talent development.


Training is teaching, or developing in oneself or others, any skills and knowledge that relate

to specific useful competencies. Training has specific goals of improving one's capability,

capacity, productivity and performance. It forms the core of apprenticeships and provides

the backbone of content at institutes of technology (also known as technical colleges or

polytechnics). In addition to the basic training required for a trade, occupation or

profession, observers of the labour-market recognize as of 2008 the need to continue

training beyond initial qualifications: to maintain, upgrade and update skills throughout

working life. People within many professions and occupations may refer to this sort of

training as professional development.

Types of Training



1. Physical training
2. On job training
3. Religion and spirituality
4. Instructor's guides and Lesson Plans
5. Parochial schools
6. Artificial-intelligence feedback

1) Physical training

Physical training concentrates on mechanistic goals: training programs in this area develop
specific skills or muscles, often with a view of peaking at a particular time. Some physical
training programs focus on raising overall physical fitness.

In military use, training means gaining the physical ability to perform and survive in combat,
and learning the many skills needed in a time of war. These include how to use a variety of
weapons, outdoor survival skills, and how to survive being captured by the enemy, among
many others. See military education and training.

2) On Job Training
Some commentators use a similar term for workplace learning to improve performance:
"training and development". There are also additional services available online for those
who wish to receive training above and beyond that which is offered by their employers.
Some examples of these services include career counselling, skill assessment, and
supportive services. One can generally categorize such training as on-the-job or off-the-job.

The on-the-job training method takes place in a normal working situation, using the actual
tools, equipment, documents or materials that trainees will use when fully trained. On-the-
job training has a general reputation as most effective for vocational work. It involves
employee training at the place of work while he or she is doing the actual job. Usually, a
professional trainer (or sometimes an experienced employee) serves as the course
instructor using hands-on training often supported by formal classroom training.
Sometimes training can occur by using web-based technology or video conferencing tools.

Examples of skills that commonly include simulator training during stages of development
include piloting aircraft, spacecraft, locomotives, and ships, etc.

Off-the-job training method takes place away from normal work situations — implying that
the employee does not count as a directly productive worker while such training takes
place. Off-the-job training method also involves employee training at a site away from the
actual work environment. It often utilizes lectures, case studies, role playing, and
simulation, having the advantage of allowing people to get away from work and
concentrate more thoroughly on the training itself. This type of training has proven more
effective in inculcating concepts and ideas . Many personnel selection companies offer a
service which would help to improve employee competencies and change the attitude
towards the job. The internal personnel training topics can vary from effective problem-
solving skills to leadership training.

3) Religion and spirituality

In religious and spiritual use, training may refer to the purification of the mind, heart,
understanding and actions to obtain a variety of spiritual goals such as (for example)
closeness to God or freedom from suffering. Note for example the institutionalised spiritual

training of Threefold Training in Buddhism, Meditation in Hinduism or discipleship in

4) Instructor's guides and Lesson Plans

Instructor Guide (IG), is an important document available to an instructor. Specifically, it is

used within a Lesson Plan, as the blueprint that ensures instruction is presented in proper
sequence and to the depth required by the objectives. Objectives of a lesson plan:

 To ensure that instructors have considered all factors necessary to conduct a safe
and effective lesson.

 To guide you in conducting lesson activities.

 To help maintain a constant check on training activities and students’ progress.

 To Standardize instruction.

 To inform training managers of what is being taught.

5) Parochial schools
Parochial schools are a fairly widespread institution in the United States. A parochial school
is a primary or secondary school supervised by a religious organization, especially a Roman
Catholic day school affiliated with a parish or a holy order. As of 2004, out of the
approximately 50 million children who were enrolled in American grade schools, 4.2 million
children attend a church-affiliated school, which is approximately 1 in 12 students. Within
the Christian religion, for example, one can attend a church-affiliated college with the intent
of getting a degree in a field associated with religious studies.

6) Artificial-intelligence feedback

Researchers have developed training methods for artificial-intelligence devices as well.

Evolutionary algorithms, including genetic programming and other methods of machine
learning, use a system of feedback based on "fitness functions" to allow computer
programs to determine how well an entity performs a task. The methods construct a series
of programs, known as a “population” of programs, and then automatically test them for

"fitness", observing how well they perform the intended task. The system automatically
generates new programs based on members of the population that perform the best. These
new members replace programs that perform the worst. The procedure repeats until the
achievement of optimum performance.

Education- is the process of facilitating learning, or the acquisition of knowledge, skills,

values, beliefs, and habits. Educational methods include storytelling, discussion, teaching,
training, and directed research. Education frequently takes place under the guidance of
educators, but learners may also educate themselves. Education can take place in formal or
informal settings and any experience that has a formative effect on the way one thinks,
feels, or acts may be considered educational. The methodology of teaching is called

Benefits of Training
We will be looking at the benefit of training and development to the organisation as well as
employees respectively. Training and development benefits to the organization are
numerous that ultimately help an organization obtain a sustained competitive advantage.
Training is crucial for organizational development and its success which is indeed fruitful to
both employers and employees of an organization. Here are some important benefits of
training and development

 Increased productivity

 Less supervision

 Job satisfaction

 Skills Development

Training of employees is costly but the ultimate cost is much more if an organization
ignores to train its employees. Hence investment in training is necessary since the training
brings a number of benefits to the organization as well as to the employees. The benefits to
the organizations are listed below.

 Faster learning of new skills

 Increased productivity
 Standardization of procedures

 Reduced need of supervision
 Increased motivation and morale of the employees
 Economy of operations
 Managerial development

The benefits to the employees are as follows.

 Increase of the confidence level

 Learning of new skills
 Helps in career advancement and higher earnings.
 Developing resilience to change
 Improving safety at the workplace
 Helping in teamwork and hence improving interpersonal relationship

Needs of training
In an organization, training
needs can arise due to job
changes, person changes and
performance deficiency. Job
change occurs when an
employee is given a new job
within the organization.
Person change happens when
an employee leaves the organization and a new person takes over his position. Training
need due to performance deficiency exists when there is a gap between the present skills
and knowledge of the employees and the skills and knowledge they require for their
effective performance.
There are mainly three categories of the training needs. The first category of the
organization training need is that covers each and every employee of the organization. The
second category of training need relates to specific group of people within an organization.

The third category relates to the training needs of individual employees who have been
identified to take up the new positions within the organization.

Training needs can be identified through appraisal sheets, self-assessments, peers review,
supervisor’s assessment, structured assessments, and by systematic investigations. The
need of training can be one time requirement, recurring requirement or continuous
requirement. The need of training can also be changing with time. Further the scope of
training can be limited or substantial.

Planning for training

Like any other

management functions,
training also needs proper
planning in order to get
maximum efficiency and
effectiveness from training
and development process.
In fact proper planning is a
precursor for effective training. For proper implementation of training and development
process, both long term and short term training are to be planned. Planning of training is to
include operational level planning. The training is to be planned keeping in view the
capabilities of the participants. It is to be correctly conceptualized and is to be well
organized. The planning of a training session includes identification of objectives and
selection of appropriate contents, materials, training strategies and evaluation techniques.
The planning of a training session must include information of prior knowledge of trainees,
format of training, focus on behavioural aspects, contents of training, instructional
procedures, and training aids etc. Learning curve is an important factor to be considered
while planning for training. It is a well-known fact that learning does not take place at
constant rate.

A typical learning curve

A properly designed and planned training process can create the potential for a virtuous
learning circle.

Training and Development Goals and Objectives

The training and development department has a simple target. It has to ensure that all
employees know the basics required to conduct the job efficiently and smoothly. Most
training and development departments do not focus on the leadership development
programs or talent development because the specialized small unit takes care of them. The
T&D department is focused on the mass population in the organization. The training unit is
responsible for the basic know-how of the business that makes the business agile and
profitable. The goals for the training and development department follow changes in the
business and HR Strategy, usually.

The clear link between the business strategy and training needs and requirements makes
planning of T&D goals and objectives easier. All employees can see an explicit link, and they
can identify the role of individual courses in the general vision of the company. The
department usually runs three kinds of training courses, and the goals and objectives
should follow the structure:

 hard skills;
 sales skills;
 soft skills.

The successful and modern organization always has a clear focus on hard skills of
employees. It takes care of the knowledge of basic product and process management skills.
Each employee has to be able to draw a process and measure key KPIs. Everyone has to
understand to basic performance reports, and each employee has to find potential gaps.
The Training and Development department has to take over the clear ownership of all hard
skills courses in the organization. It has to design a clear methodology and certificate all
internal trainers. This is a clear objective for the unit.

The organization without sales volumes is dead. The success of the company is always built
on the success of the sales team. It is the only way how to bring healthy cash into the
business. Each successful organization invests in the development of the unique sales skills
training. It does not buy the generic content from the market. It designs the program that
turns each employee into a real sales person and advocate of the company.

Last driver of targets and objectives for the training department are the competitive and
entertaining soft skills courses.
Importance Of Training Objectives
Training objectives are one of the most important parts of training program. While some
people think of training objective as a waste of valuable time. The counterargument here is
that resources are always limited and the training objectives actually lead the design of
training. It provides the clear guidelines and develops the training program in less time
because objectives focus specifically on needs. It helps in adhering to a plan. Training
objective tell the trainee that what is expected out of him at the end of the training
program. Training objectives are of great significance from a number of stakeholder

HR below the line

Goals, Goals, Goals!
Setting the right goals and objectives is the true art of the leadership. Human Resources
trains managers and leaders how to set the targets for departments and employees. It
manages the process so that all targets are aligned with the vision of the organization and
follow the same approved principles..

About Creative HRM

Human Resources Management is an essential business function in organizations that gain

the sustainable competitive advantage. The development of Human Resources

Management Practices and Procedures is an important way to reach targets and growth.

HRM always start with the introduction of basic HR Management Policies, and it develops

into the Leadership Development, sophisticated Compensation and Benefits, Organization

Design, Performance Management and Career and Succession Planning.

Benefits of Training Objectives


4.Evaluator Trainer

Trainee The training objective is beneficial to the trainee because it helps in reducing the
anxiety of the trainee up to some extent. Not knowing anything or going to a place which is
unknown creates anxiety that can negatively affect learning. Therefore, it is important to
keep the participants aware of the happenings, rather than keeping it surprise.secondly, it
helps in increase in concentration, which is the crucial factor to make the training
successful. The objectives create an image of the training program in trainee’s mind that
actually helps in gaining attention.

Thirdly, if the goal is set to be challenging and motivating, then the likelihood of achieving
those goals is much higher than the situation in which no goal is set. Therefore, training
objectives helps in increasing the probability that the participants will be successful in

Designer The training objective is beneficial to the training designer because if the designer
is aware what is to be achieved in the end then he’ll buy the training package according to
that only. The training designer would then look for the training methods, training
equipment, and training content accordingly to achieve those objectives. Furthermore,
planning always helps in dealing effectively in an unexpected

Evaluator It becomes easy for the training evaluator to measure the progress of the
trainees because the objectives define the expected performance of trainees. Training
objective is an important to tool to judge the performance of participants.

The Importance of Training and Development at the Workplace

Training isn’t just important to any company, it is vital.

Although there are many categories of training such as management training and or sales
training, employees with Project Management skills are an important asset to any
Improved employee performance – the employee who receives the necessary training is
more able to perform in their job. The training will give the employee a greater
understanding of their responsibilities within their role, and in turn build their confidence.
This confidence will enhance their overall performance and this can only benefit the
company. Employees who are competent and on top of changing industry standards help
your company hold a position as a leader and strong competitor within the industry.

Improved employee satisfaction and morale – the investment in training that a company
makes shows employees that they are valued. The training creates a supportive workplace.
Employees may gain access to training they wouldn’t have otherwise known about or
sought out themselves.

Addressing weaknesses – Most employees will have some weaknesses in their workplace
skills. A training program allows you to strengthen those skills that each employee needs to
improve. A development program brings all employees to a higher level so they all have
similar skills and knowledge. This helps reduce any weak links within the company who rely
heavily on others to complete basic work tasks.
Consistency – A robust training and development program ensures that employees have a
consistent experience and background knowledge. The consistency is particularly relevant
for the company’s basic policies and procedures. All employees need to be aware of the
expectations and procedures within the company. Increased efficiencies in processes
results in financial gain for the company.
Increased productivity and adherence to quality standards – Productivity usually increases
when a company implements training courses. Increased efficiency in processes will ensure
project success which in turn will improve the company turnover and potential market
Increased innovation in new strategies and products – Ongoing training and upskilling of

the workforce can encourage creativity. New ideas can be formed as a direct result of
training and development.
Reduced employee turnover – staff are more likely to feel valued if they are invested in
and therefore, less likely to change employers. Training and development is seen as an
additional company benefit. Recruitment costs therefore go down due to staff retention.

Enhances company reputation and profile – Having a strong and successful training
strategy helps to develop your employer brand and make your company a prime
consideration for graduates and mid-career changes. Training also makes a company more
attractive to potential new recruits who seek to improve their skills and the opportunities
associated with thosenew skills.
Training can be of any kind relevant to the work or responsibilities of the individual, and can
be delivered by any appropriate method.
For example, it could include:

 On-the-job learning
 Mentoring schemes

 In-house training

 Individual study

Blended learning is becoming more and more popular and as a company we have seen a
definite increase in this method of training over the last year. Blended Learning is the
effective combination of online learning and classroom learning. Many of 20|20’s clients
prefer their staff to learn on-site rather than attend off-site training programmes –
especially in industries like oil and gas where it is often very impractical to attend off-site

Effectiveness of Training and Development Cost


You don’t have to take your employees to a fancy resort in the Maldives for training to
become expensive. Itemizing the costs of training programs is a critical step in evaluating
the overall ROI.
For example, how much is the total cost of a particular course? How much does the
organization spend on training materials, instructor fees and facility costs? How much did
your organization spend on travel and lodging, meals, administration and other
miscellaneous expenses?
Take all of these variables and sum them up into a single value. That’s the total cost of
training within your organization.
Each one of these expenses will have to be taken into consideration and measured against
the projected return on investments of the entire training program. More importantly, this
data will also let your organization’s leaders know if the training programs are worth the
investment, or if they are just a waste of money.

Benefit Assessment
How is the organization benefiting from the training programs? Although it’s not possible to
place a monetary value on all benefits, some factors such as workers efficiency, the time
needed to accomplish a task before the training and the time they need for the same task
after the training, change in customer feedback, increased production, can be calculated
fairly easily. If the results are better after the training in any area, be sure to share the good
results with your employees to help them stay motivated.

Once you have the ROI for your organization’s employee training initiatives and programs,
you can now start the evaluation process. To do this, you will need to compare the ROI of
your organization’s training programs with variables which result in higher employee
productivity. This will give you a general idea of how well employee training has affected
your organization’s overall profitability.

How to Start Measuring the Effectiveness of Training

Studies have shown that some of the most valuable employees in an organization genuinely
desire rigorous training that will make them even more of an asset to a company.

Measuring the Effectiveness of Training and
The effectiveness of training and development is the first thing that must be measured
during the training process of employees.
In a perfect world, the effectiveness of employee training and development programs
would be measured by a simple formula which would give us the Return on Investment, or
Where it gets messy is when employees, who are diverse in skills and knowledge, and are
the integral part of an organization, are all expected to measure up to some ideal number
for the organization’s ROI to be considered worthwhile to train and develop. 
Measuring effectiveness of training still needs to be done, but it’s time we had a fresh look
at how we go about it.

Reconsider the Starting Point 

Traditionally, a company maps out employee training programs and then implements a
policy to measure the Return on Investment. This is an especially practical way for large
organizations that can’t manage a more tailored approach, or they make the mistake of
using an outdated approach that may have served them well in the past but simply lost
effectiveness of training with the growth of the company.
The business goals of the organization should always stay the focus – after all, this is no
charity work! However, it’s easy to lose sight of what you have, what works effectively and
how to improve on that, where the employee strengths are and how they could be
developed further.

Encourage Communication About the Effectiveness of

Training and Development
Often, employees themselves can give you a lot of feedback about the new training they
have gone through or a software that they are learning to use, you just have to ask. The key
here is not to wait until the formal measurement to take place, try to detect at an early
stage of the training how well it is being applied and what problems may be surfacing.

This way, you will be able to take preventive steps and influence the Return on Investment
before the final analysis. Communicating and being open to criticism, on both sides, the
subordinate and the manager’s, means no one can point fingers at the end of the day and
say, “you didn’t train us well enough,” or “you haven’t put enough effort into training.”
Employees should have a fair understanding of why they are doing the extra training and
how it benefits the company.
You can observe the effectiveness of training on day to day tasks, but productivity is not
always easy to measure directly, making it more important to have constructive
communication with employees.

Training ProcessNeeds assessment: The first step in the training process is to

assess the need for training the employees. The need for training could be identified
through a diagnosis of present and future challenges and through a gap between the
employee’s actual performance and the standard performance.

The needs assessment can be studied from two perspectives: Individual and group. The
individual training is designed to enhance the individual’s efficiency when not performing
adequately. And whereas the group training is intended to inculcate the new changes in the
employees due to a change in the organization’s strategy.

1. Deriving Instructional Objectives: Once the needs are identified, the

objectives for which the training is to be conducted are established. The objectives could be
based on the gaps seen in the training programmes conducted earlier and the skill sets
developed by the employees.
2. Designing Training Programme: The next step is to design the training
programme in line with the set objectives. Every training programme encompasses certain
issues such as: Who are the trainees? Who are the trainers? What methods are to be used
for the training? What will be the level of training? etc. Also, the comprehensive action plan
is designed that includes the training content, material, learning theories, instructional
design, and the other training requisites.
3. Implementation of the Training Programme: Once the designing of the
training programme is completed, the next step is to put it into the action. The foremost
decision that needs to be made is where the training will be conducted either in-house or
outside the organization.

Once it is decided, the time for the training is set along with the trainer who will be
conducting the training session. Also, the trainees are monitored continuously throughout
the training programme to see if it’s effective and is able to retain the employee’s interest.

4. Evaluation of the Training Programme: After the training is done, the

employees are asked to give their feedback on the training session and whether they felt
useful or not. Through feedback, an organization can determine the weak spots if any, and
can rectify it in the next session. The evaluation of the training programme is a must
because companies invest huge amounts in these sessions and must know it’s effectiveness
in terms of money.

Thus, every firm follows the series of steps to design an effective training programme that
serves the purpose for which it was intended.

In the present day knowledge based environment, things are changing at a very fast pace.
Even to maintain its position, an organization has to do a lot as well as act very fast.
Organization achieves strategic advantages only due to its core competencies and core
competence is developed only by the employees of the organization. Hence for achieving a
level of excellence, organizations are to invest in updating the skills of its employees. This is
done through training and development process. The process of training and development In
the present day knowledge based environment, things are changing at a very fast pace.

Training and development process is an organizational activity aimed at improving the

performance of the individuals and groups of employees in the organizational settings. It is
an organized activity for increasing the knowledge and skills of the employees. It involves
systematic procedures for transferring technical and management skills to the employees.
Through ‘training’ employees are taught specific skills while through ‘development’
employee’s personality and management skills are enhanced. The training in an
organization is necessary since there are:

 Advancement in technologies
 Demanding customers

 Thrusts for boosting productivity

 Requirements for improving the motivation levels

 Needs for improving the quality of output

 Necessities for effectiveness in management.

Relation between Training and Development
There is a relation between training and development, and there is clear difference
between the two based on goals to be achieved. Development is made to answer the
training problems:


Training is meant for operatives Development is meant for executives

It is reactive process It is pro- active process

AIM: To develop additional skills AIM: To develop the total personality

It is short term process It is continuous process

OBJECTIVE: To meet the present need of an OBJECTIVE: To meet the future need of an
employee employee

Initiative is taken by the management Initiative is taken by an individual.

Importance of Training and Development

For companies to keep improving, it is important for organizations to have continuous

training and development programs for their employees. Competition and the business

environment keeps changing, and hence it is critical to keep learning and pick up new skills.

The importance of training and development is as follows:

• Optimum utilization of Human resources

• Development of skills

• To increase the productivity

• To provide the zeal of team spirit

• For improvement of organization culture

• To improve quality, safety

• To increase profitability

• Improve the morale and corporate image

Need for Training and Development

Training and development of employees is a costly activity as it requires a lot quality inputs

from trainers as well as employees. But it is essential that the company revises its goals and

efficiencies with the changing environment. Here are a few critical reasons why the

company endorses training and development sessions.

• To train about the specific job responsibility

• To test the new methodology for increasing the productivity

Advantages of training and development

Training and development has a cost attached to it. However, since it is beneficial for
companies in the long run, they ensure employees are trained regularly. Some advantages

1. Helps employees develop new skills and increases their knowledge.

2. Improves efficiency and productivity of the individuals as well as the teams.

3. Proper training and development can remove bottle-necks in operations.

4. New & improved job positions can be created to make the organization leaner.

5. Keeps employees motivated and refreshes their goals, ambitions and contribution levels.

Disadvantages of training and development

Even though there are several advantages, some drawbacks of training and development
are mentioned below:

1. It is an expensive process which includes arranging the correct trainers and engaging
employees for non-revenue activities.

2. There is a risk that after the training and development session, the employee can quit the

Training and Development Process

Training and development is a continuous process as the skills, knowledge and quality of
work needs constant improvement. Since businesses are changing rapidly, it is critical that

companies focus on training their employees after constantly monitoring them &
developing their overall personality.

Steps for training and development processes are:

1. Determine the need of training and development for individuals or teams

2. Establish specific objectives & goals which need to be achieved

3. Select the methods of training

4. Conduct and implement the programs for employees

5. Evaluate the output and performance post the training and development sessions.

6. Keep monitoring and evaluating the performances and again see if more training is

Hence, this concludes the definition of Training and Development along with its overview.




Anand Mahindra is the
chairman of Mahindra
Group, a Mumbai-based
business conglomerate. The
group operates in aerospace,
agribusiness, aftermarket,
automotive, components,
construction equipment,
defence, ...

Born: 1 May 1955 (age 63

years), Mumbai

Net worth: 193 crores USD

(2018) Forbes

Spouse: Anuradha Mahindra

Education: Lawrence School, Lovedale, Harvard University, Harvard Business School,

Harvard College

Children: Aalika Mahindra, Divya

Siblings: Radhika Nath, Anuja Sharma

nand Mahindra (born 1 May 1955) is the chairman and managing director of
Mahindra Group. His grandfather JC Mahindra co-founded the company in
Mumbai, India. Founded as a steel trading company, the Group today has a
presence in multiple sectors from agribusiness to aerospace. It is considered to be one of
the most reputed Indian industrial houses with market leadership in many business
verticals including utility vehicles, tractors (world's largest tractor company by volume),
after market (India's largest multi-brand pre-owned car company), finance (largest rural
NBFC in India), Holidays (India's largest vacation ownership company) and IT (top 5 IT

service provider). Hailed as 'The Federator' by Forbes (India) Magazine, Anand Mahindra
started his career at Mahindra Group with Mahindra Ugine Steel Company Ltd. as Executive
Assistant to the Finance Director and in 1989, was appointed President and Deputy
managing director of that company. During his stint at MUSCO, he initiated the Mahindra
Group's diversification into the new business areas of real estate development and
hospitality management and in August 2012, took over as chairman and managing director
of the Mahindra Group from his uncle Keshub Mahindra He is included by Fortune
Magazine among the 'World's 50 Greatest Leaders' and featured in the magazine's 2011
listing of Asia's 25 most powerful business people. Anand has also been noted by Forbes
(India) as their 'Entrepreneur of the Year' for 2013.

About Mahindra & MAHINDRA

Mahindra & Mahindra Limited is an Indian Multinational Automobile Manufacturing

corporation, having headquarters in Mumbai, Maharashtra, India. Mahindra produces a
wide range of vehicles including MUVs, LCVs, and three wheeler. It manufactures over 20
models of cars. It is one of the largest vehicle manufacturers by production in India and
the largest manufacturer of tractors across the world. Few years back they have also
entered into new industry of two wheeler, electric cars, and micro drip irrigation.

It was ranked as the 10th most trusted brand in India in 2014 (Source – The Brand Trust
Report) and 21st in the list of top companies of India in 2011 (Fortune India 500).Its major
competitors in the Indian market are
Tata Motors, Maruti Suzuki, Toyota,
Hyundai, Mercedes Benz and others.

KUV 1OOOn 15th January 2016, Mahindra

& Mahindra officially launched new mini
compact SUV “KUV 100” in Indian
market. Bookings for the same had already started in December 2015. KUV stands for
Kool Utility Vehicle for Kool and Young Generation.

Mahindra & Mahindra’s Business Objective

Mahindra & Mahindra objective was to enter the new segment of compact cars/ mini
SUV, where they were not present- i.e. to secure the unchartered territory between
hatchback and SUV.

Since 2002, after the launch of Scorpio they had been known as makers of rugged utility
vehicles. But after the launch of KUV100, they have entered new segment of passenger
vehicle market.

They have competition in price range with compact cars and super compact sedans such
as the Swift, Grand i10, Swift Dzire and the Amaze. Hatchbacks account for more than 50
per cent of sales, sedans 30 per cent and SUVs 19 per cent. Most people graduate from
hatchbacks and sedans to SUVs. However, this Vehicle lies in a price bracket of 4.5 -6.5
lakhs, which gives the utility vehicle manufacturer a line into the biggest segment in
passenger vehicles.

Approach/Strategy Adopted
by Mahindra & Mahindra

SUV – the young SUV targets younger

generation and first time buyers, who
comes under 30 years of age group. It
comes in seven vibrant colors i.e. fiery
orange, flamboyant red, dazzling silver,
aquamarine, pearl white, designer grey and midnight black. At Auto expo 2016, it was
displayed in all together a bright new colour Yellow.

Pravin Shah, president & chief executive, (Automotive) Mahindra & Mahindra, said, “We
identified that today’s youth want an SUV that helps them stand out, one that reflects their
personality and enhances their lifestyle. I believe the KUV100 will appeal to youth and first-
time car buyers with its aggressive styling, trendy interiors, long feature list and attractive
price point and emerge as a winner.”
Mahindra Scorpio

Fuel economy: 15-16 km/l combined
Fuel tank capacity: 60 L
Dimensions: 4,456 mm L x 1,820 mm W
x 1,930-1,995 mm H
Horsepower: 55 to 103 kW
Seating capacity: 7, 8, 9

Renault Duster
Dacia, a brand of Renault Group has
revealed two official pictures of the
upcoming new 2014 Dacia Duster which is
expected to be the 2014 Renault Duster
for India. The new Duster takes design
cues from the D-Cross concept revealed
few months back. Dacia Duster is very
popular car in Europe and is European
counterpart of Indian Renault Duster SUV.
In very short time, Duster has been a part
of many Indian families with its relatively
affordable price point, butch looks and
great mileage and ride quality. With the new design of the 2014 Renault Duster, it will be
even more compelling buy.

New Renault Duster 2018New Renault Duster

2018 is to feature two petrol and one diesel
powertrains. The petrol engine options include
a 1.2-litre turbo motor with an output of 114 PS
and 156 Nm torque and a 1.6-litre naturally
aspirated engine good for 125 PS and 205 Nm

torque. The former will even get a CNG option with the engine detuned to produce 108 PS
of power and 144 Nm of torque. The base model will feature the 1.2-litre engine mated to a
5-speed gearbox powering the front wheels whereas premium variants will feature a 6-
speed gearbox with all-wheel drive options.

The 1.5-litre diesel unit will be available in multiple states of tuning i.e. 90 PS with 200 Nm
and 110PS with 260 Nm. The former will be mated to a six-speed manual transmission
while the latter will benefit from six-speed automatic gearbox powering all four wheels.

Mahindra Thar

The legend of the Thar has been in the making for more than sixty years. The adventurer’s
car of choice, it is the true successor to the MM540, Mahindra’s original all-terrain, come-
what-may jeep. With its classic body and contemporary features, the Thar is more than just
a vehicle that can navigate deserts, rivers, and ravines. It is an indestructible collector’s
Mahindra TUV300

The new luxurious TUV300 is a bold and

classy SUV, that comes loaded with high-
end features that grabs attention wherever
it goes. It comes with new plush faux-
leather seats, a new hi-tech 17.8 cms (7”)
touchscreen infotainment system and
classy external finishes. The TUV300 is also

perhaps India's easiest to drive SUV, thanks to its first-in-class 'autoSHIFT' technology (Automated
Manual Transmission). Its comes with a powerful mHawk100 1.5 litre engine with 2 stage turbo
charger and delivers 73.5 kW (100 bhp) power and best in class torque of 240 Nm.

The Plush New XUV500Adorned by a

bold new front grille, striking new
DRLs and a stunning new tailgate, the
Plush New XUV500 is designed to
awe. With immaculate craftsmanship
in the luxurious new tan and black cabin, and a more powerful 114kW mHawk155 engine, it
truly is adventure's new gold standard.

Mahindra Verito Vibe

We made the Verito Vibe for those

who want a sedan’s character with a
sporty personality. The Verito Vibe, a
derivative of the Verito, is a compact
sedan that retains the sedan’s
inherent strengths and adds
distinctive features such as first-in-
class LED Light Streaming Tail Lamps, champagne alloy wheels, and a carbon-finished front

Mahindra Xylo

Why only drive a car when you can

speak to it? The spacious and stylish
Xylo offers comfort, power, and
segment-defining Voice Command
Technology, with which you can
control your car with simple voiced
instructions. Aided by an intelligent

Digital Information System and our legendary mHawk engine, this multi-utility vehicle is as
technologically advanced as you are.


The pre-eminent SUV that’s engineered

and designed to captivate. That offers
journeys, not drives. Stories and
escapades. Discoveries and destinations.
With its visceral power and progressive
features, every twist and turn in the
Rexton represents joy in motion. Drive
one to understand one.

Commercial vehicles
Supro Minitruck

Mahindra Supro Minitruck has

powerful features that make it the
Profit truck. Its 19.2 kW (26 HP)
robust DI engine and 70 kmph top
speed lets you take more trips to
earn more. With its 850 kg
impressive payload capacity you can carry more load than any other minitruck. Along with
an excellent mileage of 23.17 km/l* to give you more savings.

Supro Maxitruck

Mahindra Supro Maxitruck - The

stylish and modern Supro Maxitruck
is here and be it comfort, payload,
mileage or features, we are ready to
power your dreams. Its amazing

pick-up can take on any terrain and the power steering can maneuver through the most
narrow lanes. Powered by a 34 kW (45 HP) power DI engine and 1000 kg payload capacity,
you can take your good anywhere and your business to new heights.


The Alfa is a three-wheeled

goods carrier made to
positively impact the lives and
livelihoods of its owners and
drivers. It’s the only vehicle of
its kind with a 24-month
warranty, and designed to make the loading, moving, and unloading of small cargos easier
and faster. It’s hardy frame handles oversized and tall loads with ease, and a green CNG
(Compressed Natural Gas) model, the Champion, is also available on request.

Company profile of Mahindra
Date of Incorporation 02-Oct-1945
Date of Listing 03-Nov-1994
Name Designation
Keshub Mahindra Chairman Emeritus
Vikram Singh Mehta Director

T N Manoharan Director
R K Kulkarni Director
Nadir B Godrej Director
M M Murugappan Director
Anupam Puri Director
Vishakha N Desai Director
Anand G Mahindra Executive Chairman
Pawan Goenka Managing Director
S B Mainak Nominee Director
Products Vehicles : Automobiles, Personal,
Commercial, Agriculture
Area of Operation Worldwide
Revenue 724.7 billian INR (2015)
Operating Income 8,793 Crores (US$1.3billion) (2015)
Net Income
Total Assets 2,592 Crores (US$390million) (2015)
Employees 61,239 Crores (US$9.1billion) (2015)
More than 1,55,000 people in over 100 countries.
Registered Office Address
Gateway Building,Apollo Bunder,,400001,Mumbai,Maharashtra,India

MAHINDRA Management

Mahindra Group
The Mahindra Group is an Indian multinational conglomerate holding company
headquartered at Mahindra Towers in Mumbai, with operations in over 100 countries
around the globe. The group has a presence in aerospace, agribusiness, aftermarket,
automotive, components, construction equipment, defence, energy, farm equipment,
finance and insurance, industrial equipment, information technology, leisure and
hospitality, logistics, real estate, retail, and two wheelers.

SWOT Analysis


Three Pillars of Mahindra & Mahindra

These are the core beliefs on which our organisation has been built, and they are the
cornerstones of our success. These enduring values guide our actions, decisions and
relationships as we work towards fulfilling our mission.

Accepting No Limits
We accept no limits, and ask the same of everyone else. In return, we work relentlessly to
provide the tools, information, and inspiration for us to push past limitations and comfort
Alternative Thinking
Alternative thinking means solving problems in ways no one thought of before, by using
fewer resources and entering markets thought to be unreachable.

Driving Positive Change

We want you to rise. And not just you. Your family. Your neighborhood. Your whole
community. This is why we come to work every day.

Board of Directors of Mahindra and Mahindra

Organizational Chart

Overview of Automobile Industry

Mahindra & Mahindra, brands its products as "Mahindra", produces SUVs, saloon cars,
pickups, commercial vehicles, and two wheeled motorcycles and tractors. It owns assembly
plants in India, Mainland China (PRC), the United Kingdom, and has three assembly plants
in the United States. Mahindra maintains business relations with foreign companies like
Renault SA, France.

M&M has a global presence and its products are exported to several countries. Its global
subsidiaries include Mahindra Europe S.r.l. based in Italy, Mahindra USA Inc., Mahindra
South Africa and Mahindra (China) Tractor Co. Ltd.

Mahindra began assembling the Jeep CJ3 in 1954, and light commercial vehicles in 1965. In
1979 the licensed assembly of Peugeot diesel four-cylinder engines and transmissions began,
and in 1982 a tie-up with Kia Motors to build their four-speed KMT90 transmission and
transfer case was announced Mahindra's MM range was a mainstay of the lineup and was
eventtually also offered with a 1.8-liter Isuzu petrol engine in addition to International and
Peugeot diesels. Mahindra started making passenger vehicles firstly with the Logan in April
2007 under the Mahindra Renault joint venture. M&M made its maiden entry into the heavy
trucks segment with the Mahindra Truck and Bus Division, the joint venture with
International Truck, USA.

Mahindra produces a wide range of vehicles, including MUVs, LCVs and three-wheelers. It
manufactures over 20 models of cars, including larger, multi-utility vehicles like the Scorpio
and the Bolero. It formerly had a joint venture with Ford called Ford India Private Limited to
build passenger cars.

At the 2008 Delhi Auto Show, Mahindra executives said the company was pursuing an
aggressive product expansion program that would see the launch of several new platforms
and vehicles over the next three years, including an entry-level SUV designed to seat five
passengers and powered by a small, turbocharged Diesel engine. True to their word,

Mahindra & Mahindra launched the Mahindra Xylo in January 2009, selling over 15,000
units in its first six months.

Also in early 2008, Mahindra commenced its first overseas CKD operations with the launch
of the Mahindra Scorpio in Egypt, in partnership with the Bavarian Auto Group. This was
soon followed by assembly facilities in Brazil. Vehicles assembled at the plant in Bramont,
Manaus, include Scorpio Pik Ups in single and double cab pick-up body styles as well as

Mahindra planned to sell the Diesel SUVs and pickup trucks starting in late 2010 in North
America through an independent distributor, Global Vehicles USA, based in Alpharetta,
Georgia. Mahindra announced it would import pickup trucks from India in knockdown kit
(CKD) form to circumvent the Chicken tax. CKDs are complete vehicles that were
assembled in the United States from kits of parts shipped in crates. On 18 October 2010,
however, it was reported that Mahindra had indefinitely delayed the launch of vehicles into
the North American market, citing legal issues between it and Global Vehicles after
Mahindra retracted its contract with Global Vehicles earlier in 2010, due to a decision to sell
the vehicles directly to consumers instead of through Global Vehicles. However, a
November 2010 report quoted John Perez, the CEO of Global Vehicles USA, as estimating
that he expected Mahindra's small Diesel pickups to go on sale in the United States by spring
2011, although legal complications remained, and Perez, while hopeful, admitted that
arbitration could take more than a year. Later reports suggested that the delays may be due to
Mahindra scrapping the original model of the truck and replacing it with an upgraded one
before selling them to Americans. In June 2012, a mass tort lawsuit was filed against
Mahindra by its American dealers, alleging the company of conspiracy and fraud.

Mahindra & Mahindra has a controlling stake in Mahindra REVA Electric Vehicles. In 2011,
it also gained a controlling stake in South Korea's SsangYong Motor Company.

Mahindra launched its relatively heavily publicised SUV, XUV500, code named as W201 in
September 2011. The new SUV by Mahindra was designed in-house and it was developed on
the first global SUV platform that could be used for developing more SUVs. In India, the
new Mahindra XUV 500 came in a price range between ₹1,140,000–1,500,000. The
company was expected to launch three products in 2015 (two SUVs and pme CV) and an
XUV 500 hybrid. Mahindra's two wheeler segment launched a new scooter in the first
quarter of 2015. Besides India, the company also targeted Europe, Africa, Australia and

Latin America for this model. Mahindra President Mr. Pawan Goenka stated that the
company planned to launch six new models in the year. The company launched the CNG
version of its mini truck Maxximo on 29 June 2012. A new version of the Verito in Diesel
and petrol options was launched by the company on 26 July 2012 to compete with Maruti's
Dzire and Toyota Kirloskar Motor's Etios.

On 30 July 2015, Mahindra released sketches of a new compact SUV called the TUV300
slated to be launched on 10 September 2015. The TUV300 design took cues from a battle
tank and used a downsized version of the mHawk engine found on the XUV500, Scorpio and
some models of the Xylo. This new engine was dubbed the mHawk80.

Mahindra has also entered an app based intra-city cargo platform known as SMARTSHIFT.
SmartShift is a first-of-its-kind load exchange platform for Small Commercial Vehicles. It
enable's businessmen who wish to transport cargo & transporters to find each other. The
platform enables contact, negotiation & sealing the deal between the two parties at just the
click of a button!

Mahindra Automotive North America (MANA), the company's U.S. subsidiary, opened a car
manufacturing plant in Detroit, Michigan on 20 November 2017. The plant employs 250
people, and is the first automotive production facility to open in Detroit in 25 years. The first
product from the new facility was launched on March 2, 2018 as the Mahindra Roxor.

Automobile assembly plants

 Bangalore, Karnataka, India
o Mahindra e2o
 Chakan, Maharashtra, India
o Mahindra Maxximo, Mahindra Supro, Mahindra XUV500, Mahindra
TUV300, Mahindra KUV100, Mahindra Pik-Up, SsangYong Rexton
 Haridwar, Uttarakhand, India
o Mahindra Bolero, Mahindra Scorpio S2, Mahindra alfa
 Nasik, Maharashtra, India
o Mahindra Thar, Mahindra Xylo, Mahindra Quanto, Mahindra Bolero,
Mahindra Scorpio, Mahindra Pik-Up, Mahindra Verito
 Zaheerabad, Telangana, India

o Mahindra Bolero Camper, Mahindra Tourister, Mahindra alfa auto, Mahindra
Jeeto, Mahindr

Naming of vehicles
The commercial vehicles made by the company follow the invisible rule of ending with an
'O', like in Scorpio, Verito, XUV500. It is believed that the company does this due to the
success of its first two vehicles - Scorpio and Bolero.

As on 31 March 2016, the company had 39,276 employees, out of which 626 were women
(1.6%). It also had around 19,000 temporary employees on the same date.

Company updates
 In 2015, it was announced that the company was to offer Android Auto, a telematics
standard developed by Google, technology with its In-Vehicle Infotainment system
for its XUV500 and Scorpio vehicles.

Awards and recognitions

 Bombay Chamber Good Corporate Citizen Award for 2006–07.
 Businessworld FICCI-SEDF Corporate Social Responsibility Award 2007.
 The Brand Trust Report ranked M&M as India's 10th Most Trusted Brand in its India
Study 2014 survey (from 20,000 brands analyzed).
 Its Farm Equipment division received the Deming Prize in 2003.
 Its Farm Equipment division received the Japan Quality Medal in 2007.

Brief Profile of the Organization imparting

History of the Firm
M/S Agarwal Auto Sales (Mahindra & Mahindra)
Bharuhana, Chunar Road, Mirzapur

Agarwal Autosales Mahindra Mirzapur

We are a leading Mahindra and Mahindra car dealership with multiple showrooms and
service centres across Mirzapur and Sonebhadra. Our showrooms are conveniently located
at Mirzapur, Robertsganj and Anpara. All our outlets offer 3S facility and the experience of a
state of art automobile setup.
Agarwal Auto Sales was founded by Shri Gyan Chand Agarwal along with his brothers Shri
Harish Chand Agarwal and Shri Madan Lal Agarwal in the year 1967. We were appointed as
a full range dealer of Mahindra & Mahindra in the year 1989. Our company has completed
50 golden years in june 2017 with hard work and determination of our founding members,
dedicated staff members and more importantly our valued customers.Delivering quality
service to all our customers and ensuring utmost customer satisfaction have been the
founding values of our automotive businesses and we relentlessly strive to maintain and
better these values.
All our sales and service outlets are manned by 100% Mahindra trained personnel to ensure
that we offer only the best quality service at all times.
We believe that owing a car is a moment to cherish and therefore we strive to make the
experience completely satisfying, hassle-free and delightful.'

Partners of the firm

There are three Partners of M/s Agarwal Auto Sales are :-

1. Mr. Gyanchandra Agarwal

2. Mr. Harishchandra Agarwal

3. Mr. Madanlal Agarwal

This firm is also looked by the son of these partners are :-

1. Mr.Shubham Agarwal

2. Mr. Sumit Agarwal

3. Mr. Saurabh Agarwal


Products related Strategies

The strategies related to products adopted by Agarwal Autosales are-

 Test driving
 Free driving
 Hoarding
 Discounts
 Advertisement in Newspaper and magazines
 Gift schemes

 Free services
 Mileage contents

Services related Strategies

 Free checkups campaign
 Finance through banks
 Demonstration for new products
 Acceptance for warranty claim


Agarwal Auto sales Products
The products / services of Mahindra & Mahindra are categorized into three following

I. Personal Category
The personal category products are purchased for personal use or self-convenience of the
II. Commercial Category
The commercial category products are purchased for business purpose.

III. Sub 1 Ton Category
Mahindra’s entry in the load carriage 3 wheeler market was marked by the launch of
Champion. It is available in both Load and Passenger variants.

Services :-
I. Customization Service
Mahindra & Mahindra takes pride to be a customer centric organization. They are in fact
the only original manufacturer in India to pursue automotive customization.
Once the automobile is picked up by the customer, they offer an array of customization
menus to completely revise the look and feel of the car. Change everything from details
like colour and spot lamps to the structure itself by restyling the body shell, hood and
bumpers. Overhaul the interior from carpeting to the central console to the number and
types of seats.

Dents and Engine RepairsII. Design Services

Mahindra offers customized design services through the Italy based design house, Mahindra
Graphic Research Design. They focus on styling, engineering, CAE (Computer-aided
engineering), prototypes and project management to partners from clients from start to

They have provided two-wheelers, passenger vehicles; light and heavy trucks with part
design for BIW (Body in White), exterior and interior trim and instrument panels.

III. Mahindra Spares

In the addition to making ground-breaking vehicles, they build many of the important parts.
Since 2002, they have offered a wide range of spares for Mahindra’s automobiles, farm, and
Mahindra Navistars trucks and other companies in domestic and overseas markets. With
more than 36000 active parts handled by over 800 vendors through the hub and spoke model,
they assured that the customers gets the best parts and services at a reduced order-to-delivery

Chapter - 3

Research Methodology
The process used to collect information and data for the purpose of making
business decisions. The methodology may include publication research,
interviews, surveys and other research techniques and could include both
present and historical information. A research method is a systematic plan for
conducting research. Sociologists draw on a variety of both qualitative and
quantitative research methods, including experiments, survey research,
participant observation, and secondary data. Quantitative methods aim to
classify features, count them, and create statistical models to test hypotheses
and explain observations. Qualitative methods aim for a complete, detailed
description of observations, including the context of events and

My Objective of doing research on “An Effectiveness of
Training and Development Program running under
Agarwal Auto Sales, Mirzapur
(Mahindra & Mahindra)...
 To analyse the training and development programme running by
Mahindra & Mahindra.
 To study the level of satisfaction of employees by there taining

 To determine the expectation of employees with the
 To study the organizational support for their employees.

Research Design

“I used the Descriptive Research Design”

Research design :- Descriptive Method

Data :- Primary Data and Secondary Data

Research :- Survey Method

Research Instrument :- questionnaire

Area of sample

Sampling Plan Selected Samples

Sample Population Employees of M&M

Sample Size 50

Area of study Mahindra & Mahindra, Mirzapur

Time Period 6 weeks

Sample Selection

Classification of Sampling Techniques

“My Sampling Technique is Non-Probability Sampling Technique”

Data Collection

Basically there are main two types of data source are

available :-

i. Primary Data

ii. Secondary Data

I used the primary data as well as secondary one because

combination of both data is provides absolutely correct and
meaningful information.


Name:- _______________________________________

Age:- _______________________________________

Designation:- _______________________________________

1) Your organisation considers training as a part of your organisation strategy. Do you

agree with this statement?
a) Strongly agree [ ] b) Agree [ ]
c) Sometime agree [ ] d) Disagree [ ]
2) How many training programmes will you attend in a year?
a) Less than 5 [ ] b) 5 to 10 [ ]
c) 10 to 20 [ ] d) More than 20 [ ]
3) To whom the training is given more in your organisation?
a) Senior staff [ ] b) Junior staff [ ]
c) New staff [ ] d)Based on requirements[ ]
4) What are all the important barriers to training and development in your
a) Time [ ] b) Money [ ]
c)Lack of interest by staff [ ] d)Non-availability of skilled trainer[ ]
5) What do you understand by training?
a) Learning [ ] b) Enhancement [ ]
c) Sharing information [ ] d) All of the above[ ]
6) Training is must for enhancing productivity and performance?
a) Completely agree [ ] b) Partially agree [ ]
c) disagree [ ] d) Unsure [ ]
7) Do you feel training programme is compulsary for employees?
a) Yes [ ] b) No [ ]
c) Can’t say [ ] d) Not important[ ]
8) From the following training method under which training method do you trained?
a) On the job [ ] b) Off the job [ ]
c) Both [ ] d) None [ ]
9) How long training process should be?
a) 1 to 2 days [ ] b) 2 to 3 days [ ]

c)3 to 4 days [ ] d) 4 to 5 days [ ]
10) After what number of days gap training must organised?
a) 15 days [ ] b) 1 month [ ]
c) Quarterly [ ] d) Harf yearly [ ]

Chapter - 4

Analysis and interpretation of Data
It is a process of inspecting, cleaning, transforming, and modelling data with the goal

of discovering useful information, suggesting conclusions, and supporting decision-

making. Data analysis has multiple facts and approaches, encompassing diverse

techniques under a variety of names, in different business, science, and social science


Analysis and Interpretation

1) Your organisation considers training as a part of your organisation

strategy. Do you agree with this statement?

Strongly agree Agree Sometime agree Disagree

30% 50% 20% 0%


Strongly agree

Sometime agree


Data in percentage

Source: Primary data

Interpretation: 30 percent of the employees are strongly agree, 50 percent are agree and 20

percent are sometime agree with the above statement.

2) How many training programmes will you attend in a year?

Less than 5 5-10 10-20 More than 20

50% 30% 10% 10%




Less than 5

5 to 10

10 to 20

More than 20

Data in percentage

Source: Primary Data

Interpretation: 50 percentage of the employees feel there are less than 10 training

programmes they attend in a year, 30 percent feel about more than 10 to 20 training

programmes and 10 percent feel about 20 to 40 and more than 40.

3) To whom the training is given more in your organisation?

Senior staff Junior staff New staff Based on


20% 10% 60% 10%



Senior staff

Junior staff

New staff

Based on requirement

Data in percentage

Source: Primary Data

Interpretation: 20 percentage of the employees feel that training is given more to senior

staff 10 percent to junior staff 60 percent to new staff and 10 percent based on


4) What are all the important barriers of training and development in your

Time Money Lack of interest Non-availability

by staff of skilled trainer

40% 15% 40% 5%





Lack of interest by the staff

Non-availability of skilled trainer

Data in percentage

Source: Primary Data

Interpretation: 40 percent of employees feels that time is more important barrier to

training and development, 15 percent employees about money, 40 percent employees feels

about lack of interest by the staff and last 5 percent employees feels about non-availability

of skilled trainer.

5) What do you understand by training?

Learning Enhancement Sharing information All the given

20% 10% 10% 60%






Sharing information

All the given

Data in percentage

Source: Primary Data

Interpretation: 20 percent employees that training and development is all about learning,

10 percent employees feels it is for enhancement, 10 percent employees feels it is to

sharing information and the rest 60 percent employees feels that it does all the given


6) Training is must for enhancing productivity and performance?

Completely agree Partially agree Disagree Unsure

70% 20% 0% 10%



Completely agree

Partially agree



Data in percentage

Source: Primary Data

Interpretation: 70 percent of the employees are completely agree with the statement

that training is for enhancing productivity and performance, 20 percent employees are

partially agree, no one is disagree and 10 percent employees are not sure of it.

7) Do you feel training programme is compulsary for employees?

Yes No Can’t say Not important

95% 0% 5% 0%



Can't say

Not important

Data in percentage

Source: Primary Data

Interpretation: 95 percent of the employees feels that training programmes are

compulsory for employees and 5 percent of the employees can’t say about it.

8) From the following training method under which training method do
you trained?

On the job Off the job Both None

80% 0% 0% 20%


On the job

Off the job



Data in percentage

Source: Primary Data

Interpretation: 80 percent of the employees said that on the job training method is used

in their organisation and rest 20 percent employees feels that no method is used.

9) How long training process should be?

1 to 2 days 2 to 3 days 4 to 5 days More than 5 days

70% 15% 5% 10%



1 to 2 days

2 to 3 days

4 to 5 days

More than 5 days

Data in percentage

Source: Primary Data

Interpretation: 70 percent employees feels that training process is executed only for 1 to

2 days in their organisation, 15 percent employees feels for option 2 to 3 days, 5 percent

employees feels for 4 to 5 days training option and rest 10 percent employees feels about

more than 5 days.

10) After what number of days gap training must organised?

15 days 1 month Quarterly Half yearly

20% 60% 20% 0%

20% 20%

15 days
1 month


Half yearly

Data in percentage

Source: Primary Data

Interpretation: 20 percent of the employees feels that training must organised within the

number of days gap between 15 days, 60 percent employees feels for 1 month and 20

percent employees feels for quarterly.

Chapter - 5


Following findings which I observed during Summer Internship from the

Mahindra & Mahindra :-

 70 percent of the employees feel that these training are helpful 30 percent

are against of it.

 80 percent on the job trainings are provided.

 70 percent of the employees are satisfied while 30 percent re against of it.

 90 percent time certificates provides to the employees and 10 percent

casually training given to the employees.

 80 percent of the employees satisfied with the evolution after training.


From the Training and development schemes of the company, I conclude that

Mahindra & Mahindra is maintain a good Training and development programmes in

an organisation. India’s number one Automobile Company is making the best &

demanding vehicles by the customers planned capacity addition programs. The

internal accrual of the company would be sufficient to making or launching the

component for new Vehicles. The company is well positioned raise the required

demanding without having any problem and struggle, because the vehicles of

Mahindra always likes by the customers.

Therefore in conclusion we can say that Mahindra & Mahindra is a financially

capable to entertain their distributor or employees or customers through the

payment and training and development process and would continue to enjoy the

top most position in the automobile sector for a long time in future.


Following suggestions/ recommendation can be made after analysing the current

status and future expectations of the Company :-

 The present management should be more efficient, so as it would be more

beneficial to the employees.

 There should be upgradation in Training and Development methods.

 Training and Development programme and policies should be implemented




 HR Manager Book of Mahindra & Mahindra

 Prof. A. K. Ghosh, Human resource management

 @Research Gate

Web sites:


 www.agarwal


Limitation of Study

 Response may be biased while filling the questionnaire.

 Some employees felt pressure due to job security purposes, while some had

of interest.

 Some information was not given as it was confidential to the company.

 There are some difficulties in conducting survey due to working hour of


 Most of employees of lower level are at ad hoc basis.


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