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ar een PY You can find some examples of posters from poster presentations on the internet. The oe online are often real ones, so the quality varies. at e advantages of Poster presentations auere are many advantages to doing poster presentations. In fact, many students prefer them to normal oral presentations. Do Exercise 1 to find out about some of the advantages. | Poster presentations may mean more _ a This can be very enjoyable and is less formal people see your work. than most oral presentations, You have real conversations instead of just talking and answering a few questions at the end. The information and answers you give are more specific, as you reply to he ked. poster presentation gives you the b After giving a poster presentation, many presenters to talk about your work often feel proud of the work they have produced, viduals or smail groups and in contrast to oral presentations, where presenters ict more with your audience than | often just feel relief that the presentation is finished. uld in an oral presentation. {As you often give a poster presentation before submitting a final written paper, feedback from a poster presentation can give you an excellent opportunity to improve your work. are giving a poster presentation at a q ial: ore people will probably look at poster than would see you give an oral ‘An attractive, well-designed poster he interest of people who would not din your topic. presenters find giving a ntation a more positive than giving an oral your post presentation. can also get t normally be intereste CamScanner ile tarandi Presenting Choosing your content = ant differences between a poster inds of oral presentation. Usually, there are two import presentation and the many ki = Normally, a poster presentation is just one part of the assessment of a research project, SO when you start to prepare your poster, you may already have a lot of knowledge about the topic and most of your research will already be done. fic brief for a poster presentation or = You may not be given a specil : You will probably just be asked to a specific question to answer. prepare a poster based on your research. many of the preparation stages for oral Despite these differences, b Chapter 3 can be applied to presentations that you learned about in poster presentations. Exercise 2 Complete the advice about choosing content, 1-4, with the sentences, a—d. a Think about which of your key ideas or findings you can present visually, instead of with text. Make sure you know if your poster needs to contain any particular information or have a particular organization. Remember, too, that the audience is also part of this, so think about whether, you will have a general or expert audience and how this could affect your choice of content 1 2 F b Think about all the different messages you could communicate in your poster. If you are working on a larger research project, you might be able to make a list of a number of different areas you could make into 3 Try to think of a single message you want to share with your audience, and choose only the related ideas that you feel you must include to communicate it successfully. Give priority to conclusions and recommendations and avoid too much detail on methods and result You should try to present as much information as you can with images, tables, graphs and so on, and use as litte text as possible. © Analyse your brief. “4 d Choose one message you want to communicate and decide on the key ideas you need to include. aman CamScanner ile tarandi s should be mainly he importance of visual content _ It is important to understand that poster presentation: visual. You learned that when you give an oral presentation, the visual elective aids should only support the message that you are communicating when en smear’ _you speak. A poster presentation is very different. Your poster should shoose things communicate your message for you and you only need to speak, when carefully, the introducing it and fielding questions. things that they buy or do. Students often make the mistake of including too much content, particularly too much text. A poster presentation is not a document, like an essay or an article. Explain as much as possible with your visuals (graphs, maps, illustrations or photographs) instead of with your text and only include details specifically needed to communicate your message. Be very selective about the content you include. You will normally be present to field questions, when you can explain things in more detail if necessary. Tip Leave some blank space on your poster instead of filling every part. Blank space can make a poster easier to read and more attractive. oa agi? Exercise 3 Choose ‘Do’ or ‘Don’t’ to complete the advice on the content of poster Presentations. Do/ Don't use images as much as possible to communicate your message. Do! Don't use a lot of dense text. Do/ Don't give lots of detail on methods and results. Do! Don't focus on conclusions and recommendations, Do/ Don't try to focus on one main message. OoRWNn Ye Do/ Don't make the message of your poster clear CamScanner ile tarandi ‘ ‘ ar message. For example, instead of ‘The effect of Tip v Choose a title that gives @ devmasste f Re eae gee cducational programmes on fitnes ioolee See Ae On gh school chlen' Creating your poster t ees eat You should spend a lot more time on producing your poster presentation than on your visual aids for an oral presentation. Your Poster is your presentation, so it is worth giving yourself a lot of time to make it as effective and attractive as possible. Take care to follow all the instructions you have been given for your presentation. Basic design First find out about the basic rules for your poster. Make sure you know: = how much space you will have for it and if the poster must be a specific size, = what basic information you need to include and where it should appear, = _ if you should organize the poster in a particular way, such as using standard headings. If you are giving a poster presentation for your course, there may be a standard PowerPoint template that you should use to create your poster. This may include information such as the university logo and your course title. summary, 7 nd further work. Find out just as you do for es on page 162 for at your university: CamScanner ile tarandi Before you start creating your poster, you need to choose one of two basic methods: creating a poster on one large piece of paper or using a combination of several smaller sheets of paper. Sometimes you will be asked to produce a poster on a single sheet of paper, but often the choice is yours. Each method has advantages and disadvantages. TITLE A poster on a single, large sheet of paper ih A poster on a several smaller sheets of paper CamScanner ile tarandi 1¢ roster presentauur> the reading path and your basic poster organization 7 The ‘reading path’ is the direction your eyes follow when you read. Normally, with a document that is mostly text, this is simple, In English, We start at the top and then read f, rom left to right, line by line, until We get to the bottom. With a poster t, however, the reading path is more complex. The reading path you choose must be log: viewing your poster, You need to help y read your poster. The standard reading Posters is shown by the arrows below: ical and obvious to the person our audience understand how to path for landscape and portrait Reading path in a landscape poster Reading path in a portrait poster ‘There are many other variations of reading paths you can use. Rememb er, ; however, that the simpler the reading path, the better for ‘your a idience. _ In particular, note that it is often difficult to read long, wide lines of t Make sure that you use columns of text, instead o lines of te ~ across the whole page. CamScanner ile tarandi

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