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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
National Capital Region
Schools Division Office
Caloocan City


English 10 - 4th Quarter


Giving technical and operational definitions

Learning Code: EN10V-IIa-13.9


Maria Clara High School
22 June 2020
Mean what you say
and say what you mean!

Most Essential Learning Competency:

Giving technical and operational definitions
(Learning Code: EN10V-IIa-13.9)


Maria Clara High School
22 June 2020
To the Learners
This module contains the fundamental skills that you need to be familiar with as you engage
yourself into writing a research. To be fully equipped with the essential knowledge and skills that you
need to learn from this module, remember to do the following:

1. Set aside any other tasks and focus your attention to understanding the concepts in this module.

2. Remember to read and follow all the instructions before answering each activities and tests.

3. Take note of the new insights that you will gain in this lesson. Write those in your Interactive
Notebook in English.

4. If there are some points which need clarification, you may ask some guidance from your parents,
guardians, or relatives.

5. Submit the module based on the set deadline by your teacher.

6. If there are some topics in this lesson which you do not completely understand or if there is anything
which needs clarification, feel free to ask your teacher regarding your concern.

Enjoy learning!


In this lesson, you will recognize the significance of both the technical and operational definitions
used in research. Specifically, this module is intended to let you:

1. differentiate between technical definition and operational definition;

2. identify how the technical and the operational definitions are used;

3. determine if technical definition or operational definition of words or concepts is used; and

4. apply the concepts used in this module to manifest the purpose of the objectives.
Read the statements below and identify if it is technical definition or operational definition.
Write TD (technical definition) or OD (operational definition) on the blanks before the number.

____________________ 1. Score on a Stress Test provided by the psychometrician.

____________________ 2. The mechanism of a ballpoint pen.

____________________ 3. The total weight of the stones, paper, nails, and scissors as shown by the
weighing scale.

____________________ 4. Consumers’ booklet on how to use a microwave oven,

____________________ 5. Validating variables among possible Covid-19 antiviral injections.

Looking Back
Study the illustrations below. Answer the questions by writing your answers on the space
A. What makes you happy?

1. I am happy if
2. I am happy every time
3. I feel happy whenever _____________________.
4. I know I am happy because
B. How do you measure happiness?

1. I can measure happiness through:

A. ____________________
B. ____________________
C. ____________________

Brief Introduction
A Technical Research deals with the gathering of information which intends to answer questions
relative to the technical or mechanical property or component of a certain tool, equipment, or machinery.
This kind of research is commonly used by inventors, engineers, technicians, computer programmers, and
scientists among others.

When the manufacturers provide you information on how a washing machine was made, with all
its parts and product specifications, details on how each of its mechanism works, how it was designed to
function, and why it was created, then you are already dealing with the technicalities of the washing

Operational Research on the other hand , deals with describing how something works or
functions. For instance, the washing machine your parents purchased is packaged with the operational
manual. The said manual provides you the operational functions of the washing machine, or how to make
it work; hence, operational definitions are given to you so you would know how to use it.

Technical Definitions often require the use of jargons, as the details of a certain equipment are
not intended for the general public. It is meant to be read only by people belonging to the same field, job,
or specialization. Technical terms are words which are specific only to those who are on the same field as
the writer of a certain research or documentation. For those who are technologically involved, for
instance, the computer programmers, they use terminologies like C +, HTML, and HTTP among others,
which are not easily understood by non-computer programmers. The words daemon, spam, and address
for instance, have different meanings for the general public. These jargons are also common for those in
the medical field, political field, business and industries, and police or military offices, to name a few.
The complexities of their respective languages are incomprehensible for those who do not belong to their
line of expertise.
On the other hand, Operational Definitions are generally used by everybody. Those do not
require jargons, complex terminologies, or highfalutin words or phrases. The definitions are generally
brief, direct, simple and specific. It only answer how something is used or how a certain equipment

Erythromycin, a bacteriostatic antibiotic that was invented in 1949 by a Filipino Doctor, Abelardo
Aguilar, one of the most remarkable Filipino inventions. This is how a technical definition of his

invention is written:

On the other hand, this is the operational definition for Erythromycin for the treatment of sore
throat: The usual dosage for adults is 250 mg every 6 hours, 333 mg every 8 hours or 500 mg every 12 hours.
Doses may be increased up to 4 g/day according to the severity of the infection. 2

You have now a clearer understanding how technical and operational definitions differ and how
they are written. This lesson only provides you basic knowledge about technical writing. For the
meantime, as Grade 10 students, you will mostly deal with operational research and definitions.

Activity 1.1 Stress that out!
Objective: Differentiate between technical definition and operational definition of words

Material: A picture of a household appliance

Procedure: Look at the picture of a household equipment below. Write an operational definition of
how it works by filling in the blanks. Choose your answer from the pool of words in the box.

This is a (1) _____________________. It is
used to (2) _________________________. To
use this, simply plug it to an electric outlet and
put the fruits or vegetables you want to prepare.
Critical Thinking: In your own words, tell your family on how your appliance/equipment is used.
Share with them what you have just learned about giving operational definitions.

Activity 1.2 ‘Weight’ A Minute!

Objective: Identify how the technical and the operational

definitions are used.

Material: Portable weighing scale

Procedure: Answer the questions below by encircling the letter of

the correct answer.
Photo credit:
Emelyn May C. Almazan4

1. We can measure our stress level by using a weighing scale.

A. True B. False C. Never D. Sometimes

2. We can only measure tangible objects or things that we can see at home and those around us.

A. True B. False C. Never D. Sometimes

3. By writing the specifications of each of the mechanisms of the weighing scale, we give its

A. Technical Research C. Technical Definition

B. Operational Research D. Operational Definition

4. By writing the procedure on how to use the weighing scale, we give its _____________.

A. Technical Research C. Technical Definition

B. Operational Research D. Operational Definition

5. It is not advisable to use the technical and operational definitions at the same time.

A. True B. False C. Never D. Sometimes

Critical Thinking: What things can you measure using a weighing scale? Can you also use it in
measuring abstract things? How can you measure abstract things like happiness, stress level, and

Activity 1.3 Let’s Operate Technically

Objective: Determine if the technical definition or operational definition of words or concepts is

Material: This module and other related references

Procedure: Answer the questions below by encircling the letter of the correct answer.

1. You heard your father, a police officer, said, “Roger, copy that!”

A. Technical definition C. Both technical and operational definition

B. Operational definition D. Neither technical nor operational definition

2. You may cook pancit canton based on the directions from its pouch.

A. Technical definition C. Both technical and operational definition

B. Operational definition D. Neither technical nor operational definition

3. Dr. Evangelista said he has to monitor the BMI of your grandparents.

A. Technical definition C. Both technical and operational definition

B. Operational definition D. Neither technical nor operational definition

4. A definition is used in technical writing ______________________________.

A. as used in the study C. to explain the meaning of technical terms

B. to explain the operational terms D. to prove that the writer has a wide vocabulary

5. How do you determine if the given definition is technical?

A. If it uses simple and direct words C. If the definition deals with complex terms

B. If the definition is fully explained D. If the definition is explained up to the next sentences

Critical Thinking: In your Interactive Notebook in English, write your reflection about the following:
If you were given a chance to invent something for your fellow Filipinos, what would that be and why?
How will you describe your invention? Determine whether you will use technical or operational
definition on your description.

1. Technical definitions generally deal with why a certain invention was made, what makes up each
mechanism, and what a certain study or product is intended for. It usually uses technical jargons.
Operational definitions generally deal with how something works, how something is measured, and how
something has to be dealt with or assessed.

2. Operational definitions are brief, direct, and simple, it does not require technical jargons. It generally
tells how something is used or how a certain equipment or product works.

3. In research writing, students generally use operational definitions. It is more applicable, convenient,
reliable, and understandable.
Check your Understanding
You are a newly hired research apprentice at Mabuhay Laboratory and Pharmaceutical Industries,
Inc., one of the most prestigious companies in Caloocan City. The Covid-19 Virus tremendously affected
the economy world, and instigated a high global mortality rate. Mayor Oscar ‘Oca’ Malapitan ordered
that there is a need for the locals to mobilize all the establishments and resources under the Bayanihan to
Heal as One Act. There is a necessity to come up with tangible solutions that would reduce the increasing
number of covid patients, and to create antiviral vaccines that will stop the Corona Virus. Your company
created a vaccine called Bakuna Laban sa Pandemya (BLP) which has been proven to cure Covid-19
patients. Being a research apprentice of MLPII, how would you best answer the following questions:

1. On your response to the mayor’s call, what type of research will you administer?

A. Technical Research C. Technical Definition

B. Operational Research D. Operational Definition

2. How are you going to explain to the people the benefits and functions of your BLP?

A. By providing them the technical meanings of the research

B. By providing them the operational meanings of the research

C. By providing them the jargons and highfalutin words used on your study

D. By providing them the explanations for the jargons and highfalutin words used on your
research or study

3. In order for the Filipinos to be cured, what type of definitions will you use on your

A. Technical Research C. Technical Definition

B. Operational Research D. Operational Definition

Post-test: Writing
Write down the qualities of a technical definition and of an operational definition by applying the
concepts you learned in this lesson. Choose from the words below:

direct simple jargons specific

complex words highfalutin words
Technical Definition Operational Definition

Reflective Writing
Here are other Filipino inventions and 'tatak Pinoy' discoveries that may surprise and even inspire
the innovator in you. Choose one of the inventions below and research its technical and operational
definition. Write your answers on your Interactive Notebook in English. Use the pattern below.

Filipino invention #1: Bamboo incubator Filipino invention #3: Mango flowering

Filipino invention #2: Challenge 21 Filipino invention #4: The PC chipset 6
NAME: ____________________________________ GRADE AND SECTION: __________________


Technical Definition:

B. Operational Definition:


Photo owned by Emelyn May C. Almazan
Photo owned by Emelyn May C. Almazan

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