Practical Research 1 Worksheet 5 6

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education

Practical Research I


This worksheet was designed and written to help you develop critical thinking and problem-solving
skills through Qualitative Research. It will direct you to use appropriate kinds of research in
making decisions. It will let you understand that the concepts of inquiry and research have wide
applications in real life. The scope of this module permits it to be used in many different learning
situations. The language used recognizes the diverse vocabulary level of students. The lessons are
arranged to follow the standard sequence of the course. But the order in which you read them can
be changed to correspond with the textbook you are now using.

This worksheet is divided into two lessons, namely:

Lesson 1: The Notion of Literature and Literature Review in Research
Lesson 2: Literature Review Citation Styles

After going through the lessons, you are expected to: (Based on MELCs)
1. select relevant literature.
2. cite related literature using standard style.



Previously, you dug deeper on your research inquiry and specified the purpose statement, its
scopes and limits, and the benefits to gain from the study. Perhaps, identifying the inquiry and
stating the problem are the stepping stones to better understand the field of work.

Now, as we proceed to the new chapter of research, your understanding of your field of work will
never be the same. For the identified inquiries in the beginning will now be placed in a conceptual
and findings-based perspective. Your personal inquiries will now be validated through the different
readings you will be engaged into. Note that as a student-researcher, reading is a pre-requisite
here. Hence, expect for readings, readings, and more readings! Let’s go!

Learning Task 1. Recall what you have to recall. Answer the following questions briefly based on
the research inquiry/topic you presented in the previous lesson worksheets.
1. What is your research topic? If concrete already, state your working research title.
2. What are your reasons in choosing the research topic?
3. What are your research questions?

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4. What is the scope and limitations of your research?
5. Who will benefit from study? What are benefits to gain specifically?

Learning Task 2. Write YES if the statement given is a purpose of review of related literature
and NO if not.
1. To obtain background knowledge about the topic
2. To define/establish your area of study
3. To relate your study to the current conditions or situations
4. To show the capacity of your research work to introduce new knowledge
5. To expand, prove, or disprove the findings of previous research studies
6. To establish a theoretical framework for your topic / subject area
7. To define key terms or variables used in the study
8. To establish the significance of your work based on the evidence gathered to support
the conclusions
9. To avoid repeating previous research studies
10. To recommend the necessity of further research on a research topic

Learning Task 3. Your notions of Literature will now be put into test. Accomplish the Venn
diagram below with key words or phrases about your thinking of the word ‘LITERATURE.’


(Prose & Poetry) (Scientific writing)

You might then think that literature entails reading prose and poetry for your delight. Apparently,
literature reading can also feed your reservoir of knowledge in an objective sense. Yes, it is objective
for it is informative, evidence-based, and factual at any rate. At this point, your views on literature
will now expand as you will be immersed into diverse reading materials.

With plenty of information available, sourcing good and credible literature for your research study
is a challenge. As you go through into this lesson, you will know the essence of literature review
and its vital contribution in nourishing your chosen research study.
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Lecturette: What is LITERATURE REVIEW?

A literature review surveys books, scholarly articles, and any other sources relevant to a
particular issue, area of research, or theory, and by so doing, provides a description, summary,
and critical evaluation of these works in relation to the research problem being investigated. Also,
a good review might contain other information drawn from conference papers, books, and
government documents. In composing a literature review, you may cite articles that are both
quantitative and qualitative studies.

Regardless of the sources of information, all researchers conduct a literature review as a step in
the research process. Literature reviews are designed to provide an overview of sources you have
explored while researching a particular topic and to demonstrate to your readers how your
research fits within a larger field of study.

Why do you have to undergo literature review in research? Mcmillan and Schumacher (1984)
explicitly provided the importance of literature review. Read it yourself.


(McMillan and Schumacher, 1984)

1. Define and limit a problem

If your literature review is part of a larger research project, the literature review helps to identify the
parameters of a study. Most research areas are broad: a literature review allows identification of key
issues within a broad research area so that a definition of an area of interest can be pursued.
2. Place your study in perspective
The purpose of academic research is to push out and add to the current body of knowledge within a
particular field. Unless you are aware of the work of others, you cannot build upon an established
foundation. A literature review allows the researcher to say: “The work of A, B, and C have discovered
this much about my question; the investigations of D have added this much to our knowledge. I propose to
go beyond D's work in the following manner.”
3. Avoid unintentional replication of previous studies
Sometimes it is appropriate to replicate a previous study, but this should be done intentionally and for
a particular purpose. A literature review helps you to make informed choices about a research topic
within a scholarly context.
4. Select methods and measures
The success or failure of previous investigations can provide useful material for you when you are
designing your own research methodology. You can assess what has worked before (or not worked) in
previous contexts and why. You may be alerted to new methodologies and procedures and different types
of tests, technologies and measures.
5. Relate findings to previous knowledge and suggest areas for further research
The findings on one’s own research need to be related back to earlier studies. This places one’s work and
can point to areas that need further investigation. The research is much more a coherent whole if your
discussion section draws on and contrasts with the literature review.

Take note that the extent of literature differs in terms of the methodology used in the study.
Creswell (2012) differentiated the Literature Review of Quantitative Studies to Qualitative Studies
as seen in the matrix:

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As a researcher doing literature review, sourcing literature is too tasky. Plus, not knowing the
types or categories of literature may add burden for the purpose of literature review may be
defeated once a researcher dwells and discusses one or two literature category/ies only. Now read
the five categories of literature to better understand what to be indicated in a literature review.


Wallace and Wray (2006, p.92)

1) Theoretical literature describes expected or anticipated relationships about the way things
happen. For example, there was a time when there was a theory that the world was flat. Then,
with increased knowledge, scientists were able to work out that this was not the case and the
theory was disproven. In health and social care, theories are often generated in response to
evidence that has been gathered and interpreted. A theory is developed that is then refined or
refuted when further evidence is obtained.

2) Research literature generally refers to a report of a systematic investigation that has been
undertaken in response to the need to answer a specific question, for example: ―How long do
people tend to remain in a pre-contemplative stage when anticipating behavior change or, indeed,
is there any evidence that everyone goes through a pre-contemplative stage when anticipating
behavior change? These questions can only be answered by observing what happens in the real
world, rather than in a theory. Research studies are generally undertaken according to an accepted
scientific method, which involves defining a research question, identifying a method to carry out
the study, followed by the presentation of results, and finally a discussion of the results.

3) Empirical research is a research that is undertaken through the observation and measurement
of the world around us. It studies the use of observation, experience, or experimentation to collect
new data. Data can be collected in a variety of ways; for example by questionnaire, interview, direct
management, and observations. Such papers tend to be organized into sections, beginning with a
research question, followed by the results and finally a discussion and conclusion.

4) Practice literature is written by practitioners about their field of expertise. This can come in
many different forms— expert opinion, discussion papers, debate, information from websites,
patient information leaflets, and reports of good practice. Students might find some overlap
between research and practice literature; that is, a lot of health and social care research is
undertaken in the practice setting. The way to distinguish between research and practice literature
is to look for evidence of an explicit and systematic research study that has a well described
method by which the investigation or study has been carried out. If no such method exits, then
literature is likely to be practice literature.

5) Policy literature tells practitioners how to act in a set of circumstances. Policies and guidelines
can be written from a given set of circumstances. Policies and guidelines can be written from a
local or national perspective, or in some cases international. In an ideal context, policy is based
on the results or research evidence. The research on a particular topic is reviewed and policy and
guidelines are written that are based on these findings. Therefore, when students review a policy,
it is useful to explore the basis on which it is written in order to find out the extent to which the
policy is based on current research findings.

Meanwhile, literature can be simply categorized also into two – the conceptual literature and
research literature. In most of institutional format, these two types are presented in the Chapter
Two of a thesis – The Review of Related Literatures. Read the definitions and the examples situating
a literature review on graphic organizers.

Conceptual Literature pertains to articles or books written by authorities giving their opinions,
experiences, theories, or ideas of what is good or bad, desirable, and undesirable within the
problem area.

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Example: Graphic organizers are defined by Bishop (2013) as visual displays of key content
information designed to guide learners and to enhance their comprehension. They are
sometimes referred to as concept maps, cognitive maps, or content maps, but they are all used
to serve one purpose.

Research Literature refers to published or unpublished reports on actual research studies done

Example: Sharrock (2008) conducted action research to study the effect of graphic organizers,
especially the concept map, on students' writing. One third grade class was involved in a six-
week study and was given two personal narrative writing assignments. The assignments were
graded using a writing rubric provided by the Georgia Department of Education. Results of
this experiment indicated that the students using graphic organizers showed a significant
improvement in their creative writing. It was revealed that graphic organizers help the writers
keep to the topic by having their ideas in front of them as they were writing. They also helped
the writer to present things in the correct sequential order.

Once the researcher has a clear problem as well as a rationale for conducting a study, he/she may
now begin selecting literature such as theories, conceptual framework, and related studies that
will serve as the foundation of the work.

Selecting the Literature for a Study

In selecting the literature for a study, the following questions should be considered:
1. Can this literature help me clearly present the delimitation of my study?
2. Can this literature give me insights to present properly essential variables of my study?
3. Is this literature up-to-date?
4. Does this literature provide perceptive and accurate results and conclusions?
5. Does this literature present contrasting ideas which can be used in identifying research gaps?

Conducting a Literature Review

Although conducting a literature review follows no prescribed path, if you plan to design and
conduct a study, you will typically go through five interrelated steps. Learning all five steps will
provide a sense of how researchers proceed in reviewing the literature. These steps are:
1. Identify key terms to use in your search for literature.
2. Locate literature about a topic by consulting several types of materials and databases,
including those available at an academic library and on the Internet.
3. Critically evaluate and select the literature for your review.
4. Organize the literature you have selected by abstracting or taking notes on the literature and
developing a visual diagram of it.
5. Write a literature review that reports summaries of the literature for inclusion in your
research report.

In writing a literature review, as cited from Ashford University (2020), synthesis matrix is useful
in organizing important ideas found in the literature. This matrix further allows the researcher to
see overlapping ideas among the authors. Here below is an example of a synthesis matrix:
Problem or



Title: “Isang To find out Phenomeno- Informant Textured Interview The study was able to
Himala: A the essence logical is a analysis Questions discover and realize that
Phenomeno- of miraculous healer, or contrary to common beliefs,

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logical healing Approach of someone mind-body therapies should
Study of through inquiry who was not be reduced as having
Miraculous mind-body healed placebo effects. Their
Healings interventions, effectivity actually lies on the
through and its subject’s meanings, to which
Mind-Body implications he ascribes to the experience.
Intervention to the The findings of the study also
s in the Filipino have implications on Filipino
Philippines” health- health practices and health-
seeking seeking behavior which is
Author: behavior. reflective of Filipino culture.

Learning Task 4. Complete the statements with words that can be found in the word pool below.
1. Literature reviews are designed to provide an __________ of sources you have explored while
researching a particular __________.
2. If your literature review is part of a larger research __________, the literature review helps to
identify the __________ of a study.
3. A literature review helps you to make __________ choices about a research topic within a
__________ context.
4. The success or failure of previous __________ can provide useful material for you when you are
designing your own research __________.
5. The research is much more a __________ whole if your discussion section draws on and
__________ with the literature review.

topic project scholarly coherent investigations

overview informed parameters contrasts
methodology review evidence scope rigid

Learning Task 5. Explain your understanding on the given questions. Write your answer on a
separate sheet of paper.
1. What makes a literature review?

2. How is literature review performed in a Qualitative Research?


3. What is the context of Research Literature?


4. What are the steps in conducting a literature review?


5. In selecting literature, what are highly considered?


Learning Task 6. Read the following research abstracts and accomplish the synthesis matrix

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Problem or







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Learning Task 7. Read the following questions carefully. Choose the letter of the correct answer.
1. It is a type of literature which is undertaken through the observation and measurement of the
world around us.
A. Practice literature C. Policy literature
B. Theoretical literature D. Empirical literature

2. Which one is NOT a guiding question in selecting literature for a study?

A. Can this literature help me clearly present the delimitation of my study?
B. Can this literature give me insights to present problems of my study?
C. Is this literature up-to-date?
D. Does this literature provide perceptive and accurate results and conclusions?

3. Which one is an example of conceptual literature?

A. Brooks and Warren (1979) state that an argument is a type of discourse wherein a
conclusion is plausible because the data, premises, and evidence supporting it all merit
B. Baheej (2015) found out that students are seemingly able to write well because they have
been studying English since they were at the first grade of Junior High School to University

4. Which one is an example of research literature?

A. Beyer (1995) defined critical thinking as “making reasoned judgments to assessing the
validity of something.”
B. Voth and Graham (1999) studied 30 American 7th grade and 8th grade students with
writing and learning difficulties and found that students included more supporting reasons
and rebuttals.

5. Which first step in conducting a literature review?

A. Organize the literature you have selected by abstracting or taking notes on the literature
and developing a visual diagram of it.
B. Locate literature about a topic by consulting several types of materials and databases,
including those available at an academic library and on the Internet.
C. Identify key terms to use in your search for literature.
D. Critically evaluate and select the literature for your review.

Learning Task 8. Recall your formulated research topic/title and the crafted research questions
from Weeks 3 & 4 worksheets. Aligned to your research inquiry, search for ten (10) research
abstracts and accomplish the synthesis matrix below.
Problem or







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For online sources, your can proceed to or


In the previous lesson, you were introduced with the nature and context of Literature review in
research – its purpose, types, selection process, and procedures on how to conduct the review.
Also, you were able to understand the differing principles in the extent and use of literature in
Qualitative research comparing to Quantitative research.

As part of the literature review process, writing summaries and syntheses of the literature for
inclusion in your research report would not display credence if proper citation will not be adhered.
With that, a researcher should be adept in applying a specific citation style based on his or her
field of inquiry.

Learning Task 1. Based on the previous lesson, recall five (5) out of ten (10) research abstracts
you sourced out for your research title and questions. Make a bulleted discussion of the
commonalities of the findings from those research works.
• ______________________________________________________________________________
• ______________________________________________________________________________
• ______________________________________________________________________________
• ______________________________________________________________________________
• ______________________________________________________________________________

Learning Task 2. Read each item carefully. Write CO if the reference list format and content is
correct and INC if incorrect.

1. Fikrins, Arthur Sengupta, Sima, dan Forey, Gail (2007). Teaching Writing to Low Proficiency
EFL Students dalam ELT Journal. Vol. 61/4. Oxford: Oxford University Press. p.p. 343-

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2. Weber, J. A., et al. (2001). Concordance and genre-informed approach to ESP essay writing. ELT
Journal, 55(1), 15-25. Retrieved from

3. Wu, X. D. (2010). Can learning tasks affect incidental vocabulary acquisition? Involvement load
hypothesis revisited. Foreign Language Teaching And Research, 42(2), 109-115.
Retrieved from doi:10.5539/ies.v7n7p52

4. Sheen, Y. & (2007). The effect of focused written corrective feedback and language aptitude on
ESL learners’ acquisition of articles. TESOL Quarterly, 7(11), 255–283. Retrieved from

5. Tsui, A.B.M., & Ng, M. (2000). Do secondary L2 writers benefit from peer comments? Journal of
Second Language Writing, 9, 147–170.

Learning Task 3. Accomplish the concept map below providing ideas on “Why Citation is
Important.” Write your answers briefly.


First things first. You cannot go straight in writing your literature review without knowing the
citation style required for your field of inquiry. It is a must for you to follow these citation styles
for it will make your review credible and authentically-written.

Borrowing information from various sources is not only an option – it is a necessity. One walks
the fine line between the proper documentation/attribution of sources and plagiarism.

Plagiarism – According to, it is “the act of passing off as one’s own the ideas or
writings of another.”


Appreciation for and recognition of people’s ownership of borrowed ideas (Sharp, 2012):
1. Acknowledgement – the beginning portion of the work that identifies individuals who have
contributed something for the production of the paper.
2. References of bibliography – a complete list of all reading materials, including books,
journals, periodicals, etc. from where the borrowed ideas come form.
3. Citation or In-text referencing – references within the main body of the text, specifically
in the review of related literature.

Why Cite?
• To establish the validity of findings and facts included in the report
• To give proper credit to the creator of the information

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• To help readers find or contact the sources of the ideas easily
• To permit readers to check the accuracy of your work
• To save yourself from plagiarism


Modern Language Association or MLA Style

MLA Style is commonly used in liberal arts and humanities research work. This style involves
putting relevant source information in parentheses after the quote or paraphrase. The source of
information required in a citation in parentheses depends on the source medium and its source
in the Bibliography.
In-Text Citation
Author-Page Style
Santos stated that “photovoice” helps learners expound their ideas in writing essays (21).

“Photovoice” helps learners expound their ideas in writing essays (Santos 21).

Santos found out that “photovoice” helps learners expound their ideas in writing essays

Chicago Manual of Style

This style contains two basic referencing system, such as notes and bibliography and author-date.
Notes and Bibliography System
One author
End note: Eugene Ray F. Santos, Overcoming Writing Apprehension through
Photovoice (Rizal: Morong National High School, 2017), 21.
In-text citation: Santos, Overcoming Writing Apprehension, 21.
Bibliographic entry: Santos, Eugene Ray F. Overcoming Writing Apprehension
through Photovoice. Rizal: Morong National High School, 2017.
Two or more authors
End note: Eugene Ray F. Santos and Ellen C. Dollente. Implications of the
Implementation of MTB-MLE in Southeast Asia (Manila:PNU, 2019), 25.
In-text citation: Santos and Dollente, Implications, 25.
Bibliographic entry: Santos, Eugene Ray F. and Ellen C. Dollente. Implications of the
Implementation of MTB-MLE in Southeast Asia. Manila: PNU, 2019.
Four or more authors
First end note: Freddie R. Garcia et al., Complementary Classroom Observation Tool
Succeeding note: Garcia et al., Complementary Classroom...

Author-Date System
One author
In-text citation: (Santos 2017, 21)
Bibliographic entry: Santos, Eugene Ray F. 2017. Overcoming Writing Apprehension
through Photovoice. Rizal: Morong National High School.
Two or more authors
In-text citation: (Santos and Dollente 2019, 25)
Bibliographic entry: Santos, Eugene Ray F. and Ellen C. Dollente. 2019.
Implications of the Implementation of MTB-MLE in Southeast Asia. Manila: PNU.
Four or more authors (List all authors in the reference list)
In-text citation: (Garcia et al.,2019)

American Psychological Association (APA) 6th Edition

The APA Style is the most used format in citing references. This provides the author’s surname
and year of publication in the citation with complete details in the bibliography of the research.
The page number is not included in the in-text citation.

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Basic Format:
1. Hanging indent. Begin each entry on a line flush with the left margin. Indent second and
subsequent lines one-half inch, or one tab space.
2. Spacing. Observe double-space between each line and double-spaces between each entry.
3. Order of entries. Arrange references in alphabetical order by the last name of the first author
listed in the publication.

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1. Short Direct Quotation - only a part of the author’s sentence, the whole sentence, or several
sentences, not exceeding 40 words; you must give the exact page where the readers can find the
copied words.
Contexts is influenced by these four factors: “language, culture, institutions, and ideologies”
(Arada, 2015, p. 8).

2. Long Direct Quotation or Block Quotation, or Extract - makes you copy the author’s exact
words numbering from 40 up to 100 words. Under APA, the limit is eight lines. Placed at the center
of the page with no indentation, the copied lines look like they compose a stanza of a poem.
The latest study by Hizon (2015) revealed the social nature of language. Stressing this nature of
language, he said:
“Language features result from the way people use language to meet their social needs. In their
interactions, they use language to describe, compare, agree, explain, disagree, and so on. Each
language function requires a certain set of language features like nouns for naming, adjectives for
comparing, verbs for agreeing, prepositions for directing, and conjunctions for connecting ideas”
(p. 38).

3. Paraphrase is your own rendition of essential information and ideas expressed by someone
else, presented in a new form. It is one legitimate way (when accompanied by accurate
documentation) to borrow from a source. It is a more detailed restatement than a summary, which
focuses concisely on a single main idea.

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4. Summary entails a brief discussion of thesis, the primary assertions, arguments, or findings
and of at least the primary means of support for each point.

5. Evaluation is your reaction indicating agreement or disagreement or interpreting the point of

view of the research finding you used for your literature review.

Reminders in writing the in-text citation:

1. Do not forget to use signal phrases to begin your discussion of each literature:
Aquino (2015) said that ...
Roxas (2016) stated that ...
Ayala (2018) asserted that …
2. Use active verbs for reporting. Examples are analyze, argue, assert, assume, claim,
compare, contrast, conclude, criticize, reveal, disclose, posit, define, discuss, distinguish,
differentiate, evaluate, examine, emphasize, expand, explain, exhibit, identify, illustrate,
imply, indicate, justify, narrate, outline, propose, question, report, review, suggest,
summarize, etc.
3. Present ideas in any of these tenses: present, simple past, or present perfect tense. Be
consistent with the tense you use. The APA style prefers the use of present perfect
Present tense – Macros (2016) explains…
Past tense – Macros (2016) explained…
Present perfect tense – Macros (2016) has explained…

Learning Task 4. Read each item carefully. Write CO if the reference list format and content is
correct and INC if incorrect.
1. Alsamadani, H. A. (2010). The relationship between Saudi EFL students’ writing competence,
L1 writing proficiency, and self-regulation. European Journal Of Social Sciences, 16(1),
53-63. Retrieved from

2. Baleghizadeh, S., Mozaheb, M. A. (2011). A profile of an effective EFL grammar teacher. Journal
of Language Teaching and Research, 2(2), 364-369. Retrieved from

3. Concha, S., & Paratore, R. (2011). Local coherence in persuasive writing: An exploration of
Chilean students’ metalinguistic knowledge, writing process, and writing products.
Written Communication, 28 (10), 34-69. Retrieved from

4. Hafner, A. H. (2010). A Multi-Perspective Genre Analysis of the Barrister’s Opinion: Writing

Context, Generic Structure, and Textualization. Written communication, 27 (2), 410-441.
Retrieved from

5. Kuhi, D., & Behnam, B. (2011). Generic Variations and Metadiscourse use in the writing of
applied linguists: a Comparative study and preliminary framework. Written
Communication, 28, 97-141. Retrieved from

Learning Task 5. Complete the following statement based on the learned concepts. Write your
answer on a separate sheet of paper.
1. I must acknowledge the sources of my literature review writing because…
2. Citation means…

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3. In paraphrasing, I have to…
4. The key features of APA Citation Style are…

Learning Task 6. Revise the following references based on the guidelines of APA 6 th edition.
1. Davies, W. M. (2006). An ‘Infusion’ Approach to Critical Thinking: Moore on the Critical Thinking
Debate. Higher Education Research & Development. 25 (2), 179–193
2. Lenneberg, E. H. (1967). The biological foundations of language. new york, John Wiley and Sons.
3. Satriani, I., Emilia, E., & Gunawan, M. (2012). Contextual teaching and learning approach to
teaching writing. Indonesian Journal of Applied Linguistics, 2 (1), 10, 22
4. Sianipar, L., Setiawan, D., & Rahman, A., 2017 - The development of character based on
teaching materials according to the learning design experts through a contextual
approach at Grade V in Sd Negeri 060841 Medan City, Indonesia. International Journal
of Education, Learning and Development, 5 (10), 19-36.
5. Wood, N. (2001). Writing argumentative essays (2nd Ed.). upper saddle river, NJ - Prentice Hall,

Learning Task 7. Read each item carefully. Write CO if the reference list format and content is
correct and INC if incorrect.

1. Leki, L. (2003). Coda: Pushing L2 writing research. Journal Of Second Language Writing, 12(2),
103-105. Retrieved from

2. Luchini, P. L. (2010). Evaluating the Effectiveness of a complimentary approach to teaching

writing skills. International Journal of Language Studies (IJLS), 4(3), 73-92.

3. McCutchen, D. (2011). From Novice to Expert: Implications of Language Skills and Writing-
Relevant Knowledge for Memory during the Development of Writing Skill. Journal of
WritingResearch, 3(1),

4. Rogers, L., & Graham, S. A meta-analysis of single subject design writing intervention research.
Journal of Educational Psychology.

5. Silva, T. (1993). Towards an understanding of the distinct nature of L2 writing: The ESL research
and its implications. TESOL Quarterly, 27(2), 756-777. Retrieved from

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6. Thompson. (2009). Scaffolding in the Writing Center: A Microanalysis of an Experienced Tutor’s
Verbal and Nonverbal Tutoring Strategies. Written Communication, 26, 417- 453.

7. T. (2011). The Anthropology of Writing. Understanding Textually-Mediated Worlds. Journal of

Writing Research, 3(1), 69-71.

8. You, X. (2004). The choice made from no choice: English writing instruction in a Chinese
university. 97–110.

9. Yang, M., Badger, R., & Yu, Z. (2006). A comparative study of peer and teacher feedback in a
Chinese EFL writing class. Journal Of Second Language Writing, 15(15), 179–200.
Retrieved from doi:10.5539/elt.v8n6p11

10. Elander, J. Harrington, K. Norton, L. Robinson, H. & Reddy, P. (2006). Complex Skills and
Academic Writing: A Review of Evidence About the Types of Learning Required to Meet
Core Assessment Criteria. Assessment & Evaluation in Higher Education, 31, 71-90.

11. Shafie, Maesin, Osman, Nayan, & Mansor, (2010). Understanding Collaborative Academic
Writing Among Beginner University Writers in Malaysia. Studies in Literature and
Language, 1, 58-69

12. Borg, E. (2003). Discourse community. ELT Journal, 57(4), 398-400. Retrieved from

13. Woodward, R. (2004). Discourse communities and writing apprenticeship: An investigation of

these concepts in undergraduate education students’ writing. Journal Of English For
Academic Purposes, (9)3, 139-161. Retrieved from doi:10.1016/j.jeap.2003.09.001

14. Hyland, K. (2004). Graduates’ gratitude: The generic structure of dissertation

acknowledgements. English For Specific Purposes, (9)23, 303-324. Retrieved from

15. Van Beuningen, C.G., De Jong, N.H., & Kuiken, F. (2008). The effect of Direct and Indirect
corrective Feedback on L2 Learners’ written accuracy. International Journal of Applied
Linguistics, 156, 279–296.

Learning Task 8. In the previous lesson, you searched for ten (10) research abstracts and
accomplish a synthesis matrix for that. For your next task, do a reference list of those 10 literature
review materials following the APA 6th edition. Present the reference list in a hanging indent, well-
spaced, and alphabetized manner.


American Psychological Association. (2010). Publication manual of the American Psychological

Association. 6th ed. Washington DC: American Psychological Association.

Aveyard, Helen. Doing A Literature Review In Health And Social Care: A Practical Guide. 3rd ed.
Berkshire, England: Mc Graw Hill Education Open University Press, 2014.

Baraceros, E.L. (2016). Practical Research 1. Rex Book Store, Inc., Sta. Mesa Heights, Quezon

Address: P. Burgos St. Brgy. Sto. Domingo, Biñan City Laguna

Telephone no: 511-4143/ 511-8620/ 511-4191/ 511-8746
Buensuceso, D.B., Dacanay, D.E., Manalo, G.A., & San Gabriel, N.M. (2016). Practical Research
1 Teacher’s Guide. Department of Education-Bureau of Learning Resources (DepEd-BLR),
Meralco Avenue, Pasig City.

Creswell, J. W. (2012). Educational Research: Planning, Conducting, and Evaluating Quantitative

and Qualitative Research. Pearson Education, Inc., 501 Boylston Street, Boston, MA.

Labrador, D.S. (2020). Practical Research 1 – Grade 11. Department of Education –

Schools Division of Bataan, Provincial Capitol Compound, Balanga City, Bataan.
Mc Millan, James H., and Sally Schumacher. Research In Education: A Conceptual Introduction.
1st ed. Boston, MA: Little, Brown, 1984.

Wallace, Milie, and Alison Wray. Critical Reading And Writing For Postgraduates. 1st ed. London:
Sage Study Skills, 2006.

Worksheet Writers:


Southville 5-A Integrated National High School


Biñan Integrated National High School

Address: P. Burgos St. Brgy. Sto. Domingo, Biñan City Laguna

Telephone no: 511-4143/ 511-8620/ 511-4191/ 511-8746

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