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Word Construction

The plural of fungus is fungi.

The plural of alumnus is alumni.
Therefore, the plural of circus is circi.

People of Burma are called Burmese

People of China are called Chinese
Therefore, the people of Canada are called Canadese.


The Catholic Church is a sacred institution.

Therefore, every Catholic priest is sacred.
The Santiago family is inclined to the medical field.
Therefore, their eldest daughter, Veron, must be inclined to the medical field as well


Mr. Marcos who is a Filipino is a billionaire,

thus, Filipinos must be really rich.
Ms. Minchin is a mean and cranky old maid,
thus, all old maids are mean and cranky.
Since the cost for printing the book is relatively
cheap, the book as a whole must also be relatively cheap.


A tissue is a piece of thin soft absorbent paper;

A cell is a tissue;
Ergo, A cell is a piece of thin soft absorbent paper.
Cancer is malignant growth in the body.
The fourth sign of the Zodiac is Cancer.
Ergo, the fourth sign in the zodiac is a malignant growth in the body.
“I resent the letter.”
“No husbands please.


Croesus, the King of Lydia, was contemplating war with the kingdom of Persia. Being a
prudent man, he did not wish to fight unless victory was guaranteed. He consulted the
oracle of Delphi on the matter and received the reply: “If Croesus goes to war with
Cyrus, He would destroy a mighty Kingdom!” Delighted with the prediction, Croesus
went to war but was speedily defeated by Cyrus, King of Persia. Croesus wrote a bitter
letter to the oracle. His letter was answered by the priest of Delphi, who claimed that the
oracle had been right. In going to war, Croesus had destroyed a mighty kingdom – His
Newspaper ad: Dog for sale. Eats anything and is especially fond of children.
She cannot bear children!
I would like to buy a clock for my boyfriend with three hands.

Appeal to Advantage
“If you allow this illegal transaction, I will share 20 percent of my profits to you.”
“Be my mistress and your family will not suffer from hunger anymore.”

False Cause

“You’re a jinx! Every time you show up our activity does not push through.”
“He met an accident because it is Friday the 13th.”
“Surely, black cats are bad luck. My friend had one and shortly after, her house was
caught on fire!”

Petitio principii
Why are you standing? Because I am not sitting.
Why are you here? Because I am not there.

Complex Question

“Have you stopped cheating in your logic class?”

“Do you still cheat on your wife?”
“When was the last time you actually told the truth?”

False Analogy

Employees are like nails. Just as nails must be hit in the head in order to make them
work, so must employees.

Government is like business, so just as business must be sensitive primarily to the bottom
line, so also must government.

Slippery Slope

"We have to stop the tuition increase! The next thing you know, they'll be charging
$40,000 a semester!"

"The US shouldn't get involved militarily in other countries. Once the government sends
in a few troops, it will then send in thousands to die."

"You can never give anyone a break. If you do, they'll walk all over you."

"We've got to stop them from banning pornography. Once they start banning one form of
literature, they will never stop. Next thing you know, they will be burning all the books!"

Argumentum ad hominem

“My opponent is a notorious liar. You can’t believe a word that he is going to say.”

“I will not vote for her no matter what how good she is because she is a daughter of a
“You say that I should stop smoking because its bad for my health?! Look at you, you’re
a cigarette smoker yourself!
Argumentum ad Ignorantiam

“If you can’t prove me wrong, therefore I am right.”

“The two did not make a public statement denying that they are having an illicit affair,
thus, this only affirms our suspicion about them is right.”

Argumentum ad Verecundiam
Sleeping with your hair wet can make you blind.
That’s true! That’s what my Lola said.
These pills must be safe and effective for reducing because Toni Gonzaga is endorsing it.

Argumentum ad Populum

“All Muslims to arms! Kill all the Christians! Because a Muslim earlier today was killed
by a Christian!”

Argumentum ad misericordiam

“Your honor, my client, Pedro Abdan, does not deserve imprisonment. He has three small
children that needs a father, and a wife that needs a husband.”
“Vote for him because he has already put a lot of money and heartache in the campaign.

Argumentum ad baculum
“Marry me or if you don’t, I shall see to it that your love ones will bear my grunt!”
“Sir, I deserve the business permit, don’t you think? You know how powerful I am, right?
I believe you are aware that I can pull some strings and make sure people I don’ like
suffer in life greatly.”

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