A Complete Faculty Based Written Math-2020

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A Complete Faculty Based Bank Written Math By Md.

Yousuf Ali
Bangladesh House Building Finance Corporation(SO)-2017
Exam Taker: Arts, DU
Question-1: A boat running upstream takes 8 hours 48 minutes to cover a certain
distance, while it takes 4 hours to cover the same distance running downstream. What is
the ratio between the speed of the boat and speed of the water current respectively?
[BHBFC (SO)-2017] [PKB EO Cash-2019] Abyev`:GKwU wbw`©ó `~iZ¡ AwZK&ªg Ki‡Z †¯ªv‡Zi cÖwZK~‡j GKwU
†bŠKv mgq †bq 8 N›Uv 48 wgwbU Ges AbyK~‡j wd‡i Avm‡Z †bq 4 N›Uv| †bŠKvi †eM I †¯ªv‡Zi †e‡Mi AbycvZ KZ?
Pjyb AsKwU mgvavb Kivi c~‡e© wb‡Pi welq ¸‡jv †R‡b wbB
1. Downstream (AbyK~j): In water, the direction along the stream is called downstream.
2. Upstream( cÖwZK~j): In water, the direction against the stream is called upstream.
3. Let the speed of a boat in still water be u km/hr and the speed of the stream be v km/hr,
Speed downstream = (u + v) km/hr
Speed upstream = (u - v) km/hr.
4. Let the speed downstream be a km/hr and the speed upstream be b km/hr, then
Speed in still water = (a + b) km/hr.
Rate of stream = (a−b) km/hr.

Suppose, Speed of the boat is x km/hr. and Speed of the current is y km/hr.
Speed of the downstream = (x + y) km/hr.
Speed of the upstream = (x - y) km/hr.
According to the question,
* ( ) * ( )+
[†h‡nZz Dfq ‡ÿ‡G `~iZ¡ wbw`©ó ZvB `~iZ¡ = mgq *MwZ‡eM
Ges 8 N›Uv 48 wgwbU gv‡b 8.8 N›Uv ]

Hence, the ratio between the speed of the boat and speed of the water current respectively 8:3
Answer: 8:3

Question-2: Twice the width of a rectangle is 10 meters more than its length. If the area
of the region enclosed by the rectangle is 600 square meters then find its
perimeter.[BHBFC SO-2017] Abyev`: cÖkœwU‡Z ejv n‡”Q ‡h, GKwU AvqZ‡ÿ‡Îi cÖ¯’ wظb •`‡N¨© A‡cÿv 10
wgUvi †ewk| AvqZ‡ÿ‡Îi ‡ÿÎdj 600 eM©wgUvi n‡j Gi cwimxgv KZ?
Pjyb AsKwU mgvavb Kivi c~‡e© wb‡Pi welq ¸‡jv †R‡b wbB
1.Area of Rectangle= Length × Width
2.Perimeter of the Rectangle = 2(Length + Width)
3.Digonal of the rectangle = √( ) ( ) ]

Let, Width of rectangle is x m And Length of the rectangle is (2x - 10) m

According to the question,
x × (2x - 10) = 600
A Complete Faculty Based Bank Written Math By Md. Yousuf Ali
Or, 2x2-10x = 600
Or, 2x2-10x – 600 = 0
Or, x2 - 5x – 300 = 0 [Divided both side by 2]
Or, x2 – 20x + 15x – 300 = 0
Or, x(x - 20) + 15(x - 20) = 0
Or, (x - 20) (x + 15) = 0
Here, x – 20 = 0 ∴ x = 20
Either x = -15 [it's not acceptable Because the width cannot be negative]
So, the width of the rectangle is 20 m and the Length of the rectangle be = (20 × 2 - 10) =
30m And the Perimeter of the rectangle is =2( 30 +20) = 100 m
Ans:100 m
Question-3: A customer bought 5 pencils and 6 erasers at tk. 80. Next week, the price of
each pencil increases by 20% but the price of erasers remains unchanged. Now the
customer buys 2 pencils and 3 erasers at tk. 39. Find the new price of each pencil.
[BHBFC (SO)-2017]
Abyev`:cÖkwœ U‡Z ejv n‡”Q ‡h, GKRb †K&ªZv 80 UvKv w`‡q 5wU †cwÝj I 6 wU ivevi wKb‡jv| c‡ii mßv‡n †cw݇ji
`vg 20% †e‡o †Mj wKš‘y ivev‡ii `vg AcwiewZ©Z iB‡jv| Gi d‡j, †K&ªZv 39 UvKv w`‡q 2 wU †cwÝj I 3 wU ivevi
†c‡jv| cÖwZwU †cw݇ji eZ©gvb `vg KZ?
Pjyb AsKwU mgvavb Kivi c~‡e© wb‡Pi welq ¸‡jv †R‡b wbB: GB AsKwU kZ©¸‡jv Abymib K‡i mgxKib MVb Ki‡Z
cvi‡jB mnR n‡q hv‡e|

Let, Price of each pencil be P and Price of each eraser be E

New price of each pencil =
So, price of 2 pencil
According to the question,
5P + 6E = 80-------------(i)
2.4P + 3E = 39---------(ii)
(i) - (ii)×2 =>
5P + 6E = 80
4.8P + 6E = 78
0.2P = 2
P= =10
So, the new price of the pencil = 10 × =12
Ans: Tk.12
A Complete Faculty Based Bank Written Math By Md. Yousuf Ali
Question-4: A, B and C can complete a work in 12, 15 and 25 days respectively. A and B
started working together whereas C worked with them in every third day. Find the
number of days required to complete the work. [BHBFC(SO)-2017]
Abyev`: cÖkwœ U‡Z ejv n‡”Q ‡h, A, B and C GKwU KvR h_vK&ª‡g 12,15 Ges 25 w`‡b †kl Ki‡Z cv‡i| A Ges B
GK‡G KvRwU ïiæ Ki‡jv Ges C cÖwZ 3q w`‡b Zv‡`i mv‡_ KvR K‡i| H KvRwU †kl n‡Z KZw`b mgq jvM‡e|
Pjyb AsKwU mgvavb Kivi c~‡e© wb‡Pi welq ¸‡jv †R‡b wbB: GwU GKwU group work Gi AsK | jÿ¨ Kiæb A and
B KvRwU kyiæ Kivi ci Kivi C Zv‡`i mv‡_ R‡qb Kij |GB welq ¸‡jv †Lqvj Ki‡Z n‡e|

A In 12 days finished 1 portion of the work

A In 1 day finished portion of the work
Similarly, B In 1 day finished portion of the work
A and B together can completed in 1 day
A and B with the help of C can complete in 1 day = (A + B)’s 1 day work + C’s 1 day work

So, their 3 days' work ( )

So, their 3 × 2 = 6 days' work
Remaining work
on the 7th day, A and B together can complete in 1 day
A and B together can complete in=
Therefore, the required number of days = (6 +.133) = 6.133 days.
Answer: 6.133 days.
Question-5: The price of a shirt and a pant together is Tk. 1300. If the price of the shirt
increases by 5% and that of the pant by 10%, it costs Tk. 1405 to buy those two things.
Find the respective price of a shirt and a pant. [BHBFC(SO)-2017]
Abyev`:cÖkwœ U‡Z ejv n‡”Q ‡h, GKwU kvU© Ges GKwU c¨v‡›Ui †gvU g~j¨ 1300 UvKv| kv‡U©i `vg 5% Ges c¨v‡›Ui `vg
10% evo‡j kvU© Ges GKwU c¨v‡›Ui †gvU g~j¨ 1405 UvKv nq| Zvn‡j cÖwZwU kvU© Ges GKwU c¨v‡›Ui c„_K `vg KZ?
Suppose, Cost price of the shirt is tk. x And Cost price of the pant is tk. (1300 – x)
After 5% increase, New cost price of the shirt = x + x of 5% =
After 10% increase, New cost price of the pant
( – )
= (1300 – x) + (1300 – x) of 10% = ( – )

According to the question,

A Complete Faculty Based Bank Written Math By Md. Yousuf Ali

Or, -x = 28100 – 28600

Or, -x = -500
x = 500
∴ Cost price of the shirt is tk. 500 And Cost price of the pant is tk. (1300 – 500) = Tk.800
Answer: Tk.800
The prices of a shirt and a pant are Tk. x and Tk. y respectively.
According to the question:
x + y = 1300 ……………………………………… (i)
1.05x + 1.1y = 1405 …………………………….... (ii)
Subtracting from (i) ×1.1 - (ii)=>>
0.05x = 25
x = 500
Substituting the value of x in equation (i) we get,
500 + y = 1300
y = 800.
Answer: Shirt Tk. 500, Pant Tk. 800.

Question-6: 3 coins are tossed at random. Show the sample space and find the
probability of getting: - (i) one head two tails (ii) One tail (iii) One tail and two heads
[Bangladesh Bank AD-2018][Bangladesh House Building Corporation Senior Officer-2017]
Abyev`:cÖkwœ U‡Z ejv n‡”Q ‡h, wZbwU g~`ªv random Um Kiv n‡jv| sample space ‡`wL‡q wb‡Pi m¤¢ve¨Zv ¸‡jv
wbY©q Kiyb|
(i) one head two tails (ii) One tail (iii) One tail and two heads
Pjyb AsKwU mgvavb Kivi c~‡e© wb‡Pi welq ¸‡jv †R‡b wbB:
Probability gv‡b n‡jv †Kvb wKQz NUvi m¤¢vebv| Probability gvb me mgq 0,1 Gi g‡a¨ _v‡K|
Probability gvb 0 gv‡b †Kvb wKQz bv NUvi m¤¢vebv Ges Probability gvb 1 gv‡b †Kvb wKQz NUvi m¤¢vebv|
Random Experiment ‡ÿ‡Î:
Probability =

Total Sample Space after tossed 3 coins randomly= HHH, HHT, HTH, THH, HTT, THT,
(i) one head two tails : Probability of getting one head and two tails: In the sample space we
can see, a total of 8 types of outcome is possible.
Among these 8 types of outcomes, the combinations with one head and two tails are ----
HTT, THT, TTH = 3 outcomes.
So, the required probability is
(ii) Probability of getting one tail:
Above the sample space we can see that, a total of 8 types of outcome is possible.
A Complete Faculty Based Bank Written Math By Md. Yousuf Ali
Among these 8 types of outcomes, the combinations with one tail are -- HHT, HTH, THH = 3
So, the required probability is
(iii) Probability of getting one tail and two heads: Above the sample space we can see that,
a total of 8 types of outcome is possible. Among these 8 types of outcomes, the combinations
with one tail and two heads are : HHT, HTH, THH, i.e: 3 outcomes.
So, the required probability is
Answer: Total Sample Space = {HHH, HHT, HTH, THH, HTT, THT, TTH, TTT),
(i) , (ii) (iii)
A Complete Faculty Based Bank Written Math By Md. Yousuf Ali
Rupali Bank Ltd. Officer General -2019
Exam Taker: Arts, DU

Question-1:A teacher has 6 hours to grade all the papers submitted by the 35 students
in her class. He gets through the first 5 papers in 1 hour. How much faster does she
have to work to grade the remaining papers in the allotted time?[Sonali Bank Senior
Officer -2018] [RBL Officer General-2019] Abyev` :cÖkwœ U‡Z ejv n‡”Q ‡h, GKRb wkÿK‡K Zvi Køv‡ki
35 Rb Qv‡Gi LvZv ‡`Lvi Rb¨ 6 N›Uv mgq †`Iqv n‡jv| †m cÖ_‡g 60 wgwb‡U 5 wU LvZv †`Lj| wbav©wiZ mg‡q
LvZvMy‡jv ‡kl Ki‡Z n‡j Aewkó LvZv¸‡jv wK nv‡i †`L‡Z n‡e?
Given, Total allotted time = 6 hours = (6 × 60) minutes = 360 minutes
Remaining time = (360 - 60) minutes = 300 minutes
Remaining number of papers = 35-5 = 30
So,he has 300 minutes in hand to grade a total of 30 papers.
Her speed of grading first 5 papers = papers per minute
= papers per hour = 5 papers per hour.
And, to complete her work in time, her required speed of grading 30 papers is
= papers per minute = = 6 papers per hour.
So, she should enhance her work speed by ( )
Answer: 20% faster

Question-2:A maximum sized rectangular playground is made within a circular space

of radius meter. Calculate the area of the playground if its length and width are
distributed in the proportion of 4:5[RBL Officer G-2019]
Given, A circular space of radius is meter
So, Diameter = meter
Suppose, The length of playground be 4x and width be 5x meter
According to the question,
√( ) ( ) [We know that, Diagonal of Rectangle be =
√( ) ( ) ]

( ) ( )

ABCD is Rectangle
The area of the playground be = 4x × 5x = 20x = 20 × 4 × 4 = 320
Answer: 320
A Complete Faculty Based Bank Written Math By Md. Yousuf Ali
Question-3:Mr. Hossain invested ‘m’ taka in mutual which pays 10% interest and taka
‘n’ in a private company which pays 9% interest. He invested Tk.18000 and required
that he receives Tk.1700 as interest. How much did he invest in each company? [RBL
Officer G-2019]
Here, He total invested Tk.18000
At 9% interest he invest in a private company = Tk.n
At 10% interest he invest in a mutual company = Tk.(18000 – n)
According to the question,
( – )
( – )

Hence, At 10% interest he invest in a mutual company (m) = Tk.(18000 – 10000) =

Answer: Tk..8000

Question-4.A two digit number is six times the sum of two digits. If the digit are
reversed, the number so obtained is 9 less than the original number.[RBL Officer
Abyev`: `yB AsK wewkó GKwU msL¨v Zvi msL¨v¸‡jvi †hvMd‡ji 6 ¸b| hw` msL¨v¸‡jv ¯’vb cwieZ©b K‡i, Zvn‡j ‡h
bZyb msL¨v cvIqv hv‡e Zv g~j msL¨v n‡Z 9 Kg| g~j msL¨vwU KZ?
Suppose, Unit digit be = x and Tenth digit be = y
So, the original number = 10y + x
If the digit are reversed then Unit digit be = y and Tenth digit be = x
So, the New number = 10x + y
According to the 1st question, Putting the value of x = 1 in equation (i)=>
10y + x = 6(x + y)
Or, 10y + x = 6x + 6y
Or, 10y – 6y = 6x – x Hence, The original number = 10y + x
-----------(i) = 10 × 5 + 4 =
According to the question,
10x + y = 10y + x – 9
Answer: 54
Or, 10x – 9x + y – 10y = -9
Acid Test:
Or, 9x – 9y = -9
10y + x = 6(x + y)
Or, x – y = -1
10 × 5 + 4 = 54 = 6(5 + 4) = 54(Proved)
A Complete Faculty Based Bank Written Math By Md. Yousuf Ali
Question-5: 50 daily workers can complete a dam project in 40 days. If 30 of them work
daily and the rest work in every alternative day. How many more days will be required
to complete the project? [Bangladesh Bank AD-2018] [RBL Officer General-2019]
Abyev`: cÖkwœ U‡Z ejv n‡”Q ‡h, 50 Rb w`bgRyi GKwU evau wbgvY cÖKí 40 w`‡b Ki‡Z cv‡i| hw` 30 Rb †jvK
cÖwZw`b Avi evwK 20 Rb †jvK GKw`b ci ci KvRwU K‡i Z‡e KvRwU †kl Ki‡Z KZ w`b mgq jvM‡e?
Solution: Let, Total Working days be x Alternative solution:
So alternative working days = Let, 1 worker’s 1 day work = 1 unit,
According to the question, So, 50 worker’s 40 days work = 50×40 =
2000 units.
Total number of units of work to finish
the project is = 2000
30 workers work every day means 1st
x= ,2nd ,3rd ,4th , 5th ……. days
So, Extra days required = 50- 40 = 10 days 20 workers work alternative day means
Alternative: they work in 1st ,3rd ,5th ,7th …..
Total work = 50 × 40 = 2000 In, first 2 days
In 40 days, daily workers complete = 30 × 30 workers work = 2×30 = 60 units. + 20
40 = 1200 workers work only first day = 20units
Alternate workers complete = So, total number of units in first 2 days =
60 + 20 = 80
Let, Assume that they work for x days after 80 units finished in = 2 days
40 days. 1 units finished in days
Alternate workers will work for days. 2000 units finished in
According to the question, days.
2000 = 1200 + 400 + 30x + 20 More days required: = 50-40 = 10 days.
Solving, we get x = 10 Answer:10

Question-6: [RBL Officer G-2019]

( )
( ) ( ) ( ) ( )
( )( ) Hence, ( ) is a factor
( )( )
( )* ( ) ( )+
( )( )( )
Answer: ( )( )( ))
A Complete Faculty Based Bank Written Math By Md. Yousuf Ali
Question-7:Two numbers x, y are in G.P and their sum is 30. Also, the sum of their
squares is 468.Find the numbers. [RBL Officer G-2019]
[`ywU ¸‡YvËi cÖMwZ msL¨v x, y Ges Zv‡`i †hvMdj 30| GQvovI Zv‡`i e‡M©i †hvMdj nj 468| Zvn‡j msL¨v `ywU
&GB AsKwU Kivi Av‡M wKQy ¸iæZ¡c~Y© Z_¨ Rvbv cÖ‡qvRb:
mgvšÍi aviv: hw` ‡Kv‡bv avivi †h‡Kv‡bv c` I Zvi c~e©eZx© c‡`I cv_©K¨ memgq mgvb nq Zvn‡j avivwU mgvšÍi
‡hgb: 1 + 3 + 5 + 7 + 9 +............... GKwU mgvšÍi aviv, KviY avivwUi †h‡Kv‡bv c` I Zvi c~e©eZx© c‡`i
cv_©K¨ mgvb|
¸‡YvËi aviv (Geometric Series): ‡Kv‡bv avivi †h‡Kv‡bv c` I Zvi c~e©eZx© c‡`i AbycvZ (fvMdj) mgvb
n‡j Zv‡K ¸‡YvËi aviv ejv nq|
‡hgb: 1 + 3 + 9 + 27 +...........
GB avivwUi †h‡Kv‡bv c`‡K Zvi c~e©eZx© c` Øviv fvM Ki‡j mgvb gvb cvIqv hvq A_©vr 3/1 = 3, 9/3 = 3|
Gfv‡e cieZx© gv‡bi †ÿ‡ÎI mgvb gvb cvIqv hv‡e|
¸‡YvËi cÖMwZ (Geometric Progression ev G.P): ¸‡YvËi cÖMwZ nj Ggb GKwU avivevwnK msL¨v¸”Q (a
sequence of numbers) †hLv‡b cÖ‡Z¨KwU c`‡K GKwU wbw`©ó aªyeK ivwk Øviv ¸Y Ki‡j wVK c‡ii c` cvIqv
aªyeK ivwk‡K mvaviY AbycvZ (Common ratio) e‡j|
AZGe mvaviY AbycvZ (Common ratio) = cieZx© c`/c~e©eZx© c`

mgvšÍi cªMwZ (Arithmetic progression): mgvšÍi cªMwZ nj Ggb GKwU avivewnK msL¨v¸”Q †hLv‡b
cÖ‡Z¨KwU c‡`i m‡½ GKwU aªyeK ivwk †hvM Ki‡j wVK Zvi c‡ii c`wU cvIqv hvq| AZGe GLv‡b cici `ywU
c‡`i g‡a¨ cv_©K¨ GKwU aªæeK ivwk n‡e ZvB G‡K wbw`©ó cv_©K¨ wewkó avivevwnK msL¨v¸”Q e‡j| msÁvq †h
aªyeK ivwki K_v ejv n‡q‡Q Zv‡K mvaviY AšÍi (Common Difference) e‡j|
AZGe mvaviY AšÍi (Common Difference) = cieZx© c`- c~e©eZx© c`

Suppose, One Number (x) be = a And Common Ratio be = d

We know in geometric ratio progression, Common ratio =

From 1st Condition, So, The value of a = 18,12

When One Number be x = 18 Then
Another Number be y(ad) = (30 – 18) = 12
( ) ----------(i)
2nd Condition, Again,
When One Number be x = 12 Then
( ) ( ) Another Number be y(ad) = (30 – 12) = 18
( ) [ad = (30 – a)]
The numbers are (18,12);(12,18)
Answer: (12,18) ;(18,12)

( ) ( )
( )( )
A Complete Faculty Based Bank Written Math By Md. Yousuf Ali
A Complete Faculty Based Bank Written Math-

Complied By Md. Yousuf Ali

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