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Local Anesthesia in Dentistry

Ritu Bahl
School of Dental Medicine, University of Connecticut Health Center, Farmington, Connecticut

This paper was the First Place winning paper of the ADSA Student Essay Award
Contest for 2003.

Pain and dentistry are often synonymous in the NEUROANATOMY

minds of patients, especially those with poor den-
tition due to multiple extractions, periodontal disease re- The sensory supply to the teeth, jaws, and oral mucosa
quiring surgery, or symptomatic teeth requiring end- is derived from the maxillary and mandibular division of
odontic therapy. Members of the public perceive a good the trigeminal (fifth cranial) nerve, whose cell bodies are
dentist as a practitioner who causes little or no discom- found in the Gasserian ganglion. The maxillary nerve
fort. In turn, dental practitioners identify a good anes- carries purely sensory fibers, exits the skull through the
thetic as one that allows them to focus solely on oper- foramen rotundum, and enters the pterygo-palatine fos-
ative procedures without distractions from pain-induced sa. At this point the maxillary nerve gives branches to
patient movements. The everyday practice of dentistry the sphenopalatine ganglion. Among the nerves that
is therefore based upon achieving adequate local anes- pass through the sphenopalatine ganglion is the naso-
thesia. palatine nerve (also called the long sphenopalatine
Research has shown that the fear of pain associated nerve) that passes along the nasal septum and emerges
with dentistry is closely associated with the most com- at the incisive foramen on the anterior hard palate. It
mon method for blocking pain during dental proce- supplies sensation to the gingival soft tissues of the an-
dures-intraoral administration of local anesthetics. This terior hard palate. The greater and lesser palatine
is considered aversive due to the pain associated with nerves also pass through the sphenopalatine ganglion
the injection and the perceived threat of needle punc- and course through the greater and lesser foramina, re-
ture prior to the injection.1 Another survey finding was spectively. The greater palatine innervates the palatal
that those individuals who reported themselves as highly mucoperiosteum and the gingiva from the molars to the
fearful of dentistry were worried about receiving oral in- area near the cuspid region that abuts tissue supplied by
jections and demonstrated an association between high the nasopalatine nerve. The lesser palatine nerve sup-
dental anxieties and missed or delayed appointments.2 plies the tissues of the soft palate and uvula. The max-
Pain is a result of stimulation of nociceptors that are illary nerve also gives rise to the posterior superior al-
receptors preferentially sensitive to a noxious stimulus veolar nerve, which supplies sensation to the buccal gin-
or a stimulus that will become noxious if prolonged. giva and periodontium adjacent to the maxillary molar
When nociception reaches the cerebral cortex, it may teeth and the pulps of all molar teeth except the mesio-
be perceived as pain. Pain may be abolished by inter- buccal pulp of the upper first molar. That mesio-buccal
rupting the pathways that carry the information of the pulp is supplied by another branch of the maxillary
stimulus from the periphery of the body to the central nerve, the middle superior alveolar nerve, which also
nervous system, by blocking the central nervous system, innervates the pulps, buccal gingiva, and peridontium of
or by removing the stimulus. Local anesthetics block the maxillary premolars. The final branch of the maxil-
sensory neuronal conduction of noxious stimuli from lary nerve, the anterior superior alveolar nerve, supplies
reaching the central nervous system. the pulps of the upper incisors and cuspid along with
the associated buccal gingiva and periodontium.3,4
Received June 20, 2003; accepted for publication July 12, 2004.
Unlike the maxillary division, the mandibular division
Address correspondence to Ritu Bahl, School of Dental Medicine, of the trigeminal nerve is a mixed motor and sensory
University of Connecticut Health Center, 263 Farmington Avenue, nerve. The mandibular nerve exits the skull through the
Farmington, CT 06030; foramen ovale to enter the infratemporal fossa. It then
Anesth Prog 51:138-142 2004 ISSN 0003-3006/04/$9.50
©) 2004 by the American Dental Society of Anesthesiology SSDI 0003-3006(04)
Anesth Prog 51:138-142 2004 Bahl 139

Chemical Classification and Duration of Action of Local Anesthetic Agents

Local Anesthetic Classification Duration
Lidocaine Amide Intermediate
Prilocaine Amide Intermediate
Mepivacaine Amide Intermediate
Bupivacaine Amide Long-acting
Etidocaine Amide Long-acting
Articaine Amide with an ester side chain Intermediate
Procaine Ester Short-acting

divides into anterior and posterior divisions. The ante- * Rapid onset of action
rior division has some sensory branches: the long buccal * Suitable duration of action
nerve that supplies the buccal mucosa and the gingiva * Active whether applied topically or injected
adjacent to the lower molar and second premolar teeth. * Nonirritant
Other fibers supply sensation to the skin of the cheek. * Causes no permanent damage
The posterior division is primarily sensory. It branches * No systemic toxicity
to give the auriculotemporal, lingual, and inferior alve- * High therapeutic ratio
olar dental nerves. The lingual nerve innervates the lin- * Chemically stable and a long shelf life
gual gingiva, floor of the mouth, and anterior two thirds * Ability to combine with other agents without loss of
of the tongue. The inferior alveolar nerve supplies sen- properties
sation to the pulp and periodontium of all the molar and * Sterilizable without loss of properties
premolar teeth on 1 side of the mouth. Near the mental * Nonallergenic
foramen, the inferior alveolar nerve branches into the * Nonaddictive
incisive and mental nerves. The mental nerve innervates
the buccal gingiva and the mucosa from the mental fo- In spite of the major advances made in the field of an-
ramen forward to the midline, including the skin of the esthesia, the ideal local anesthetic agent does not exist.
lower lip and chin. The incisive nerve supplies the pulps Local anesthetic agents can be classified in several
of the first premolar, canine, and incisor teeth.3,4 ways (as shown in the Table):
* Chemical structure: local anesthetics are classified
LOCAL ANESTHESIA usually as either esters or amides.
* Duration of action: local anesthetics maybe classified
Local anesthesia is defined as a loss of sensation in a as short acting, intermediate-acting, or long-acting.
circumscribed area of the body by a depression of ex-
citation in nerve endings or an inhibition of the conduc- The injectable local anesthetics used in dentistry have a
tion process in the peripheral nerves. In clinical practice common core structure consisting of5,6
a localized loss of pain sensation is desired. Although
the terms dental anesthesia and dental analgesia are * Hydrophilic amino terminal
used synonymously in dentistry, local analgesia is more * Intermediate chain
accurate. Local anesthesia can be achieved by a number * Lipophilic aromatic terminal
of mechanisms including mechanical trauma, anoxia,
and use of neurolytic agents in addition to traditional The combination of hydrophilic and lipophilic prop-
local anesthetic drugs. However, clinically only reversible erties in 1 molecule is essential for an injectable local
local anesthetic agents and other reversible techniques anesthetic to be effective. The hydrophilic portion of the
such as temperature reduction or electronic stimulation molecule consists of a substituted secondary or tertiary
are useful to prevent pain. amine. Solubility in water is essential for 2 reasons-to
The use of reversible local anesthetic chemical agents allow for the dissolution in a solvent to permit injection,
is the most common method to achieve pain control in and to allow penetration through interstitial fluid follow-
dental practice.5 Some ideal properties of local anes- ing administration.5,6
thetics are as follows: The intermediate chain consists of either an amide or
ester linkage. This allows spatial separation of the hy-
* Specific action drophilic and lipophilic components of the molecule.
* Reversible action The older agents, procaine and cocaine, are ester-based
140 Local Anesthesia in Dentistry Anesth Prog 51:138-142 2004

drugs but are no longer widely used as dental anesthetics constrictor and acts by competing with the vasocon-
due to their unwanted side effects, such as toxic or al- strictor for oxygen available in the solution. The most
lergic reactions. commonly used reducing agent is sodium metabisul-
The lipophilic part of the local anesthetic agent is an fite.
aromatic residue that is essential for its ability to pene- * Preservative: a bacteriostatic preservative prolongs
trate fatty tissue such as the lipid sheath of nerves in the shelf life of the solution, but since preservatives
order to gain access to the nerve cell membrane to can provoke allergic reactions, they are no longer
reach its site of action. contained in dental local anesthetic cartridges in the
Different drugs have different proportions of hydro- United States. The typical shelf life of an anesthetic
philic and lipophilic components. These differences without preservative is approximately 18 months to
modify the characteristics and/or the properties of the 2 years.
anesthetic agents in the following ways: * Fungicide: Thymol is used occasionally as a fungicide.
* Carrier solution: an acidic aqueous solution dissolves
* Intrinsic anesthetic potency: the minimum concentra- the local anesthetic salt and maintains it at an ac-
tion of local anesthetic required to reduce the nerve ceptable pH.
amplitude by half its amplitude within 5 minutes. It is
a measure of pharmacologic action of the agent.
* Onset of anesthesia: the onset of anesthesia is de-
pendent on the speed at which the agent passes MOLECULAR BASIS OF LOCAL ANESTHESIA
through the tissue, the proximity of site of injection
to the nerve to be anesthetized, and the diameter of All local anesthetic agents used in dentistry work by ob-
the nerve fibers. Thin fibers are anesthetized more structing the exchange in Na+ permeability, which is es-
rapidly as compared with thick fibers, possibly be- sential for the initial phases of a neuronal action poten-
cause the nodes of Ranvier are closer together. tial. This mechanism prevents the development and
* Duration of action: duration of action of anesthesia is propagation of the action potential by preventing the
dependent on the rate of diffusion along a concentra- wave of depolarization.
tion gradient away from its site of action-the ion
channels in the nerves.
* Effects on other tissues including toxicity: the func- FAILURE OF ANESTHESIA
tions of lipid-containing organs and tissues such as
the brain and heart may be affected by high levels of Failure of local anesthetics to achieve profound anal-
local anesthetics. gesia may be related to:
* Rate of degradation, both systemically and locally: * inaccurate anatomic placement of local anesthetic so-
most amide local anesthetic agents are broken down lution
by hepatic dealkylation and hydrolysis and are sub- * placing too little solution
sequentially conjugated with glucuronic acid and ex- * allowing insufficient time for it to diffuse and take ef-
creted in the urine. Esters are metabolized by ester- fect
ases that are widely distributed in the body.
* injecting into inflamed or infected tissues
* using an outdated or improperly stored anesthetic so-
The general constituents of a dental cartridge of anes-
thetic solution are:
It is recommended that a local anesthetic not be injected
* Local anesthetic agent in infected tissue because of the risk of spreading the
* Vasoconstrictor: this is sometimes included to delay infection and the increased probability of achieving less
the removal of the anesthetic from the tissues by de- than effective anesthetic results owing to the low pH
creasing the blood flow through adjacent blood ves- within the infected tissue maintaining the ionized, non-
sels. A vasoconstrictor produces the following advan- lipid-soluble state to the anesthetic.
tages: (a) longer duration of local anesthetic action,
(b) reduced bleeding of a surgical site, and (c) reduced
systemic effects. The most commonly used vasocon- COMPLICATIONS OF LOCAL ANESTHETICS
strictors are epinephrine (adrenaline) and octapressin
(felypressin). Only epinephrine is available in the Unit- Complications of local anesthetic administration include
ed States. both local effects and systemic effects.7 Local compli-
* Reducing agent: this prevents oxidation of the vaso- cations include:
Anesth Prog 51:138-142 2004 Bahl 141

* Spread of infection: occasionally infection may be metabolism of these drugs is impaired. Ester-type lo-
spread into the tissues by the needle passing through cal anesthetics are no longer routinely used for dental
a contaminated tissue or by the needle being contam- procedures.
inated before use. * Methemoglobinemia: this is a rare complication
* Hematoma: damage of a blood vessel by the tip of a caused by a metabolite of prilocaine that oxidizes the
needle may lead to bleeding into the tissues, resulting ferrous component of heme in red blood cells to the
in the formation of a hematoma. Significant bleeding ferric state. This reduces their oxygen-delivering ca-
may produce swelling, act as an irritant to the tissues, pacity and results in tissue hypoxia.
and cause pain and trismus. Theoretically, the local-
ized collection of blood becomes an ideal culture me-
dium for bacteria, although infection of a hematoma
* Nerve damage: rarely, during an injection the needle PREGNANCY
may pierce a nerve bundle during placement, pro-
ducing an immediate electric shock sensation to the The adverse drug reactions during pregnancy may affect
patient. It is usually followed by a partial sensory def- either the mother or the fetus. Hypersensitivity, allergy,
icit, but subsequently a complete return to normal or toxicity reactions in the mother may compromise her
sensation usually follows. health and limit her ability to support a pregnancy. For-
* Blockade of the facial nerve: if the injection is given tunately, doses of local anesthetics in dentistry are usu-
in close proximity to the facial nerve, a motor block- ally relatively small and are generally unlikely to cause
ade causing temporary paralysis of the muscles of fa- complications during pregnancy. All local anesthetics
cial expression may occur. The effect may last for 1- cross the placenta to some degree.9-11 Highest concen-
2 hours. In such circumstances, the desired branch of trations in the fetal circulation follow injection of prilo-
the trigeminal nerve will not be anesthetized, and a caine, and the lowest follow bupivacaine, with lidocaine
subsequent injection will be required at the correct in between.12."3
anatomic location to achieve the desired effect. Felypressin, which is a derivative of vasopressin and
is related to oxytocin, has the potential to cause uterine
Systemic complications include: contractions. Although this is a highly unlikely effect at
the low dose of felypressin used in local anesthetics, it
* Regional or systemic infection: the spread of infection is best avoided during pregnancy. Lidocaine with epi-
within the perioral tissues can be potentially spread nephrine is commonly used for pregnant dental pa-
through planes of the head and neck by passage of a tients.
needle through an infected area. The performance of common dental treatments for a
* Endocarditis risk: injections such as the intraligamen- pregnant patient is highly variable. In a telephone survey
tary injection can force bacteria into the systemic cir- using a standardized questionnaire, 78 resident dentists
culation and cause bacterial endocarditis. in Germany, Switzerland, and Austria were interviewed
* Cardiovascular disease: patients with ischemic heart with respect to several aspects of the dental treatment
disease (angina pectoris, previous myocardial infarc- of pregnant women. Only 58% of the interviewees de-
tion) or who have had previous cardiac surgery or cided clearly in favor of using local anesthetics, 59%
circulatory dysfunction such as cardiac failure, show supported the use of analgesics, 70% supported a pos-
higher plasma levels of lidocaine when compared sible antibiotic therapy, and 33% would agree with a
with healthy subjects given the same dose. Therefore radiological examination during pregnancy.9"13 In addi-
it is recommended that the maximum safe dose be tion, according to references in the specialist literature,
halved in such patients.8 Low plasma potassium levels guidelines for the dental treatment, drug therapy, and
and acidosis also potentiate adverse effects of local radiological diagnosis of pregnant women are present-
anesthetics on the myocardium.7 ed.12 The local anesthetics should have a high plasma
* Liver disease: patients with reduced hepatic function protein bonding capability (Articaine, bupivacaine, eti-
may exhibit an abnormally decreased rate of metab- docaine) and minimum epinephrine concentrations.
olism of amide local anesthetics, resulting in poten- Acetaminophen is the usual analgesic of choice for
tially toxic blood levels. Dosage levels must therefore pregnant dental patients. If an antibiotic treatment is re-
be reduced for these patients. quired, penicillin, cephalosporin, and erythromycin are
* Pseudocholinesterase deficiency: local anesthetics of recommended. In particular, during the first 3-month
the ester type (eg, procaine) should be avoided in pa- period, radiological examinations should be restricted to
tients who have this rare familial enzyme defect as the absolute minimum and performed only if no rea-
142 Local Anesthesia in Dentistry Anesth Prog 51:138-142 2004

sonable alternative is available, although the radiological (0.15%) were found to have some lingual sensory dis-
burden on the fetus falls 500,000 times short of the turbance following treatment. Of these 18 patients, 17
limit value of 50 mgray (5 rad) in the case of a micro- patients totally regained normal sensation within 6
radiogram, and 50,000 times short of the limit value in months, and 1 patient still had a loss of sensation after
the case of an orthopantomogram.2 1 year (0.008%). Of the 12,000 patients, 856 (7%) ex-
perienced an "electric shock" type feeling in the tongue
at the time of injection, suggesting that the tip of the
LOCAL ANESTHETICS IN CHILDREN anesthetic needle had touched the lingual nerve.3
Although the medico-legal issues tend to frighten the
Fixed pediatric dosage recommendations for a given age dental practitioner, statistical data demonstrate that if
range are no longer endorsed for local anesthetic and the current standards of practice are observed, the den-
sedative agents. Available data suggest that adverse re- tist is unlikely to run into these types of problems.
actions in pediatric patients are commonly caused by
inadequate dosage reduction.14 Maximum recommend-
ed doses of local anesthetics is based upon the weight REFERENCES
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