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Learning, Creating, and Using Knowledge Concept Maps as Facilitative Tools in Schools and Corporations Second Edition Joseph D. Novak tee. Contents Foreword Profice ‘Acknowledgments [An Overicof the Book ‘The Nea fora Theory of Fucation “Meaning Learning for Empowstment ‘The Construction of New Meanings ‘Ausubels Assimilation Learning Theory ‘The Natur of Knowledge and How Humans reste Knowledge The Contest for Eduston/Management Baton and Rewards Improving Education in Schools nd Corporations 2» 56 22_Leuning Crean and Us Knows ft (pac in 1865) ad the Estenson system that has ben 0 sucess {or or ava in agile could yl enormous advances nection ‘hats bon nosed vito of ore spell a oepeente ory of eluant guide the changes neled. The foundations for theory! ‘Geucvbaed inprement of eduction ae lng id. We ned o sek bre intone! structure to advance end bal! up the foundations. Thee arenocaryslutions the polite problems hat wil need to esol vo fle dhs advance Wi the gow importance of eduction in etry Pate of our res iuling our conic Wal bg am confident dat {ston be found ‘With the acleating "obaain” of basin and the growing import: snc of resting and sing knowledge to emai spe, wee sas {he etre Spc gmt corporate ating Hat a dating that empowers people be cor cote at well a ore omen. Tree ota where ne partmerips wl be formed beeen business ‘duction! inttonn, wheres ner Hnd of sarin al aechingsltons fre ace The i ow cade th cent centry ae Hey tobe vlna in many serps and most sportany show we kas beter te educate people or mater the nes may be Chapter 3 Meaningful Learning for Empowerment ning ering esas whe he mechan eaten inermaton| to dest the ere sendy knows ts guy ano dependent pom te “Sancta ces of te ow mse to be ered and the guy aod ‘gly of thornton ofthe leven Hoole hd bye ere, ote Soangocun vies he lave iter mor ntetion vat ecg itte por knoe or when lrg serial tht Ba a wate © Prior ined As wl be cased inthe net chap cetvty tc 2 lng fom ory bigh vel af mernngl ening There ootinnan nearing fom “pus” rote highly menting and ig 3. represen ‘hiscontnaum, Meaingtl arin bas he erent 1 tla ple knowlege Tat ye err mat ow er ‘to tat site tote nw inernton 4 been soe 2 Mamingh tet Tat be Hsowdp oe te mut be ‘vt te node nd ms ott ncn a epson 3. Tm mt choo len ning Tht ame concn sn dines hone to tee Knol ort Iovate aoe se at al “hit the quton What tenon t etinsipe? Fr example a leaner Sn hat Ohio, California and New York ae sates compare ‘ively vo ern hat Mig sao atte une oe ors fre nd sole ta ter re reste ge geographic anand thre ae aly 3b ‘nthe Unie tats, nsacing Ana a Heya he ern neds sek ‘kl am nnd knoe sete het mons tad resgaton othe ‘when knowledge structures are well organized, “higher order” concepts Inco specifica So gnera gure 32 strates elton or the dy af stony, where the operon soap HISTORY a 24 Lowving Creating and Using Krome Pe The ow ann ar aun gh a of ening eng ‘aso ah onanane, oan onap ae prope als ty (Sino) acral aera n cons enn) tes ‘tare mis tx tows wh for basse Crane) Sordid eso eel trey superotiateConce Fre Acncacemap dang wie iprordte conc HISTOR rsh: oume, dependent pon te conte we ae den with et a emarkble Sharoerite of oar minds tat we ay we theese concepts ny ‘erent cones and many dierent erates Fr ean he sao Eevsrpl the conc spon og hla more brite pon coxept map deg wth genpsaphy of he word ant woul ao have Smet diferent meaning nhs conte Facts, Concepts, Propositions, and Principles: ‘Components of Knowledge The universe consists of abies and evens Objects are composed of toms tind moles wre events Ine objet tnd echunge of energy For example thi poge and he word on eat objets ompaed of cto, cells, tote substances Energy as requ rode ths page Conceps Your readlog o tis page a event tha egies ment acy, dhs eles energy nh fro cer Gangs in your bin cll "ran alos are unique amoog animals inthe by o pre gar sin ees end evens and wo code thee regulars symbole sing Isngnge (Guzen, 208). Whe other anal ode experience i st oF sero tat sen (207) lls "new ciguesoly hans se what wel Tenguege co eepesetexaioncs we have sted These bls for elt ies in evens abject we wal ods abou one aon the ngs ange, bt raya be sign sich 2, Ate Te symbol represent ‘oncps which 1 wl die os poe rears or pater nes or ‘oho sant of eet or et despa ya ym gure 33). For ‘capi thes aro shape and Kinde of hing we cll hig but once chlo acgie the cons char hc wi abe covey almost hing ‘what ck nd pra cha ee Macoaras, 19852 lor, 2000)" Facts and Avtfct: No one has ever sen a stom dingeatig, bat we ‘as bier regularities of es (ach a coutsaf a gigs coune) tha we eet rea atom eso stration, inlay noone has ‘vr se dase But we have Bans footprint and ther recods whose Fela lw ws to constut the concept of «dios Mach of what hamas know sconce rom rec of eres or objects athe han dee oberon, Wel ee em fa nde all ee Ie bt that water bi t 22" Farenheit fo thermometer eds on 200 Fin bling we we maybe some then oe aber alee Using Knowle rey have fy thermometer. nthe snes an pei inthe soi Sseners tnt ava ey tse replrin in vents or objects een times cur records are bly ou mering Stare a ted oF fly. This huge problem in the aya doco. acs te nt ava cas singel om jis The pei fragments Hated by sn Fale re uman comtactions aot trl aecaring objets) ond thee Fonds of aman cy ae aac Their meaning mst be inept, Id inept yay ey ‘Proportions When 9 of more concep at eae bythe wa ofwha we ill {al linking worn, popostioes ae eed. These beens the nde ‘its of meaning sored in or ogive octane Thecnnesofthe meaning ‘ni depend onthe pres and slay of he component concepts elt The spray of oc Kking wordy an hs wll oped on he sua of learn that a taken lc forming be cons endin tar theming ‘ofthe pspton Neaenfindcofason enweenpopostions nd repos Tans the iter eng ommtal taf morass" ete, (cr Prepoutons may makeup lining words but they are no angst Str fknowedge, rare propoions tomer sich saallmenare crete ‘ql and do unto others you wold hove them do unto ar andar ‘cpl pope a 3 yes pcg popeions. Principles re etionshps betwen ance Principe tl how ets ot ject work or bow they ae uct ly for exacple we ve the Pringle: fore equals mass tines saceation (F = rm). This principle Stole the conc foc, asad aceetaton. In eduation we Know tat ‘aoning isin pu functon of dy time bute selaonship compe ead ‘ne canoe write «material formula to exes tis pei. This book ‘Nema to peseat a numberof pine qgdingedocaon abd manage ‘ny pnp that {Ble rt vad eventhough they erie lag om ‘cod tht he ied sca ad vay. Human Memory Systems ‘The ey poncering sues of memory go tuck w the rk of Ebaghaus (185) who std is om cape to fname He invented nonsesse™ Arley skort teeter wr tat had me ging mening, ti ‘Burscoce orn enoy of prc Knog. Noatette lables hve Dee ‘ted wey in polo tds, but we ow rcgaie ch stabs of Ul vale st wadentanding man ring. Bare’ (1932) pion ‘nk octed on sues ith meaning mater apd would have ben ote “net in poco itt pycholgy had nt crowded out og. ‘xe lening sts for some 75 yews. The harsan brain complexe t atlas atest 30 lion ean each feces hat uncon storage ‘ination as son thousands of sone ec dente that perms the elo store and pss slang infraton Part the athe one ibe ‘eghon, rendition aout ofl, pstne or oa: rin cals "palo sonnet othe shin, es ng and oer organ of oa Dd = ‘rela othe many miele of ou boy that prodace car movements oF eee tee ere ba eer ‘eeling nd acting The chlenge of eocaon and mamaeren oh ot ‘pot contract ace th iteration i a wade vary af ante Recent esac indies that “congruence between the recipients body ‘reson of etuoton andthe sender entonal toe of nga ‘tenes alittisempebesin ofthe cmmuniaion whetes neg ce can impair compresion™ (Neenthl, 2007), Recent esearch aso {nde tht hey or rane memories notes te popltion of _cwons acting in cone to frm a memory fan expetene Te, 207) Research Tn a sages tremors ae oredinh ppm ein ofthe bran an sig produce fn he proces ca be Catered produc a "coudoak ofthe mis” Gro (208) ao fepues State roseach ates Ua the hippocampus pays a olin egaing teers ad aging new evn lle, 2007). The sm ein {he brain aneton sn ogni and string fing oie wth exper ce Whe many auctions remain e an expect ret progres i he Bat (Eeede nour nartandig cf memory prosecs athe a ‘Our Knol stone tem ot a eat hes prt (1) sy OF NeaningtLearingtorEnponernent 29 prepa (PM) mero (2 sbr-ermor working memory (STR: and (3) Tanger or “permanent” mercy (M0), ach ofthese memory sens ‘epencs apo the other, abd wht stored a LIN strongly ini eat wl be peeved wf wl be pose in STM and finaly ow nl be Soved UTM Gerba tes roe of gy perky rity Sn ic acpe pet Nie bos tepid Ge Foci es ys erst Stn Epes Sd oti {hb toron sw ecient el fou tern pice ‘Many of our human inttons dre rm our pert! Kttions Now or cannot hea sods bow 8 ert or sbve 20,00 bet ‘ve sigh in heave ornare range. No smut of esing

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