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Ferdinand Pitagan
Ms. Jennifer M. Melad
Master of Arts – Major in Filipino
Assignment #3


Course details
1h 11m  Beginner  Released: 4/13/2016
Technology is changing the way we teach, and Google's leading the charge. Google
Classroom is the latest offering from Google Apps for Education. It gives educators
access to a free tool that's already seamlessly integrated with Google Drive, and is
designed to simplify elearning, including paperless assignments and grading. In this
course, staff author Oliver Schinkten explores how to create and administer a brand-new
course in Google Classroom. He covers adding students, sharing content,
communicating with students, creating assignments, and integrating with other Google
Apps. Plus, get a look at Google Classroom from the student perspective: Oliver
simulates what it's like to join a class, take an assignment, and communicate with a
Learning objectives
Accessing Google Classroom
Creating a new class
Inviting students and other teachers
Posting announcements and sharing content
Adding assignments
Using the Google Classroom mobile app
Working with documents, sheets, and slides in Google Drive
Using Google Classroom as a student.

It is very fascinating to see how the technology can affect our lifestyle from
menial tasks like purchasing our goods to being able to continue our work and education
through it. Google has become a huge part of the learning system and it really is helping
a lot to accommodate the needs of every student and educators by bridging the gap
between school and home. As an educator, one of the things that I am most excited
about are what I have been doing with Google Forms. I can see the learners' responses
instantly.  I was able to continue my profession through online softwares and am able to
extend my assistance to my dear learners because I am able to teach them real-time.
Course details
1h 1m  Intermediate  Updated: 8/8/2019
Discover how to work more efficiently with Microsoft Teams, the popular collaboration
app in Office 365. In this concise, targeted course, Nick Brazzi shares tips that can help
power users get even more use out of Teams. He goes over useful commands and
keyboard shortcuts that can help you streamline your workflow, and explains how to use
Teams as a hub to access information from different Office 365 apps. Plus, he
demonstrates how to leverage different communication options; explores some
particularly useful apps in Teams; and shares how to work with bots and messaging
Note: This course was featured in Market Watch, Inc., Fortune, Forbes, and
Learning objectives
Saving time with bots
Extending the functionality of Teams with apps
Forwarding emails to Teams
Modifying your notifications and alerts
Using Teams as the hub for all of your Office 365 apps
Hiding channels and teams you don't use
Helpful keyboard shortcuts.

Having been able to use Microsoft Teams has been a great experience for me as
an educator. It is entirely common nowadays to use MS offices such as Word,
PowerPoint, and Excel and not surprisingly to have them now included in the
educational curriculum. Handling online meetings and class discussion in Microsoft
Teams truly helps us so we can share and save those files easily in just one Office 365
account. The structure of the MS Teams app is very simple. It has multiple functions like
activity, chat, teams, assignments, calendars, and calls so it is very helpful for a
beginner to understand how the software works, either for educators or learners. It can
also have several teams separately so that we would not be confused by checking each
team or subject. This software application is very accessible not only for
laptops/desktops but also for smartphones. 
Course details
47m  Beginner  Released: 9/23/2020
Learn how to save time and communicate effectively with Loom, the new video
messaging tool used by companies large and small. Follow along with Garrick Chow as
he shows how to communicate and save time with Loom. Garrick begins by showing
how to set up Loom on your desktop or mobile device. Next, he explains how to adjust
settings so that Loom is tailored to your work style, including handy keyboard shortcuts.
Garrick walks through how to record messages, whether pure video or a mix of video
and screen recording. He also shows how to adjust your videos with the built-in drawing
tools and editing features in Loom. Finally, Garrick demonstrates how to share videos
1:1, distribute your videos to a team, or publish them online.

One of the challenges we educators are facing when it comes to handling online
classes is the inability of our learners to join because of their hectic schedule or that the
student’s and the teacher’s schedule wouldn’t match. Fortunately, technology has paved
the way for us educators to record our class discussion and post it online with ease
using the software application called Loom. Loom is an online screen recorder, an
extension of Chrome. It allows you to record whatever is going on with your screen and
provide useful tools to create a quality recorded video class presentation. With this
software, educators are now capable of teaching their students through recorded video
class discussion and likewise, students are now able to catch up on their missed online
class and they can also review what it is that they were not able to understand during
the live online class.
Course details
1h 6m  Beginner  Released: 10/26/2015
Technology can play a critical role in the classroom, promoting engagement and
knowledge retention. Here Renaldo Lawrence has assembled a list of practical
educational technologies that are easy to incorporate into instruction and will help
students be successful both in and out of class. He'll help you evaluate the ed tech
landscape, determine what technologies are right for your classroom, and provide
concrete examples of how to implement them. The tips cover everything from web
resources, apps, and video to maps and ebooks. Start watching to find the tool that will
take your students to the next level. 

            It is very important to know how technology is affecting the educational system
so that educators will be able to help and support their learners properly. As an
educator, I believe that we should teach the correct way of using technology.
Technology is easy and helpful although it is also addictive and sometimes gives bad
influences.  Be a good model of  the learners, educators must be familiar with those
apps and resources and we must lead the learner to rely on technology in the correct
way to help build better future careers for the learners.
What is a VPN?
Selecting transcript lines in this section will navigate to timestamp in the video
- [Scott] VPN, or Virtual Private Networking, is a set of technologies that allow a device
to connect through a protected tunnel to another network. VPNs are used by many
organizations to provide remote access to protected resources, like a customer relations
system, a purchasing system, a subscription article database, or other internal systems
for users that are outside of the organization's local network. A VPN allows these remote
users to connect securely to systems that would otherwise not be accessible from the

VPN or Virtual Private Networking allows an individual to access the internet
without leaving traces. This tool is very helpful in providing security to sensitive
information and is aligned with the Data Privacy Act which has been passed in the
senate. Especially in this generation, privacy has become very elusive for it is not
difficult anymore to hack or steal information online. VPN will allow you to access
blocked websites and content from all around the world, such as Netflix, Hulu, and BBC.
You can also use it to change your IP address and appear as though you’re in a
different country, and get better prices on flights, hotel rooms and more. A good VPN will
also secure your internet connection, protect your privacy and conceal your identity,
keeping you safe from hackers or anyone else who might be trying to keep tabs on your
online activity. With the use of this digital tool, I can ensure the safety of my personal
and professional data along with my students’. It’s important to remember that not all
VPNs are created equal, and each one comes with its own set of pros and cons.

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