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TIE Tinea Les CMe Soe {he ga Rn St ene oe tam toe Tenth Pa tb ae erent cen ee nt aerate teeta ‘pope ya no wa et Inerodvction “The Characters in the Puy ‘Act The Caplets and the Moreagues ‘Ace2- Marcinge Plans Ac) Marder and Basishnent ‘Act 4 The Sweetest Flower ‘Act. Death the ule page 4“ s Introduction The sn, five eves, will wt sine at all ody The ws never adder ny than hi toy of Rome ond Jali? Romeo and Jat is one of the most famous love series in the ‘work Tay, anore dun four hun year ater i was writen, ‘nas populir atin Shakespeare time. Pedhps this is Becawe dhe play i move than a great lve sory. eis ako about munder, ie and death, happiness and sadnes, problems between parents and caldren, and the termble he becween two great fms. There ae six deaths in Romeo ana Joli! Some parts ofthe pa are quiet tnd romantic, some are exciting, some are funy and some are very ad ‘Many of Shakespeare plays take place in countries ousile England like Hay Greece or Denmatk. The characters in Rome’ nd Jule ive in the fans city of Verona inthe aor o tay. ‘The sory is about two inportant families of the 1mm, the CCapulets and the Montague. Thee filer are gest enemies, {Weare not eld the reson for their hate ~ only thts not new ‘They are always fighting in the steets of Veron and this i 4 cut problems forthe Prince and the people of the own. Thea Romeo, the only son of the Mentaguc, ills in love with Julie, the oaly daughter of dhe Capulets Thee love end ther familie’ hate = br only with their deat. ‘Shakespeare has given us some Deautifil Lnguage in Romeo and Jat, nd also some wonderful chances. Friar Laurence, wise aad kind ries eo help the Ivers. Mercutio, Romeo fend, laugh ad jokes abou lve, Lont Caper, Jae fate, dosent tandentand his daughter, The Nurse never spe talking. Angry ‘Tybalt abays ready fora fight, and emo, Romeo’ cousin, oly wanes pce ‘Willan Shakerpeare i the mo Gnu writer of pis in the Engh lingvags. He wat born in Statfond-opon-Avon on 26 Apel 1564, inthe die of Qucen Hirabeth and died 0 23 Apel 1616. He wrote thiny-seren play and mary famous ‘poems is plays ae abot erent bjt Some of tem a about famous people in history. Otis ae ores fom the erature ofthe ine He was nox oly «writer of lays = he aso sted in them. His plays were very popular and saccenb. Te 1582 Shakepeare married Anne Hathanry and they ad ‘thee children = Boy and two git By 1557 be wa ich enough to bay New Pace the gst howe in Sef Stakespeae began wetng Rome a Jala 159, when he eas about thity years ob. The idea for the sory was not Shakeypeares. I eame from a story in 1362 by Arthur Brook> about wo young loves who kill themselves, Shaper ok Brooke} story and nite hi py aound bt be added new hurt too In Shakopee time, heaton were ll men. So the pat of Jit wae played by 3 boy Th gute had fou inagine ‘ow! Many great actort and actos have wanted 0 play Remco ot Jbet i the thea. There have abo beea fms and television pas In 1968 Franco Zeireli made a beat film in Tay wih «wo unknown young actors, Leonard Whiting and Olivia uses. Sometines Rome nd Ji shown 2 «modern story king plc in ods woe fa 1996 the actor Leorso DiCapo played Remco in a very dieret kind of Rowe and Jntet erm Shakespear tn tht fl, theory and characte ‘wee moved fom the old Taian city of Veroea Wo the very ‘modern cy of New York. Reading and acting the play You can read Romo and Jut silent ke every other story in book. You will have to imagine the plies, the characters’ clothes, and this voies fom the words onthe page ‘But Shakespeare did not write Rowco ard ult 2 Merce fot reading. He wrote it for sctrs on dicate sage You can read the play in group with other people. This ix very diferent fom silat reading You can speak the words and bring the character: to life. They can und happy. sad or angry You can add slences and importnt noises, lke the sound of knocking. You can ako stop and discus che pla. Whac does this character mean? Why docs he/she ay tha? ‘But you can have more fan if ou atthe ply: Reo and ulet hs 6 Tot of movement and colour. There are wenderfl lve scenes, bu there are exciting fights too. There is music and dineimg. There ae scenes witha crbwd, and scenes with jst E00 ‘ope The characters can show tii clings by thei words, bat ao by thee seis. Romeo ean show his love for Jui, Tybalt ‘can show his hate for Romeo and Lord Capaet can show his changing flings towards his daughter. Kyou act Rome and Juliet, dhe wees shoal Lok diferent ~ the town square in Veron, Jers hedsoom. Friar Laurence’ garden andthe Capules val. You should ako think about sage ‘equipment ~ swords aropea bot of poison, leer: Ramo and Jit bas alot of eharacters. Sease ave large put ike Romeo, Juice and Frise Laurence ~ ones, ike the Doctor in Mantua, ‘oly havea few shor Ines. Some charscers dont pes, bt thet actions on age ae important Howr many townspeople do you ‘need? How many guests will here be at Lord Capale’s pty? Romeo and Jue sa wonderfl ply. You can sead itor you can act ic But have fun ad enjoy i ‘The Characters in the Play Prince BScAtts, Prince of Verona Mancuo, 1 relative ofthe Prince and fiend of Romeo Pans. relative of the Prince: he wan to matey jet SHRUANT, Par servant Lon Monacus head of tbe Montague fail Lamy Monta, Lord Montague’ wile Rost, Lord Montague son Brxvouto, Romeo coun; Romeo and Mercutio? friend Annan, servant of the Montagse fly BALTHASAR, Romeot servant Lorn Caruurr, head ofthe Capult family Lavy Carter, Lord Capules wife Jour, Lond Capelets dager “Tyan, jee cousin ‘Nuns, lets mur ‘Cousn Carutsy, Lond Capulet old cousin Peron, Lond Capulets servant ‘SAMPSON snd GREGORY, servants of the Capalet fiy Puan LAURENCE, 2 religious iar Patan Jove asst o Friar Lawscnce Doctor, from the town of Mantua Soe Guano, guarding Verona at aight Townsronts of Verona Suiars, the Prince of Verona servants ‘YOUNG MEN IN MASKS. frends of Romeo and Mercutio “Tymur’s FRENDS GGursts a Lond Capulet party Act 1 ‘The Capuleis and the Montagues ‘Scene 1 The town eqn in Verona {[Sampon and Gry aie, camying srs Swanson: fT meet any of these Montague dogs today, ready to stack them, Gaxcony: Well get your sword out then. Here come 660 of Montpie sevants, {Abn and Bata aie) Sasason: | make are fice at them and make them angry, Asi Are you muking 2 rade fice a us? ‘Saxon fe Gran Is the law on our side fT nyyes'? Gazcony:No, iin, ‘Sauron fe Aba: No, 'm not making a rude face a you se Bas... Tam makings rode fre Gascony:Are you tying to stat 3 fight with ws si? |AnBAME: Stare ight? No, ‘Smarson: Wel ff you do want ro start a fight, (My maser isa good man ~ 25 good as yous [Bewole anise fom on sided Tbe fom the othe) Annas Not beter mn? Gaxcony 0 Sompuo]: Say "bette. Here comes o raters relives Snaason [fo Abra He a beter ma. Aswae: Youre ling! ‘Smarson:Take out your swork Let fight them, Gregory! {[Sampon and Gregory get oe tr won and string) ‘Baxwou0: Stop fighting, you stupid men! Put your sword sway “You dont now whet yout doing, "m reat for you Tvaarr [geting ont his sword]; So you're in this fight too, ‘Beavolio? Tn, and prepue to diet Benwvotio: I'm only tying to keep the peace. Put your sword away. Or use it to stop these men fighting. Tynarr: Your sword is out, ut you tlk about peace? I hate that word, tI hate all Montagues.fatacking hin} Take this! [iypatt ond Henvslio fight. Three or four wumspeople of Verona walk past and tart fighing 10.) Townserorit: Down with the Capulet! Down with the ‘Montagues! [Lend Capul and his wife ave} Lone Caruter: What all his noise? [to Sampson] Go and bring sme my long sword! Lapy Carutr: Why are you calling for a sword? [ond Montague and his wife ave) Lorn Carlen: Bring me my sword, I sy! Heres old ‘Montague. He has his sword out, ready to Fight LORD MONTAGUE [to hs wye]:Don' hold me back! Laby MonTAcU [holding hin} You'e not going to fight. [Prince cabs anives with his servants] PRINCE: Enemies of peace, chow your swords 10 the ground! “This is the thin! time, Capulee and Montague, that fighting besween your families his broken the peace of our streets. Go hhome, everybody. Come with me now, Capulet. Come and see ‘me later, Montague [AI leae except Lond and Lady Montague and Benet} Lop Monracue: Who started this fight? Speak, Benvolio. Were you here when it began? BeNvouo: Your servants and Capulet’ servants were fighting. 1 tied to stop them, but then angry Tybak started fighting too. ‘More and more people came and joined us.Thea the Prince came and stopped everything. LaDr MONTAGUE: Have you seen Romeo today? Im very glad The wan't this terrible Fight Bexvouto: Madam, an hour before the sun came up. went for 3 ‘valk. [saw Romeo walking near the wet side of the city. But hhe ran away and hid in a wood. ‘Loap MONTAGUE: People have often seen hin there eatly in the morning, looking very sad. But when the sun comes up, my son goes homie, He shurs himself in his room, Buswouo: My noble uncle, do you know the reson? Lor MoTacue: I and many other fiends have aed him, bat hae keeps it secret. We can't help him until we learn the reason for his adnes. [Romeo anives] Benvouo: Here he comes. I'l find out what his problem is. LORD MONTAGUE: [hope he tels you the true reason. [0 his uf] Lets go, Madam (Lond and Lady Montage lave] Benvouio: Good morning, cousin Rowe: Is ttl so eatly? Benvouo: It only about nine o'clock. Row: Ab, sad hours pass slowly, Was that my father who ‘harried away fom here? [Benvouo: Yes, What sadness makes your hours long, Romeo? Are you in love? Ront0:Yes,but | love a lady who doesst love me. king rnd] ‘But what terrible ight has happened her? No, don't tell me ~ Te heard ital before. Hate is the reson for this fight, but I'm saffering more from love. BeNVOUO: Fm very sorry that you're so unhappy. Tell me, who are you in love with? ROMEO: I love a beautifil woman called Rosine. But she in’ fntereted in me. BENVOLO: Listen to me ~ forget about her ROMEO: Oh, tell me how I san forget about her! DeNVOUO: Use your eyes. Look at other beauifil women, Romeo: If I compare other besutfil women with her, | only think about her more. BuxvouD: ean teach you how to forget her. [Roma and Bemvtio leave} Scene 2A street near the Capulets’ howe [Lond Capulet end Pais ative with Peter, Capulets servant] Loup Carutrr: But Montague has had t> promise to hep the peace too. That isn ficult for old men ike ws Panis: You are bot men fem able families. 1k pity you hive been enemies for so long, But now sr, what do you sy tomy bopes of marrying your daughter, Juet? Lon CAPUUET: The same thing at 1 have said before. My daughter is very young —not yet fourteen. She won't he redy for marrage for two more year Pais: There are happy mothers who are younger than she i. LORD CAPULET: Yes, but that in't a good thing. All my other