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RIPH Activity No.

1. Write a reflection paper on the relevance of the Kartilya ng Katipunan towards

the realization of the nation’s independence. Your answer should be stated in
three paragraphs of not less than three but not more than five sentences per

Emilio Jacinto was the author of different essays and literature and one of it was the
Kartilya ng Katipunan. He was a man of intellect, refinement and literary indulgence
and in fact, he was also known as the “Brain of the Katipunan“. On the other hand, The
Kartilya ng Katipunan is basically a code of conduct that shows Katipuneros on how to
be a true Filipino in terms of words and action. To elaborate, it contains the thirteen
lessons that serve as the Katipuneros’ guide in living with morals and good values. It
was indeed that each lesson is relevant in because of the fact that it tackles different
aspects of person’s life.

For instance, the first lesson emphasizes the significance of living life with a purpose.
“A Katipunero who does not have a purpose lives is a useless life.” This tenet actually
defines what life is. Life is a gift given to everyone that must be treasured by making it
meaningful through setting up goals and achieving it no matter how hard it is. This alone
has an important impact to boost the spirit of Katipuneros to fight for freedom. In
addition, the second rule is about doing what is right. “A deed carried out for the sake of
fame is not worthy of praise.” In other words, there are some situations in life that
people would be proud and grateful for you; however some are doing those for the sake
of popularity. That also pertains to be consistently humble as you do good things. A
deed that is done must be because of what someone really feels like doing to help other

In conclusion, the Kartilya of Katipunan had a vital contribution towards our

independence. We had achieved freedom because of the guide and the effect of
lessons of Katipuneros that they had follow and engraved in heart. Kartilya ng
Katipunan is a set of principles that shows the path on how each and every one of us
must live of lives by living to the fullest through good values. Furthermore I believe that
Kartilya ng Katipunan was made to change the mindsets and attitude of every Filipino’s
inappropriate behavior.

2. Choose two of the teachings of the Katipunan and expound each in one
paragraph by relating personal experiences in life.

There was a time when me and my senior high school classmates decided to have
fun and wander in a mall after we celebrate our year end party. We finished our
activities and ended up to go home late. We had to experience the long queue in every
terminals of the Van. While we were waiting in a queue to Rodriguez, it was coincidence
that besides our queue, there was a family of Badjao waiting going to Antipolo.
Meanwhile me and my friends noticed this two persons who cut in to the Badjao family.
They filled themselves in the line like nothing happens, and the Badjaos did not react
but we can noticed in their face that there were annoyed. So we decided so stand up for
them, we argued with them and told that there is a queue, that not because they are
belong to a tribe, they can be treated unequally.

This personal experience is related to the fourth rule in the teachings of Katipunan. It
shows equality among people. “Every Katipuneros are treated equally no matter what
race or educational background he has. “ Status and Identity will never be the reason
for unequal treatment of people. Whether they are Filipinos or not, rich or poor, men or
women, and white or black, nobody deserves to be discriminated. Moreover, it also
pertains to the eighth lesson wherein teaches us fight for what is right and fight with the
persons who is at the right side. “A Katipunero must protect the weak and fight for those
who oppress the weak.”

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