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Dear Deloitte Recruitment Team,

My name is Anton permana. I am Universitas Indonesia Graduate batch 2019 Majoring in Mechanical
Engineering. I earned my bachelor Degree within 3.5 years with some Achievements including Best
Collegian in 2017 ( First Honours ) and Cumlaude Predicate 2019 ( First Honours ).

I am exiceted to apply Analyst position at Deloitte Indonesia and look forward to give positive and massive
impact to Deloitte Team. Target oriented and williing to earn are my two main characteristics , after I
graduated from Universitas Indonesia, I continue my career at several company and divisions to develop
my analytical skills, leadership and learning about project management. During this past 2 years I
completed Internship at shopee Indonesia and Unilever Indonesia, Contract engineer at Unilever
Indonesia, and currently I continue my career as profesional Project Engineer at Wings Group company.

Thanks to my experiences, from Shopee, Unilever and Wings Group, I am confiedent that I will bring the
following skills To Deloitte Teams :

Analytical Skills and Problems Solving. At Unilever Indonesia, I was hired to solve clogging problems at
conveyor system and increase the efficiency of robot palettizing system. By combining manual calculation
and simulation software that never been used before at Unilever and I learned it autodidactically, I gave
a lot of recommendations to Unilever Indonesia team to optimize both robot and conveyor system. At the
end of my contract period I already gave 4 recommendation that has been used by unilever indonesia and
sucessfully increased both systems

Leadership. At my current position I am trusted as project manager to build new factory construction for
my company. I have responsibles to coordinate all section in project so the it can be excuted properly and
minimize the miss understanding risk between all section. This experience has taugh me how to work in
team and lead the team to achieve the target that has been determined before.

Communication. At shopee Indonesia I was placed at Business and Development division that has
responsible to recruit new merchants to shopee Indonesia and maintain the relationship with existing
merchants by accommodate their need for campaign and marketing their products. From this experience
I learned how to communicate with our customer so we can create mutual cooperation between company
and customers.

My motivation to join with Deloitte, because I always eager to continue my career as Analyst at one of
the biggest consulting company, for example Deloitte. I believe Deloitte will provide the security for
career path and personal development in terms of skills, knowledge and profesionalism. So, I have no
doubt to continue my career as Analyst at Deloitte .

I hope my skills and experiences would meet your high standards and looking forward to disscuss with
you about the qualifications. Thank you and look forward to hearing from you soon.

Best Regards



P: +6282211298848

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