DPP 4 (Solid State) : Ans: (I) 2R

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DPP 4 (Solid State)

A- 1 > A metal crystallises in bcc lattice. The fraction of edge length not covered by atom is
(a) 10.24% (b) 13.4% (c) 12.4% (d) 11.4%
A- 2 > How many nearest and next nearest neighbours respectively potassium have in bcc lattice?
(a) 8,8 (b) 8,6 (c) 6,8 (d) 8,2
A- 3 > Find distance between 3

(i) 1 & 2 (ii) 2 & 3

(iii) 1 & 3 in term of R. consider FCC.
Ans: (i) 2R (ii) 2R (iii) 2 3 R R
A- 4 > Xenon crystallises in FCC arrangement and edge length of unit cell is 620 pm. What is the nearest neighbor distance
and what is the diameter of xenon. (Ans: 438.47 pm)
C- 1 > Atom of radius ‘R’ from an ideal BCC. If the distance between next to next neighbor is 100 pm. Then find the
distance b/w next to next to next neighbor if these atoms allow to form an ideal FCC lattice.
A- 5 > The ratio of packing density in FCC, BCC and cubic structure is respectively
(a) 1: 0.92: 0.72 (b) 0.70 : 0.92 : 1 (c) 1 : 0.70 : 0.92 (d) 0.92 : 0.70 : 1
A- 6 > Titanium metal has a density of 4.54 g/cm and an edge length of 412.6 pm. How many atoms are there in the unit
cell? (Ti = 48)
A- 7 > A metal crystalliese in two cubic faces i.e. FCC and BCC whose unit cell edge lengths are 3.5 Å and 3Å
respectively. Calculate the ratio of the densities of FCC and BCC. (Ans: 1 : 2594)
A- 8 > Iron occurs as BCC as well as FCC unit cell. If the effective radius of an atom of iron is 124 pm. Compute the
density of iron in both these structures. (Ans: 7.887 g/cc, 8.8 g/cc)
A- 9 > Niobium crystallize in BCC structure. If density is 8.55 g/cm 3, The atomic radius of niobium is (At. Wt 93 u)
(a) 49.8 pm (b) 150.1 pm (c) 143.1 Å (d) 143.1 pm
A- 10 > Lithium boron hydride crystallise in orthorhombic system with 4-molecule per unit cell. The unit cell dimension are
a = 6.8 Å, b = 4.4 Å, c = 7.2 Å, If the molar mass is 21.76, Calculate density of crystal. (Ans: 0.6709 g/cm3)
B- 1 > Copper metal crystallise in FCC arrangement and surface of adjacent atoms along the edge of unit cell are 106 pm
apart. Determine the density of metal (Cu = 63.5 u)
B- 2 > K crystallised in BCC arrangement and the surface of adjacent atoms along the edge of unit cell are 71.4 pm apart.
Calculate the density of metal (At. Wt = 39 u) (Ans: 0.855 g/cm3)
B- 3 > Ice crystallises in a hexagonal lattice at the low temperature at which the structure was determined, the lattice
constant where a = b = 4.53 Å & c = 7.41 Å. How many H2O molecules are contained in a unit cell? (if density of
ice = 0.92 g/cm3) (Ans: z = 4)
B- 4 > Parallel plane of graphite is 335 pm apart. Calculate density of graphite assuming graphite in HCP lattice.
(Ans: 0.41 g/cm3)
C- 2 > Tungsten has an atomic radius of 0.136 nm, the density of tungsten is 19.4 g/cm 3. What is the crystal structure of
tungsten? (At. Wt. = 184 u)
(a) SC (b) BCC (c) FCC (d) None of these
(Ans: b)
A- 11 > A metallic element has a cubic lattice. Each edge of the unit cell is 2Å. The density of the metal is 2.5 g/cm 3. The
unit cells in 200 g of metal are
(a) 1 × 1024 (b) 1 × 1020 (c) 1 × 1022 (d) 1 × 1025
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