Story Critical Analysis

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Maam Sameera
The Necklace
Guy de Maupassant is regarded as the best French writer of short stories. His 300
stories were written in the naturalist style and often described the life of the lower
and middle classes. “Boule de suif” (“Ball of Fat”) is regarded as his best story, while
the best known is “La Parure” (“The Necklace”).
Mathilde Loisel, a young woman married to a clerk, longs for the luxuries of
aristocratic life. She is not satisfied with her conditions and feels that she deserves
greater things because of her beauty and charm. One day, Monsieur Loisel brings
her an invitation to a party given by the minister of education, but Mathilde is not
happy because she does not have an appropriate dress to wear. Her husband agrees
to give her 400 franks to buy a dress. Mathilde, however, is still unhappy because
she does not have any jewelry. Her husband advises her to borrow a piece of jewelry
from her rich friend Mm Forestier. Matilde borrows a diamond necklace. After a
delightful party, she loses the necklace.
The Loisel’s have to replace the necklace, so they buy another one that costs them
thirty-six thousand francs and return it to the friend. They have then to spend ten
years in poverty, trying to pay back the money they have borrowed. They dismiss
the maid, move to a cheap apartment, and take extra jobs to repay the debt.
Hardships make Mathilde stronger and tougher. After ten years of difficult life, the
debt is finally paid. When Mathilde sees her friend, who is still young and pretty, she
tells her how their life has become very miserable since she took the necklace from
her. Madame Forestier is very astonished and reveals to Mathilde Loisel that the
original necklace was actually fake.
People should be happy with what they have. People may pay a terrible price for
greed. Mathilde is not content with her life and wants to appear rich and high class.
During the party she succeeds in convincing people of this and she is happy. The
deceptiveness of appearances is highlighted the necklace, which appears to be very
expensive but is actually nothing more than costume jewelry.
Monsieur and Mathilde Loisel waste ten years of their life to repay their debts. They
do not know that the necklace is actually fake and not worth all the trouble and
suffering it has caused them A story like "The Necklace" is told from the focal point
of view of a woman of a lower social station, who aspires for bigger and better things
to a point of exaggeration. The ambivalent way in which the story can be interpreted
calls for language that would fit either perspective. This is why the writer choice of
language is simple, dry, and to the point. The writer has used personification in the
story as he has written in the story:
“The sun kissed our faces as we walked through the park.”
“The stairs moaned in protest with every step I took.”
The necklace is a symbol of wealth and power for Madame Loisel. This represents a
world she longs to be in but will never be able to reach. The moral of the story "The
Necklace" by Guy de Maupassant can be summed up by the common aphorism "all
that glitters is not gold." Mathilde's values are superficial, and she only attaches
importance to external appearances. She fails to recognize that everything that
looks attractive is not valuable, and she pays the price for her mistake.
In conclusion, materialism is the most significant aspect of Guy de Maupassant's
"The Necklace." Madame Loisel's materialism was the source of her financial
difficulties. If she wasn't so shallow, she wouldn't have requested an expensive-
looking necklace that would have to be replaced at considerable expense if she lost
it. Madame. Loisel's personality was once again shaped by materialism. After she is
forced to live the life of the poor, and therefore spends ten years working, Madame.
Loisel doesn't spend much time daydreaming about money. Instead, she knows how
to work to make ends meet on a daily basis. Her materialism made her miserable by
making her wish for wealth, and it was the lack of it that made her a happier person,
one who performed her duties with honor.

The Happy Prince

The Happy Prince, by Oscar Wilde, is a wonderful allegory, typical of 19th century
English fiction. It contains social injustice, redemptive power of love and the loss of
innocent. The Happy Prince is the statue of a prince who had lived his entire life
without knowing sorrow. The ornate statue is stunning and is encrusted with
sapphires, a ruby, and gold leaf. In death, The Happy Prince despairs of the suffering
of his people. In the end, he is left completely bare nd the Mayor orders him pulled
down, but he and the Swallow are united in heaven with God.
The Happy Prince Former ruler who lived happily in palace of Sans-Souci. The palace
was surrounded by lofty walls so that sorrows could not enter. The happy Prince did
not bothered how people in Sans-Souci were living their lives. After his death, his
statue was set up so high that he could see all the ugliness and misery of the city.
Swallow was the bird who worked as a messenger for the statue of Happy Prince.
When the statue donated both of his eyes, swallow stayed with him forever, he
started loving the statue of the Happy Prince.
The first poor in the story is the seamstress. She is portrayed as a thin and worn face
woman with coarse and red hand. She has a baby and he is lying ill on the bed. He
has a fever, and asking for oranges. His mother has nothing to give him but river
water, so he is crying.
The second poor is a young man whose hair is brown and crisp. His lips are red as a
pomegranate and he has large and dreamy eyes. He is trying to finish a play for the
Director of the Theater, but he is too cold to write anymore. There is no fire in the
grate, and hunger has made him faint.
The Happy Prince is a short story written by Oscar Wild, a very famous literary person
in which he has depicted the story in a fairy tale mode of expression fantasy. It was
employed to bring to light the problems of laymen, poverty, hypocrisy and
exploitation that plagued the cities of that era. In a very simple way, the author
depicted the real picture of every society. From the title apparently it seems that
the story is of some happy moments of the prince but inwardly the title itself is
ironical. Actually, the prince was not happy and he thoroughly remains in a sad or
lamenting mood.
The mood of the author is sorrowful which is represented by the character of happy
prince where he lamented that when he was able to serve his nation, he was busy
in his own chores and festivities. The "walls of his palace were too high to listen to
the problems of the people".
The whole story is giving us the strong message that we should have a kind heart
and should feel for others even when we possess a higher authority. The main theme
is "but more marvelous than anything is the suffering of men and women" i.e., the
author would love to show us the sufferings of humanity so that we could
understand and resolve their issues. The writer makes us aware of these problems
in a fantastic way because the story was written "to mirror modern life in a form
remote from reality".
There is a statue of the Happy Prince in the middle of a really unhappy town. A
swallow comes to sit on the statue’s plinth. The swallow sees the happy prince crying
and asks him why, the prince says there is too much sadness in the town and that
the swallow should take all the jewels off the statue and give them to those who
need them.
But then the swallow never flew away for the winter and dies. Also, the greedy
mayor of the town doesn't think the statue is beautiful anymore without the jewels
and orders for the prince to be melted down. But they find that the prince's lead
heart won't melt so they throw it out. Throughout the story, an angel who has been
ordered by God to find the two most precious things he can find in city and bring
them back to him. The angel brings back the dead swallow and the lead heart and
God is happy and says that the swallow will now sing in paradise garden forevermore
and the happy prince shall praise me forever in the city of gold.
Outward beauty is nothing. It is just a show. The real beauties are love and sacrifices.
Love and sacrifice are two saving forces. There is great gap between the rich and the
poor, the rulers and the masses. God loves those who love their fellow human
The writer wants to tell that the outward beauty does not meant a lot the real beauty
is in person’s heart which have the deep feelings and the ability to feel the sorrows
and hardships of others just like the happy prince that he led a happy life but after
his death when he saw people worries, he felt them and helped them as he could
do so. The lesson we got from the story is that every person is not the same as the
happy prince is very rich and live happily but when he saw people’s hardships even
after his death, he was worried and anxious to help them at every possible way and
make it possible by the swallow which was his great deed.
Based on the story, “The Happy Prince” by Oscar Wilde, there are a lot of messages
portrayed by the writer. Some of the messages that I learnt from this story is actually
relatable to us in real life situation. We can apply these lessons in our daily life. This
story is about a prince who once lived without knowing the meaning of tears.
However, after he died, his statue was put up high and from that day onwards, he
can see the misery of his city that was blinded by the walls surrounding his garden
when he was alive. From my analyzation of the story, I learnt that even people, who
seem foolish, can achieve great things if given a purpose, being selfless in the context
of helping others who are in need of help and being with someone; family members
or friends through thick and thin. First and foremost, one of the messages that I
obtain from this story is even people who seem foolish and flighty can achieve great
things if given a purpose and a focus. This is shown in the character of the Swallow.
The Swallow is such a silly fellow because as we can see the swallow falls in love with
a reed and stayed there all summer, admiring it before he begins to tire of his lady-
love. The Swallow is also in vain too because he enjoys the sparrows noticing him
and commenting on such “a distinguished stranger .

The New Constitution

"The New Constitution" the main character is Ustad Mango who runs a Tonga. "The
New Constitution" is basically translated from Urdu and its writer is the greatest
short story writer of sub-continent. His name is Sadat Hassan Manto. In the story
Ustad Mango was deceived due to his thinking. He thought that the new constitution
which had been announced by the government will change the life of the poor. And
there would be the equal opportunities for the poor and needy. He also thought that
now the rich people would not be able to take the advantage on the poor people.
but these were all his thoughts. The rise of action starts when mango heard about
the new constitution, a new law. This could give reveal to the poor. Ustad mango
thinks that now new constitution has been made so he beat a gora (an English man
officer). There are many characters in this story but the main character is ustad
mango the Tonga wala.
In the story "The New Constitution" the main character is Ustad Mango who runs a
Tonga. "The New Constitution" is basically translated from Urdu and its writer is the
greatest short story writer of sub-continent. His name is Sadat Hassan Manto. In the
story Ustad Mango was deceived due to his thinking. He thought that the new
constitution which had been announced by the government will change the life of
the poor. And there would be the equal opportunities for the poor and needy. He
also thought that now the rich people would not be able to take the advantage on
the poor people. He thought that everything would be changed after the New
Constitution. This story is written basically keeping the background of Indian
Constitution Act of 1935 before the freedom of sub-continent. That Act was only for
the elite class. So this thing has been mentioned in the story "The New Constitution."
Hence this thing deceived Ustad Mango and he thought that every thing will be
changed from 1st April which was the date of implementing the New Constitution.
That's why Ustad Mango was disillusioned on first April.
Ustaad Mangu was extremely happy to hear of the New Constitution because for
him the constitution meant freedom from the rule of foreigners. He felt that with
the implementation of the new Constitution, everyone seemed to be talking about,
their country would be granted independence and that is the one thing he craved
more than anything as he condemned the oppression of the outside, 'gora' rulers.
He felt that this New Constitution would give the Muslims of the Sub-continent a
new identity and they would be able to live their lives according to their own religion
and culture without having to fear the interference of foreign rulers. These
possibilities were the cause of Ustaad Mangus happiness and to show his euphoria
he decorated his tonga with a valuable piece he bought a long time ago. On the
supposed day of the implementation of the new Constitution Ustaad mangu set off
from home earlier than usual which also indicates his enthusiasm and happiness.
Ustad Mangu's were with the Gora soldier was motivated by his deep seated hatred
against the English. He came to know that on 1st April, a new constitution was going
to be enforced in India. It was government of India act 1935. With the enforcement
of this act, everything was going to change in favor of the working class. The people
of the working class were going to get equal human rights with the enforcement of
this act. Ustad Mangu rose up early in the morning and came out on the road on 1st
April. He found that nothing had changed in the cantonment. He happened to pick
a row with a Gora soldier. He was under the illusion of new constitution. He
recognized that he was the same Gora who insulted him last year. Now the time has
changed. Now equal human rights have been restored. The Gora told Ustad Mangu
that he wanted to go to the dancing girl's bazaar; ustad demanded Rs.5 as fare the
Gora showed his this pleasure at it. He insulted ustad mangu.
Ustad Mangu looked at him with great contempt. Then he raised his arms and hit
him in the chin. He was sent to prison and was told that it was the same old
constitution. Ustad Mangu was justified in beating the Gora for his deep seated
hatred against the British and for there inhuman treatment to the English Indians.
Mango is a character of story the new constitution. He has a great heater against
British people who are the ruler on Indian people. So Mango drives a Tonga.
The story has chronological order. Whole plot of the story has properly designed.
Narrator has properly introduced his characters. The story criticized on the
politicians. The constitutions have been made but practically no steps took for their
implement. Politicians came and make amendment in the constitutions for their
own self. The poor people elect them and hope that they will do something for the
welfare of poor but it doesn’t happen.

The Duchees and Jewelers

In The Duchess and the Jeweller by Virginia Woolf we have the theme of appearance,
trust, vanity, happiness, insecurity and control. The story is narrated in the third
person by an unnamed narrator. By describing Oliver's flat in detail Woolf appears
to be highlighting the idea of appearance. It is also interesting that the reader is
given some insight into Oliver's past. Woolf could be suggesting that despite the
outward appearance of success in reality very little may have changed for Oliver.
Oliver is fully aware that the Duchess has already tried to pass off some of her
jewellery to him claiming it to be genuine when the reality has been that it was fake.
Woolf may be suggesting that those who consider themselves to be upper class or
those who strive to be considered a part of the upper echelons of society may not
necessarily be trustworthy. Oliver seems to be driven by his own vanity when he
decides to buy the pearls from the Duchess.
Oliver longs to be a part of upper-class society and by suggesting that he is an old
friend the Duchess knows that she is able to manipulate Oliver. It is also interesting
that despite his wealth Oliver does not appear to be happy, rather there is a sense
that something is missing from his life. The reader is aware that the Mademoiselle
no longer spends time with Oliver having decided to marry someone else instead.
Although it is not explained why she abandoned or left him the reader is never told
however by introducing her into the story it is possible that despite all his success
and wealth, Oliver is in fact unhappy.
It is noticeable that Woolf is using animal imagery in the story. Woolf compares
Oliver's search for the perfect piece of jewellery to the search a hog might make
while attempting to find a piece of truffle. She also compares Oliver to a horse who
is neighing and the Duchess's bag to a ferret. It is possible that by including another
unfavorable comparison to an animal she is further suggesting how unpleasant
those considered to be upper class (the Duchess) really are.
The end of the story is also interesting as the reader becomes aware of just how
vulnerable or insecure Oliver may be. After he realises that he has been swindled
(again) by the Duchess he looks at the portrait of his mother in his office and asks
her to forgive him. Woolf tells the reader that Oliver felt again like 'he was a little
boy in the alley where they sold dogs on Sunday' This line may be important as it
suggests that Oliver may not necessarily have matured in any way since his days
selling dogs.

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