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October 2018

Introducing the chain of blocks

In the current digital era, businesses across the a need to understand the specific set of risks and
world are running transactions of humongous develop an evolved auditing approach for blockchain-
volumes. Blockchain technology is a step towards based solutions.
modernisation of digital infrastructure and allows
the reorganisation of data and assets. Blockchain
solutions across industries are helping solve complex This whitepaper explores potential
problems with use of its platform and technology audit areas from a supporting technology
qualities, yet it remains a question whether we are controls perspective that organisations
ready to handle the risks that these solutions can should consider while implementing
bring in. blockchain solutions. Auditors reviewing
processes built on blockchain can adopt this
Traditional models of audit fail to take into
audit framework to test controls around the
consideration many of the risks associated with
implementation of such solutions.
blockchain-enabled processes, and hence there is

Blockchain can operate independently of
any intermediary or authority i.e. it can be
managed by participating nodes in a network
on peer to peer basis and not necessarily
operated by one central authority or entity.

Distributed Validated
The ledgers of blockchain are distributed and Transactions executed in blockchain are validated
replicated amongst the participating by the participating nodes against the defined
nodes of blockchain, hence all the validation rules before it is linked to older blocks,
participating nodes maintain their making a chain of blocks that show every
own identical copy of the ledger. transaction made in the history of that blockchain.

Blockchain platform
Traceable Immutable
Every ledger entry of blockchain is linked to The transactions performed in blockchain
the previous transaction so that it are immutable as transactions which are
is retraceable across its full history, validated cannot be replaced, reversed or
hence providing an audit trail of the altered, and, are permanently recorded
underlying transactions. across the network nodes.

Transactions performed in blockchain are
broadcasted to the participating nodes of
blockchain where the nodes can verify
the ongoing transactions and history of Note: Blockchain platform qualities are
the transactions. illustrative and may vary across different
upcoming blockchain platforms.

© 2018 KPMG, an Indian Registered Partnership and a member firm of the KPMG network of independent member firms affiliated with KPMG International Cooperative (“KPMG International”), a Swiss entity. All rights reserved.

Implementation options of blockchain

Private blockchain Permissioned blockchain Public blockchain

• Quasi decentralised • Centralised requiring • Decentralised and

• Consensus controlled by trusted entities transparent
preselected nodes • Write permissions are • Anyone can read, perform
• Read access to allowed centralised to one entity transactions and participate
participants only. and read access to all in the consensus process
participants. • Access permission not
• Anyone can become a
member of the network
without conditions of

Within the permissioned and private blockchain,

one of the node participants could be of an
auditor or regulator node to complete the audit
directly from the blockchain.

© 2018 KPMG, an Indian Registered Partnership and a member firm of the KPMG network of independent member firms affiliated with KPMG International Cooperative (“KPMG International”), a Swiss entity. All rights reserved

Breaking the boundaries

Blockchain’s first use case which made headlines1 was financial transactions using bitcoin. Since then, there
has been an extensive research into blockchain’s potential. Today, various blockhain-enabled real world use
cases have shown capabilities to revolutionise many industrial sectors such as financial services, healthcare,
automotive, telecommunication, media and entertainment, retail and agriculture.

Tracking prescription drugs and

preventing counterfeit products
In response to the need to secure privacy can be also met using zero
the pharmaceutical supply chain, knowledge technology where
blockchain-based system acts all transactions posted to the
as an interoperable system, and blockchain are fully encrypted. A
can track change of ownership zero-knowledge proof is a method
of prescription medicines. It has by which one party (the prover)
the ability to verify the origin of can prove to another party (the
serialised global trade identifiers verifier) that a given statement
and trace the source of drugs to is true, without conveying any
their original manufacturers. Data additional information.

Adopting trade finance solution

to facilitate paperless trade and

Blockchain solution digitises and shippers, freight forwarders,

automates paperwork filings for ocean carriers, ports and customs
the import and export of goods authorities in a global shipping
by enabling end users to securely transaction to securely and
submit, stamp and approve smoothly exchange shipment
documents across national and events in real time. They can
organisational boundaries. This also see the status of customs
solution provides thorough supply documents or view bills of lading
chain visibility that enables all and other data as part of trade
parties involved i.e. network of finance.

1. Bitcoin: A Peer – to – Peer Electronic Cash System, Satoshi Nakamoto, 2008

© 2018 KPMG, an Indian Registered Partnership and a member firm of the KPMG network of independent member firms affiliated with KPMG International Cooperative (“KPMG International”), a Swiss entity. All rights reserved.

Use cases across sectors


Blockchain can streamline the internal operations of
telecom industry such as billing, roaming, network
function virtualisation management, digital asset
transactions, mobile money and identity-as-a-service.


Blockchain has use cases in the healthcare/
pharmaceutical sector to improve electronic
medical records, and for facilitating new drug
development and medical innovation.


03 Blockchain can be used for derivative trading

to connect potential buyers and sellers on a
decentralised network to update the information on
a continuous basis.


04 Blockchain can help in maintaining the database

of digital rights to avoid copyright issues, use
smart contracts for payment of media owners
and track the ownership of concert tickets.


05 For food safety, blockchain can allow consumers

to track the origin of food items and enforce
transparency in food supply chain from farm
origination details to storage of food in retail stores.


06 Blockchain can help the automotive industry in

product life cycle management thus tracking
the full history of a vehicle from pre-production
to sale.

© 2018 KPMG, an Indian Registered Partnership and a member firm of the KPMG network of independent member firms affiliated with KPMG International Cooperative (“KPMG International”), a Swiss entity. All rights reserved

Risks in the landscape

It is becoming apparent that blockchain presents a plethora of opportunities for several sectors, however, it is
not a foolproof solution.
Blockchain solutions and their implementations pose risks which include the following:

Difficulties in tracking and implementing ‘right to be forgotten’ privacy

mechanism for personal information erasure

Misconfigured access permissions, consensus and proof of stake

mechanisms leading to transaction trust issues

Issues arising out of lack of governance mechanisms leading

to non compliance of transactions and regulatory penalties

Concerns around unencrypted personal and confidential information

contained in global transactions leading to regulatory concerns

Challenges in interconnecting different blockchain protocols

and data formats creating solution implementation roadblocks

Challenges in securely maintaining the cryptographic keys or weak

encryption leading to permanent loss of the whole data

These are the risks that elicit the need for an audit framework to build trust towards the technology.
Leveraging an effective audit framework can help harness and mitigate a number of specific risks
that blockchain brings to the table.

© 2018 KPMG, an Indian Registered Partnership and a member firm of the KPMG network of independent member firms affiliated with KPMG International Cooperative (“KPMG International”), a Swiss entity. All rights reserved.

KPMG in India’s framework for auditing blockchain solutions has been developed
keeping in mind specific risks that blockchain models entail.

Key ownership and management

K Secure storage, maintenance, review and governance of cryptographic
private keys used for authentication and validation by nodes.

Interoperability and integration

I Consistent communication between multiple blockchain platforms and
integration with organisations’ enterprise and legacy systems.

Consensus mechanism
C Blocks in the chain are validated by nodes to maintain a single version of the
truth to keep adversaries from derailing the system and forking the chain.

Heterogeneous regulatory compliance

H Compliance with laws and regulations across various country and state
legislations that will govern information and transactions processed.

Access and permissions management

A Permissions configured for defined roles for access, validation and
authorisation of blockchain transactions by internal and external participants.

Infrastructure and application management

I Secure software development practices and testing of blockchain
applications, platform, infrastructure and communication interfaces.

Network and nodes governance

N Monitoring of network for information compliance and node reputation
checks to handle and resolve disputes.

© 2018 KPMG, an Indian Registered Partnership and a member firm of the KPMG network of independent member firms affiliated with KPMG International Cooperative (“KPMG International”), a Swiss entity. All rights reserved

KPMG in India’s blockchain

solutions audit framework
Framework Risk areas Audit areas

• Accidental loss of stored cryptographic •• Key generation and

Key keys resulting in inability to claim asset decommissioning
ownership and ownership •• Key maintenance and governance
management • Inability to change cryptographic private •• Logging and auditing of key usage
keys shared with other participants for
•• Key management infrastructure
legitimate business needs
•• Key traceability and version
• Unsecure or unencrypted storage,
transmission and use of cryptographic
private keys. •• Hash algorithm management.

•• Interface/API documentation
• Misinterpretation or misuse of data sent
Interoperability by disparate blockchain platforms
•• Data mapping and integration
and integration • Security issues of Application Program
•• Data validation checks and rules
Interface (API) used for integrating
•• Intermediary platform and
blockchain platform with enterprise
•• Interoperability connectors and
• Data quality and legacy issues when
interfacing with legacy systems.
•• Secure interfaces and API review.

• Uncontrolled changes, majority hash

•• Consensus protocol design
Consensus rate attack or hijack by a coalition of
mechanism dishonest counterparties •• Consensus change control
• Inconsistencies due to forking issue
creating two versions of groups and •• Review of consensus rules
ledgers •• Transaction log and audit trail
• Inaccurate timestamps when •• Consensus override handling
connecting to a node to alter a node’s •• Consensus hijack monitoring.
network time counter.

• Unencrypted Personally Identifiable

Heterogeneous •• Country specific laws
Information (PII), Patient Health Information
regulatory (PHI) or Financial data published in global •• Industry regulatory compliance
compliance transactions •• Cross-border privacy regulations
• Differing privacy, regulatory and compliance •• Platform compliance standards
requirements for cross-border data flow •• Data sensitivity in transaction
• Inability to remove or change sensitive blocks
or confidential data impacting ‘right to be •• Data classification standards.
forgotten’ principle.

© 2018 KPMG, an Indian Registered Partnership and a member firm of the KPMG network of independent member firms affiliated with KPMG International Cooperative (“KPMG International”), a Swiss entity. All rights reserved.

Framework Risk areas Audit areas


• Corporate data stored on blockchain is •• Group and user permissions

Access and discoverable without explicit authorisation •• Roles and level of access
permissions •• Discretionary access control
• Privilege escalation through confused
management deputy problem to misuse the authority •• Enrollment and termination
• Misconfigured restrictions and insecure procedures
deserialisation by authorised user on •• Segregation of duties and conflict
permissioned blockchain. of permissions.

• Inconsistent development and unsecure •• Software development life cycle

Infrastructure coding practices for blockchain platform
and application •• Platform and application
and application
management documentation
• Lack of Software Development Life
•• Secure coding principles and
cycle (SDL) processes, adequate testing
development practices
and documentation
•• Bug tracking and application
• Security vulnerabilities related
to development, configuration,
implementation and deployment. •• Cybersecurity testing.

• Lack of intermediary or governing body •• Governance and dispute resolution

Network to settle and resolve asset, identity or •• Network compliance and node
and nodes transaction disputes reputation checks
governance Network centralisation, collusion, spam
• •• Single point of failure analysis
and unauthorised controlling of network
•• Network monitoring and spam
• Unclear accountability of blockchain
•• Data leakage prevention
functioning, information protection,
transaction validations.

Concluding thoughts
Blockchain is anticipated to disrupt and innovate immutability. It is now time to seriously think about
industries with use of its business models making its true risks and take steps towards applying audit
use of digital ledger technologies. Yet, the sheer considerations for assessing those risks.
excitement over this innovative technology and its Moving forward, we believe organisations
promising potential has eclipsed the possible threats implementing this technology and the auditors
and risks arising from its implementation. entrusted with the task of validating and reviewing
As blockchain continues to build significant solutions built on this technology might need to adopt
momentum, companies cannot turn a blind eye to a customised audit framework for blockchain.
security and risk management any longer. Blockchain By leveraging this framework, organisations can be
may even provide a false sense of security through better equipped to implement secure and resilient
some primary features around cryptography and solutions around this emerging technology.

© 2018 KPMG, an Indian Registered Partnership and a member firm of the KPMG network of independent member firms affiliated with KPMG International Cooperative (“KPMG International”), a Swiss entity. All rights reserved
KPMG in India contacts:
Mritunjay Kapur
National Head
Markets and Strategy
Head - Technology, Media and Telecom
T: +91 124 307 4797

Akhilesh Tuteja
Partner and Head
Risk Consulting
Co-leader – Global Cyber Security
T: +91 124 307 4800

Atul Gupta
Partner and Head
IT Advisory - Risk Consulting
National Leader - Cyber Security
T: +91 124 307 4134

Kunal Pande
IT Advisory - Risk Consulting
National Leader - FS in Risk Consulting
T: +91 98926 00676

Priya Rajaram
IT Advisory - Risk Consulting
T: +91 99204 53147

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© 2018 KPMG, an Indian Registered Partnership and a member firm of the KPMG network of independent member firms affiliated with KPMG International Cooperative (“KPMG
International”), a Swiss entity. All rights reserved.

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