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Blockchain risk management

Risk functions need to play

an active role in shaping
blockchain strategy
Blockchain risk management – Risk functions need to play an active role in shaping blockchain strategy

Is your organization prepared for the

new risks posed by the introduction of
a blockchain framework?

The successful adoption and operation

of any new technology is dependent on
the appropriate management of the risks
associated with that technology. This is
especially true when that technology is
more than an application and is part of
the organization’s core infrastructure, as is
the case of Distributed Ledger Technologies
(DLT). DLTs have the potential to be the
backbone of many core platforms in the
near future. DLT is a peer-to-peer (or
machine-to-machine) value-transfer
framework that provides Byzantine fault
tolerance with distributed databases
updated with a consensus mechanism.
Every participant node has an exact copy of
the data and a consensus protocol
synchronizes the updates across
participant nodes.
The blockchain protocol is a special case Risk practitioners across sectors are mitigate these risks?” It’s critical for firms to
of DLT, where the consensus protocol very excited about blockchain’s promise understand that while blockchain promises
creates a daisy chained immutable ledger to help organizations minimize—and in to drive efficiency in business processes and
of all transactions that is shared across all some cases eliminate—the risks posed mitigate certain existing risks, it poses new
participants. This framework allows for near by current systems. Blockchain is being risks to the firm and market. Additionally, it’s
real-time value transfer (e.g. assets, records, viewed as the foundational technology for important to understand the evolution of
identity) between participants without the the future
re of risk management. However, as regulatory guidance and its implications.
need for a central intermediary. Any transfer the technology continues to mature and Earlier this year, the Financial Industry
of value between two parties and the many theoretical use cases begin to get Regulatory Authority (FINRA) issued detailed
associated debits and credits are captured ready for commercialization, it behooves the guidance1 on some of the operational and
in the blockchain ledger for all parties to industry to start focusing on a less discussed regulatory considerations for developing
see. The cryptographic consensus protocol question: “Do blockchain-based business various use cases within capital markets.
ensures immutability and irreversibility of all models expose the firm and market to new Firms need to ensure that these regulatrory
transactions posted on the ledger. types of risk? If so, what should firms do to requirements are addressed in the
blockchain based business models.

Blockchain risk management – Risk functions need to play an active role in shaping blockchain strategy

Types of blockchains and

inherent risks

Blockchains fall under two types: Permissioned blockchains do not have conditions required to consummate the
permissionless and permissioned chains. the crypto currency requirement as the contract have been met. Smart contracts
Permissionless blockchains allow any party consortium network or the administrator are generally the most vulnerable points for
without any vetting to participate in the can predefine the update process without cyberattack and technology failures. Like
network, while permissioned blockchains the use of unvetted service providers. any other software code, smart contracts
are formed by consortiums or an Usually, this involves a choice of a consensus require robust testing and adequate
administrator who evaluate the participation algorithm that is deployed on the network to controls to mitigate potential risks to
of an entity on the blockchain framework. update the blockchain ledger. Additionally, blockchain-based business processes.
scalability and privacy issues can be Firms across different industries are
Permissionless blockchains start out with handled by the choice of infrastructure by investing heavily in this new technology to
a pool of crypto currency to pay service the participants, and suspicious activity build a variety of use cases on topics such
providers, or miners, to participate in the monitoring can be deployed across the as identity management, provenance, trade
process. Miners are service providers who network by the administrator or the finance, clearing and settlement, cross-
update the general ledger with transactions consortium. Therefore, this framework is border payment, etc. While the blockchain
that occurred between participants. Anyone more suitable for institutions to use with a technology promises to drive efficiency or
can participate as a miner as long as they group of known and predetermined peers. reduce cost in each of the use cases, the
meet certain technological requirements blockchain, as well as the smart contracts
dictated by the network. No other entity Regardless of the type of blockchain, encoding the business logic, have certain
checks, such as know your customer (KYC) the business logic is encoded using inherent risks. It’s imperative that firms
or other background checks of the service smart contracts. Smart contracts are understand the risks and the appropriate
provider, are possible in this framework. self-executing code on the blockchain safeguards to reap the benefits of this
Anyone acquiring this crypto currency on framework that enable straight-through technology. Failure to mitigate the risks
the blockchain framework can transact with processing, which means that manual posed by adopting the new technology
any entity on the blockchain. As such, intervention is not required to execute might undermine all the benefits. These
there is increased risk of money laundering transactions. Smart contracts rely on data risks can be broadly classified under three
and theft of currency from a user’s from outside entities referred to as “oracles,” categories: standard risks, value transfer
blockchain account on that network. and can act on data associated with any risks, and smart contract risks.
Additionally, permissionless blockchains public address or with another smart
have scalability and privacy issues that pose contract on the blockchain. A smart contract
a significant risk to the use of this framework can mimic a contract and can execute the
by financial institutions. contract automatically if

Blockchain risk management – Risk functions need to play an active role in shaping blockchain strategy

Standard risk considerations

Standard risk considerations

Business Information
Strategic Reputational
continuity security

Regulatory Ops and IT Contractual Supplier

Blockchain technologies expose institutions processes, and business continuity plans cross-border regulations related to privacy
to risks that are similar to those associated should account for a shorter incident and data protection. FINRA’s regulatory
with current business processes but response and recovery time. guidance2 calls for broker-dealers to
introduce nuances for which entities need be cognizant of all applicable federal
•• Reputational risk: Unlike fintech
to account: and state laws, rules, and regulations
applications, blockchain technology is part
when exploring issuing and trading
•• Strategic risk: First, firms need to of core infrastructure and will have to work
securities, facilitating automated actions,
evaluate whether they want to be at the seamlessly with legacy infrastructure.
and maintaining transactions on a DLT
leading edge of adoption or wait to adopt Failure to do so could result in poor client
network. In its guidance, FINRA highlights
until the technology matures. Each of experience and regulatory issues.
DLT’s potential to affect various aspects
these options have varying levels of risks
•• Information security risk: While of the securities market, including market
to business strategy. Second, given the
blockchain technology provides efficiency, transparency, post-trade
peer-to-peer nature of this technology, it’s
transaction security, it does not provide processes, and operational risk.
important for entities to determine the
account/wallet security. The distributed
right network to participate in, as their •• Operational and IT risks: Existing
database and the cryptographically sealed
business strategy could be impacted by policies and procedures will need to
ledger prevents any corruption of data.
the different entities participating on the be updated to reflect new business
However, value stored in any account
chain. Third, the choice of the underlying processes. Additional technology
is still susceptible for account takeover.
platform could pose limitations in the concerns could include speed, scalability,
Additionally, there are cyber security risks
services or products that can be delivered and interface with legacy systems in
to the blockchain network if a malicious
via this platform. implementing the technology.
actor takes over 51 percent of the network
•• Business continuity risk: Blockchain nodes for a duration of time, especially in a •• Contractual risk: There will likely be
technologies are generally resilient due closed permissioned framework. several service-level agreements (SLAs)
to the redundancy resulting from the between participating nodes and the
•• Regulatory risk: Currently, across
distributed nature of the technology. administrator of the network, in addition
the globe there’s uncertainty around
However, the business processes built to SLAs with service providers that will
the regulatory requirements related to
on blockchains may be vulnerable to need to be monitored for compliance.
blockchain applications. Additionally, there
technology and operational failures as
may be regulatory risks associated with •• Supplier risks: Firms may be exposed
well as cyberattacks. Firms need to have
each use case, the type of participants in to significant third-party risks since most
a robust business continuity plan and
the network, and whether the framework of the technology might be sourced from
governance framework to mitigate such
allows domestic or cross-border external vendors.
risks. Additionally, blockchain solutions
transactions. This could also include
shorten the duration of many business
Blockchain risk management – Risk functions need to play an active role in shaping blockchain strategy

Value transfer risk considerations

Value transfer risk considerations

Consensus protocol Data confidentiality

Key management Liquidity

Blockchain enables peer-to-peer transfer may lead to consensus never resolving •• Liquidity risk: The Bank for International
of value without the need for a central and thus, ledger would not complete the Settlements warned that the adoption
intermediary. The value transferred could transfer of value. of DLT, such as the blockchain, may
be assets, identity, or information. This new introduce new liquidity risks.3 In current
•• Key management risk: While the
business model exposes the interacting business models, intermediaries typically
consensus protocol immutably seals
parties to new risks which were previously take on the counterparty risks and help
a blockchain ledger and no corruption
managed by central intermediaries. resolve disputes. Dispute resolution
of past transactions is possible, it’s still
in a distributed trust environment is a
•• Consensus protocol risk: The transfer susceptible to private keys theft and the
requirement that will rely on preordained
of value in a blockchain framework occurs takeover of assets associated with public
by the use of a cryptographic protocol that addresses. Digital assets could become
arrives at a consensus among participant irretrievable in the case of accidental loss
nodes to update the blockchain ledger. or private key theft, especially given the
There are several such cryptographic lack of a single controller or a potential
protocols that are used to achieve escalation point within the framework.
consensus among participant nodes for
•• Data confidentiality risk: The consensus
updating the blockchain ledger. Each such
protocol requires that all participants
protocol will have to be evaluated in the
in the framework can view transactions
context of the framework, the use case,
appended to the ledger. While the
and network participant requirements.
transactions in a permissioned network
could be stored in a hashed format so
For example, the practical Byzantine fault
as to not reveal the contents, certain
tolerance algorithm requires parties to
metadata will always be available to
agree on the exact list of participants,
network participants. Monitoring the
and membership in the system is set by a
metadata can reveal information on the
central authority or closed negotiations.
type of activity and the volume associated
In a proof-of-stake consensus protocol,
with the activity of any public address
it’s possible for block generators to vote
on the blockchain framework to any
for multiple blockchain histories, which
participant node.

Blockchain risk management – Risk functions need to play an active role in shaping blockchain strategy

Smart contract risk considerations

Smart contract risk considerations

Business and regulatory Legal liability

Enforcement of contract Information Security

Smart contracts can potentially encode •• Contract enforcement: Currently process to deploy new or amend existing
complex business, financial, and legal there is no legal precedent around the smart contracts. They will also need a
arrangements on the blockchain, and could enforcement of a smart contract in lieu robust incident management process to
result in the risk associated with the one- of a physical contract. And there are no identify and respond to glitches in smart
to-one mapping of these arrangements regulations governing smart contracts. contract operations.
from the physical to the digital framework. Also, as the data on a blockchain
Oracles are entities that exist outside the
Additionally, cyber security risks increase as framework is immutable, care should be
blockchain framework but feed data to
the smart contracts rely on outside oracles taken to amend smart contracts to avoid
the network, which could trigger the
to trigger contract execution. breaches of existing regulation by acting
execution of the smart contracts within
on data from the past on the blockchain
•• Business and regulatory risks: the network. The biggest
that are not within the statutory legal
Smart Contracts should accurately risk to a blockchain framework may lie
limits for a financial arrangement.
represent business, economic, and legal within these oracles as these could be
arrangements defined between parties •• Legal liability: In a permissioned subject to malicious attacks to corrupt
in the framework. The smart contracts network, the legal liability remains the data being fed to the blockchain. This
that are defined on a blockchain network unclear for an improper, erroneous, or could cause a catastrophic domino effect
will apply in a consistent manner to a malicious administration of a smart across the entire network.
all participants across the network. contract resulting in a transaction with two
Therefore, these smart contracts will have or more entities on the network, causing
to be capable of exception handling, and assets to leave the network via those
the consequences of these exceptions in transacting entities.
the form of a programmatic output
•• Information security risks: Smart
on the blockchain framework will have to
contracts may be susceptible to security
be tested across the universe of all other
breaches and improper administration.
smart contracts within the
Participant entities or the network
network for adherence to business
administrator will need a strong
and legal arrangements and compliance
governance and change control
with regulations.

Blockchain risk management – Risk functions need to play an active role in shaping blockchain strategy


The blockchain peer-to-peer framework While the benefits are clear, there are Blockchain technology will transform
offers the potential to transform current myriad risks that may be imposed by this business models from a human-based
business processes by disintermediating nascent technology. Understanding of the trust model to an algorithm-based trust
central entities or processes, improving blockchain technology and its associated model, which might expose firms to risks
efficiencies, and creating an immutable risks articulated in this paper may change that they have not encountered before.
audit trail of transactions. This provides and evolve as this technology continues In order to respond to such risks, firms
the opportunity to lower costs, decrease to mature. It’s therefore imperative for all should consider establishing a robust risk
interaction or settlement times, and organizations to continue to monitor the management strategy, governance, and
improve transparency for all parties. development of this technology and its controls framework.
This transformational framework could application to various use cases.
alter the way financial institutions conduct
business as many transactions are peer to
peer in nature.

Components of an effective blockchain risk management framework

Risk management framework

Business Improved time to Risk and compliance

Growth / innovation Client experience Cost reduction
objectives market management

Core processes,
supporting Human resources Compliance Finance Other

Standard risk considerations Value transfer risk considerations Smart contract risk considerations

Risk Strategic Reputational

Security Consensus protocol Data confidentiality Business and regulatory Legal liability
Regulatory Ops and IT Contractual Supplier Key management Liquidity Enforcement of contract Governance

Governance and Policies and Management Tools and Risk metrics and
model Risk culture
oversight standards processes technology reporting

1. Distributed Ledger Technology: Implications of Blockchain for the Securities Industry, January 2017:

2. ibid

3. Distributed Ledger Technology in payment, clearing and settlement, February 2017:
Blockchain risk management – Risk functions need to play an active role in shaping blockchain strategy

Authors Contributors
Prakash Santhana Eric Piscini
Managing Director Principal
Deloitte Risk and Financial Advisory Deloitte Consulting LLP
Deloitte and Touche LLP 191 Peachtree Street
30 Rockefeller Plaza Suite 2000 Atlanta , GA 30303-1749
New York , NY 10112-0015 +1 404 631 2484
+1 212 436 7964
Yang Chu
Abhishek Biswas Senior Manager
Senior Manager Deloitte Risk and Financial Advisory
Deloitte Risk and Financial Advisory Deloitte and Touche LLP
Deloitte and Touche LLP 555 Mission Street
30 Rockefeller Plaza San Francisco, CA 94105-0920
New York , NY 10112-0015 +1 415 783 4060
+1 212 436 6398
Swagatam Chakraborty
Senior Consultant
Deloitte Risk and Financial Advisory
Deloitte and Touche LLP
100 Kimball Drive
Parsippany, NJ 07054
+1 973 602 6000

Livia Lima Fava

Senior Consultant
Deloitte Risk and Financial Advisory
Deloitte and Touche LLP
30 Rockefeller Plaza
New York , NY 10112-0015
+1 212 492 4456

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