Abrazo Actively Hiring RNs - Daily Independent - 7.1.21

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Daily Independent - 07/01/2021

The Valley’s nonpartisan newspaper — YourValley.net

Page : 01


Arizona nursing schools

step up to fill shortage
By Lindsay Walker

The coronavirus pandemic

put a very noticeable strain
on health care systems across
the U.S. and across the globe,
but it also brought to light
an issue that’s been building
for years: a shortage of reg-
istered nurses, which only
continues to worsen.
The Arizona Nurses Asso-
ciation estimates there will
be 100,000 open nursing po-
sitions across the country in
2022, with 500,000 seasoned
registered nurses set to retire
the same year. The U.S. Bu-
reau of Labor and Statistics
anticipates needing 1.1 mil-
lion new registered nurses
across the country in that
same period.
In a fast-growing Arizo-
na, the booming population
only increases the demand
for more nurses. According
: to NurseJournal, the state
in 2018 counted 75,600 reg-
istered nurses for its popu-
lation of 7.2 million. That’s
just 10.39 nurses for every
1,000 people. The U.S. as a
>> See Nurses on page 9
Nursing students volunteering at a Banner Health COVID-19 vaccination site. These students are part of a new integrative health program offered by the
University of Arizona in Gilbert, intended to address the Valley’s growing nursing shortage. [Courtesy of the University of Arizona]


Official: Forest closures needed, temporary

ground and cooler climes. gripped much of Arizona for fires across the state. This is ble factors, the Arizona De-
14 More than 1,000 But an worse-than-nor- months. In June 2021, a po- a problem now across the partment of Forestry and
26 wildfires across mal wildfire season has led tent heat wave sent tem- whole region, they said. Fire Management issued
27 to recent restrictions and peratures soaring above 115 “Dozens of fires were re- closures on state trust land
Arizona already closures on public lands just (degrees) on multiple days. ported in Arizona and New in all 15 Arizona counties ef-
this year in time to unravel Fourth of
July weekend plans for
Now extreme fires are rag-
ing throughout the state,”
Mexico in June 2021, accord-
ing to data from the U.S.
fective June 25. Recreational
uses are currently prohibit-
By Matt Roy would-otherwise-be trav- the space agency reported government fire informa- ed on state trust land, includ-
INDEPENDENT NEWSMEDIA elers. on June 21. tion website InciWeb. Sev- ing hiking, horseback riding,
Summer is high season However poorly timed, On that day, the Moderate eral blazes ignited when camping and off-road vehicle
in Arizona for enjoying the this summer’s shaping up for Resolution Imaging Spectro- dry lightning struck already use, while some state parks
state’s beautiful natural ame- a doozy of fire season across radiometer on NASA’s Aqua parched, heat-stressed land- have also imposed restric-
nities as hikers, campers and the Southwest, according to satellite captured a natu- scapes,” NASA reported. tions.
fisherman escape the Valley NASA’s Earth Observatory. ral-color image of smoke Because of whether condi- Tiffany Davila, a spokes-
of the Sun in favor of higher “Exceptional drought has streaming from several large tions and other uncontrolla- >> See Closures on page 9

July 1, 2021 8:48 am (GMT -7:00) Powered by TECNAVIA

Daily Independent - 07/01/2021 Page : 09

YourValley.net | Daily Independent | July 1, 2021 9

Nurses ing the decision to leave the

profession,” she said. “Some
learning hours at one facili-
ty. The goal is that they gradu-
students placements three
times per year, including in
>> From page 1 trends we are seeing are the ate from our program having the summer.
recruitment of temporary already become fully embed- “Integrating self-care and
whole averaged 12.6 nurses travel nurses to fill vacan- ded and oriented into a facil- mindful practice is essential,
per 1,000 people. cies as well as an increase in ity which can use them as a and we believe this is the first
Large local health care nurse-to-patient ratios when workforce pipeline.” BSN program that incorpo-
systems, including Banner vacancies are unfilled.” Sanborn said the pandem- rates integrative health prac-
Health and Abrazo Health, Sanborn said recent nurs- ic has shifted her program’s tices into the BSN curricu-
are actively hiring in Phoe- ing graduates are flocking to goals to better meet the needs lum,” said Betty Parisek, the
nix to tamp down this short- more acute specialties, such of employers in real-time. It program’s director. “This ‘in-
age, only exacerbated by the as caring for patients in the prompted the school to focus tegrative health’ focus of the
pandemic. intensive care unit or emer- more on retention in order to program prepares students
“The Abrazo Health Net- gency department. While im- keep talent in the state. and graduates to care for
work is actively hiring, and portant, it leaves lower-acuity “The pandemic has most themselves while providing
we invite all qualified RNs to University of Arizona nursing students take part in a simulation lab in Tucson, specialties, such as progres- definitely impacted the nurs- holistic and patient-centered
consider joining our team at pre-COVID. [Courtesy of the University of Arizona] sive medical or surgical care, ing profession by causing in- care to patients.”
one of our many facilities lo- in desperate need of skilled creased mobility of the work- In addition to addressing
cated throughout the Phoe- Banner Health current- especially as the baby boom- talent. force away from acute care the nursing shortage, the pro-
nix area,” said Keith Jones, ly has 522 nursing positions er generation ages, according That’s where ASU comes and even the profession,” she gram is set up to retain stu-
spokesperson for Abrazo. “At open at its hospitals across to the American Association in. The nursing school sees said. “It has also incentivized dents training at local hospi-
Abrazo Health we invest in multiple states; 441 are open of Colleges of Nursing. nearly 1,000 graduates each health care employers to con- tals or clinics.
our nurses, providing excep- in Arizona. Abrazo Health Heidi Sanborn, director of academic year across its de- sider ways to support their “We offer a unique precep-
tional benefits, high quality has more than 300 open- the RN-BSN and Concurrent gree programs, according to staff through education and tor opportunity for our stu-
services, and opportunities ings for registered nurses Enrollment Program in the Sanborn, and that number is career advancement oppor- dents in the fourth semes-
for growth, education and ad- across the state. Mayo Clin- Edson College of Nursing and expected to grow thanks to tunities as a retention strat- ter,” said Parisek. “Students
vancement.” ic, a choice destination for Health Innovation at Arizo- ASU’s robust online educa- egy.” are paired one to one with
He was joined by David many in the medical profes- na State University, has seen tion offerings. The University of Arizo- a precepting nurse at part-
Lozano, a spokesman for sion, is currently fully staffed the nursing shortage in Ari- “We are working to pivot na also is stepping up its ef- ner health care organiza-
Banner, who said the health in Arizona. zona for herself and says it is our programs to be more re- forts to combat the issue in tions like Banner, Dignity
system’s “greatest need cur- Nursing colleges or uni- “concerning.” sponsive to our health care the Valley with the creation and Honor Health. Many of
rently is experienced nurses versity-level programs can “Across all health care set- partners,” she said. “We are of a new program to address these students are offered
who want to be part of a car- do quite a bit to help find a tings, we are seeing a con- establishing a teams-based the problem in Gilbert. The RN positions in these Ar-
ing team providing outstand- solution by recruiting facul- cerning increase in the num- approach so that our preli- BSN-IH is a nursing program izona facilities after grad-
ing patient care in a variety ty members and amping up ber of nurses, both new and censure learners work the with an emphasis on integra- uation.”
of settings.” nursing school enrollment, experienced, who are mak- majority of their clinical tive health, which offers 72

coming to help Arizona.”

Closures Weather forecasters have
sung an optimistic note, as
>> From page 1 predicted Monsoon season
rains could bring relief to fire-
woman for the department, fighters and wannabe camp-
explained the closures, while ers alike.
disappointing, are unavoid- While much of the South-
able and only temporary. west may be in for continued
“We understand that this drought, Arizona could see
is summer. It’s time of year rain sooner than later, accord-
that people want to head ing to the Climate Assessment
up to the high country, get for the Southwest provided by
out and do some hiking and the National Oceanic and At-
camping and fishing. But mospheric Administration’s
we also have to stay safe, Regional Integrated Scienc-
we have to take into ac- es and Assessments Program
count the safety of the pub- at the University of Arizona.
lic and our firefighters,” Da- “The three-month out-
vila told Daily Independent. look for July through Sep-
“These closures aren’t go- tember calls for increased
ing to last throughout the chances for above-normal
summer. We’re only look- precipitation across much
ing at a short timespan until of the Arizona, and a large
we get widespread moisture swath of increased chanc-
and a lot of continual days of es for below-normal precip-
that widespread moisture to itation in New Mexico. The
curtail the fire activity that’s three-month temperature
happening across the state.” outlook calls for equal chanc-
She stressed the dan- es of above- or below-normal
gers involved with fire sea- Coconino National Forest employee Amber Wong checks on road signs outside Flagstaff on June 23, 2021. The Coconino National Forest is one of many forests temperatures across much
son, as thousands serving closed this week amid high fire danger as resources are stretched thin with blazes burning across the state. [Felicia Fonseca/The Associated Press] of the southwestern U.S. and
on wildland fire crews put portions of northern Mex-
themselves in harm’s way to a lot of activity over the last and only when necessary to ability and dry conditions.” ing the problem even worse, ico.”
protect valuable public re- couple of weeks.” protect lives and property. Not only are dry condi- Davila said. As conditions improve —
sources, as well as private Only halfway through the Plus, there are other uncon- tions dangerous, but with fire “We’ve got firefighters and the state saw the first
property across the state. year, there have been more trollable factors that make crews spread thin across the spread thin across the state,” moisture of the coming Mon-
“It’s dangerous for every- than 1,000 wildfires report- wildfires an even greater state and the region, the abili- she said. “But we’re not the soon season this week — of-
body. We have concerns for ed in Arizona. But even with threat this year, Davila ex- ty of first responders to reach only state that’s active right ficials will lift restrictions as
public safety, our wildland the dangers, officials are still plained. new threats in a timely man- now. As other states become soon as they responsibly may,
firefighters’ safety, their mindful of the importance of “We have closures in place ner is greatly reduced, turn- active, those resources are go- Davila said.
health,” Davila said. “That’s providing access to the state’s because of public and fire- ing relatively minor threats ing to either go back home, if To see up-to-date informa-
one of the reasons we’ve im- many outdoors enthusiasts. fighter safety concerns,” she into potential disasters. And we have out-of-state resourc- tion about fire restrictions,
plemented closures on state Closures are only called for said. “There are also con- the same is true across the es, or we’re not likely to get visit dffm.az.gov/fire-restric-
trust lands, since we’ve had after careful consideration cerns about resource avail- Southwest right now, mak- more out-of-state resources tions.
July 1, 2021 8:48 am (GMT -7:00) Powered by TECNAVIA

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